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I feel like the zerg was a higher league player, he had like 20 opportunities to kill the protoss but just wanted to try this because why not. Still fun to watch though!

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/kingnico89 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

No air upgrades 7/10

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Gruenerapfel 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

10/10 title

Seriously though, what a fun match to watch!

Can you image a game with something like this in a pro-match? Casters would go insane!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/BuckNZahn 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/daboss144 📅︎︎ Jan 05 2018 🗫︎ replies
it is time for our viewer mature what I got for you today is a gold league match of Zerg vs. Protoss spawning here in the bottom right hand corner of ascension 2 IR le and playing with the red zerg drones we have just Monica this is Monica and his opponent spotting it across position and playing with the blue Protoss probes he goes very nickname of drone TMX now indeed this is going to be a Gold League match of Zerg vs. Protoss and it does mean that this is going to be a viewer-submitted replay and actually what that thought because apparently mr. Pro Tools here is already sending out two probes very early on into this match to the other side of the map now mullis's is the one that's going over every single viewer-submitted replay and he mentioned that while the start of this particular game is a little bit slow the end may very well be the very best game that we have ever seen as far as viewer-submitted replays goes so far so I'm actually really excited for this one because I don't really know exactly what to expect at this point in the game now a while apparently two probes were initially sent out the first one is still making its way across the map and it's currently rallying around inside of that main base of the Zurich the second one however already turned back around to just do a little bit of scouting and to confirm I guess that there's no proxy hatchery I guess that drone TMX may have very well gotten cheesed a couple of times before this particular game and he really does not want to be called with his pens down he actually sends out two probes really early just for scouting purposes because didn't mean time on the other side of the map we did indeed see that gateway on the production temp already and I also to follow up with a cybernetics core now if you do have an awesome met yourself as well you can go ahead and submit it to replace at a local TV just a simple email address go ahead and a touch DSC to replay file and I may very well end up casting your game in the future although we are currently receiving roughly anywhere between like 200 to like 400 replays a week so you know if you're still get casted I apologize but I just sadly I'm not gonna be able to call for 200 games a week it's just simply not gonna happen that doesn't mean though that generally speaking right we're gonna get some epic epic matches right here on the YouTube channel and I'm actually really excited for it I've had a couple of people mention like hey loco do you watch these games before you actually cast them absolutely not I do not watch these games before I upload them to the channel for obvious reasons right I have mullis's who's going over as many of the games as possible then we have nuke also double-checking a lot of those replays just to make sure that we get only the best of the best and then I end up casting probably about two or three or so a week and I upload only about one or two or so so you know of all of the games that are submitted only the very best do make it to the YouTube channel and I hope that this one is going to be as epic as mullis's mentioned that is going to be just murica Bell looks like he's gonna be going for that third-base rudder early on we do see a handful of zerk links already making their way across the map and at this point in the game actually there's not really a whole lot here available just yet there is a single zealot that's just simply staring away from these circling eventually eventually he does decide to turn back around and he's gonna go ahead and attack move from some of these but these links here most definitely can become a little bit of an issue nice little micro dere so far by Monica trying to keep these Earthlings alive and actually with certain speed finishing up in just about 10 seconds with proper micro desert you can actually turn into a massive Hessel do you have to be careful though you do not want to get them surrounded but more and more sellouts are currently queued up apparently drone TMX does not want to go for any adepts and permanently shut these certain things down but they are gonna be able to now it's certain to be done as well they're gonna be able to get quite a couple of kills and so far this is more or less just a little bit of a nuisance right the nice thing for the Zerg player at this point in the game is that this buys a lot of time for that third hat tree to go up a look at that already four probes going down here in total but now they're reinforcing Musketeers the three musketeers do decide to join the battlefield as well and I think that they should be able to ward these circlings away at the friendlies for the time being but if these zealots are not hold position in that little gap the leaves are once again gonna be able to get back into that main base and be really really annoying this is why SimCity is so very annoying and drone TMX is done with it he's gonna go ahead and pull all of these probes off the line actually I have to say I'm really impressed with the micro so far but just Monica I have casted a lot of gold league matches but this seems to be this seems to be much higher level micro already I wondered oh yeah he's currently saving up quite a lot of resources you see there's a lot at the pro level play of starcraft 2 where pro gamers are putting in a lot of effort on these first couple of zerglings but of course in the meantime at home as well