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so hearthstone has this great video series called is it imba or do i suck generally speaking what he does is he analyzes games with viewers and he has a look at the different strategies that they're playing and most of the time when someone claims that something is imba it actually means that they suck right most of the time that's the analysis because it doesn't really matter if taran mack or storm is overpowered if you're flooding 5 000 resources in the bank and you're not maxed out right all right now here's the thing i played this really good game of zerk vs taran mech a couple of weeks ago i submitted it to hearthstone it's a long drawn-out macro game of taran mech now hearthstone is just about to release this video on his youtube channel it says loco believes taran mech is imbalanced okay i didn't say it that aggressively okay it feels to me if it's a split map scenario and that both players you know get even amount of resources that uh zerk has a very hard time winning but let's have a look it says featuring special guests i want to know what happens here man recently i've been struggling against terran mack while i didn't enjoy the brood lord investor style of the past at all nowadays it feels like terran gets a similar amount of bases up and just turtles it becomes nearly impossible to defeat it seems to me that zerg's late game sucks brutalers dive the tours fibers at the doors ultras die to everything and investors require your opponent to suck and not scan when they move out usually the strategy i go for is to go up to 90 plus workers as soon as i recognize it's a turtle terran and try to prevent them from expanding to a fifth i know i won't ever get an efficient trade in the late game but it doesn't matter if i have more resources than they do so is it imba or do i suck thanks loco [Laughter] okay so i mean obviously i wrote this a little bit you know a little bit more dramatic than it needs to be i know perfectly well that at the highest level pretty much all the zerg players are smashing the terran players but unless you have like 800 apm it really does feel like you can't get a very good trade in the late game what does it say ps can i rent your editor he's so good mr loco decided it was time to send a replay in as he had a ladder game uh in which he just could not fight the mechanical terran army now once i saw this replay guys i changed my life i shower this morning which is something that usually only happens once a week put on a nice shirt comb my hair put on some cologne as it's ready to bury a fellow content creator um by the way for those of you unfamiliar hearthstone is one of the highest ranked protos players in the world the guy's really good um don't really know what to expect here i am fully though expecting to be buried and to be told that i just suck okay i just want you to be aware of that i i don't actually think that it's imba and i actually do think that i suck but do still think it's a good game so we have a replay here with the goal i mean when i say barry i mean of course analyze whether any mistakes were made he said mek is overpowered everything he can do against it sucks and we're here just to judge to see if he made any mistakes so is it is it no i played flawless dude you don't have to watch does it suck and uh i played let's go straight into it so it's a game on ice and chrome between uh him and a terran called sjk but let's see how it goes i i'm not quite sure how how good this sjk is but local is pretty decent at the game might i say he's uh he's pretty damn good so it's interesting to see a high level game like this let's see uh what what happens at this mmr guys so we have the standard suv reaper stuff trying to deny a third base loco is pretty smart takes the other third base on the map like ice and chrome that's no problem loses a a drone to a reaper that's not nah that's really brilliant but if i recall correctly actually um it's been a little while since i played this the early game of this game was absolutely terrible okay i don't think i played a very strong early game at all um i believe that this was played on the north american server so i think at the time i must have been like i don't know 5.3 kmr or something like that and he was probably similar i sometimes lose two probes so he was in gmo losing one drone to the reaper you know everyone has bad days we're not we're not gonna blame him too much for that all right i'm not gonna blame him too much for that so it's on a creep tumor at the perfect time forgets about this uh no actually so far everything is good perhaps a second queen at some point or a third queen and uh yeah the life is going to be completely fine here for my good friend logo i want to know i want to know the special guests so it says plural guests right so i mean there have to be multiples and it also has the c capitalized in the title which makes me think that special is going to be joining in as well i don't really know if that's the case i do know by the way that the thumbnail of this video if you have a quick look um is well it's me hearthstone and then cerro i don't know if he got cyril to analyze my game but that would be fantastic so far yeah local first three minutes i don't want to say perfect because you lost a worker but i mean the build order i don't know if it's just clickbait okay if he got special with cyril to check my game reaper comes back in okay two drones at this stage in the game that's bad i know subscribers are still electing an extra question i i'm not i'm not too fairly gay it's terrible i'm not not too fond of the opening anymore third queen is a little bit late which means uh decisions will have to be made whether you want to inject or put thank you by the way let's see what local decides to opponent the meanwhile is using his barracks to float for the for the high ground now usually uh this is an indicator of something mech mackie afterwards right could be uh fusion core for battle cruisers like we're seeing here could be just definitely sucks it is going to be a fusion core uh which i'm excited for better cruisers are always quite exciting local has almost no scouting information has been supplied for quite some time he's still only on three queens four minutes into it i told you you already can suck man it's about the late game most other people um they would have way more queens a lot of the time you'll see them produce three queens from their their natural hatchery and then get their next queen over here at the at the fourth base as well and they kind of continue queen production until they have seven or eight queens against aaron majority of the time queens also should always be in position to stop any types of aliens from just poking on