StarCraft Remastered Broodwar Full Zerg Campaign (Speedrun / Walkthrough)

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greetings sir Ebert by now you've realized that I've severed your connection with the Overmind and your renegade brethren understand it's nothing personal I just can't risk you falling under their influence you're mine now serve me unquestioningly and I let you live my queen pardon me for interrupting but the visitors who have been expecting have arrived finally they certainly took their time yeah well none of us were in any real hurry to get here Sarah still suspicious of my motives Jimmy always when I contacted you both on Eire I told you about the new Overmind and about the ue d that seeks to control it well the ue d is done it they've tamed the Overmind and now control most of the zerg broods in the sector that's why I've asked for your help just a little busy so that you can move you serve run Phoenix I want to defeat them because if we don't they'll clamp down on the scepter and it'll flav us all you know I right Jim you've studied the history of earth you know it the you Edie's agenda is taking control of the Zerg is only the beginning for them maybe I don't know my queen began I beg your pardon for this interruption but we have a very serious problem perfect timing gentlemen we'll need to finish this conversation later continued I ran the side disruptor signal has reached us here on Tarsonis and shattered the unity of your broods within the past few hours your minions have turned on each other and left their hive clusters to run out of control this is just what I need Saren take the fuse urgh still under my control and do what you can to stem any further damage to the hive clusters I can't afford to have them destroyed by my own minions [Music] my queen versus Andris time to the set of bread commands there is no way to reinforce your warriors server you'll have to make do with the Warriors and slaughter the difficult of course tanks on you attack [Music] the Holocaust is under attack [Music] the situs ruptor is causing me some very serious problems although I've regained control of my forces here it's taking more and more concentration just to keep them in line my heart's breaking for you Kerrigan now exactly why was it that you asked Phoenix and I to bring mix to you are you still suspicious that I'll kill him for abandoning me to deserve I've gotten over it general we can't afford to let petty hatreds jeopardize our plans for the ueg that's reassuring Arcturus I presume you found your cold sleep chamber accommodating what is the meaning of this Kerrigan straight to the point I was hoping to chat it's been a while not long enough why have I been brought here I need your sia meters Arcturus why remember the Confederate side is restr that you could never find well the you Edie found it and it's preventing me from controlling my minions with the help of your side matters I can gather up enough serve to destroy the disruptor and confront the you IDI and what are you offering me in return hah ever the politician all right Emperor if you help me destroy the disruptor I'll help you retake court hall from the you IDI a tempting offer what assurances do I have of you fulfilling your end of the bargain the only thing I can assure you about Doris is that without my help you'll be the Emperor of your own little 8x8 cell for the rest of your life I see that you're still a persuasive speaker alright Carrigan I'll lend you some emitters but this had better be worth it our objective is to locate and disable the sigh disrupters primary power generator and transit HQ Kurian the generators on the side Mitte will be carried by one of my a series with the disruptors power cut the emitter should be able to get the attention of any renegade zerg near it the SCV will then be able to lure others back to your base once the Zerg arrive there you'll be able to [Music] although be sir go now under my control I sense that there are more sand out there we must lure as many of [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now the situs roofer has been destroyed and Carrigan has regained control of her minions I fear that she will forget our past and turn on us I know what you mean Phoenix I'd love to believe that she's on the level if there's a part of me that just knows better however I do believe that she's serious about taking out the you Edie the only real question left is what happens to us when she wins and you ask me she's completely untrustworthy but so long that she'll help me retake court Hall I will work with her shut up Arcturus if I wanted your damn opinion I would have beaten it out of here in case you forgot you were the reason she became what she is in the first place you boys should really learn to play nice with each other nearly I still need a substantial cash of resources in order to build up my primary hive clusters I'm wondering if you gentlemen wouldn't mind going on a fuel raid for me it sounds like you've already got a plan what are you thinking I'm thinking that we should pay the kalam Orion combine in a little visit wor'i'a is one of the largest resource nodes in the sector if you can bypass their defenses and steal enough resources from them we'll be able to afford a full-scale assault on Cornwall it's risky but I think we can handle it Phoenix are you into this as our chances I will sorts myself great let's get moving