you want to continue making all of those drones you want to make sure that you keep on Mac rowing as well and well eventually we do see just Monica doing a pretty good job in dropping down these resources he was floating for quite a little Wilder as well but there's no denying get at this point in the game Monica is very very far ahead when it comes to the work Academy already at the three base count at the five-minute mark he's getting himself a very solid amount of income already up to 50-plus workers at this point in the game with more and more in production I actually have to say this is the way that I like seeing zerk players approach the game if you are playing zerk yourself right it is all a game of drones you got to try and get as many drones that you possibly can without dying that is top priority if you manage to get your workers early on you're gonna get such a massive income lead and you can see already right now at this point it is 57 harvesters versus 29 only that effectively almost doubles the income right now for desert and that can very very quickly lead to a dominating mid-game position of course though these adepts are gonna be able to do a little bit of harassment here as well they might actually be able to just pick off maybe one of these tumors all done so far is target firing down the queens and now at desert wings coming in for the reinforcements as well I think that Monica will be able to deflect this early game pressure really nicely solid place so far look at that he's already out of there researching the pathogen Glen's upgrade which is the energy upgrade here 40 in fester and Monica seems to be in a dominating lead in this game so far already building up to close to 70 workers and 70 for any of the races in Starcraft 2 is usually the sweet spot if you manage to get to 70 workers beat with taran beat with pro tools or be it with zerk 70 to 80 or so it's a sweet spot because you can easily replace any kind of army that you lose you're just simply getting so much income that as long as your spending is on point you're gonna be able to recuperate those losses very easily and actually there's actually a lot of investors already on this production tab I wonder what it is that Monica has got in store for us here I mean in fester Lynn Bain is a composition that can do a lot of damage but of course with the recent patch in Starcraft 2 we did see the removal of the investor to be able to cast fungal growth from bear out and you know the investor Terran or whatnot are pretty easy to counter for a Protoss player as well now apparently neural parasite is already in production neural parasite of course allows you to take control of an enemy unit I wonder what that means and what exactly his plan is going to be because at this point he hasn't really seen any kind of terrifying units just yet usually for example it's very helpful to steal your opponent's immortals or maybe Colossus or anything along those lines but already and I like this one a lot from drone TMX he's going up to that Templar archives he's going up to the psionic storm and that means that he's gonna be looking to get high Templar High Templar of course have sonic storm available after his research is done but they also have feedback which allows them to deal with energy based units and very very easily as they essentially deal damage based off of the amount of energy that an opponent has on their army units as well this is gonna be an interesting little micro battle though the glyphs upgrade for the adepts just about to finish up a lot of gateways here as well I would actually love it if at this point in a game drone TMX goes ahead and deals a little bit of a damage right now at this point in the game he does have a very powerful timing push available to him but all of these Gateway finishing up there's no doubt in my mind out and just Monica is in a very superior lead so far I mean both of these guys had gold League borders while this replay was loading up and I can definitely see how drug TMX maybe a gold level player but so far I mean just Monica is doing a very good job just simply Mac rowing up towards a fourth base already even getting a 5th hatchery as well building that macro hatchery set up here inside of the main two getting himself the double evolution chamber owada zerks built order is a little bit odd and he is indeed gonna end up losing a couple of these in fester he's got many available still to just simply continue that harassment for a little while longer and apparently he assumed yeah the observers right over there I was gonna say you assume that there was gonna be an observer nearby so he's randomly spamming fungal growth all over the place to hopefully catch it but this observer in surveillance mode is gonna be able to live for another little while drone tiem EXO has decided that he doesn't want to go for any kind of pressure and actually if you're a Protoss player I would highly recommend that it goes for any Protoss player up to like Master League or so I would highly recommend you execute a two base timing push before you're gonna be transitioning to watch that third base for example when you first finish up like seven to eight gateways you can do such a nice push in particular with like forge upgrades in particular Twilight Council upgrades with maybe for example a robotic facility and a warp prism you can do such a nice push before you transition towards that third base I mean effective no matter is that proto's late-game is very strong but if you allow Zerg to just sort of do whatever they want they can become very very scary as well and already right you can see the zerk roof threat is is getting a little bit out of hand I mean the creeps threat is already about halfway through the map at this point a lot of inactive tumors right now but as soon as Monica realizes that there's once again that opportunity is gonna be able to deal a lot just by simply slowing down this ProTools opponents now there's currently 56 a larva available and already 10,000 resources in the bank there's already 10,000 resources in the back action Walter thought no way all day Monica Monica just stole a probe there