the creep now the way you wanna he also finished this extractor okay i didn't see that that's pretty funny um that's not perfect either logo once again i can't forgive you these minor errors so um you want to have overlords kind of at the edge of the creek i know so you can spot helium movement easily and that way okay so so in my defense right i know that this is all terrible right in my defense i think this is like after like six hours of streaming and one of the final games of that day if i record correctly um yeah generally speaking i found that when i when i start the stream my games are pretty good but as it progresses it spirals out of control and it's because of things like overlord positions and like what this was the second to last game all right yeah i i it's an excuse i know i know it's an excuse but you know i'm just giving at least somewhat of a reasoning you know at least at least there's that kind of mirror the movement of the aliens with your queens so you'd have an overlord over here maybe an overlord over here um i mean this overlord i guess this is quite useful this one could be pushed a bit further down as well so you have a a quicker way of spotting things yeah it's giving you something useless this overlord is being pretty useless so we have we have two three overlord oh my god there's two more here we have four or five overlords that could be positioned as supply blocks different places has to make it a lot easier to uh counter any type of helium plate now like i said before his queen count is a lot lower than it should be and there's no probability also rushed layer to go straight into being sweet now this is a move i haven't seen before that's a pretty common build it's a very common nowadays when we see layer rushes we see them either for an extremely fast fire or well actually that's just it you just see them for an extremely fast fire yeah i think this was a a four minute layer into baling speed it wasn't super quick really seen them for for anything else whatsoever to speak of so by the way i have no idea how long this video is like this is a pretty long game it's like a 30 minute long game or something along those lines but um yeah i'm not entirely sure if it says guests as well if it's multiple times this could be an hour long video what this is for honestly and we have a couple of aliens now coming in i mean just three paintings but you're not really gonna be catching italians with paintings i hope i guess he does catch a couple but i mean that's even without painting speed so i i'm not too sure about it the battle cruiser comes in here all right so the reason i decided to go for the quick building speed is because i've been playing that build as my go-to in zvt recently now hearthstone makes a good point earlier that with the barracks lifted it does mean that it's not going to be uh you know a bio-based push most of the time usually it will be a mech based push so i didn't really need to rush my building speed probably could have gone double evo first but no that's the reasoning why like most of the time this lines up quite nicely with bio pushes when we think of mac we see two very popular responses in uh in in the pro scene and the a very common response we see is mass muta and people say well what about thor's doesn't torture kill mass mira you'd be surprised how well these top players do with massmuta against or and another one is um most of the time ravager roach corrupter and then going into lingbane ravager after on high worker counts and just continuously trying to kill bases on the side and playing this very high momentum game with um rather inefficient traits but because you're outmining your opponent by so much a lot of the time you're gonna be able to just kind of kill them like they'll run out of money eventually and then you win mec is kind of popular at the moment in the professional meta as well but um it hasn't been doing extremely yeah honestly it you know the the the the the times i see mac a lot of the time dessert ends up winning so here we have um so you have plus one on range and we have carapace upgrade so this should be roach corrupter i'm actually gonna go into hydras into a hive as well pretty quickly here hydralisk spire and four more queens i am afraid loco is slowly losing the plot a little bit here i am i am he is slowly losing the plot i think he just went in the cinema and he expected to watch the incredibles but really he's watching a human centipede and he's confused where the superheroes are and what these people are doing to each other all right so i wanted to go into hydras here and corruptors were made as well to deal with the battlecruiser i think i checked inside of the main base and i knew that it was going to be multiple better cruisers coming up but in general i'm just trying to go up to like 90 workers and i just want to make a lot of stuff that seems to be a pretty good way of playing this out so that's the idea i'm not really going for a timing attack or a push or anything along those lines i'm just setting up right now for a long game cinema hall 2. here we play roach corrupter corrupter hydra is not a composition in order to ensure that all my information is correct you know as as i'm here uh possibly roasting a fellow content creator i have a couple of helplines and i'd like to use the first one so here comes the first taran expert all right i'm gonna ask you a question and i want you to answer it honestly okay okay what what do we think of hydra corrupter as a composition to beat battlecruiser mac [Laughter] do i really have to answer them no no this was fine well that's all right all right thank you special i appreciate that that was very descriptive thank you seemed pretty clear on uh on locos decision so far so uh let's continue hydra that was special doesn't really seem to be a composition here so we will you know we'll we'll put that as the defense i'm going hydraling bane corrupter first strike system we're gonna use the american justice system which is based on baseball so three strikes and you're out what we're going to be using here for right now local has got his first major strike let's see how many we can rack up in this game corrupter hydra not a composition oh no i'm loving this man this is great i know that i'm being roasted here at the same time but i know my early game sucked this game right i said that before starting the video so i know my early game sucked i mean obviously as an excuse could have done better but it's mostly about the later stages actually looking pretty good his work account is looking good how's this information looking i mean he knows it's mac which is interesting he knows it's it's uh what you call these bad boys battle cruisers when you think about mac and especially with