do you think they suspect anything my queen of course they aren't stupid Duran they're siding with the evil they know over the evil they don't they simply don't yet realize what it will cost them sir I want you to invest as many Terran command centers as possible once they're in domestic we'll be able to use them in our oceans all on the track forces are under attack forces on the attack you sound like a tired old man Phoenix terraces I stand corrected we'll need at least 10,000 units of crystals to maintain the horses on the track [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the forces on to attack [Music] [Applause] all the forces are under attack [Music] [Music] the hindquarter is under attack [Music] what would you ask of me your grams I fear no enemy or the karma is my strength I fear not death for our straight is eternal most of me [Music] yeah our hunger for battle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] while the forces on the track [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] tarragon you have reached are resourceful they will be returning to Isis [Music] you have all performed superbly especially you Phoenix my hive clusters are brimming with energy and my broods are stronger than ever then let's waste no time every moment we sit here means that the Yui DS defenses will be that much stronger and I want nothing to stand between us and the retaking of my planet you're right our torus the time to strike the Yui G is now but remember that we're up against one of the most heavily defended planets in the sector laying siege to core Hall won't be easy not only does the Yui D control a substantial standing army but may have surgery enforcement's as well Rayner you and Phoenix will strike at the more outlying fortification while my forces are busy assaulting the main Uyeda base at August grad we've discussed this plan a hundred times I mean it's the dam attack very well Arcturus before the next sunrise coral will be yours once again [Applause] all the forces on this track horses on the track every sentence pets are during force their troops but strangely there aren't very many Zerg attacking maybe the new idea is having little difficulty controlling the Overmind than I thought [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all the forces are under attack [Music] [Music] all the forces are under attack [Music] other forces are under attack Oh [Music] all the forces all under attack our forces are under attack all the forces on to attract all the forces all under attack all of this is on time all forces are under attack all the forces are under attack my sir aboot the UE G's defenses are broken Arcturus you may take position at this world don't be snide Kerrigan this was part of the deal I'll be sending General Duke to establish my base of operations in August Kraft I hope you make the most of [Music] [Music] [Music] cerebrate Duran the time has come to separate the chaff from the wheat now that the UE J's power base is broken on this world only their forces on char oppose any significant threat to me it's time to move to the second phase of my plan and what of your allies here encore hallo my queen what would you have done with them they are no further use to me though they have proven themselves useful it might be dangerous to allow them to live without the services of general Duke minx will be easy to deal with but Rainer and Phoenix are uncannily resourceful they must all be eradicated cerebrate I want both general Dukes and Phoenix's bassist destroyed leave no one alive my queen if I may suggest a strategy but the Protoss and Terran forces are resting after our previous victory if we attack immediately while most of them are asleep and unaware we can whittle down their defenses with relative ease clever how long after our initial attack can we expect them to regroup and retaliate I'd say is six minutes that only gives us enough time to launch a surprise attack against one base but it is a sound plan cerebrate feel free to launch your initial attack against either base failure is not an option slaughter them all in my name what's up now y'all do [Music] [Music] [Music] horses on the track [Music] [Music] [Music] all forces all under attack [Applause] [Music] continue your attack sir avert their defenses won't last all the forces are under attack [Music] [Music] [Music] all of you [Music] [Music] all the forces on your track [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all the voices all under attack [Music] Savanti attack all the forces are under attack [Music] all the forces are under attack all voices all on the top [Applause] [Music] all the forces are under attack [Music] all the forces on the track [Music] horses are attack I had a feeling we'd be meeting each other again you got a lot to answer for little girl general Duke you know I always wanted to have you killed this is kind of exciting for me do your worst then girl you ain't taking Edmund Duke without a fight [Music] [Music] to attract we had a deal come on did you really think I'd allow you to power you're directly responsible for the hell I've been through did you honestly think I'd let you get away with but you said revenge was secondary to defeating the UAD i liberated this planet because it was the you Edie's primary staging point not because I was under any obligation to you I used you to destroy the sigh disruptor and now that I've