was no no no oh my god he's stealing the probe he's no repair citing a probe oh now he set up a limbo line he set up a limbo line of investors he stole one from the net show that was going to the 30s now he's going he's gonna go ahead and build himself a nexus okay so just Monica just neuro parasite of a probe set up a limbo line and connected it with other investors as well and now he is constructing a nexus on his side of the map Monica Monica what exactly is your game plan I mean you've got over ten thousand resources if you just started making units right now and spent that money you could probably win this game right here right now the drone TMX does realize that something is not quite right he's gonna be fighting a nexus these zealots must be a little bit confused there must be like well you know aren't we from ire as well here we go whoo that is most definitely a successful assimilation right there oh my god all of these high Templar actually gotta be casting storm on their own army units as well these articles are going to town as well but at the same time a lot of proto's units are still available they're got to be able to slice and dice through all of these investors are very very comfortably and while apparently some of the links and veins are trying to invest up this high ground as well it is not quite going to happen as there were plentiful defenses here for the Protoss player at this point in the game now I think that just Monica and I think actually I haven't actually seen this in like years I think that just Monica wants to go ahead and try this again I mean look at it right he's got ten more investors coming in he knows that he's at a superior economy here cuz look at the amount of resources that he's currently bringing in Protoss is just not saturating that third base as well but there's no doubt in my mind that Protoss is not quite out of this game just yet no I mean there's definitely a lot of potential here for this proto's to just continue macron up a bigger and bigger army look at that he's now actually getting himself a lot of dark templar 9 DTS already but let's bring it back just for a second right to that nexus if you neural parasite a probe and you build a nexus you can actually as a Zerg player continue making more and more probes and eventually check up to as many protons units as you want as well this is something that we have seen a little bit in Starcraft 2 but it very very difficult to pull off I secretly do hope that just Monica is gonna try and go in for a second way for that as well now circlings didn't managed to make their way in total into that main base here of the Protoss player proto's eventually that was gonna mess Rico and he should be able to get rid of most of these Earthlings that are being a little bit of a nuisance now we do also see that swarm host switch here from Monica so while Monica is gonna have a near max out army it doesn't look very menacing at all cos you know these four months of course the Duke lost three supply each and we've got eighty supply roughly tied up in drones as well the Zerg army really isn't that impressive whatsoever it's eighteenth's for most a bunch of Zork links or I guess a single zerk links and then also 17 of these in Fester's at this point now I do like this decision there's no Colossus available for this Protoss player just yet that means that he's infested turn or rather these locusts are gonna be able to deal a lot of damage once again we see that nice little limbo line here of locusts to simply try to make their way to watch that natural expansion proto's it just figure out that something is not quite right and while apparently the swarm most didn't need to get a reduction in movement speed in the recent patch off creep they're gonna be able to live to fight another day and other locusts are going to town you're actually trying to still get this dark shrine but just barely is it going to be enough and or it's not going to be enough and Protoss will keep that doctrine alive for a little while longer but once again be it festers are just simply taking so much damage zurk is losing these very very rapidly and while there's still a ton of gas available here for our short player and he's easily gonna be able to replenish those there's not really a whole lot of army units here for desert player in the Reds just yet and of course dark templar right technically speaking mostly considered to be an irassman base unit they have one of the highest damage per second outputs in the entire game I mean they don't have a lot of HP they die very easily as well but their damage output is absolutely ridiculous now in Fester's apparently did come for the swoop around here and I'm gonna be able to lend those continuous fungal growths that I think that that is going to be all she wrote for these dark templar old moremore Marisa split off from that main group Zork does have detection however available right now the locusts are gonna spawn and I think that eventually these Dark Templar will get shut down but not without them dealing a significant amount of damage and actually who I must have missed this here just Monica is currently constructing Weiwei I was looking at that production tab here in the top left hand corner just Morga is currently constructing a otter and Nexus okay that looks really weird on that production tab now drawn TMX it must have realized that one of his probes gotten neural parasite at once again but apparently there is going to be a bit of a pusher currently Monica he's making probes or at the varieties he's gonna be down there we go he's just made a probe he just made a probe this is now permanently permanently for the swarm just Monica is gonna be able to do with this probe whatever you wishes I kind of wish he gets it out of there just in case this does get scouted there are a lot of archons nearby that are gonna be a little bit of a nuisance at the same time though an army of changelings is trying to merge themselves in with these other units as well but while that's happening apparently the locusts are inside of the main base dealing so much damage already but look at that just Monica it's currently