corrupter-based plays is that a lot of the time you don't really want to use these as a as a late game composition very much a lot of the time what you want to do is you kind of want to stop the the battle cruisers with your corrupters and then do big attacks on the fourth base on the third base and with high mainland counts the snipe planetary is basically that's kind of what you want to be doing you want to be playing an aggressive style if you don't want to be playing an aggressive he's going to be calling cerro as well later isn't he yep so you gotta attack very fast into hype to get quickly in the vibe it really is it's the one unit that can help you trade very well against mac compositions so in that case with big fiber counts you're just trying to walk around pick up a tank here and there i mean there's there's nothing really here right now to deal with vipers right there's basically pure tank there's a couple of battle cruisers but you can just pick these up i will be roasted by sorrow any day a week guys that works for me as we continue in this game we still see of course the resource advantage here for a logo which is extremely getting a lurker then i love how confusing he is but my decision is what he's gonna use it for this could just be as a distraction for when the terran scans and he says oh lurker then my opponent is an idiot then he might start playing worse i kind of like that idea of loco in his current composition is that great isn't that great already and his opponent probably is already considering let's leave it as eponian opponent you know might not be the brightest two in this wait wait what did he say be bad pretend to be even worse provoke matter mules less income for taran profit there it is man yeah hearthstone thinks i'm playing 4d chess but i'm actually playing checkers okay i'm actually playing checkers over here i'm you know i'm that guy who's going to kindergarten who puts like a sticker on his forehead with like some of that you know what's it called elmer's glue or whatever you just stick it on your forehead that's what i'm doing right now trying to just put down a lurk again because it felt like it but now i think the lurker then can be quite helpful if you need to defend certain areas of the map i wanted to probably put a couple of those in like outer bases to make sure i wasn't gonna get wrecked by uh by lurkers and stuff or by by helium run bys and stuff but yeah it's a bit of a shaky decision honestly don't most of this comes down right now to just having more eco right so i've got units burrowed in his further expansions so essentially what i'm trying to do here i'm just trying to like contain this taran opponent here on four bases and in the meantime i'm taking one two three four five six seven right so i'm going up to seven here so my idea is okay if he's mining out four bases and i'm mining like six or seven does it really matter so much what i do as long as i don't take a lot of damage i should be able to just out mine him and be okay that was my idea yeah here we go here's the scan he's like ah lurkers this guy's an idiot this is a free win so i wouldn't be surprised if we're gonna see way more dangerous unit movement than just bad moves all around now from the terran because it's like well if someone built lurgs again that person definitely didn't feel a nice and it too hot day yeah i really like my logo actually i'm kind of tempted to remove one of the strikes just for this brilliant move as long as he doesn't actually build any lurkers we're going to be completely fine gets his vipers which is good seismic spines he's you know he's sticking to the part so whenever this gets scanned again the terence's eye is actually researching upgrades as well that's that's rather idiotic and then you know the terrain will start playing even worse so you see that loco is not only a fantastic content creator on youtube he also has a massive brain really thinking about the you know the mind games the just just the things that you can do yeah you should remove a strike he's fantastic at that apparently remove the strike dude this kind of rotations are really painful to watch of course especially if they're completely done in vision um whenever you're playing against mac you want to be confusing your opponent with quick rotations from base to base and the way to do that is to always take the shortest route around so you you push in here you you check over here well you don't push but you like you poke you poke you prod you poke you brought over here and then you just keep going until you see a vulnerable angle because the terran army this is the one thing that mac sucks at is at moving around it is slow it is crap it doesn't do its job very well you know of at least moving around that it doesn't do that job at all honestly so at this point loco has hydras and corruptors both units are extremely good at dealing with battle cruisers which right now there's still three off and hydras hydro sucker both the armies are really just kind of out of position this is why hydra corrupter isn't that great both of them fulfill a very similar rule which it isn't isn't that that useful to have you know like you you already got that covered with the corrupters you don't need more hydras like roaches or ravages would be a lot better they're cheaper you can get them out a lot faster a lot they're less gas heavy which allows you to attack to a high faster get those vipers now when you have vipers what you want to be doing as circ is you want to be trading like you just want to be spending and oh no here's the second strike move on off the strike just for this brilliant move as long as it doesn't actually build strike two strike two dude poor loco so let me finish my sentence before i make a bet actually actually okay in my defense all right i don't want to like i i want to watch this video i don't want to actually you know hear the thoughts and all that but hydra lurker viper was a very popular style to play against taran mack for a little while i remember watching cerro win home story cup 20 with this not that long ago back in november it's not been that long um that's it though i mean it's kind of fallen out of favor but i mean technically speaking right i don't play at the top level i don't think that should technically cost me the game but with vipers you want to be trading energy for units so you constantly want to be abducting units into preferably a roach or roach ravager or even eight months guys no but it's the same balance patch so you're constantly training keeping your opponent's bank low preferably when keeping them below 200 supply which is definitely possible um i mean these vipers have been flying around for a very long time and these are the first two updates and they're not