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what I got for you today is something that I have never uploaded to YouTube before this is not going to be a best-of-three series this is not going to be a best-of-five either but this is going to be a best-of-seven between two professional gamers in starcraft 2 now of course i do upload a near-daily starcraft 2 content as it is but i have no idea how many of you are interested in these are longer casts as well so if you got any feedback for me let me know down below to subscribe button in the comment section of the video because I would love to read your feedback regardless though today if you don't already have yourself a drink I would highly recommend you go ahead and get yourself one right now because we should be in for a treat this is going to be a best-of-seven between a professional zerkin a terran some of the very best players on the planet spawning here in game number one in the top right corner of the map playing with the blue drones we have none other than several and his opponents spawning in a cross position or actually no no in a horizontal position spawning in the top left corner of the map playing with the red terran suvs he goes by the nickname of gumiho now of course both gumiho and cero are absolutely incredible gumiho ended up winning a gsl code s essentially the highest level tournament on the planet just a couple of months ago and this guy is on one absolute tear in 2017 so far now Sara may be a little bit less you know well known as his opponent is in this particular series but the guy is an absolute monster right about a year or so ago is when Sarah first really became known at the very least to me he's been around for quite a bit longer than that but he hasn't really he hasn't really shown any insane results since dead but the thing is that cero is widely considered by a lot of the North Koreans and Korean programmers alike he is widely considered to be one of the top level zerks on the planet well of course he is indeed going to be from Finland and he doesn't really participate in a lot of the Korean tournaments it's always hard to judge exactly how he will go up against some of the best players on the planet like for example gumiho now both gumiho and cero are indeed qualified for the blissful and grand finals which will take place in Anaheim in just a couple of weeks from now which is essentially where you know the world championship series grand finals will take place so that doesn't we will finally know who is going to be the world champion of the year but both Sarah and gumiho are qualified so I'm really curious what the end result of this best-of-seven series will be as well because this should be a super-high level match now as you may have already noticed we're on a bit of a weird map this map is called neo Tropicana and it's entire series his entire best-of-seven series was indeed played as part of the team liquid map contest the tlmc as you can see right there right below the timer as well in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen the tlmc is essentially a map contest where the winners so that doesn't necessarily mean like the winners of the tournament itself but usually the winners of the maps as judged by a lot of the programmers as well as the viewers and whatnot the winners of the tlmc so the best maps of that tournament are usually gotta appear as well in the next ladder season of starcraft 2 which is a very big deal now here we go first a little bit of action in this game Sarah is gonna try and get a scout in there not quite gonna be able to do so Reaper however is hanging back for just a second and it does look like indeed one of the SUVs will end up dying and what a certain get them out of there it does look like that will be the case as well but we are gonna be watching this entire series on a bit of a funny Mapple a metal that I have personally not really seen myself yet either I have checked out most of the maps just to get a basic understanding of it I've played one game on neo Tropicana but there are indeed some cool aspects in a lot of these maps such as for example the fact that the rocks right here are covering a watchtower this is a concept that we haven't really seen before in Starcraft 2 but in order to take control of this area you need to look down the rocks first essentially opening up new attack pads as well it's a really fun little concept and a lot of these maps are indeed featuring some weird play styles that we haven't quite seen before in Starcraft 2 just yet so we should be in for a treat anyways let's jump into it of course both players here are indeed building up a pretty standard composition gumiho he's very well known for his mech style as of late but he's perfectly capable of playing bio as well so an army composition based around the marine and a matter of fact it does look like that is going to be the case beautiful timing they're actually knowing precisely when the Overlord would be moving in but at this point just by simply seeing the of Marines I think that Sara knows fully well what he's going up against and actually another overawed right there poking in and indeed confirming that it's gonna be the double medivac drop with 16 Marines that usually hits right around the 5 minute or so mark in Starcraft 2 so there we go he's gonna wait for these last three Marines to finish up as well and now the matter of X we'll be able to start traveling to the other side of the map but now we are spawning in horizontal