Starfield: Patch 1.11 Highlights (May Update)

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[Music] what's going on everybody morm here this time bringing you some patch highlights for Starfield as it recently got yesterday from the time of this video to be specific what I would consider its first major update since it's launch so I wanted to go over those and talk a little bit about them and how they affect the game including a look at a couple of future features that are coming as well but I want to kick this particular video off by saying that while this is the first major update and it does do a lot of great things for the game it also doesn't I think fix the more substantial problems either like exploration being a bit lackluster for instance I still want to talk about and cover these updates as they happen much in a similar manner to what I did for cyberpunk as it continually improved through patches as well though I enjoyed Starfield quite a bit and I've been very on the record about that I also wanted to mention right here at the beginning that I'm bringing you some of the footage of this patch via its beta over on Steam and that this patch itself is actually launching in full on the 15th of May I believe they have planned so it looks like it's a big update and they wanted to give it a little room to breathe so they didn't introduce any more egregious bugs without having a chance to knock those out as well so if you don't feel like playing on the beta branch which is where I'm getting all this footage from it should properly be out in a couple weeks now let's get into it with what some of these changes have brought to the game starting off with difficulty this patch introduces modular difficulty to Starfield an overall approach to difficulty that I personally enjoy very much and I'm glad to see it making its way to other games and genres and honestly at this point I would say it's getting relatively common to see Studios do this in the case of Starfield though what this means is that instead of just picking a generic difficulty level we'll be able to pick and choose very specific things about the difficulty to either increase or decrease so as you can see on screen here we can change things like the damage enemies do in combat the damage we do in combat the same thing for ships you can decide whether or not ammo has any weight you can decide what your carry capacity looks like where you can access your cargo bay of your ship from how useful healing and eating and sleeping is and as a bit of a slight aside they somewhat introduced I would say an almost soft survival mode here where now that you can access the food and sleep difficulty modifiers you can have them convey bonus is if you haven't ate or drank in a while so that's a thing but as you can see this affects a whole host of things but what I really liked is if you make the game harder for yourself you'll actually be increasing the amount of experience your character gets which is a nice touch that I feel is a bit of a throwback to bethesda's much older titles like say Daggerfall that's far from the only feature we have to talk about however another big update is that now we can decorate our ship Interiors Starfield already had an outpost system where you could build of course outposts on various planets you might land land on and now we can fully customize the inside of our ship as well as fully customizing it via its ship Builder mechanics now we can do this with your current ship or you can buy now customizable Bays that come with either a preset generalized idea of what the inside of it looks like or a just straight up empty Bay that you can completely customize either way though if you go aboard your ship activate your scanner and enter build mode you'll be able to decorate now if you want to start with a completely fresh slates you can go to any ship Services technician navigate to the appropriate Bay you want and then items with the extra variants to choose from such as a completely empty version of it will be noted by the items that have those little hash marks on the bottom of their position in the menu and then you can grab an empty one I thought this was neat I think the ship building itself was already a really great feature and in fact I would go so far as to say it's probably one aspect of Starfield that wasn't very divisive at all I would say most people really enjoyed that part of it so to see it get some more love is really cool as well we're not done yet though next we have a few different I would say quality of life features though there are two in particular I want to point people towards starting with the maps of the game so maps on launch and up to this point really have been pretty underwhelming it was just very flat it was hard to tell anything in relation to verticality or other terrain features and because of that the map was very close to useless if we're being honest now they've completely revamped this with the surface maps of the game now providing you a very true to form representation of what is actually going on in the area that you are in and thus it'll be easier to navigate and find things and it also does a great job of showing the verticality of Any Given area so a welcome change for sure another bit of quality of life however is that now you can decide where you want the camera to be during dialogue so the default is that it's Zooms in on their face but now with this patch you can go to the accessibility options menu and select the dialogue Face camera off so you can have a conversation with MPCs where it's just kind of over the shoulder and doesn't force you into that dialogue perspective and what I like here is that they simply made it a choice you can pick whichever one feels comfortable enough for you and then last but not least for these highlights the other thing I wanted to mention is that they've made some adjustments to traits and appearance via the new game plus cycle now small spoilers for the game on this one specifically in relation to how New Game Plus works so if that's of importance to you maybe don't listen to this part but otherwise if you're entering new game plus and Starfield with this patch you'll now have the option to change your appearance or your selected traits at the same time this is important specifically for the traits more so than the appearance but the appearance itself is also a nice touch here I guess but traits if you've forgotten or are simply unaware are things that define your your character and have unique gameplay elements such as giving your character a mortgage having them being followed around by an adoring fan or the addition of their parents in game which has all sorts of implications and if you've ever wanted to play around with more of those for instance seeing the special dialogue options available to the faction or religious traits this is a convenient way to do that and swap them out if you happen to be playing the game multiple times as this will allow you to both see that content with your established character and thus not have to start completely over just to see a bit of content specific to traits so truth be told I don't expect that change to be super impactful for a lot of people but for someone like myself who plays through a game many times over that's a great change and I'm happy to see it now beyond that this patch as with most patches ever really also comes with a host of fixes and improvements for various other small issues alongside some stability and performance improvements but we're not done there because in addition to everything I've just gone over Bethesda also released a couple videos and a small statement talking about where they're going from here where they showed off a little bit of two particular features that is to say we are going to be getting land vehicles for you to drive around on the surface of planets which is a no-brainer very glad to see that that is coming but that is a confirmed thing that will be happening in the future and I'm curious if they'll release that stand alone or if it will be added to the game at the same time is the shattered space DLC which is set to release this fall sometime but another thing they wanted to talk about for the future in this particular regard is the official mod support for the game so they stated that they have their version of The Mod tools in the hands of verified creators and that's their words and in this particular case I would imagine that they're probably referring to mod creators that have worked on official creation Club content for Fallout 4 and Skyrim but that is just a guess on my part I'm not exactly sure who they're talking about here and I'd be surprised if there weren't ndas involved to be frank but once that testing process with those people has been done that's when they're planning on releasing those mod tools but in their own words again when that happens is largely down to how well that goes as they plan on incorporating feedback and adjusting anything they can based on that experience but in any event it's in progress they've got it in people's hands so theoretically shouldn't be much longer but we'll see how it pans out now that's pretty much going to do it for this particular video and to wrap it up and put my own thoughts on it overall I would say this is a great patch I think it does a lot of good things for the game and I imagine will simply act as a stepping stone to larger updates in the future such as the land vehicles or the upcoming DLC and I imagine that DLC in particular will be their actual chance to recapture people's interest here if at all and I'm especially Keen for myself to see what they do in regards to to making exploration more interesting if they even attempt to do so at all because that's my biggest gripe with the game personally was just that exploring a lot of these planets and things just you know simply wasn't fun there wasn't anything to do and that's personally the issue I would like to see them tackle the most but in the meantime patches like this are great I'm happy to see that they've been listening to what people had to say and I will be covering more of these updates and the shattered space DLC when those things happen so if you're interested in hearing about any of that definitely subscribe and stick around but that's pretty much going to do it for today so with that in mind I certainly hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to like comment subscribe all the YouTube jazz and do let me know how you feel about all this down in the comment section below but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 45,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield character creation, starfield backgrounds, starfield builds, starfield skills, starfield traits, starfield adoring fan, starfield review pc, starfield direct, starfield boost pack, starfield skill trees, starfield review, starfield review after 100%, starfield may update, starfield update, starfield shattered space, starfield may update gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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