even into something like right now this is this is what should be happening all the time did the editor add a sound effect for this did the editor just add a sound effect for the for the abduct abducting abducting abducting now for my bad joke so if you guys remember the matrix at a certain point the the main guy i'm not gonna spoil too much neo needs to pick between two pills you got the red pill and you got the blue pill i can't even remember what the pills do it doesn't matter now loco also once met a guy and he said i have three pills for you here's the red pill the blue pill and here's the green pill if you take the green pill you will think that lurkers are a good idea against mac and look at that i'll take the green one ate it and now loco lost not only 25 iq by taking the green pill but he also believes that lurkers are good against mac yep um which is honestly a bit of an issue let's just say that if local was the main character in the matrix who makes this why what alright sorry what did he say that if local was the main character in the matrix that movie would have a very different ending oh the lurkers may be good against the robots no they're not good against the robots man the robots can fly see lurkers the reason why lurkers are not that brilliant against mack is because everything out ranges the lurker the lurker is good because it can outrange things this is this is good local this is what we needed to be doing for the past four minutes ever since we had these fibers like there's nothing to be able to deal with these vipers absolutely nothing all you need to do is there we go keep pulling them up the problem have no army anymore because you have so much reply has 13 kilometers he has six hydras and four alert he doesn't actually have an army like his entire army right now is consisting of support units which makes absolutely no sense it's it's not it it's like starting a football team with like 12 goalies like first of all you're only allowed to have 11 men on the pitch but second of all you're allowed to have 12 this would still be a terrible idea oh it's actually so i kind of like that he's throwing yeah i'm getting rid of right now because i realized the same thing and and actually getting a decent rate with it this is a it looks like a bad move but it's a good move you just get get rid of them they'll need when you're seven vipers perhaps is also a little bit overzealous on the vikrant i think you only need like four maybe five should be fine but i'm a fan that he has so many and that we're finally trying to get some traits and actually every time he pulls them in he does get kills right even though it's slow because he only has like five fighting units hey i've got brenda and the team okay brenda and the knitting crew are here still down in eunice most because his initial trades weren't that brilliant but he's he's at least trading at some point and as you can see right now when zerg starts trading you see that his bank is still massive the other guy isn't even maxed and is losing a bank this is literally all okay so this is this is when i tilt in this game okay this is what i tilt so we're 15 minutes into it right my game hasn't been perfect let's leave it at that right i think that's been discussed but look at this stuff so i'm sitting at like 11 000 resources in the bank 200 supply i'm maxed right i've been mining my entire side of the map it's been absolutely fantastic right i mean unit composition wise maybe i'm playing something that's a little bit old school and like not that good anymore but maybe i'm playing something that's a little bit outdated and that's fair right in my defense though right okay so here here's the situation taran's at 159 and he's not maxed out and he doesn't really have much of a bank right he's gonna need most of that just to like max out again so yeah this is this is where the salt um gets part of the game and he needed to be doing it for the past four or five minutes like he can start doing this so i think i'm still okay here because i'm playing five like five base taran is what i'm going up against right now and i've been minding my side of the map right like if you draw a line through the mini map i've i've drawn literally all of it so our mind is stationary no good actually i think it might have killed you but it's okay we can we can let it slip by we give a a second major strike by the way for the for the fact that loko hadn't been using his vipers very well okay also now that the corrupters are gone you see all of a sudden this army looks a lot scarier and i said that uh hydra corrupter is in the composition hydra viper actually is kind of playable i guess i remember i remember like hydra viper used to be the main thing against battlemech back in the day um and like i said you know at the beginning of this thing as well i was struggling against taran for teramek for a little while right now i've not been playing the best games against it so that's why you know i'm trying out different things right but should probably not do that anyways i've got strike two guys one more strike and i'm not popular anymore it used to be a lot more popular back in the day nowadays it's all about these paintings blowing up bases but i mean this can really trade very well i don't understand why he uses these uh hydra so forward rather than using them in unison with these fibers though that makes very little sense to me that's actually a really good point this is something that he's been doing pretty poor i was gonna say but now he does well he spits off part of his army rather than his entire army that's good because then i was gonna say he can he can keep on trading but he doesn't keep trading he just loses units where your bumper escape we still have vipers available we need the second hotline man we need the second hotline now what loco needs to do once again is he just needs to get his crap together you know a thing he could also do his 8k minerals he could build some static defense over here so he doesn't need to think about any type of run by and then all he needs to do is just pull pull through we get a trade um on our viper's eye not too great but in the end there's one thing that loco is most likely gonna be writing and that is your fights most likely are not going to be efficient and that's completely fine because as i love how this is like so like loco believes darren mack is imbalanced in the uppercase i never said that dude oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i have so much more mobility that you should be capable of denying his bases at a way higher rate than he can deny yours you should be able to mine way more than him and you should be able to constantly be forcing fights because you have abduct yeah what's up yeah yeah if