positions the bells mean that these drop ships will arrive rather early on into this game but it does look like sara is already prepared you know for this push is actually already positioning the zerk links now inside of the main base so you should be able to pick this up rudder easily and there we go is immediately on top of it and gumiho is giving him the respect that he deserves and he immediately jumps on out of there as well early game zvt can be a little bit silly both players are essentially forcing each other to start making units and then you know since they're both of units they don't really want to fight so usually these kind of forces will mostly be meant as a way of cleaning up the creep spreads now Queens are now also ready to go ahead and shoo away these met effects here beautiful target firing so far forcing to pick up once again and well we will see a little bit of drop micro here back and forth I highly doubt that there's gonna really be any kind of crucial damage that will get dealt gumiho does have to be careful though he's not gonna be capable of keeping all of these units of life and indeed a slight little advantage there going to the blue zurk in game number one but really it's not gonna be all that important just yet this will all come down to the middle stages of the game because both players are just simply building up a very large force third command center just about to finish up here for a gumiho sarah already happily mining off of his third hatchery however so while he was forced to make a lot of circlings he's been capable of building up that unit composition as well and I wonder what unit he will be choosing all of Zerg players lately are indeed no longer opting for the mute Eliska style and well the middle list didn't necessarily get nerfed the Hydralisk styles or the hydraulic vein composition has become a lot more popular recently in particular now I'm assuming by the way that gumiho is gonna be taking this high ground here as his third base location let's have a quick look should be something that he can quite easily secure of course that does mean that he's expending towards the Zurek opponents so I really I really wonder how he's house you know continuing the macro here in this particular game Queens however already pushing a lot of creep out on this map fourth base already being taken here by several and while he doesn't quite like to you know play this this spawn location here it does look like he should simply gonna take the entire right hand side of the map to make sure that he knows exactly what's up now so far cero does not precisely know where these matte effects went but he indeed does have two-star sense to tell that they're gonna be located very nearby and once again it does look like you will be able to deal with these matter of facts just fine beautiful target firing though so far picking up a couple of these bailing kills and then lifting up all of the marines once again to get them out of there and you know heal them up very shortly here once these matter of facts do you know finish unloading there we go they're gonna be able to heal up these units once more heal up that stim pack in in the meantime the third base was indeed secured here by added Terran player once again trying to target fire here to the best of his abilities but so far really impressed here with Saros defense not really missing a beat just yet target firing down those met effects with the Queens and now that the banelings are coming in these marines have nowhere to go and it does indeed look like sarah will be able to slowly squeeze out more and more advantageous hydra listener also in production here in the main of the zerg player the liberator is coming in but it does not get any damage done whatsoever and i'll talk about that the creep spread has really not been halted whatsoever look at that the CRISPR is already super far out into this match just eight minutes into it sarah already showing what he is capable of and gumiho so far is definitely playing from behind now interestingly enough even though he's lost quite a couple of units look at that supply count right gumiho is definitely still very much so into it usually as a Terran player here you do want to be you know a little bit behind cuz that's sort of standard but he's almost even here with the cir player which you know it's very impressive here as far as the macro style goes in this series so far very passive play dough from cero at this point I mean he's just simply tacking up towards the hive getting himself those double evolution chamber upgrades as well and he's making sure that he's gonna be capable of defending anything and I think that it is very well be a game where does irk player is gonna try and build up you know to a maxed out my composition based around the ultralisk and maybe some corrupters and whatnot as well matter of fact once again moving across the map they're gonna try and see if they can potentially do some damage right now now that circling they're very important Scout that immediately certain hydras and banelings are making their way to watch the fourth base location whereas the other part of the army is just simply gonna hang out closer to watch the main base to pick up any kind of drop ships and look at this you know spread here between the armies right so once again there's gonna be a little bit of a skirmish over here but at the same time the hydras and the Bane's are trying to engage these double met effects and they are not achieving anything