StarCraft 2: Reynor vs MaNa in an ABSOLUTE BANGER of Zerg vs Protoss!

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hello everyone and welcome back to a professional match of starcraft 2. now what i've got for you today is supposed to be an absolute banger of pro tools versus zerk i haven't seen this game yet but supposedly this is a really fun one so i'm excited to find out exactly what ended up going down between these two players now i can't help but notice that our zerg player was not producing a drone so instead he decides to go for the earliest possible spawning pool at 12 supply so first off spotting here in the bottom right and corner of berlin grad and playing with the red zerk drones we have the current world champion of starcraft 2 playing for clash from italy we have none other than raynor his opponent sending out a probe pretty early on as well just to try and block an expo from going up playing with the blue protons pieces for team liquid from poland we have mana now i love this a drone is being sent out at the appropriate time so mana right now probably assumes he has blocked the natural expo and that a third is gonna be taken instead now okay raynor is actually sending that drone across the map oh okay he's gonna mine out the five minerals right over there to shorten the rush distance i suppose okay so we have six zerklings already coming up and obviously raynor is gonna expand you know eventually out of this at least most of the time but it's definitely going to be very far delayed the drone actually decides to move on right now as well as radar taking a page out of blazbook he was thinking about it at the very least nice reaction speed right here from mana blocking a hatchery from being built inside of his own natural expo well i mean you kind of need to hang out in the wall as well i suppose maybe you should have pulled a second uh a second probe from the mineral line either way right now mana is gonna be in crisis mode there's zerklings running across the map there's a hatchery building inside of his own natural obviously he's constructing a wall right here at the front but you can't make a shield battery or anything along those lines until the cybernetic score is done zerklings have already arrived because of those five minerals that are mined out there it reduces the rush distance significantly he's gonna need to pull more workers i think i think he should pull like four seconds zealot is coming out does he not have a second chrono boost available well not yet anyway very greedy approach right here from mana but apparently fully in control so far but i wonder if he's if he's maybe like not a little bit under prepared because there's a hatchery building right over here obviously zurich can produce a queen from there zur can produce a couple water units over there as well obviously once the larvae spawn if the gateway falls these additional zircons can run in pretty easily as well right now one of them gets surrounded second one trying to get into that little nuke i think the first one will go down second one will probably also be picked off quite a lot of zerklings uh well you know what not really that many circlings are gonna find a grave luckily here from mana he does pop out in a dip shield battery comes up honestly this is a very calm and collected approach right here for mana like that could have been an absolute disaster right so big picture right now two zealots went down i mean it's obviously not a net positive here for the produce at all but i wonder if maybe he should have killed a couple or pulled a couple more probes so maybe like one or two zealots could have actually stayed alive and then the hatchery wouldn't be able to produce so much stuff the issue is right if this queen pops out and puts down a creep tumor there's not gonna be an expansion for our protos player for a very long time he's going to need to get some sort of detection first and honestly at this point i don't really see exactly how it can be prevented if the yeah if the queen goes really far away oh my god man's gonna try and hunt it down as well he needs to shut this down it's really critical okay it does pop the creep tumor right there obviously the queen will start accumulating more energy in the meantime on the other side of the map mana has already planted down a gateway so mana is gonna go for the warp gate to upgrade so the warp gates are gonna finish very soon zerklings are being taken care of instead of the main base as well but mana is losing a little bit of uh mining time there this is honestly really cool so mana is gonna i guess go for a good old three gate three gateways in total it hits very hard this is a build that we saw back in wings of liberty now obviously this is a bit of a different approach than what we saw back in the day as a matter of fact they ended up nerfing uh the warp gate research time oh my god is he even gonna like this is like 10 years ago by the way anyways they ended up nerfing it because it was a little bit too powerful zerklings have now found the proxy but already a depths are going into the main base there's no circling speed or anything just yet so finally mana is going to be able to do some counter-attack damage nicer surround right here by raynardo i don't think drones are supposed to be the counter to adapt but so far i mean he's still taking a tremendous