Starkiller: A Star Wars Story

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where is she obey me or she DARS [Music] Apprentice hey guys this is Luke from the scoundrel Cantina and welcome to another episode of a Star Wars story in this video I'll be telling the story of Darth Vader's secret Apprentice code named Star Killer AKA gayen Merck who is most notably seen in both of the Star Wars the Force Unleash games but in this video I'm covering only star killer from the first game because the one from the second one is kind of considered as another character because he's the clone of the original gay and Mer so his story will be told in a separate video by the way I just want to say that star kill is one of our favorite Star Wars characters so this is a very special video for us also we're mixing the expandion UN universe and Cannon as always so let's begin gayen Merrick codenamed Star Killer was the male human Apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader he was a powerful force user who lived during the era of the Galactic Empire and originated from the wiy home planet of kashik as the sole offspring of the two Jedi Knights Mali and Kento marrick who deserted the Jedi Order during the con Wars following the death of his mother the young Mer's father was killed in battle by doth Vader during the invasion of kashik though only a child mer possessed an exceptional strong connection to the force that the dark order of the Sith sought to exploit thus Darth Vader abducted meric in order to train the orphan in the ways of the Sith order although the Sith were limited to only two members at any given time Vader nonetheless trained merri as the secret Apprentice during his own apprenticeship to DAR cidus the Sith Lord who ruled the Galaxy as Emperor palpa the physical and psychological trauma of Vader's unforgiving training regime resulted in Mer's immersion within the dark side of the force as his master intended with with his childhood memory suppressed and his original identity forgotten merik only knew himself as a dark ORS Apprentice an assassin who operated under the code name stula and the living weapon to be deployed against the enemies of doth beta in addition to the assassination of numerous targets that included Vader's many rivals The Apprentice trained for years in preparation for the day when he would be ready to Aid his master in a confrontation with Darth cidus this singular girl became star Killer's Obsession as he longed to become a true Sith Lord the Pinnacle of Stark Killer's training saw him deployed against Jedi targets for the first time in his life in 3 BBY and culminated in victories Against The Fugitive Jedi Masters ramota Kasen Patos and Shak t with the death of Shak t one of the few members of the Jedi High Council who survived Order 66 Darth Vader declared that the time had come to execute their plan to overthrow the emperor elated at the prospect of finally fulfilling his sole purpose in life Star Killer red with Vader on the executive only to be betrayed and sever wounded by his master who claimed that C's spies had discovered the existence of the secret Apprentice pressured by the emperor Vader demonstrate his loyalty by seemingly killing star killer in truth the Betrayal was a ruse that allowed Vader to save his apprentice's life upon star killa's full recovery in BBY Vader revealed his contingency plan the creation of a full scale Rebellion against the Galactic Empire The Apprentice was instructed by his master to assemble an army of rebels and dissident in order to distract the emperor attention with the Civil War hence allowing them both another opportunity to assassinate cus though bitter and resentful toward Vader Star Killer complied and searched several parts of the Galaxy for influential contacts they will be crucial to the formation of an Insurrection on a galactic scale through St Hill's efforts three disillusioned members of the Imperial Senate B Orana gel IM and mon mothma convened on the planet corelia where they agreed to join their resources together in opposition to the emperor's rule however the mission proved to be another deception on Vader's part the dark cour betrayed Star Hill once more and captured the Senators outraged by the discovery that his master was unwilling to challenge Dar cidus with star Killer's Aid the former Apprentice journeyed to the incomplete death star and intended to rescue his Newfound allies from execution abandoning the Persona of Star Killer he re-embraced his Jedi Heritage as gay and Merck through the partial recovery of his suppressed memories during the apprentices infiltration of the nearly complete battle stage gay and Merck confronted and defeated his former master in battle cidus hoped to claim Merrick as his new apprentice and goed him to kill Vader instead merri attacked the emperor in a move to provide the Senators with enough time to escape the Death Star galin ended up in a Force lightning lock with the emperor and held on long enough for his friends to escape thus sacrificing himself nevertheless his sacrifice facilitated the formation of the alliance to restore the Republic and the outbreak of the Galactic Civil War the early founders of the Rebellion remembered The Apprentice as gayen Merrick the original architect of the Rebel Alliance and honored his memory by adopting The Merck family crest as the official emblem of the move to free the Galaxy unknown to the Rebels Darth Vader preserved his former apprentices corpse as a genetic template for the creation of a more powerful and obedient version of the original Star Killer but this is a story for another video due to the fact that the coone of star Killa is considered as another character now we're going to go through star's power and abilities due to the fact that he's one of the most skilled Force users to ever live and is basically a human tank gayen Merrick was an incredibly skilled dualist and had a basic familiarity in all forms of lightsaber combat he was able to recognize his opponent's Styles and techniques and exploit their weaknesses he specialized in juo shien and sesu forms of lightsaber combat his style was very random and unpredictable laced with Southern force-based attacks in the midst of complex lightsaber sequences he engaged in many many vicious duels with his training Droid proxy and won every single time he was able to defeat proxy's training programs which replicated some legendary Duelists such as zi-wan Kenobi and doth Mo Merrick was also able to defeat ramota Kasen patus and Maris Brood and he even managed to overwhelm Shak T and his former Master Darth Vader both of whom were two of the greatest Duelists of their time gay and Merrick was exceptionally powerful in the force with the potential to become one of the most powerful force users of all time even the dark order of the Sith Emperor Palpatine believed that Mer's strength and the force could rival his own marri's skills with telekinesis were considerable and he often cleared entire hallways and rooms with powerful force pushes and repulses and he even CAU Tie fighters in M flight proficient at telekinetic lightsaber combat he would often direct his lightsaber to seek out specific enemies and impale them often killing them instantly he was even able to redirect filed missiles and ballistics through the use of telekinesis he could with great effort change the direction of a falling Imperial Star Destroyer and force it to the ground as a trained Sith Apprentice Merrick grew to master Force lightning he could cast energy so powerful that it would kill an opponent with a single blast and could Target more than one opponent at a time he was also able to channel lightning attacks through his lightsaber thus amplifying blade attacks with darksight energy anyway guys this is it on the story of Star Killer and I hope you all enjoyed it and learned something new about the vast Galaxy of Star Wars but this episode is not over yet and now we're going to show you a fan-made trailer called Star Killer a Star Wars story it is so epic and we hope you enjoy it what is your will my master rise my [Music] Apprentice you were weak when I found you now your hatred has become your strength Master shock t one of the last of the Jedi Council while we live the order survives you need the full power of the dark side to defeat her Captain Juno eclipse and keep your ship running and fire you wherever your missions required the V tell you that he killed our last pilot no i' hoped that using an older training module would catch you off guard and allow me to finally kill you I'm sorry I fail to again the Sith always betray one another but I'm sure you'll learn that [Music] soon Vader thinks she turned you but Vader won't always be your master let this be an official Declaration of rebellion today we all vow to change the Galaxy and one day the G it will indeed be [Music] free run the link to the original video will be in the description below as well as the Creator's Channel show him some love guys because he definitely deserves it if you want to support this channel hit that subscribe button for more videos like this one and remember guys God is Awesome all the time May the force be with you always and we'll see you in another video you Rebel scum this part is over
Channel: The Scoundrel's Cantina
Views: 1,211,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starkiller, Star Wars, Starkiller: A Star Wars Story, A Star Wars Story, Galen Marek, Secret Apprentice, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, Rahm Kota, Rebellion, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, The Force Unleashed, Death Star, Trailer, Fan Trailer, Starkiller: A Star Wars Story Trailer
Id: P27C_QVsq7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2016
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