is the matter of fact that is right they're not doing any damage whatsoever and serous so far absolutely shutting down every bit of aggression and as you think about it right now what exactly is gumiho gonna assume at this point in the game indeed he is gonna start producing two liberators at once that's very important for him because if he does not go ahead and do so and he's ultralisk catch him off guard in the ultra cavern is currently on the production tab as well that does mean that cero is just simply gonna be able to overwhelm his opponents I wonder if that's still not just simply gonna be the case Sarah isn't he's getting a ton of upgrades here so he's gonna be a little bit behind here as far as the you know supply counts go but very shortly he's gonna be capable of producing a ton of Oh trust I really like this timing here though from a gumiho if he decides to push across the map right now and even though three three is not quite done just yet I think it's going to be a good moment cuz he doesn't want to quite wait until you're ultralisk are out also very offensive aggression here abided Tampa Larry's gonna try and expend very close to watch desert but here we go Cirque is gonna try and move forward picking up a couple of those units triggering a few of the widow mines as well but now in an investor in the middle of this composition I wonder exactly what he's got in store right now is he gonna hit that fungal growth not quite doing so just yet and it does look like for the moment at the very least desert will be forced back by here we go beautiful fungal growth halting a lot of those units from proceeding onwards but is there enough Zerg however left over to clean all of that up ultralisk are indeed coming out right now to at once as well adrenal glands is just about to finish up however the planetary fortress is now also done morphing meaning that gumiho is gonna be able to sit nice and pretty here at this fourth base location very close to the sir a main supply count and that is really where you want to be as a Terran player although once again though the investor is gonna try and set up this around here and this is gonna get awkward really fast because if this does not get scouted and the fungal growth gets hit there we go once again the zerk is gonna be able to advance onwards liberators are indeed being shot down now by all of these Hydra lists ultras are trying to do whatever damage they can but they are currently engaging a planetary fortress and I wonder if that is going to be something that you really want to do as a Terran player or Isis or player right now because that is going to be able to pick up a ton of kills these SUVs are gonna be able to keep that planetary fortress of life for an extended period of time but really still no detection available here just yet once again beautiful fungal growth moving forward right they're picking up a big amount of those Marines Queens are not also engaging in the scope position using their trans fuses to get as much damage done as they possibly can but so far the Terran player is holding on several isn't he trying his very best to produce as much as he can still forced to split up army because he doesn't know if there are any met effects traveling across the map and I think that here in game number one we're gonna have to wait a little bit longer to see exactly who's gonna end up obtaining that victory and finally gumiho isn't he gonna construct himself a missile turret but hope that thought though because now that Vipers are out there can indeed be both blinding clouds as well as a lot of damage output just by simply halting that liberator army composition from moving and actually I just mentioned that this game is probably gonna go on for a little while longer but with those Vipers out and a lot of these liberators picked off for free several obtains a victory here in game number one game number two is gonna be on a map called sky garden let's have a quick little look at what it's all about so this is the main base right here over gumiho and cerro is spawning on the other side as well and this is going to be a four player map so there's a small location right here I think that's another one right over here as well so the rush distance is between those two bases at the very least through air are not going to be very long however since there are rocks everywhere on the map getting to the other side is still gonna take quite a bit of time on top of that of course there's a similar spawn layout as well on the other side of the map there's gonna be a base right here on the top right corner of the map and another one as well ferry near by now in this particular instance we are dealing with close to ground spawn locations I suppose however close to ground being quite relative cos the rush distance between these bases are still going to be rather long and it doesn't look like Sarah will indeed be opening up with that hatchery first after going for the pool first in the previous match let's have a look now in these small locations where exactly what as Erick take their next base I'm assuming this would be the third base with this one just being a little bit more vulnerable as it is going to be on a on a low ground right there and on top of that it actually has this you know runaway path I suppose a leading towards the expansion of his opponent whereas this one when you indeed do take the third up here opens up the possibility to go for a gold base as a fourth which is gonna be quite accessible