amount of damage seven drones end up going down in the meantime though a couple of the other units still at home for mana are eventually gonna get rid of the hatch this is some impressive play here from the pro los player this is the kind of produce pressure or sorry zerk pressure that you can easily forget you know the game about right like you can easily accidentally you know forget that you're playing a game against another opponent as well while you're drastically trying to or hectically try to defend at home um the fact that he had the like the mental head space i guess to put down a pile on a gateway on the other side of the map and then also preventing that creep tumor from coming up it's very easy to accidentally make a mistake there now i love this as well actually backing off not allowing these circlings to get a good hit in i don't know if he was paying attention right there to the spawning pool like you can see the little spotting pool wiggle to notice whether or not it was uh researching metabolic boost already pretty sure when the first three adapts went in it wasn't so amana knows he should have a little bit more time here to harass when link's speech finishes up obviously this is gonna be a little bit harder honestly he could just yes at the very least consider shading on top of the ramp obviously the service area on these adapts is gonna be yeah heavily reduced but honestly just forcing out more links here is already pretty good at this point we have 25 zerklings out there's a lot more zerklings coming actually is radar gonna follow this up with like a second layer do this all in finally nexus will be acquired here for mana but honestly when you're making this many zerklings i'm pretty sure he plans on going to watch the other side of the map very dangerous move here though rainer sees that a few sentries are being warped in sentries are units that you really do not want to lose as a protoss player link speed 10 seconds from finishing he's not gonna commit no way there's a couple of centuries over here right and those sentries are so powerful a couple of good force fields can definitely give these adepts a lot more time to work things speed is done all right so far i mean i don't think i like this bush no i don't like this push too much from the produce the queen's right now helping out as well very patient approach here from rainer obviously uh he's got transfused energy as well on those queens so that spine crawler is helping out a tremendous amount i don't see this is this is a proper high level starcraft and i think in the end radar is gonna come out ahead of this because i don't really see these protozoa units going home very easily yeah losing those losing those three centuries really kind of sucks he's just gonna continue onwards though all right already over saturating here for a little bit twilight council now coming up as well keep in mind we see a depth pushes all the time in starcraft 2 but adapt pushes are always done or nine times out of ten at the very least they're always done with the glaives upgrade so it takes a twilight council to do that research it's basically like a flat attack speed buff for these adepts makes them so much more powerful in these battles the adepts are pretty good but not as good as they could be all right finally raynor decides to add on a roach horn how many workers do we have right here pretty decent amount 38 drones right now versus 32 probes so the eco lead is ever so slightly in favor here of raynor but obviously he doesn't have a third base or anything along those lines dark shrine is coming up together with glaives i like it so mana is going uh for two different approaches here i wonder if he needs additional gases for this i mean it's only a handful of gateways i guess you know what i think he just plans on warping as many a depth as possible and then once the dark shrine is done warp in like three of those dark templar two and then uh see if the zerg player has any detection at this point there's no layer there's no spore crawlers okay there's a sport crawler coming off rainer has seen that twilight council when he scouted it with an overlord about a minute or so ago so he knows that there's a chance that the opponent is gonna try and get some dts out on the board obviously dt's though obviously dts though are very good defensively as well zerklings are going across there's one stalker in the wall off but there is already a shield battery so i don't really see this one really work it out although you know what yeah that gateway from earlier actually hold up he's targeting right now with the the shield battery as well maybe another adept over here would not really hurt you know he's got one added into the mix here robo facility also comes up mana going on a bit of a walk grapes is done at this point i feel like that may have been a good moment to actually go in for the move out anyways look who have arrived the dark templar are here yes there is detection available but obviously if you just target fire down the sport crawler you can just kill it yeah there you go once the sport crawler is gone there's no more detection here for the zerg player at all these dark templars are gonna have an absolute field day at the same time the zerklings have taken care of that one pylon that was powering most of this stuff there's actually another sport product