you want the big views you gotta trick the audience yep you gotta get that click baited you gotta get that clickbait in i wonder if i'm gonna be getting strike three when the terran gets ghost out two vipers become useless before actually like all things consider though right all kidding aside um this has actually been very useful like the actual advice here between the the jokes and like you know the memes and the misplays and stuff is actually very useful gonna be able to trade and you see every time i should be far more active with my army i have a tendency to sit back a lot and he has his entire army together he's getting good trades now because every every time i'm actually fighting i get good trades i should be doing that way more here we go still actually he's getting way closer in resources lost now let's analyze this situation for a second oh let's not a little bit let's not do that mid game review um this base completely open no transition zero tanks absolutely nothing he's not aware of it but i think you could guess that there might be a base here yeah this base one two three three tanks planetary basically done two battle cruisers four or five turrets now we can do two things here we can either attack into this base and probably kill it against some muscles or we can get it for free or what we can do is we can keep attacking this until we think that the fight might go kind of sour and then go over here to attack this i think that's what i'm talking about we could just send three hydras over here no that seems like this space force it to lift off here's the problem man if you send three hydras you can't use the oh army hotkey yeah hearthstone is currently watching loco watching hearthstone watching loco that is correct yes we must go deeper man i i'm currently watching hearthstone in the chat watching me watch his video of him watching me that's true yeah we should be like i'm recording this right now so it's okay if you record a you know if someone can clip this and then you can watch this during your live stream tomorrow we've got you know we got to go deeper we could keep this up for a he goes for this base instead of right clicking the base he move commands into tanks near a turret oh no strike three fudge loses about 15 hydras a couple of overseers that might leave this base alive as well and then moves back i hadn't even thought of that scenario yeah i had three scenarios a loco our green build hero once again figured out a scenario that i didn't know was there yes didn't know it was there very impressive big brand i've actually i actually do have 200 no usually when it companies imagine this you're in charge of the hiring process of a company and your manager tells you to hire someone that needs to be able to think out of the box and your guy comes back with loco your manager is gonna be fuming you know this is why you specify that when you think out of the box it still needs to be good thinking you know like thinking outside of the box isn't necessarily good it's like all right we have we have two scenarios here guys i'm making bailings guys cut the cost by uh you know sacking a couple of people or you know we need to we need to somehow get our products cheaper and a local comes with a suggestion like how about we bill down the warehouse of our supplier everyone the meeting is oh my god who hired this guy green pill logo for you my friend green pill loco for you the man the mid the legends two lurkers still holding their you know holding down the fourth at this point local about to get the realization that tanks actually have superior range to lurkers lurker then has done absolutely don't mind me dude i'm just chasing everything i'm chasing two better cruisers with my entire army once again entire army getting pulled out of position by two units loses the base loses a bunch of drones even though actually the trades haven't been going that far the last i mean the last few trades were kind of crap now once again though right i'm still sitting at a huge freaking bank still got a really good income the game hasn't been perfect i would say macro wise though it's been really good but yeah yeah yeah microwaves is the one where he walks before that every time he actually fights he kind of does well like he actually is doing a pretty decent job like this you know i like this you guys might look at his right just wait for so many very into a planetary yes but he's denying mining against a terran that's gonna be hello okay that's gonna be on lower base count now that's completely fine the thing is you need to use this momentum to keep going you break location you want to be breaking more locations you get a good trade yes this is what you need to do you have so much money in the bank this is absolutely so once again right i looked at this replay after the game we're sitting here at a terran who's basically broke i've got 16 000 resources in the bank that's a lot you need to keep your freaking vipers alive though you don't have your vipers alive this kind of stuff just isn't useful because you need to continuously be training now even at this point so we saw a fight which was probably slightly inefficient for loco but if we look loco i can't believe you lost this that's impressive right that's what i was thinking dude wait how many layers do i have did i just have five layers we saw a fight which was probably slightly inefficient for loco but if we look at everything that has just happened if we have already 8k bank here for loco we have a 700 bank for the taran loco has map control he has decent creep spread still out he should be taking this space everything i say so i actually i casted a game of zerk versus taran mech that cyril played not that long ago um i don't know exactly who the opponent was anymore i think it was cyril believe so i casted it actually i posted it on youtube as well one thing that cyril did oh my god i'm making five layers i am making five layers was it cerro versus marine lord i think it must have been yeah so one thing hold up can i find that real quick sorrow for marine lord so it's a similar scenario obviously sarah plays way better than me right i i did the same thing i don't know if hearthstone's still here by the way i did the same clickbait dude zerk lategame dot dot dot sucks question mark right okay anyways if we skip this one to like hold up the end of that game right so it's it's a mirrored small location so it's a little bit different um but if you look at the minimap in this particular game you'll notice that cerro is actually taking like look if you look at this this mini map right now it's a little hard to see because the play button is on top of it um but it's a similar scenario traits have been going pretty poorly right like you can see a gajillion