once these rocks indeed do get knocked down there are four watchtowers on this map it looks like pretty straight forward I think they're gonna be mostly meant for control but since I need we are on a four player map I'm assuming that in particular this one is gonna be quite important as well as the one here in the top left corner I always love checking out these new maps though there are some really creative cold steps going around and it takes quite a while right to determine whether or not and whether or not the map is actually good and whether or not they certain strategy is just simply gonna be overpowered I mean I sometimes received a question like hey loco what makes a map root or bad like whenever I talk about a map right I oftentimes mentioned whether or not I like it or whether or not I don't usually it's it's it's balanced at the professional level of play in all matchups so for example some maps to simply favor Protoss players more than others it's just simply a truth right whereas some of them will favor azarkh player if a map has a lot of wide open areas and it's got a lot of easy expansions to take it would is simply be favorable for Zurich as they prefer mass expanding whereas a map where you can easily secure three bases for example a map like a collide le which is currently on the ladder where you can take your main expansion quite easily which is built in and then also one very easy tucked-away third base that you can also take very early on that's a map that usually will favor Protoss players and I mean while it takes some time to determine whether or not the map is good just simply judging the layout over time you'll be able to figure out roughly whether or not a map is going to be decent regardless no of course all of the balance that we are seeing in these games right it's shortly gonna be changing with a massive balanced change coming to the game after the Blizzcon finals I wonder exactly what will happen to the terran vs zerg matchup in particular cuz work there are indeed a couple of changes as well the investor for example is receiving a massive overhaul at the same time now Terran mech in particular is getting a change too with the fact that the Raven is gonna be an entirely new unit I mean it's still cool to Raven but it's essentially a new unit you know after the changes do go life and I wonder what exactly you know the Terran first desert matchup or will look like after this all finishes up now gumiho doe opening up once again with that reactor and finishing up that star port here in just a second and he's gonna go for a Marine drop once more and I think that's arrow knows precisely what he is going up against I secretly hoped that gumiho is gonna show some mech play in this series as well of course several in game number one really not missing a beat when it came to countering the bio based style he just simply completely shut it up or he shut it down rudder and there really wasn't a whole lot that the Terran player could have done better I felt like either Serra was just simply not allowing any damage to his economy early on he scouted very actively knew exactly what he was in for and he's doing the exact same thing once again right now right he figured out what it is he's going up against he knows that right about the five-minute mark he can indeed expect about sixteen Marines on the other side of the map well let's have a look where exactly with the Terran player go ahead and drop on a map like this right sometimes there aren't he nice little nukes that he can you know scoot away in so he can hopefully try and do a little bit more damage for example but putting the Marines you know in between mineral patches and whatnot you can oftentimes do a lot more damage but I wonder exactly what zero is gonna be going for cuz already you can seal that production temp right he's mostly started unit production right now as well as additional Queens so he's building two more building that total up to seven right there in total very very interesting this is actually one of the things that I've been recommending to Zerg players for a long time actually one of the Marines look at that guy he was left behind that feels bad but one of the things that I've been trying to tell a lot of Zerg players for a while that I've been coaching is to build more and more queens in desert versus Terran matchup a lot of the pro gamers I mean you can see the defense so far by Sarah Wright a lot of the pro gamers are indeed opting for quite a couple of Queens so so far Sarah isn't the position I'm quite well spread out so he can engage them whether or not the drop is gonna be in the main base or not so this is what I mean beautiful pick up there by gumiho lowering a couple of those Marines down towards that little nuke there that's gonna allow him to do a little bit more damage with these marines and of course you guys to be careful one of the queens will end up dying right away in the marines will be forced to get picked up as well but that's a nice little nuke that's just something that's something that will take a while to get figured out right so this is more or less a platform that's meant for the Reaper to get jumped up on in the earlier part of the game but it's also gonna be abused here by these Marines for just a little while longer does look like no sterols so far doesn't really care all too much about it he's just simply spreading the creep in every direction that the terran marines are currently not in very cool move so far though by gumiho cuz