coming from the main base as well but it can't burrow on the ramp needs to be very careful rainer does have transfused energy available a couple more depths instead of the main base too rainer does snipe that pylon like i tried pointing out and that one pylon going down means that there's not gonna be any more reinforcements on the side of the zerk at the very least like on the side of the desert side of the map from the pro to play it's a confusing sentence all right i feel like i've been shouting into a microphone for about 10 minutes but it looks like this game is calming down at least a little bit double robo is a follow-up a follow-up here for mana pro managed to go down to watch the low ground but that's not gonna happen insta cancel a couple more dt's warped in now defensively i kind of like it so the lair is um about 80 of the way done yeah so no way for this third hatchery to go up just yet the one dark templar over here kind of looks like zeratul having an absolute blast denying this base for as long as possible it's probably not gonna make it until the end of this game but at the very least it's being an absolute thorn in the side of rainer so far so there's the overseers coming up one overseer for scouting one for base defense couple of immortals okay loaded inside of a war prism and it looks like they're ready to go to the other side of the map as well honestly even once this dark templar is cleared out and a hatchery gets built again two immortals dropped right over here are gonna be able to make short work of it even when they're circling even when there's a couple of roaches with good targeting mana can kill this easy go go yeah target it oh my god okay nice council there by rainer i think it could have been a kill maybe a little bit of miss targeting right there for mana either way the annoying protos player continues for a little while longer against the annoying zerk roachorn actually taking a lot of damage okay the same time on the other side of the map there's a little bit of a roach push disrupter is out as well okay third base is just about to be done this raptor obviously absolutely phenomenal mana decided to recall the prism to try and do some more damage on the other side of the map does have a very nice purification nova there zorkin's going around though this is going to be an important defense need to pick up all of those immortals nice juggling right here from the protoss player there's not a purification nova this time around rainer does manage to dodge it third base is done man i did not make a shield battery over here which actually is going to make it kind of difficult to hold on to keep in mind this is now slowly turning into a two base all in right here from our zerk oh my god this disrupter he does actually hit it the radar does also uh end up killing that disrupter eventually so you know an eye for an eye but when you're in a two-based situation against the three base protoss pretty sure that comes out as an advantage for the proto player prism speed is also done careful careful careful oh my god oh careful yeah he can't actually pick it up that is a rough loss right there for mana mana going a little bit too aggressively right there through the center of the map takes a lot of damage and even though he does keep the prism alive both of the disruptors there were picked off and this actually now alleviates a lot of the pressure off of that zerg's back all right so with that radar decides to start up a couple more drones he's going into roach speed he's going into plus two flyer attacks or sorry uh missile attacks circling oh my god no way the adept over here just sleeping on the job zerklings just randomly run in and this is not good although very good control right there by mana a couple of workers are going down here but not nearly as many i think as many of us expected only three probes four probes battery overcharged over in the main base i don't see that surrounding the natural was gorgeous that was absolutely perfect all right there's the bailing nest coming up but yeah i think actually man are going for just a good old like immortal century-based push not a bad idea he's getting blink right now now blink is not done yet so that makes it a little bit trickier but honestly a mortal blink with sentry support is extremely good obviously you need to keep that prism alive though losing the prism here would be bad luckily actually i just realized mr mana he's got two different prisms available a couple of lucky balls right there from raynor hoping his opponent wasn't paying attention at the same time while these are the depths are being unloaded instead of the natural expansion of the zurich we do have a big push to watch the third base beautiful movement right here by mana once again killing a couple of drones keeping that second prism alive and killing that hatchery too nice force loots right there i was thinking he wanted to go for the uh the retreat right here but i mean seems to be quite comfortable right there standing on the creek killing that third base again now creates an absolute disaster right here for rainer so rain or at this point if you look at the income real quick is being outmined so hard in zurich versus protoz it's pretty much always the zerg player who has more economy since zerg doesn't trade particularly efficiently most of the time and they lose