units have died several's losing a ton of resources um but he's taking these two bases on ice and chrome so he's taking one of the bases of the terran i think even with all of the strategic mistakes i made if i would have taken this base which is supposed to be one of the terrans i'm pretty sure i would have won i think i would have been in a good spot despite all the strategic errors you know i should have taken one of the bases of terran because this one is basically free to mine for like the last 10 minutes split map scenarios would have been really good uh where you don't want to have them are untrue once zerk is up a base now yeah i'm not great at counting but most mineral patches have about 1500 minerals some of them have a little less what is it 800 900 so like my actually so my cost efficiency here has been pretty terrible but it's been about as terrible as playing brute lords or lingbane or roach ravage or you know lingbane or playing like ultra lisks right the cost efficiency is pretty much always trash so even though i'm playing hydra viper which is maybe not that great there's really not like something you can do that is really great you're gonna get about 5k minerals i don't care approximately 6k minerals 7k minerals 10k more like 10k minerals you're gonna get about 10k minerals okay all right per base the moment rookie mistake carson i know you've been only making videos for a couple months you never record a video and do math at the same time we all know this never math in a video never okay if you can't double check it right then and there like an extra base you're basically up two bases right so instead of it being seven seven uh all of seven you had eight and he only had six which means you have like 20k more minerals you're gonna get what like uh 10k more gas so all of a sudden you can be down 30k in units lost if you get a proper split map scenario yeah where you mine one more base this makes some really good points it's gonna be impossible for the taran to keep yeah it's too far out of the way he can never defend this area he can never defend this area like he would need to put three tanks over here but without any backup defense a couple of fighters and if terran were to do that right if he would try to take a location of right over here right his entire bottom section the other like side of the map could be destroyed very easily completely destroy that terran can only the only thing taran can do is push this base so loco logo it's easy to analyze a game in hindsight it would be great to work on how to make those decisions while in game no no it's all about knowledge right so i actually disagree with that um the only way you're going to get better in starcraft 2 is by analyzing games like i think my macro is good i think my micro can be quite good as well but it's not as good as my macro for sure um next time around i'm in a scenario like this i will actually be able to make that decision to take one of those bases of the terror and to play a different kind of strategy right so that's one of the big ways that you actually improve in starcraft 2 like you can't really learn when you're already you know spending like all your brain power on actually playing the game you got to be able to make these decisions after the fact so next time around that you actually see it you can respond to that point without having to like actively think so much about it then um it's one of the reasons why like grinding a ton of games and actually like analyzing the games is really really good if you want to improve in starcraft 2 because that way you've seen a lot of scenarios before you've actually thought about what you need to be doing in all those scenarios and then you can actually make a decision oh main priority should be mining out this base and mining out this base as fast as possible because then he can take the fights that he's been taking again and again and again without having to push his advantage so there's two major ways in which you can beat terran one is by getting more mining and do a split map scenario and two is by putting very high momentum very high pressure on the tariff yeah and winning purely through momentum now i suck at that i want the bailing stuff the thing is you need to keep going after it you can't just do one of these then wait for a minute until the terran establishes the position again and then go again the moment you put on pressure is the moment you need to keep going again and again now actually local was having good fights with the viper stuff i'm not quite sure why he stopped vipers in general even if you're going into a painting composition as long as you have some type of hydra why does he have 19 corruptors again there's four better cruisers there's not that many battle cruisers like ah like the 90 kilometers a complete death weight in this army obviously like honestly complete that way this could have been like 25 viper or 25 hydras and i don't know like four or five vipers extra and then you still have so much left over for bailings as well i should have definitely made more like outside bases um pushing into positions after you cleared up things like these are these are not good trades it's just he just doesn't have the ground army to deal with this he just sends in 20 bailings to her that that's seven more hydras then three more hydras just to clear five stacks but this is not how it is this trade should be going way better and really once you clear these tanks this base is defended so you always gotta think of how how karen splits their supply right i'm gonna get to better cruises right now or sorry uh brittlers right now that could be stopped probably with a couple more spores um i think that's why i ended up using a small hydra force to deal with that um maybe some spines deal with these aliens and then terran needs to defend this area or you can walk there they need to defend this area they need to defend this area and they need to defend this area so there's one two three four main areas one two three yeah four main areas that terra needs to defend they're gonna need more than two tanks per area there or they need to continuously be moving around organized attack on this position zerg should lose maybe three units here and should absolutely crush this and that's exactly what happens right now you're gonna need to temporarily give this up would you create like if he starts a base trade that's really good for zerk right you have a big bank you should have larva available you can just keep going you just keep pushing you go into their production you probably win the game like you're way faster at killing stuff unless i guess your army consists of 48 brutalize um i'm not a big fan of the root lord's huge uh look at the resource loss now ever since he