Stardew Valley ASMR ๐ŸŒฑ Playing the BRAND NEW Update! ๐ŸŒฑ+ Ear to Ear Whispering

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hi everyone hello how are you doing today I'm leaning over so awkwardly over the microphone because I have it lowered so you can say hi to Pippen who has decided to be present for today's video he was just making some biscuits if you want one okay that's my big blanket that I usually like put on my lap when I get chil in the office and he loves it so if it's over it's on my bed he makes biscuits on it and gets all snuggly okay there's pipin as you can see today we are going to be playing the Brand New stard Day Valley 1.6 update it just dropped liter as I'm saying this my game is updating um I'm filming this like ASAP as soon as the update drops I've been so excited and I thought what better way to celebrate it than by playing with you and exploring some of the new things I know there's a new Farm type and we're going to be playing that today also at the end of the video I'm going to do an ASMR reading of the change list all the new stuff that was added so if you don't want to hear spoilers for what the new content is for stard do then just skip that part I'll note it on the time line so you won't be surprised or anything and then of course I'll warn you again before I speak but we'll switch to ear to ear for that bit for now we're going to do some classic stard D Valley gameplay ASMR let me jump into the cave turn it down um okay so um he's still there you can still kind of see him underneath my microphone but uh this is a lot easier for me to speak okay you may be wondering why does my screen look so weird uh I have a 4k monitor and the 4K resolution just doesn't mesh with some of the screens and stardew so this one looks really weird when we get into the game I'll be able to zoom in way more and it will look normal I promise I was going to use a controller cuz I like to play with controller with stardo actually it's one of the few games I prefer playing with a controller I think I've played it so much on like the switch that I'm just used to the uh the controls for that I'm actually going to you know I debated like if I even wanted to use my headset cuz like I know it everything sounds like oh my gosh this is ridiculous looking so I let me use my keyboard for a second I think I'm going to name myself use my Chinese name today and I so the farm typ this is the new Farm dip so you got the standard Farm you got the Riverland Farm you got the forest Farm the hilltop Farm the Wilderness farm and then this is a good one for like Co-op the Four Corners farm and then this was the most recent one the beach Farm um sprinklers don't work so it's kind of like a challenge Farm but this I've been so excited ever since I heard this the Meadowlands Farm it's not the best for growing crops but there's a chewy blue grass that animals love and you start with two chickens in a coop that's insane we are 100% doing this Farm today and I'm going to call it um the magic Meadows Farm because it's going to be I can't even see magic magic okay Magic Meadow that's all we can fit Magic Meadow Farm Ming's Magic Meadow uh my favorite thing is g to be h d so because it's a nice broad category uh so do we want to do a kitty or oh a new kitty there's multiple new kitties and new puppies new puppies new kitties this one kind of looks a little bit like a fancy Pippen actually Pippen kind of looks more like this one but this Kitty is cute I'm going to do the new new kitty okay um there's so many hair options that I'm L I'm not going to take long doing this in fact I'm going to fast forward to having done my little character creation cuz I want to take a minute okay I have gone ahead and made Ming and I also for something fun I remixed the community center bundles because every time I've played it's always been the exact same bundle so I thought this time I'll give myself a fun challenge I'm also going to skip the intro because if you're like me you've seen it a million times let's just start on the farm and we're g to zoom all the way in hold on okay I have to do it so first of all we're zooming and like a lot and then next where hold on I already see something new and I'm so confused okay the UI scale has got to we've got to change that there we go much better right what is this what is this special items and Powers okay this is like stuff special stuff you get but they've give it it has its own tab now an animal have their own TS now we have Bera and Billy and it says whether we've betet them or night wow that is quite a nice quality of life change interesting interesting okay shall we go check out should we go meet Bertha and Billy I got hay rather than oh that's so interesting I can now change in the dresser wow I can't wait to see the farm where's the blue where's the blue oh there it is chewy blue grass that they love Bera Billy Hi how are you Hi Bera hello dear hi Billy I'm going to go ahead and give you guys some nice delicious hay put the rest of it I don't have a silo okay why don't you guys come out and play Let's clean up Bertha and billies hold on I have like the where is it yeah no I don't like it okay oh it feels so good to be back in stard Val I I love this game and