Mac crowing with a bunch of probes I'm actually curious cuz I don't know how this works and actually proto's may very well find this that is a nice pickup for drone TMX but would Monica be able to mind is with drones right can he go ahead and get these resources with drones now apparently that our clone is gonna be able to pick up that probe once again there's still Monica continuously building up more and more pro tools related units there is certainly a lot of pro tools though still available at this point in a game a while a couple of these archons are gonna be neural parasite it as well these zealots are gonna be able to intercept a bunch of these swarm hosts the archons eventually do run out of their neural parasites that are gonna be able to once again get back into the favor of the proto's here are cool of course they still deal a lot of splash damage as well they're gonna be able to make short work of these locusts and with that of course drone TMX is gonna be able to continue dealing but sadly here for the Protoss player there is no longer any kind of detection whatsoever and that means that these these are called are just simply gonna stand there Oh in the middle of the math now look at this apparently a probe from a desert player managed to make his way towards the central northern end of this map and he is currently constructing a nexus as well as a gateway here on this side of the map completely unscarred so far by the Protoss player in blue and I think a duty to start classifying which of the two Protoss players we are talking about because Monica is actually trying to come he's trying to construct an army that is based around swarm host infestors as well as gateway units and apparently by the way can they return their minerals here can these drones return our minerals to this nexus I don't know if that's the thing can you do that I mean he's currently constructing probes as well there's still a couple of necks I across the map can these drones return their minerals to watch this point in the game please be able to do that I've never seen that happen no you can do that no way that is awesome so you can actually a neural parasite approp make a Nexus produce your own probes which are going to be permanently in favor of you and and you can follow this up with mining off of a nexus with drones that's kind of ridiculous I would actually love at this point in the game and I don't think the Zork drones can construct any buildings but I would love for this probe to add on a cybernetics core and like go void race right go fortress go for an army base around swarm hosts infested and void race what exactly are you going to do now for those of you wondering by the way these pylons will indeed provide additional supply to the greater good so it's actually a pretty interesting setup to here our probes apparently are feeling ballsy and are gonna try their very best to fight these swarm hosts but not for very long this is gonna be so messy though look at that a cybernetics core is going down two of these extractors are now built off creep of course because they don't actually bleed to death and while some of these swarmers are continuously arouse here I think this is completely unscarred so far by the Protoss player the Protoss does not realize that he may very well be good this looks so weird look at that it's the one versus one where drones and probes are mining happily alongside each other this is like an episode of the Teletubbies at this point now he's doing it Mordecai is actually building stargates no way he's gonna no way oh man he's gonna give this ProTools a taste of his own medicine six Stargate are coming in six stargates if you're gonna build void race right what exactly is got a counter an army base the rot in Fester's and void race right or even better maybe carriers even tempest would do incredibly well I mean ProTools did indeed secure himself and on our base he's got a lot of minerals in a bank but it's not even remotely close to the amount of resources available right now for this oh my god this is so dirty this is not even remotely close to the amount of resources available right now - I guess what was previously desert player and now the hybrid player is this what the Xel'Naga had intended all this time I don't know if that is going to be the case but still drone is once again gonna try and move out across the map here with a little bit of a hit squad I would love to see him tech up to bigger units as well great fungal growth will indeed slow down a lot of these zealots and prevent them from charging for just a little while longer these smart Mazda are getting absolutely massacred drone TMX is now also forced to build a couple of cannons close to this area as indeed Monica is currently constructing gateways here on this side of the map - we do see void raised in the production tab here for oh my god that's ridiculous zurk has got to be able to make void race zerk and get this zurk is making void race also apparently there's I've never seen this before what's going on here what is going on here I notice fights all out on a map but Oh what is this is this a new thing to this map or is that I don't even know what those creatures are but anyways zealots are trying to do now kill that base here in the central part of the map for the Zerg player or I guess the hybrid player right now a fleet beacon is just about to finish up and just Monica is gonna be able to get this q up a ton a ton of carriers a taste of their own medicine is the only way that I can look at this I mean there's nice carriers as well as adrenal glands on the same side of the production tab right now we do now also see the Interceptor upgrade here which is absolutely crucial when playing this set up and apparently desert is now corona boosting out these stargates units now drone you really need to step it up a notch my man you did a great job producing a unit producing structures off of a single base and then also only our second Nexus but ever since these initial gateways went down I haven't seen any kind of tech up just yet here for the Protoss player I would love for him to go ahead and create his own