got my broods back you're no longer necessary for my clans I think I'll leave you here are tourists among the ashes of your precious Dominion I want you to live to see me rise to power and I want you to always remember in your most private moments that it was you who turned me loose in the first place although this is all under attack my voices on this bathroom is foul territory you're right Phoenix I used you to get the job done and you played along just like I knew you would you Protoss are also headstrong and predictable you are your own worst enemies that's how you want it I can remember Jesse da legitimately receiving a lesson on the charm I took that lesson to heart Brea turn now are you ready to die a second time the taller awaits me garroted and although I am prepared to face my destiny you'll not find me easy prey then that shall be your epitaph now what are you worried about Jim he died the way all Protoss hope to in combat he died because you betrayed him how many more noble souls do you need to consume before you're satisfied how many more people need to die before you realize what you've become you don't even know what you're talking about Jim don't I I'll see you dead for this Kerrigan for Phoenix and all the others who got caught between you and your mad quest for power tough talk Jimmy but I don't think you have what it takes to vote or it may not be tomorrow darling with an army my back but rest assured I'm the man who's gonna kill you someday [Music] all forces on your tire this is all time all the forces out of the attack it is done sir they've all been destroyed let us return to our sons to rest for the first time since life Transfiguration you know [Music] my queen our scouts have just discovered a massive wave of zerg in high orbit hunters observe have landed upon Tarsonis and are even now approaching our location a number of our outposts are already under attack by the renegade swarm so the Yui D is testing out the control of their pet Overmind I had hoped to lay low after we raised Korra but it seems the Yui D is intent on forcing my hand shall I rally your forces my queen yes we've got to defend our remaining outposts and make sure that the renegades can't gain a foothold in our immediate vicinity once we've secured a perimeter we'll begin to take the fight to their hive clusters [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] behind customers on you attack [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we have located a small Tarrant facility towards the rear of the Renegades landing zone there appears to be a number of scientists working within the youjizz control of the over - so they've sent these scientists to celebrate focus your attacks against the Tarrant facility all of the scientists must be killed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all forces are under attack a beer time [Applause] all forces are under attack [Music] all of this is on the attack [Applause] our voices are do attract [Music] cerebrate it's time we returned to Chikara i have some unfinished business with the dark templar matriarch raschig ah I need to steal her from a tribe before we can finally assault the Overmind on char however her defenders will not simply allow us to take her away the piling clusters are generating some sort of electromagnetic field that is preventing our fliers from maneuvering we won't have any air support at all then we'll need some new strategy perhaps it would be best if we stage some kind of diversion my queen and claim the matriarch during the confusion what did you have in mind Duran the Protoss outpost of Telemachus has built upon a large Mesa and is essentially improvable to ground the touch however dela matras is fueled and supported by a number of adjacent island clusters i believe anyone can cause a surge within those pylon clusters we can cause Telemachus power grids to overload the resulting explosion will be the perfect cover for retrieving the matriarch Queen simple devious like it make it happen Duran cerebral you provide cover for Duran as he infiltrates the pylon clusters let nothing stand in our way [Music] [Music] you've got it this buster is ready to overload [Music] [Music] [Music] of course I'll take care of it of course charges set you got it right away Pilon cluster set to overload you got it right away I'll take care of it right away what do you need what do you need celebrate [Applause] TARDIS set you got it right away of course you got it right away behind cluster is under attack take care of it you got it right away I'll take care of it you got it violent cluster set to overload like we did the last charges sit polymerase will explode on your command it's very well cerebral sent by millions down to the planets and havin retrieved the matriarch derive ignite the charges division commencing the - is under attack [Music] [Music] the time is finally upon us my minions to destroy the wretched Overmind and the last of its run against Sarah Briggs we can count on the Yui D providing us with heavy resistance but not even they can stand in our way now that the matriarch Russia Gaul is in my custody I possess the means to attack the Overmind with impunity not so Duran as a matter of fact I'm expecting my secret weapon to be arriving very soon as you say my queen but I still don't understand we are receiving a transmission from an unidentified produce carrier that's what I love about