more resources during the big battles he uh yeah definitely needs to find a way to continue mining for a little while longer getting the prison would be a start seven more drones end up going down second prism in the back of the the main base corner as well that's 11 drones going down at the cost of like five adepts maybe all right very good crisis management here by mana like honestly it's one of the hardest things to do in all of starcraft 2. when you first start playing a game everyone's got a plan what is that quote again like everyone's got a got a plan until they get punched in the face it's kind of like that in starcraft 2 like you can practice your macro against ai as often as you'd like right against the computer however um it's all fun and game or it's all fun and games until you get punched in the face by your opponent and so far it's been okay well gets one probe i suppose so far it's been very very stellar play here for mana although he really needs to plug the front door man zerklings once again ready to go for a run by there are stalkers available so maybe they can barely make the blink radar thinking about going for a bit of a yeah roll by once again with a few bailings towards the third creeps red by the way absolutely phenomenal here rainer of course one of the fastest players in the world average apm so far at 489 actions per minute that is pretty healthy amount don't think that these banes are gonna get anything done honestly that could have rolled into the natural but obviously the zork doesn't know that at this point though the strongest zerk unit is able to also join in his battle pretty easily and that's of course the queen queens here with this much creep spread are gonna be able to push themselves forward quite well how many queens are there in total only five so probably not gonna be able to achieve too much either way the queens are still needed here to zone away against that like fourth war prism of this game fourth nexus being acquired here as well by mana don't think it's gonna happen just yet i like the fact that he's actually adding on a colossus big protozoa me moving out okay gets a nice hit right there using the disruptors for a little bit of bowling don't want to overextend here though mana okay decides to disengage good control once again here buy the polish protos mana is so underrated man mana is actually so good like it doesn't have the best tournament results but he's always like he's always there he's always really good and like i don't know every once in a while he just everything seems to click in his head and everything looks beautiful like this is some very impressive gameplay like i've seen rainer absolutely smash brothels players in the past like it doesn't even look close like we all know that raynor is very good right but so far mana seems to be out playing him pretty badly that being said raynor did secure three four bases once again dark templar over here okay getting in between the mineral patch or the hatchery rudder and the spore crawler i think the real fight is happening over here okay actually the observer there gets picked off by a corrosive file he decides to blink on top of it man i'm thinking about closing out the game right here right now purification nova also connects with a whole lot of those ravagers and i think man i might just be right getting quite a lot of damage done that being said roaches and zerklings still popping out of those cocoons ready to continue fighting for the zerk a little while longer honestly killing that observer might actually backfire here quite a bit because these fights are all taking place on creep few bailings there being warped in prism over here as well wouldn't mind seeing maybe like a zealot run by although does he even have charge no he doesn't have charge he's only at plus one as well actually which is also not great i would have would have loved to see plus two coming up by now all right prism here eventually i saw a little little bit of gold lying on the ground pretty sure that one also ended up dying maybe not i don't know anyhow anyhow oh miserably right here from protest free immortal i think a stalker maybe took a bunch of damage to at the very least purification nova okay grabs another one of those units prism was a little overextended raynor pushes this back i thought rainer was actually just being killed here when this push was happening near this choke point but uh rainer i guess still has enough eco now securing a fifth expo two by the way or i guess a fourth expo fifth base plus one melee is coming up for dessert player two which i love makes those zerkings and bailings much more powerful now very good hits once again using those disruptors stalker colossus this is a unit composition we don't see all too often i've seen classic player a lot recently prison once again gets killed but i feel like the fourth base is also not going to live for very long although yeah he needs to obviously use their units for fighting as well if the roaches and raptors can get on top of the colossus they will die very easily this disruptor over here is also not going to lift to tell the tale hatchery eventually does fall a couple of additional depths are now joining in the fray as well but these colossi okay that purification though but these colossal were hitting all of the drones there and they just picked up a whole