I've been feeling the itch to play the game again but I obviously wanted to wait until this update dropped and um so I've been eagerly counting down the days that today's the day hi Leia Leia's here look how cute this little waterfall is isn't this just adorable she's grumpy okay we have to clear this so that we can see the uh the access the mountain path of course so it's so interesting you start with no seeds no turn up seeds at all I'm going to have to go buy some for sure it's a mess over here and let me just this a little frog oh I have some mixed seeds I mean that's pretty good that's free that's free seed for me oh I just chopped down that little baby tree and another I always feel a little bit bad about doing that like I don't know it could have grown into more wood you know but the way trees grow is so fiddly it's like 25% chance of growing into the next stage every day so there's not even like a set number of days that it takes okay I'm I'm using quite a bit of stamina just clearing the yard and I do definitely want to also buy some seeds today so why don't we buy the seeds first and then I will prepare the land cuz I don't actually know what I'm getting right now uh also we have meet people the standard and uh we have a new getting started Quest rather than harvest the turn up it is Harvest an egg from your chickens this is so cute and clever and I I know about you guys but I'm so excited to also see what else is new because we're only going to be playing a few days today so there's loads of content that we're not going to get to see in this video but I'm going to talk about it at the end of the video so this is new what is this a book seller book seller and also some sort of event is happening here in book seller again this is a the amount of New Concept that concern a has included for us is insane I just realized I have like no room in my backpack I should go back I should make a h chest put my stuff away and then go back and buy my S need cuz right now there's no room Pippen is upside [Music] down I don't know if you can see him oh my gosh I'm messing with my light the light that's lighting up my [Music] face okay um how much is it to uh it's like 50 right it's 50 okay time to chop down this tree I didn't want to chop it down but I need the wood and oh look at my energy it's so low oh dear 48 49 oh I had more 52 okay um the sap is going on the ground and I always just put it like right here I just I'm a creature of habit okay uh I'll just pop everything in and we're going back I won't need more than more than that right that should be enough okay Leia Leia's lying underneath my my desk hi Harvey Harvey's the local doctor good to meet you Harvey and we should introduce ourselves to the people in Piers hello Leah hello Caroline hello Abigail hello beer good to meet everybody so so I'm thinking of getting five of everything I don't think I can afford that oh hold on my dog is really restless I might have to ask her to leave hold on sorry Leia got really really restless and she's still Restless actually but I said you can't stay in here anymore sorry so H I was thinking of getting five of each I know I can afford five parsnip seeds I can afford five beans but here's where we start running out I can get two potato seeds or I could get one cauliflower seed um I feel like I should get a cauliflower they take the longest but you know I'll just go with the two potato seeds and now I am flat broke I am completely broke and I have very very very very little energy to be planting set scenes but we're going to make it work I'm really anxious to see how the remixed bundles look in uh in the community center 1 2 3 four five um one two three four five this will be my this will be like that there we go and I'll just do like a little uh no I should turn on the one where I like always see the placement but I'm too lazy to do that right now uh I'm going to put my two potatoes and that random seed I got and this will just me like my fun random look at that it was a potato how about that that worked out pretty well okay oops and then I thought I could just like chop up a bunch of the random seeds or What's this called weeds fiber the fiber you know see if I can get some more like why not it doesn't actually use up any of your energy oh it's more of that blue grass it's so pretty I really I love that sorry guys Le was making a bunch of noise and I had to go check on her and now Pippin is like restless and I've been waiting all day for this update to drop so that we could film this together now fine and of course as soon as I start filming you know every animal in this house is like let's make a bunch of Noise Okay I didn't get any more so I might as well just like put the stuff up um oh my gosh I might have to kick Pippin out of the room now he's like messing with the door oh here's more and more I cannot get any more mixed seeds though oh wait there's a oh sorry Billy there's some stuff up here um and a tree of here this is so cute I love it debating whether or not to chop that tree down eventually I will um I'm also not going to close the CPE uh door I'm just going to leave it like that and they can they can come and go so here's where the greenhouse will go which is very close and um oh