the Protoss they're so punctual Garrigan this is zeratul I demand to know why you've taken our matriarch actually zeratul she's not the one I'm truly interested in I stole her to get to you you see I need you and your brethren to kill the Overmind for me the only way I had of assuring your cooperation was to take away that which you value most however I give you my word that once you've killed the Overmind I'll allow her to return to you as if your word lynnie value zeratul my faithful servant you must aid Kerrigan in this endeavor the Overmind is our common enemy it must be destroyed to ensure that our people will survive you asked me to aid this vile creature I do not ask this or myself nor do I ask it on Kerrigan's behalf I ask you to do this for our peoples era to obey me as you always have trust in my judgment very well matriarch the Overmind will die this day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the higher is under attack require more news we require more minerals [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] evolution oh please spurred on so be it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] eres Coolio disappeared [Applause] [Music] hi question is on UHF why Koster is under attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Buster is under attack [Music] [Music] requirement as being gas [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is down Karen over mind is dead [Music] of course Russia God do you wish to return to your tribe I was hoping to serve I mean what treachery is this carry him this and possibly rapture the home I promised that I'd allow her to return to you is there a tool but it looks to me like she doesn't want to go you have corrupted her so how do you have poisoned her thoughts restore her to her rightful self point you will pay me dearly for this offence Carrigan you've got me I made a matriarch my slave long before I join you on chivalrous she made the mistake of underestimated my power just like everyone else did and now she's paid the price with her as my puppet I was able to eradicate the renegades Anshe chorus and use you to kill the Overmind and as you can see your leader belongs to me now we shall see we shall see [Music] by Quinn with the Overmind and it's Sarah Brett's destroyed all of the Zerg in this sector have reverted to your direct control the remnants of the UAD fleet have fled the planet but I have no idea how many functional ships they still possess we have finished relocating your primary hive clusters to this orbital platform however we do have a problem somehow zeratul and his brethren were able to bypass our defenses and steal their matriarch away from us he is a formidable adversary where have they run to Duran our scouts report that they have regrouped with a number of protists survivors on the surface of charm the matriarch is being held within a stasis cell leading me to suspect that the Protoss will attempt to take her home to shakoora they still believe that she can be saved from my influence zeratul will be very disappointed to learn that Rasha guile is beyond redemption how much time before their fleet is ready to debark for sure chorus they will be capable of dimensional recall within 30 minutes my queen that may be all the time we need cerebrate mobilize all of my broods and send them to the surface of char I want you to bring both the matriarch and zeratul to me alive terminate the remaining protests with extreme prejudice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the forces on the top all the voices on the attack [Music] damn you Carrigan for what I must do [Music] Thank You Cerie - you have freed me from control [Music] I can hardly believe this you've killed your own matriarch better than I cure there let her live as your slave Kerrigan I have misjudged you warrior you are worthy indeed you are free to go what I said you are free to go I've already taken your honor I'll let you live because I know that from now on your every waking moment will be torture you'll never be able to forgive yourself for what I forced you to do and that zeratul is a better revenge than I could have ever dreamed of you will regret this decision Kerrigan we shall music yeah [Music] [Music] my friends we have suffered a great defeat of matriarch is dead or feets have been scattered across the astral wills Kerrigan has gained complete control over the served swarms yet as always we must struggle on what our immediate priority is to find our talus and his warriors once we have made contact with him we can return to Sakura's and plan our next rules prelate Sara true we are currently tracking Protoss power signatures and editing from an uncharted more nearby a records do not indicate that there has ever been approved a settlement in this quadrant strange it could read our tempest or other survivors of our fleet down there at any rate it is our duty to investigate the source of the energy signatures that your course for the dark moon if Artemis is there we shall find him zeratul our sensors have detected a small Terran compound near the source of the end moochers understood I'll look into this matter of myself [Music] I do this for my speed [Music] commencing we'll be done I've never seen a creature like this before test subject 29 classified Protoss Zerg hybrid imperfect cryo hibernation psionic emanations minimal magnificent you should watch who are you I've had many