load of kills all right that being said i feel like i've said that being said about a dozen times mana did not realize that apparently this base over here at like what is this like the two o'clock position or so that this one has been acquired by the zerg so those drones that were hanging out over here like if if mana at this point assumes that zerk was on three bases that could actually backfire really hard because at that point he might play more aggressively than he should or he might not be expanding as much as he should he's sticking around on a ground-based army as well charge finally coming up and we see additional force upgrades too which i like oh he's thinking about going for the base in the bottom left-hand corner of berlin right there billings thinking about going for a roll by honestly at this point there's only five probes mining minerals here so it's not even really worth it all right templar archives nexus does come up interestingly enough so mana is sticking around on a ground tulsa-based army obviously in this meta right now in xerx vs products we see skytells pretty much every single day of the week mata doesn't really have that much eco either right like i've been talking like he's winning the game and i think he is winning the game but it's not like he's got that much money in the bank he's only at 57 workers yes he's got a solid amount of bases but he's not really mining all of the mineral patches particularly efficiently also when it comes to like dealing with skytell's armies zerk has a couple of tools right however when it comes to like dealing this is beautiful right here by the zerk actually when it comes to dealing with uh with proto's ground armies zerg has like 17 different answers from brood lords to lurkers to ravagers to swarm hosts to banelings like zork has so many options there's finally the extended thermal lens as well man honestly a little bit too slow on the upgrades here and this is giving raynor a lot of time to get back into this game obviously on top of the fact that like this base apparently was forgotten maybe he did see a couple of the drones traveling in that direction or maybe he's figured out by now that that base has been acquired but mano right now giving his opponent a ton of breathing room because he can't really continue pushing her without those upgrades plus two is coming up as well for raynor that will allow him to start one-shotting probes with one baneling with plus plus one melee upgrades it takes those bailings two hits to kill a pro but with plus two they can one shot them which is a really big improvement so far it's really not happened but i can 100 imagine a couple of pain links finding a random mineral line and well all of a sudden shutting down some of that eco some more no tech up here so far by rainer though so he's still sitting at lartek i think brute lords here would be really nice to have right so the thing is yes stalkers are pretty good against brute lords but if you have enough brute lords it absolutely demolishes everything that produce has on the ground the normal number of brutes to get is about eight i think when your opponent is going for a stalker based army you just make as many as you can and protos can't really do it all too much there's plus three coming up as well for mana that's good gets one ravager nicely done pushes back some of the creep as well top right and base acquired here by rainer all right i made some tea at the beginning of this cast all right be nice before starting up the cast now it's gone cold my tea is gone all right anyways there's a stargate which look at that honestly i i mentioned stargate earlier but mana doesn't have much eco he's only sitting at 63 probes he's not maxed out he doesn't have a bank the fact that raynor actually is maxed out right now or as close to it as possible um it's kind of scary raynard does have a mid-game army though like this is not a late-game zork army plus he doesn't have to tech for it so he's got an infestation pit somewhere he needs to start up a hive oh my god storm drops sure that's what this game needed a couple of storm drops as well i don't mind it what i'm trying to get at don't lose don't lose the bains against the rocks please what i'm trying to get at is that zerg here has a very powerful army but it's a one-shot type of army right like these units will pretty much all die and it's one of those unit compositions another storm drop here uh it's one of those unit compositions that really needs to be replenished by more either by like higher tech units or just more of the same but i think the preference is on higher tech units like lurkers like brood lords or even just a couple of vipers i think rainer might actually be thinking about making a couple of vipers like both disruptors colossi immortals archons the prism even some high templar abducting any of those units would be super nice okay couple of stalkers who almost get picked off a few dark templars in the top right hand corner apparently they have spotted the overseer so they decide to hide there for a little while longer [Music] i also feel like in these bigger battles stalkers really fall off there's double uh stargate added on by the way like two more stargates that is as well as a fleet beacon so amanda is thinking about going for that skytells army eventually circling in the meantime on the other side