I got more yay oh and it's got a little river oh my gosh this is so cute hey another one wow and the River Forks there and goes down L of the the Blue Grass this is adorable and there's more fence down here oh that's like part of the the edge of the property basically little tiny pond and Edge of the property edge of the property and here's the southern entrance exit whatever uh more ponds lots of Blue Grass very cute I wonder like do the animals really really like it like what is it about the blue grass that's so special you know we might as well just get this part of the farm looking SP and span although I do want to if I get two more potatoes how awesome would that be the no those look like turnips oh well whatever then I'm just going to use up the rest of my energy and go to bed early oh pepper nice he's stick taking his paws under the door he was so sleepy and and doing fine and then like Leia woke him up basically and he was like what are you doing Leia I want to be silly too okay we're dangerously low so let's stop let's put our stuff up let's head to bed and we'll be ready to conquer the next day I'm going to bed at 7:20 fisler watch TV what's the weather going to be like tomorrow it's going to be a beautiful sunny day and um let's here are living off the land tip y that sounds good okay going to bed at 7:30 and then we wake up bright and early 6: a.m. I've got mail hello there just got back from a fishing trip but you should come down to the beach sometime I've got something for you Willie okay I'm gonna first things first greet my little chickies hi Billy where's your here we go there's Bertha and um they've got so much grass to eat I feel like we're not going to really have to worry about them eating that hay okay um go ahead and water my crops and then because we have no money today not a lot else to do we're going to make it a day of going around and meeting at all the people that we can so let me pop stuff up and I'll also Forge anything that I see let's see I'll put all this up um just random stuff I'm holding on to okay Pippen seems to be falling asleep by the door here we go so there's a dandelion that's a thing oh and I see daffodils one behind my head and um another dandelion another daffodil and if we run into some fun people we can give them a present I think that'd be good okay who shall we oh hold on there's a request on the board and I need money Caroline wants a sardine no oops it's not open yet think I might get anything good from the trash cans yeah a flounder you serious that's really good also is it just me or is this Cobblestone path here new in front of the saloon sorry I just needed to meet you pipin rolling around looking so cute I kind of don't want to pick this flower cuz the way it's sitting next to the gravestone looks very nice like someone left it as you know an offering so I'm going to leave that um shall we go to the beach what I wish you guys could see this all right sorry I'm skipping this um he's just he's completely on his back like balls in the air Willie move Willie I've got places to go and people to meet Pippen this is a lot of clams I'm going to sell them and make money actually can I sell them to Willie right now if he's in his Little Fish Shack and then I could get money and buy yeah I can um 200 well it's a couple of cauliflower seeds at the very least um oh my gosh my animals are in full sabotage mode for this video I swear uh a random child emerging from the bush to talk to this child that's concerning uh another child let me emerge from a bush hello child okay uh so many more people to meet so many more but I'm going to stop buy a couple of seeds let's buy two cauliflowers please and then we've got a wobin of 40 gold left okay um Alex we haven't met you Hello Alex and let's go meet your grandparents Evelyn and George why are you staring at me Pippen I haven't met Pam but we can meet Pam in the saloon if we wanted to um oh Jody haven't met you Emily we haven't met you we also haven't met your sister I don't know where she is sometimes she's like hanging out in the playground up here or like the fountain I guess okay um we haven't met Robin's family the rest of Robin family so I'll go over there it's hard to get Sebastian sometimes because he sits in his little gamer cave that waterfall looked different is it just me I I feel like I'm in like full conspiracy mode I'm like everything's been changed this is different that's different hi Demetrius I would like to meet your daughter in a non creepy way uh where she is she's working and where is Sebastian in his gamer cave let's take a quick look at this okay so who haven't we metant Haley famam Sam Clint Marney why am I blanking on his name CU Maru who's working at the hospital from our little character portrait so or hospital it's like a it's a clinic is that waterfall new I feel like he's updated it or something you know how like you look at something for so long and you become used to it and yet when it changes you're like something's different but I can't put my finger on it that's me right now okay uh yeah can I just say hi to you is that weird if I just go behind the counter to say hi to you hi um stuck behind him now oh no I think Evelyn's having a checkup today we'll leave