names throughout the millennia protocol you would love me masters Sameer come on Kerrigan's card sort is this part of her twisted schemes no young Kerrigan could not have engineered this grand experiment although her rebirth into this earth swarm has spilled on my progress I can assure you that this endeavor is quite beyond a narrow understanding if you are not a thorn than what are you I am ashamed of a far greater power [Music] ages and is reflected in the greater than that cell have you any conception of what you've created here do you have any idea what this this hybrid is capable of of course I do this creature is the completion of a cycle its role in the cosmic order was preordained when the stars were young the culmination of your history all I behold is Arab domination the violence young prodigal is typical as is your inability to comprehend the greater scheme of things you can destroy all of the specimens here it will do you no good for I have seeded the head on many many words you will never find them all before they awaken and when they do your universe will be changed forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] cerebrate our scouts have just identified three separate fleets approaching this platform with Turan having disappeared and the bulk of my brood still on the surface of char you will need to hold off the invaders by yourself you sound worried Kerrigan have I caught you at a bad time not at all Arcturus how'd you manage to scrape up your new fleet been raiding the salvage dumps again I called in a few favors made a few concessions you'd be surprised to see how many special interest groups in this sector want to see you dead I'm sorry to have to disappoint your new friends of torus but you really shouldn't have attempted this stunt it'll take more than your three little fleets to bring me down three fleets don't play dumb Arcturus I've already spotted the other two fleet Kerrigan this is our Tanis my brethren and I have come to avenge the deaths of Phoenix the matriarch and all of the other Protoss who fell before the Swan it is long past time you paid for your crimes against our people when it rains of course the Protoss too care to take a guess as to who the third fleet is no need to guess it's to God and the remainder of the ueg fleet that is correct Kerrigan this is Admiral de Gaulle I am giving you one last chance to surrender your forces and submit to the sovereign authority of the United earth Directorate gee that's a tough one Admiral you'll have to let me think for a minute you know Admiral I think I'll just Massacre your remaining troops now and watch you die in agony how would that be you vastly underestimate me my dear I don't think so Admiral you see at this point I'm pretty much the queen of the universe and not all of your little soldiers or spaceships will stand in my way again so be it [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is all your time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the attack all the forces on the attack all the forces are under attack all the forces are under attack is under attack all the forces are under attack all the voices on the attack all the forces onto the track all the forces are a new tack [Music] all the forces on your attack force is all under attack [Music] all the forces are under attack [Music] savor this victory Kerrigan for the Protoss will never forget your treachery we shall be watching you all the forces on the track [Music] all the forces on to attract [Music] is all under attack [Music] [Applause] attack is on the attack our forces are under attack [Music] [Applause] [Music] all forces on the attack all the forces are under attack this is all the time all the forces all under attack to see how far you get forces on to attack forces all of the attack congratulations Callaghan is leading me again just remember that I'll be out there waiting for you to slip up because sooner or later you make a mistake [Music] [Music] once again I stand the top of the broken bodies of my victorious but not in scar the Earthborn Directorate has been destroyed and the Overmind lies travelled with the ashes of child as for my unlikely allies I think that I shall allow them reprieve for in time I will seek to test the resolve and their strengths they will all be mine for I am The Queen of Blades none shall ever dispute my room again [Music] there is telling her by now the news of our defeat has reached the earth the creatures we last sent here to tame our untamable and the colonies we were sent to reclaim have proven to be stronger than we anticipated whatever you may hear about what has happened out here no this Alexi did not die Laureus thank you my pride killed him and now my pride has consumed me years ago you will never see me again Madeline tell our children that I love them and that their father died in defense of their future [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Stu
Views: 99,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starcraft, Broodwar, campaign, walkthrough, playthrough, gameplay, let's play, guide, help, hints, Terran, Zerg, Protoss, mission, tutorial, Remastered, Speedrun, remaster, all mission, all levels, full game, full campaign, zerg campaign
Id: 8bQXnzcYE94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 40sec (7960 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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