of the map gonna finish off that gateway that he started working on it like what the two minute mark yep they're going to be able to kill this zealots form a full wall of over here pretending to be a gateway at that point rayner actually using some of that mobility of his to just go across the map with way more units produce at this point doesn't realize how many bailings there are out on the map or the very least on his side of the map adrenal glands coming up plus three missile coming up as well for the zerg but here are the bailings beautiful response rate once again right here by man i'm making the best of that blowing up at the very least all of those banes he's gonna have to respect this though he just warped in a couple more units but i think he's gonna need a little bit in order to deal with it qr codes and the colossus get recalled that's gonna have to fairly force these links back off but that's good because now brainer has bought himself a little bit more time rather than replacing the units that he just lost with like more zealots we see a couple of carriers right now on the production tab zerklings are going to be able to take care of the dark templar here in the top right hand corner but mana buying some time here once again we see a second cyber core coming up i actually know he lost the first cyber core you can't even make any stalkers right now it's a bit awkward anyways uh he's gonna go for a cybercore good zoning right here on this four crawlers as well by the way that prism is running dangerous these these couple of templars that are in this thing so there's one dt here and two high templars um they must be responsible for like what 30 drone kills at this point like combined oracle here added into the mix 2 which is wonderful i wonder if maybe tempests are a better idea then but ah doesn't really matter all too much produce front door is wide open though there's a lot of tech inside of that main base i wonder if maybe mana should make like a new wall off over here i wouldn't mind it at all maybe like a full wall of even okay battery overcharge utilized here getting a lot of value though a couple of bingling's blow themselves up on that structure and obviously those bailings cost a lot more resources than that structure they killed spire is coming up raiders scouted at this point obviously there is a carrier out and if you don't respect the carrier things do get pretty tricky i would love to see plus one flyer attack by the way here for mana like again it benefits every single one of those interceptors at the same time there's a big fight happening over here actually one purification nope blows up on a couple of the protons units as well raynor trying his very best to push back these products are already out this protozoary that's so close to the creep mana loses a huge chunk of his army there a couple of corruptors are added into the mix too many i might not actually even taking one of the experts that's normally the xerx my god this is a game isn't it this might be the best game of the year didn't expect that when i sat down to cast this game just now but this is an absolute banger of berserk vs protos what a beautiful game like the game has been around for literally 11 years now and the skill level is still going up like rainer was like eight when this game came out you know what i mean mana has been playing for a lot longer but like it's it's ridiculous these guys are getting so ridiculously good fleet beacon being built at the six o'clock position out of any andy look at even contamination used on one of the stargates here to slow down the production somewhere i think what mana should have done was like complete the warlock once again because now he's lost both the natural as well as the third i guess mana plans though and just hanging out in the bottom corner of the map like the bottom left corner the only problem with that okay i love this once again storm drops one stalker they're awkwardly added into the mix too i'm not sure what that guy's doing there but anyways um oh my god that's not a lot of work is going on i guess the corrupter eventually is gonna finish the prism anyways the problem with taking the bottom left and corner and building carriers is that it's gonna slow down the pace of the game a lot and honestly if reynard realizes what's going on he should take this base at the 12 o'clock has he even scouted this one no this is such a brave expo from the pro to take although he has seen some static defense over here so he probably makes the assumption that it's happening at this point all right so since the carriers have been spotted corrupters are being added into the mix here for dessert voigt race are really good against corrupters in small numbers in big numbers i'm honestly not sure how many void rays you want to have here so there's five carriers at this point arcons are obviously really good as well since they deal splash damage especially the clumped up units like corruptors they can do a lot of damage yeah this is not gonna stick a stay alive for much longer the only thing that can make this game even better is like a full-on bass race i feel like i'm getting greedy just thinking about it love this by the way rainer adding on some vipers vipers here are so critical okay he starts up a few spores here as well putting them down in the most likely attackable location