her to it uh we've met Abigail we haven't met Gus Gus definitely in the saloon so you can say hi to him Pam will be here later okay who oh now Elliot too Elliot's also tough sometimes cuz he's just like sits in his little Beach Shack and he can't say hi I usually try to catch him when he's like standing on the bridge Are you standing on the bridge no are you standing on the beach no what about I don't know their schedules like that well um let me pop in oh here he is Hi Sam good to meet you uh I think I've met everyone else in your family but maybe Haley's at home I don't know Pippin is in a little catloaf looking at me like I'm about to fall asleep looks real sleepy I thought I'd pop over to the library oh I was going to meet Benny but Benny is outside hi Benny and what about Clint working at his little shop hello Clint um Sebastian um bam maybe Sebastian will come out and play with Sam I still remember when I first heard about Strate Valley I was in college and I was looking at the pictures of the development and I was so excited and I everyone in my friend group were also gamers so I was like guys look at this game and it's going to be multiplayer eventually um and I was like and it's all being devilled by just this one guy and they all were like we'll see if it comes out then you know we'll see if it makes it to Early Access and then we'll see if it makes it out of Early Access so they were all really doubtful that it would be good and that it would be successful I wish was so hopeful you know I was trying to be realistic like sure games developed by a single person are often not super successful but I had so much hope in Star Valley and I am still so happy to have proven them all wrong that the game is good and really Mega successful oh there's another leak up here by your tent I hope you don't mind that I just took that just now okay now's probably a kick down time to head over to the saloon and see if we can meet Pam I still don't have Haley maybe I could try haly's house again let's see there more even more forgea bles that I'm not picking up all right here's bam hi bam um we're probably at like ah three more okay so the three are Emily's definitely one uh Elliot and Marne Marne comes by the pub I feel like most nights maybe we can get her on our way Pippen what are you doing Pippen he's like tickling my feet and legs Haley hello did I catch you while you were cooking something I'm the new farmer girl or whatever yeah and um I usually Haley's for some reason often the last person I meet and then I give her a um what are they called daffodil I give her daffodil um okay Pippen back on the bed there he goes he's making his biscuits see him so cute all right if you guys like epis kit please put your orders in now because the baker only will work for so long before he gets tired and falls asleep okay let's see if mne is in uh the star drop Saloon No I can't believe Elliott's like one of the ones that I haven't met yet I feel like I usually see him on day the first day I do this Pippin makes biscuits like his life depends on it it cracks me up because he just like he gets this real focused look on his face like I have to do this or they're not going to feed me and he he looks like bored with it like you know I've been doing this for hours it's my job but it's just his sleepy face his sleepy face is like like that it's very cute okay uh I'll go ahead and put my do and um I'll pop up this flounder I'm definitely going to want it get my watering can I think that was a successful second night or second day uh I can go to bed going to bed like we stay up late tonight quick let's check out the weather for tomorrow it's going to rain so I don't actually have to water anything that's great okay it's still dark oh I love a rainy day I'm going to put my watering can up then okay well that means that the chickens will not come out today I'll close the door just feel like it's rude not to and they'll be eating some of their hay they're grown up Billy is all grown up bera's all grown up and they've laid an egg don't eat it getting started and I got 100 gold from that except it's Wednesday my dudes so I cannot go buy more crops isn't that always how it is so I need to reach farming level one and craft a scarecrow yeah and then build a silo so it used to be build a CP but because we already have the CP it's build a silo okay I can do that I feel like I forgot what I was going to say I think I was talking about like what am I going to do with the eggs like those are actually quality eggs gold star eggs should I sell them I guess so like right now that's my current source of income I am growing stuff it's going to take a while let's go to the ranch to meet mney and then I'll see if I can work on meeting Elliot getting stuck oh my gosh uh okay let me get my sidee out see if I can clear a little path here we go okay okay I need a magnet ring stuff is not sticking to me okay I know there's something new with this tree what what is that tree you guys what is going on oh I know something's going to happen with this tree and I am excited that is so mysterious and exciting oh my gosh Marney open up okay we'll just walk around maybe this more cool stuff who knows I I know very little I know concern A's been