started transitioning into danish we've known worse and worse which it makes sense because you're going to trade worse against army so i hope cyril joins the video and says just play like me whenever you're good advice you really need to bang bang bang bang bang and if you can't bang bang then don't get the bailing you know yeah i can't bang bang you're right stay on hydra viper in that case if they on road road fighter road ravager viper whatever you want to do brute lords are not made for playing catch you know this is just not worth like you're not going to be chasing hellions around with oh no because they're really freaking slow mac is slow like literally the only thing slower than mac in this world is uh is the brute lord perhaps local's decision making just kidding i love you buddy we have corrupters going in for a command center uh vipers are coming back in the game i kind of like that but his army is so i'm not even quite sure what it is dude i just made a little bit of everything ultra fiber look if uh if a brood lord counters a siege tank and uh the siege tank counters i don't know like for example the hydra and the hydra counters i don't know the battle cruiser right if i make one of each i counter everything how do you beat it when someone makes one of each unit well 50 drones he doesn't really have a i'm trying to recreate the heart of the swarm cinema what is the goal of this army you know the goal of this army is to have a good engagement but if you're going for engagement the thing you need like this is another way actually to win you can have good engagements against mega armies but in that case you need investors and you need neural so you can neural uh five six of the mech army oh that's still coming it kills itself though that's still kind of good this way i think that's still coming anyway i don't even mind some corrupters in that case moves in and and kills it but without investor it's absolutely impossible you can take a straight up engagement into a sieged up maxed out mech army with non-spell casters it's just not possible unless he doesn't have enough anti-air you have a lot of brood lords but i thought this fight would go really well pretty decent engagement yeah uh one blighting cloud would help a lot loco no no blinding cloud nah man that seems like a lot of aps this engagement obviously is very good it was a non-stitched army um you see a lot of the the tearing units are still kind of just set around the map as well i i feel like so i just you know it's pretty clear that i played like a donkey especially in the early game but like if i played like a donkey he played you know even dunkier that's not a that's not a verb but i mean this was a really good fight honestly i'm a verb that's not even the correct word anyway i'm proud of him for that i mean he does have a big army supply at this point his bank is growing lower and lower he's not even really maxed anymore ultra list does go down adjective there it is english is hard to play i was going to say by fukulik nombort but i don't think a lot of you are familiar with the dutch word by fook looking on board there you go many the many play styles he's trying to mix isn't really working it's like you know you ever have these guys that um no no that asks you for advice here's another analogy people that go to the gym they know what i'm talking about and you have like a friend who wants to start as well and he asks you for advice and you just tell him it doesn't really matter what you tell him right you tell them hey like you have ever heard of the the five five or whatever like the strong limbs it's like a decent program like people are going to make games with this kind of stuff you know and your friend does one workout of stronglifts and then he calls you like kevin this strongly stuff isn't working for me my bicep didn't go five centimeters you're like well maybe give it some times like no no i i'm trying something else i'm doing full body workouts eight times a week and it does two full body workouts it looks in the mirror it's like my chest isn't the size of arnold schwarzenegger yet that that's an issue here for me uh and i'm like okay well like just just try to stick with a plan arnold had the sickest chest in the camera i'm gonna be running three times a week and sickest chess genetics though man i don't think anyone can get there i'm just gonna be bullying a lot of people at home man i think this is the key i saw some videos of calisthenics guys and they look insanely bad like all right good luck like just stick to the progress like after two calisthenics run our workouts and half a run he decides to call it quits and he tells me he has bad genetics and can can never actually become big that right here is what loco is doing he switches composition into composition without actually sticking with it or following the game plan with it he started with hydra corrupt hydra corrupter which isn't a composition we're going to skip that part then he goes into hydra viper which actually was working reasonably well he just wasn't executing it very well he wasn't doing the exercises the correct way he wasn't having the proper nutrition but the plan was good he was he was trading he was doing a good job he was winning the game very hard i think at certain points then he goes into mess banging but once again he he he didn't he didn't start with that plan and hydra painting or well strike three boys with ravager pain is a composition where you play on high momentum so this is not the time to use that plan anymore the time for that plan is way past then that doesn't work he's like ah crap i'm losing all my workers let's just go a fighting army but he doesn't execute the fighting army correctly he doesn't have the investors and that's the issuer he just keeps switching plans and he never is growing his muscle and then he complains to me that he has crap genetics no you don't have crap genetics just stick with the plant man it's better to stick with a crap plan and keep switching between decent plants without actually completely executing it that's actually a really good analogy that we're waiting for when you have three zerglings and you see 12 views we're going to be in trouble in the next minute and a half thanks it's a good run by though there's one thing that can be said about loko is that he's quite patient with the way that he sets up uh i was going to say setup engagement as i say there's literally one half butting this mech army with ling corrupter to root lord look at these corrupt boys being pretty patient with setting up engagement he was very here come the bailings consistent with his run buys with his things i that's one of the things i i i do appreciate in this game he is playing pretty well but yeah it's it's just not