here he does by the way take that base at 12 o'clock which i think is wonderful all right so we're at six carriers five void race four high templar four arcons two colossi this is a banger of an army man the problem is that all of these units are very abductable so it very much so comes down to that late game positioning especially on the high templar so high templar technically speaking out range vipers they can feedback vipers or vipers rudder to make sure that they deal not um you know they are not capable of using that abduction ability the problem is that a lot of protos players do not position their high templar as efficiently as they probably should and it works well against most zerk players out there but raynard is one of the very best late game zerg players he's not going to be mispositioning his vipers very quickly and i'm a little bit afraid that a lot of these a lot of these protos units will just get harpooned because this is not the way to control this army the high templar here in the middle it means that the vipers can just come in from the side and abduct whatever they like you need to kind of have the high templar in front of the army the problem is that high temperatures are slower than the rest yeah this is what you want to do there you go feedback feedback there you go um the problem is that the high temperature are slower than the rest of these units so you kind of need to like keep them you know keep them busy anyways at the same time while that's happening we see radar moving on over to watch the base at the six o'clock position this is where most of the attack of the protos player is at as well so this is actually becoming a bit of a disaster right now good positioning here on the high temperature you know what i'm too far forward a couple of bailings kill all of them even though this protozoa army here is still scary without storm without feedback it's a heck of a lot less scary six o'clock base at the very least is defended a couple of brood lords are coming up right now there's that abduction i was talking about zealots here now inside of the natural berserk layer these are zerklings with plus three and adrenal glands so they are pretty strong but yeah you're gonna need a little bit more than just uh links i'm pretty sure to deal with all of this oh my god all right i'm actually kind of i i still think mana here is a hit but it's becoming dangerous rainer only has 24 workers though actually yeah he's only got a 24 worker count right now and 130 supply my god even i believe here like i have full vision of the screen and everything that's going on and if i was this protos player here i would assume that there's still a massive zerk army out there like the way that these fights have been going radar definitely makes himself look here much bigger as far as the army goes than he actually has like he doesn't have that much stuff 95 army supply versus 151 there's a couple more brutes coming up cool sky zurich right here a couple of ravagers still available as well i would love to see more of those zealots just run by but there you go another abduction basically a free unit okay how many high temp are here nine high templar that's a good amount there's also a good amount of uh good amount of brute lords here though and those brute lords like i tried pointing out earlier they're very good against that ground army here comes the protos fleet though a couple more high templar oh sorry a couple more void rays here are joining the high templar and everything else that's available right here for our protos player no prismatic alignment just yet one of the units get picked off okay a couple of the brutes though are now under fire here from the void race void race coming in from the side activating prismatic alignment picking off as many of those units as possible carriers very exposed but i think the corrupters are gonna have to move back to try and keep those broods alive once the brood lords are gone all of a sudden pros can just do a big ground unit warping and obviously just continue pushing in this direction as well apparently the warping is gonna be down south as the the zealots are gonna try and see if they can run into the natural expo i wonder though if it maybe should have been stalkers instead because right now most of the protos air units are going to be picked off corrupters here obviously can target firearms pretty easily that being said okay the corrupters right now are not going to be joined by any friends anymore since the spire went down they also can't morph into brood lords because the greater spire well that was the original spire um obviously it got sniped gg is called and it is gonna be team liquids mana who obtains the victory in this absolute banger over protoz vs zerk yo do me a favor if you made it all the way until the end of this video please hit the like button i'd appreciate it
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Views: 412,333
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lowko, LowkoTV, Simon Heijnen, Tutorial, Guide, Commentary, How-to, StarCraft 2, SC2, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void, Tournament, Strategy, StarCraft 2 cast, Zerg, Protoss, Terran, StarCraft 2021, StarCraft 2 2021, Reynor, MaNa
Id: Yt47PzFWuOY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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