dropping some like random batch notes from the old spring onions like it'll be like you've got some new ideas to sleep on what what like for example you know concern they let us know that we can now drink mayonnaise thank you um so I have seene like that that's how you knew there was a new Farm typ other than that I haven't really looked at the change log at all I'm very excited to learn more uh this is new only a master of the five ways May Ender Ender oh my gosh I'm sorry just got stop second I'm this is so exciting I love this game I've played how many hours do I have in stardy Valley let me tell you let me tell you right now I have 3 78 hours that's kind of a lot um it's no Skyrim Skyrim I am in four digits but um that's also not including the I have over 100 hours on in stardew on the switch so I have probably close to 500 hours of stardo valy and while the game is always fine it can be repetitive there's you know only so many different ways of playing different things you want to focus on maybe you want to do a JoJo playthrough I don't know but now I feel like there's new Mysteries that I want to figure out and that's just so exciting so exciting well is there anything like new I could get that would be helpful I can I can buy a cat in a dog house and a bird house oh my gosh I want that so badly okay uh I feel like I don't really need any anything here um I'm going to go look for Elliot so exciting so bye I was going to say that um it was like a master of the five I'm guessing means the five skill you've got to be level 10 what's going on down here what's what's this what is all this I am so intrigued no I don't want trash that's you didn't see me doing nothing Louis you saw nothing I feel like he's not going to be out cuz it's raining today he not going to go just stand on the beach for no reason you know man how am I going to oh I also haven't fished yet should I fish let's do one fishing attempt I like to fish at the end of the spear this will be our first fishing attempt they treat you like a like a baby when you first do it like see I can just go and it only it only counts when I'm actually doing like I don't lose progress you know how you normally would lose progress anyway I've heard some people say that they oh now's first cat they waited to do their first fishing attempt on what they thought would be a legendary fish so that you couldn't cuz legendary fish are famously not near impossible to catch so if you can do it with the the um training wheels on basically it's a guaranteed catch of a legendary fish which I think is very clever um I've never caught a legendary fish I have hooked them but I have not caught them okay um here's bam we've already met you I'll help you out bam I promise I'm going to go sell everything clear up my inventory a little bit and then continue to walk around the map and see if we spy any other new exciting little secrets don't forget to update your games guys you can also experience this I think the update's just for PC right now um sorry console players and I'll sell that and that's a start things so why not I'm going to keep that sardine wait didn't someone ask for a sardine I wonder if it's still available on the board I'll go back and check and then we'll explore the possibility is the promises oh that's exciting I actually was just playing it the other day I have a friend who's new to gaming and she's just getting into it I suggested she play stardo Valley a I think stardew Valley is a fantastic Gateway game to get someone into gaming and I've I've known of a lot of people who their first proper introduction to video gaming and discovering that they actually loved video gaming was starty Valley so uh I have a co-op farm that I played with her we've only done two sessions so far but we are um more than halfway through spring so we've actually played quite a lot and she's loving it so I was just playing it most recently like uh two nights ago three nights ago so some of it is pretty fresh that's why I feel like oh I'm seen things that I don't recognize let's take the mountain path let see if there's anything new over here don't think so okay where else haven't we gone where else can we go uh uh maybe we'll explore down South we went South we didn't go west by the Wizard's Tower we'll go over by his Tower it's always tough trying to figure out what is the path before you've cleared it out okay here we go yay I really wanted that I'm so interested by this big tree I feel like someone lives in this big tree and there's another one over here there a bunch of big trees now makes me think like there's a a bunch of people and they all live in these trees or maybe they're not people can't wait to find out I guess we may find out uh in the reading the change list which we're going to do soon it's coming up there's the dilapidated house and then um yeah I feel like the waterfalls have been updated they always wore waterfalls right but they didn't look that good I think that there's a new waterfall animation I wonder if doesn't eat more spring onions they do respawn every couple of days but we only just picked them yesterday okay well where else could we go we've pretty much explored the map that is available to us at the moment um I think so it's