Nexus as well or rather his own stargates as well just so he can get some better units out it's gonna be very difficult to fight a carrier-based army with something that is primarily based around ground units now there are a lot of archons once again morphing here together for the Protoss player in blue but little does he know that just a little way up north carriers are currently being produced and here we go six of them are just about to finish that's ridiculous Monica is gonna try and max out on an army that is based around the carrier even though he started off this game as a zerg player now the amount of losses here now for the Protoss player for the Zurek have been absolutely ridiculous look at that drones and probes alike are going down here apparently at this point in the game but 40 swarm hosts 32 in festers and 9 duck Templar of 14 archons as was nine High Templar a lot of high tech units have indeed gone down zurk and I am saying this correctly zurk or I guess the hybrid is now producing a mothership zerk is making a mothership now at the same time now apparently the void raised as well as these carriers were forced off the line as they are gonna be trying to deal the damage here to the blue Protoss player a set of of zealots are indeed left over as all of that were capable of shooting up were killed with that attack priority and apparently while they they do leave prisoners one of these zealots is gonna be able to stay alive for just a little while this one will also not live to tell the tale or maybe he will Wow the hero zealot that was a lot of proto students that are currently being warped in we do indeed CDs continued Dark Templar now also getting rid of a lot of these drones more and more necks I are currently being built I think that these Dark Templar will soon figure out that there are indeed drones bringing back in minerals returning minerals to watch a nexus I wonder what these chakras Warriors are thinking of this shenanigans right now this is a little bit odd isn't it now we also do see the defensive carriers coming in but dark templar they do kill things very very rapidly at the same time though on the other side of the map we do see the mothership core in production or run above even a mothership core that's the unit of the past local but the mothership in production it's gonna finish up very shortly and of course you can indeed mass recall and i would love to see that you can mass recall all of these carriers towards that position i know there's no particular reason right now why be why desert player would do that but it would still be a really cool thing to see now a lot of drones are currently still being produced tempest are not also coming out together with the carriers the mothership is just about to finish dare indeed it will be cloaking these gateways as well as this nexus they are deep pro rows players this base but still a lot of dark templar as well as stalkers are now dealing two damage inside of the main base of the zerk a lot of these crucial production here for desert player is completely shredded and i think that while just Monica still has a very scary amount of Stargate units left over he doesn't really have a whole lot of zyrtec anymore interestingly enough this Zerg player is slowly transitioning to Ward's a to watch the Pro Tools which is a little bit odd to say the least and here we do indeed see that infested or that that the in fester nest falling as well it's not called an infested nest loco but it's alright he will not be able to make any more infestors nor swarm hosts at this point in the game unless he decides to once again get a lair but still a lot of these carrier are currently available the mothership is desperately floating about trying to feel what it can go ahead and do but I think that this is definitely a point in this game but just Monica can potentially start dealing two damage and bring the damage to the other side over the map I don't know how many times this proto's player has faced off against something along these lines there is a mothership now dealing damage to the mineral line that is the most ridiculous thing I've seen in a while we see a little bit of mothership harassment and now with all of these carriers as well as void rays and tempest joining the mothership quite literally a floating city I think desert player or I guess now known as the hybrid player is gonna be able to bring the damage to the Protoss player in a blue there is a lot of protons here remaining still but I don't think that it is going to be enough a group of stalkers is desperately trying to make their way across the map as drone TMX recognizes that this is not an army that he can kill he's desperately trying to run away obviously right now these carriers right they're getting the vision that this creep spread provides as well so it's gonna be very easy to keep track of where all of these stalkers are going to be located but look at that they're not even gonna be able to get a single unit as drone TMX leaves the game and just Monica obtains the victory after producing a lot of carriers neural parasite in a probe and of course producing a mothership as well absolutely ridiculous game I hope you guys enjoyed watching this video if you did make sure you hit that like button down below and if you want to see more make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get a notification as soon as I upload more other than that I want to thank you very much so for watching have an amazing day do not forget to smile alright these special shoutouts to the patreon supporters you guys are awesome but I will see you all in the next one
Channel: LowkoTV
Views: 1,866,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lowko, lowkotv, tutorial, guide, commentary, how-to, sc2, starcraft 2, starcraft 2: legacy of the void, starcraft 2 2017, starcraft 2017, tournament, strategy, starcraft 2 cast, casting, cheese, macro, micro, zerg, protoss, zerg vs protoss, protoss vs zerg, zerg mothership, neural parasite, neural parasite on probe, gold league
Id: Age4eNRUMrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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