going to be enough right like he honestly the game is way closer than i thought it would be with the mistakes that he's been making where i i stopped counting strikes but we would be at about five right now what no it's two strikes i had a fifth one it was two what do you mean he would be in jail twice already it's like life you're never coming out here it's over for you baseball he would be at the bench again if loco would be playing curling he would be in trouble as well scrolling is a very technical sport okay i was gonna say i don't know if i catch that one but that makes more sense corrupt is just flying around loco is busy admitting defeat this is where i'm salty dude this is where i'm so triggered i'm like bro i had like 20 000 resources in the bank this taran player was on five bases what taking a sweet time for it i actually like that he's staying in though i mean he still has pretty decent income right he has 67 workers he's doing good damage there's not that many planetaries anymore like this is this is just a regular base which means if he can somehow stop this space he could be in good shape i don't think he's going to be able to stop this base because he literally only has ling bane but you could see a world in which loco would have won this game i can see a world had he taken the rat or the blue pill sadly logo decided to take the green one uh lurker i think is the first time i see a look oh no please kill it please look there you go lurker gets a kill dies five seconds later freaking range of these tanks are broken yes there you go head butting into twelve doors i mean it's not gonna work now it would make my day complete if we can get a little a little bit of a flame here though no tell him how broken that is come on i actually think i gave him the gg well played that's the problem too nice lurkers get burrowed do absolutely nothing kill kill has a hell that the torch marching is literally a right click lurkers local local logo this is this is a man in disbelief tried everything that's the thing this is the same story jim you know he tried everything and it doesn't work my friend stick with the plan loco you sent me a twitter dm not not even an email a twitter idea complaining that taran is too strong vipers died brood lords die at the doors ultras die to everything and investors require your opponent to suck and not scam when they move out no i don't cry he asked if i could write him write him a right or a wine mill right so something that he could use at the beginning of the video i'm like okay i'll give him something spicy about your opponent but you definitely wait is that me or is that him no that is him okay i was gonna say too well this game you you you did not play too well your brute lords did die the taurus your vipers did die well actually i'm not quite i think your vibes might have died to turrets um your army composition was incorrect your idea your general concept of high workers and then taking semi-efficient trades denying bases on the outside um is a good plan but really try to stick with it a bit better your your viper control could use a little bit of work your uh consistency of trading you kind of want to when you play like this yeah if you would have drawn me it would have had a bigger forehead you want to really cut off a part of them well actually i've been roasted enough guys can't be doing counterattacks like i said with that static defense that you definitely have money for and then all of a sudden if you're only focusing on the the army you have at hand you can think about making rotations to to sites where his army isn't and that's that that that's really just it i mean you played a decent game but packing back is not mac is not in balance my friend you you just i thought i think i have some better guys to do this for me let's go boys am i about to be roasted by raynor hold up can we bump the volume up a little does that seem like a little bit on the lower end okay here we go voice hello loco i've come to conclusion that you suck loker you suck man what did it say local vintage mini golf amateur enjoy starcraft in his free time you suck yes yes you do suck mr logo alright that's gonna be it for me today before i go uh please thank local for his cooperation with this series don't go flaming him that he sucks that's not very nice finally we have someone else actually wants to do a video with me and then if you guys go flame him and make his life miserable that would have been nice so please uh follow him and do his stuff on youtube like he's actually great he's a great lad i absolutely love him i also have my stuff but thanks so much poco okay so you know despite all the roasting right that was actually very helpful that was actually like a very helpful you know video that was uh yeah that was great so there were a couple of things that i could do to win that game first off i could take another base like he pointed out if it goes split map try and steal one of the bases for taryn and despite me oh is he gonna wink yeah there it is no but all killing aside right all the memes all the analogies all the roasts um that was very helpful yeah so first off my unit compositions we knew about that right like it was uh yeah it wasn't that good um i could have won this in multiple ways for sure for sure i love the gym analogy the most yeah yeah the gym analogy the gym analogy was was stuffed here you get paid actors to tell me that i suck that was great guys in case you're unfamiliar definitely uh hit the thumbs up button here and click subscribe as well on hearthstone's channel he's been making videos for a couple months now and um i mean he's been getting like a million views a month already dude like he's actually absolutely killing it on the youtubes so i do recommend you go ahead and check out his channel um it's pretty uh yeah it's pretty awesome to see him uh you know joining the youtube the game as well it's a lot of fun there you go go ahead and check it out in case you're unfamiliar hey thanks for the help that was cool and i'll try and uh improve i'll try and improve on my macro game or actually i think my macro was pretty good i think i got to improve in my micro
Channel: LowkoTV
Views: 421,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lowko, LowkoTV, Simon Heijnen, Tutorial, Guide, Commentary, How-to, StarCraft 2, SC2, StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void, StarCraft 2 2020, StarCraft 2020, Tournament, Strategy, StarCraft 2 cast, StarCraft 2 live, gameplay, Roast, Roasted, Pro Gamers, Lowko Roast, Harstem, Serral, Reynor, Special, Miniraiser
Id: iudteGNnYpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 31sec (3391 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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