rain is nice isn't it it's lovely there that trash I'm not picking up let's do some more fishing why not I actually like fishing in this game um guess I have to be in the mood to do it but it although I like it I'll say it's still not like my favorite uh skill tree in the game thank you for telling me that that was the first time I've caught green algae yay can I catch like an actual fish and not just trash please we're waiting here we go oh oh it was a tough one oh that's embarrassing okay never mind I was just humbled really hard just now okay uh I guess we're going a bed I still hav met Elliot that's driving me crazy do you think he's at the let me just check the saloon it would it would be really annoying if he was just at the saloon and I missed out quickly check he's defin itely there on like Fridays when everyone's there I feel like hi I want you to move no but I might as well just say hi to everyone there may be new secrets in like say people's houses inside buildings and such and we just haven't gotone in them in scen I feel like cuz it's raining and he just like probably has a different rain schedule that means that he doesn't stay outside long so maybe he didn't leave his cabin all day I don't know oh well no Elliot for us today it's okay I just the tree the tree is really running through my mind right now the tree uh should I just sell I don't think I get any money from that I'll keep the algae as energy for whenever I go caving after they clear the cave and I will watch TV the weather report it's going to going to be another sunny day tomorrow and I feel like there's no real reason for me to hear my fortune I I already saw that I leveled up in foring not in farming yet so it's 150 for two small gold star eggs 75 each honestly that's a decent money for a very very early game so I'll take it it let me buy some more seeds all right all right well that's going to be it for the gameplay portion of the video let me go back and sit by my chickens let's let them out it is so pretty right here by this little waterfall I love this new farm so far and I'll zoom out so we can see more of it oh is it not pretty love the new Farm okay um now we're going to do I'm going to get both microphones out and we're going to read all the new changes that have come to the game okay okay I have the new St Valley 1.6 change log up and let's read about what the new features are are you ready so I'll put them up on the screen in case you're a kind of visual kind of person that likes to uh read along with people but uh if you want to just close your eyes and go to sleep that's fine too obviously there will be spoilers here so if you don't want to hear what is included in the new update click away and I won't hold it against you and I'll wish you a night night now night night okay for everyone else let's get started new content and features added new festivals and events the desert Festival is a 3-day event in Spring which can be accessed after the bus is repaired so that was the new thing that we saw the 3-day thing two mini fishing festivals Trout Derby and Squid Fest a new environmental event in summer an event is in quotes added a Mastery system accessed via a new area which grants powerful parks and items added a new Farm type Meadowlands Farm as a chewy blue grass that animals love you also start with a CP and do chickens added many new NBC dialogues that includes custom gift reactions Dynamic dialogues which react to things that happened custom flower dance acceptance dialogue restored missing dialogue like Emily and Shane's flower dance custom we skipping all that yada yada yada and more you can now get multiple PS I can have a dog and a cat oh that makes me so happy to get Max hearts with your starter pet first added a world map for ginger Island visible in visiting the island oh thank goodness the world map now shows your actual position within the world in real time instead of showing you at a fixed point for each location in multiplayer you'll see other players positions in real time too that's actually so useful that's that love you will sometimes give you gifts nvcs now have winter outfits that's so cute festivals now have map and dialogue changes every second year except the night market and the ner Festival added a golden joa parrot which you can pay to find all the remaining golden walnuts on Ginger Island that's the most joa thing ever added Perfection waivers a new joa way to bypass Perfection challenges added a prize machine in ls's house oh should have gone NC you can collect a prize tickets as a reward for completing Quest and special orders and from repeated egg Ice Festival wins a book seller now comes to town twice season added mystery boxes added a big tree with a quest line which ultimately gives you some new neighbors added four new crops carrots summer squash broccoli and powder melon which can't be purchased at the store and two new giant crops added four new home renovations dining room attic expanded Corner Room and cubby added new items a big chest which has almost the double the size of a regular chest which can be placed onto a regular chest upgraded a dehydrator which turns fruit into dried fruit and mushrooms into dried mushrooms muss a mushroom log which produces mushrooms and interacts with nearby trees the bait maker which produces fish specific baits a heavy furnace which can process more poers out of time and yield bonus bars fish smoker which produces smoked fish doubling the value of the fish you get one by default when starting a new riverlands are text signs which can be written on Anvil which allows you to roll trinkets mini Forge which acts as a dwarfish forge statue of blessings which grants a random blessing each day statue of the dwarf King which allows you to select one of two mining Buffs for the day T kits which allow you to build a tent which can be slept in for one night that is going to change mining I feel like treasure totems which spawn a ring of pickable spots Mystic seeds which grow a unique tree which can be tapped Mystic syrup a valuable Tapper product Deluxe pain gets fish biting faster than regular pain challenge bait which allows for three fish to be CAU out once but loses one each time a fish leaves the bobber Bar deluxe worm bin which upgrades the regular worm bin to produce Deluxe Pate 19 unique books of power which Grant special perks skill books which Grant experience in skill book of stars which grants experience in all skills Moss a new resource type which grows on Old trees mixed flower seeds sonar bobber which shows the fish on your line before you catch it raisins which have a special use Sea jelly River jelly and Cave jelly a new item you can fish seven trinkets which Grant Powers related to comat red purple and green fireworks star drop tea which makes an excellent gift for anyone 25 new hats 280 new Furnitures new unique furniture catalogs which contain themed furniture sets 41 new floor styles 24 new wallpaper Styles golden animal crackers mannequins which can be dressed spouse portraits which can be purchased after reaching 14 Hearts very Animal Crossing butterfly powder which allows you to remove bits blue c starter Moss soup and secret items added KY fish added some new remix bundles you can now Place hats on cats and dogs you can now upgrade the copper ban into steel gold and aridium panss you can now enchant panss with archaeologist generous fissure and reging added a special items and power stab to replace the wallet the wallet area note tracks a selection of progress markers added an animals stab that shows all your pets and animals you can now build pet bowls in Robin shop with three variants The Farmhouse and pet bow can now be moved through Robin's menu the farm can computer can now be used anywhere to see a summary of that location instead of only the farm the mini juke box can now be used on the ginger Island Farm added a new interaction with your horse added a new side tunnel to the Quarry mine the community center fish tank now becomes an actual fish tank when you completed added more secrets and Easter eggs added two new cat and dog breeds added turtle pets added eight new achievements added four new cabin variants added a few more accessory options in character creation I didn't look at them added a new bobber machine in Willie shop with 39 bobber styles to choose from new Styles unlock by catching new kinds of fish added a cameo appearance to maru's 14 heart event Emily has a new rare socialized daily Quest if you've completed the introduction Quest you can now add anchors or treasure chests and Pearls to fish tanks Pierre now sells a few random items at the winter star booth at a mark up added a jingling sound when running with the cinder clown shoes on baby toss now has a chance to crit when you toss the baby up grit what your relationship with a baby I guess added a skull Cavern statue that can be used to toggle hard mode in the Skull Cave after completing cheese challenge it was already hard food added additional chest to skull Caverns level 200 300 added unique skull Cavern chest appearance for level 100 200 and 300 chests added high note a C5 to the flute block added idium colum to Wilderness Farm see changes for mod authors okay visual Improvement added waterfalls all right should we read these I guess added more holiday decorations in Winter added more bath Stones I thought I noticed that added jackolanterns after the stardy Valley Fair and fall added Seasonal World Map variant I thought that the pink trees in the map were new added a new rare Ambi gritter added some rare summer butterfly variants added an uncommon little brown bird variant rer the world map to better match the endgame locations and be more detailed Bo Journey textures are now seasonal and reflect the latest Valley map the bus stop now is a wider map through the distance to traversa is the same jelly pickles wines and juices are now colored based on the ingredient item many Town trees are now actual tree objects that you can't cut them down slight adjustment to the way items pump out when dug from the ground updated volcano gold or node Sprite some trees have a chance to lose their leaves in the fall river banks and Lake Shores in the mountain town and Forest Area are now less jacked in some places graphical improvements building Interiors improved the art of Georgia nin's roof if you destroy a mind's chest and Now show some graphics debris added special back plates to fortune teller TV show if you get a perfectly good or perfectly bad luck day and there's new lighting changes like it now gets dark an hour earlier in winter night tiles like the town lamps now Act activate an hour earlier in All Seasons indoor daytime lighting now smoothly transitions to night lighting over the course of two hours rather than that switch non-lighting and non far night lighting and non- Farmhouse indoor locations is now slightly darker Farmhouse Lighting on rainy days is now slightly Moody and lights stay on all day TVs and trees of the winter star now give off light at night Light added light sources to window light glow so there are no more dark but lit Windows made some improvements to the intro bus drive cut scene oops we didn't see that at night hats are now drawn at the nighttime color in the game menu portraits removed light quality option it's now permanently set to ultra quality the submerged fishing pober is now recolored automatically to match the water a huge multiplayer change you can now have up to eight players on PC and then they've made improvements for multiplayer performance and stability you now need the same build number to join a multiplayer server okay there some balance changes which I'm not going to go through because they're very specific some quality of life changes quite a lot oh my gosh a lot okay I'll read the other changes Adventure guil now stays open until 2 a.m. though the music will not play after midnight gender specific clothing variance can now be worn by any gender I didn't know that was long if you have 12 hearts or more with your spouse the chance they'll say a neutral dialogue in the afternoon is significantly lower Penny's Forest picnic event and Leah's Forest picnic event now only happen if it's sunny NPC's now try to avoid walking through trees and other terrain features cabins have been combined into one entry in Robin's menu replaced pet icons on the inventory tab with the current date the organized button now sorts items in a more intelligent way you can now drink mayonnaise jelly and eat pickles some colored objects now count as the color for their G Quest and die menu clam is now considered a fish just like all the other shellfish added more descriptive titles to daily quests added cilic Sprite text and some translated World pixel art text adjust the datetime money box in Chinese the about page now shows the build number skull caves now a chance to also play music from the upper Minds changed parrot flap sound to be different from bat flaps bands now have a chance to yield bone fragments made the character randomization a little less random and added some of the newer hairstyles and accessories to the Mix B no longer yields the same thing if you ban in the same spot twice in a day the about page no longer hides the version if a tip message is shown the order that you'll get Forge enchantments is now unique per player rather than per Farm the ginger Island Shrine item pedestals are now normal items modded players can spawn them to display Items decoratively Map no longer closes if you click on an area of Interest fixed some NPC schedules that weren't previously applied and then there are a lot of game playay fixes and NPC fixes multiplayer fixes display text and localization fixes cosmetic fixes fixes for players with mods and other bug fixes wow I mean holy cow right I hope you liked this video fun combination of like actual gameplay and just some like actual starting Valley ASMR reading the change L um I think this has been a really fun video fun day I can't wait to see some of these new changes like holy cow I'm so excited let me know what's what's one of your favorite new things from the new update CU it'll be out for a few days by the time you see this and have you tried the new Meadowland Farm like Ming's Meadows Ming's magic Meadows all right thank you guys so much for hanging out with me today I hope you had fun I hope you are relaxed and sleepy Pippen says hi he's oh he's actually adjusting himself right now we will talk to you guys next time don't forget to like and comment for the algorithm if you like my content and subscribe if you're not already subscribed for more gaming Asm smart goodness lots of love everybody byebye night night bye a huge thank you to my incredible supporters on patreon and the coy club members your support is invaluable and helps keep this channel running if you'd like to help support the channel check the description box below have a relaxing day and I'll see you next next time
Channel: JubileeWhispers
Views: 59,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmr, whisper, whispering, relaxing, tingles, jubilee, jubileewhispers, jubilee asmr, gaming asmr, asmr gaming, asmr gamer, gamer asmr, gamer girl asmr, asmr gamer girl, gamer asmrtist, relaxing game, game asmr, asmr game, nerdy asmr, stardew valley, stardew, sdv, stardew valley asmr, stardew asmr, sdv asmr, asmr stardew, asmr stardew valley, stardew 1.6, stardew update, best asmr, stardew new features, stardew relaxing, stardew new, stardew sleep, stardew relaxation, star dew
Id: 7OOK7PWGqzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 17sec (4277 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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