instead of going for that super quick third base expansion he's going for a faster base here instead so or rather for a faster third medevac as well this is something that can easily catch his urk player off guard because while the Zerg player was fine at defending the first 16 Marines what about 24 and 3 matter of X instead and it may sound silly but Zerg players are currently trying to cut corners as much as they can in the turn forces direct matchup they really do not want to you know make any more units than they absolutely have to because that slows down their economy but banelings are indeed mate defensively right here for desert play a beautiful target firing however misses one there and once again several shuts it down initially a lot of those banelings did get picked up very rapidly there by the purple terran player but it does look like he's not quite gonna be capable of doing so and actually uncharacteristically right there as well I'm pretty sure that combat shield was not finished up by the time that that engagement hit and that's sort of a timing that you are trying to obtain just because the the comet shield is a massive upgrade that will make it much easier to fight all of these queens circlings and banelings as well and gumiho actually kind of drop in a ball they're not playing it as perfectly as I would have expected for him or from him so far once again cero I mean he's given a slightly that it looks like he's running away with it so far right I mean he's really not trying to take any more risks than he absolutely needs to he did by the way up to go for his base here which I assumed he would not be taking this early on but he's picking up so many little leads and he's just simply running away with the victory if this is gonna go you know unharmed so far once again switching to watch that hydrolyzed n upgrade here very early he's going for the double upgrades not going for the quicker you know +1 carapace this time around although actually it's it's sorted up slightly faster and I'm expecting here if you plan some playing a near mirrored build that he's gonna be starting up an infestation pit here very shortly to check up to watch that hive once again and potentially go up to a greater spire or of course that ultra risk cavern third base is now secured by the Terran player he's going for that switch to watch the 2-2 upgrades as well no changes right now as far as these new compositions go just yet though just simply focusing we don't mind medevacs and Marines as well but so many hydrogen's here actually on the production tab I wonder if Sarah was planning on maybe making an aggressive move here he's going for the run by right now trying to see if he can do a little bit of damage however a gumiho being on top of that he is microing both the Marine drop on this side of the map although apparently the Marine drop is nowhere to be seen anymore so I guess it wasn't a whole lot left over to micro but he was also dealing with this now I like this a lot look at this cute little move right this is something that the top-of-the-line Terran players will do knowing that there are indeed potentials for counter-attacks at this point banelings are being morphed in here but a single widow mind can kill all of those in just a matter of seconds I wonder though judging by the amount of units that are currently in production here I'll actually hold that thought because once again the Marines are going to have to defend against a whole lot of these banelings as TVs are pulled right away and a couple of them will end up dying but so far great defense there by the purple Terran player but I wondered oh is it true that the Zerg player wants to go for a move right here because so far there is no electrolytes covering just yet right that means that he's more than likely going to make up for a big push now to to is just about to finish up here for gumiho you will try and see if you can potentially do a little bit of damage here with double matter of fact drops as well but I wonder what angle the scissor player want to engage into right now he's making up for a push for sure making a lot more banelings a very Hydralisk heavy army as well but it's just simply so much zurich terran will need to be careful widow mines are getting burrowed right oh well try trying to micro back here to the best of his abilities triggering a couple of those widow mines as well is sarah but once more zurich is not done just yet the new banelings just finished in morphing as well and instead just simply not a little bit too much to deal with right now a couple of meta facts out on the map is won't to try and deal some more damage 26 circa means all the production temp as well to currently all spawning to try to make their way across SCV's are pulled off the line and hydras are just simply dealing so much damage reinforcing certain links have arrived they're trying to do as much damage to these marines as they possibly can as well and i think little of a sudden gumiho is gonna be caught with his pants down and several obtains the victory here as well in game number two here we are this is going to be the next game now i think that gumiho needs to tighten up his play solid just a little bit doukas so far several obtains a slight little lead in the earlier part of the game he just simply runs away with the mid game right I mean gumiho gave him a couple of Marines here and there a medevac or two here in there as well and Sarah barely lost anything sure he lost the queen and maybe a couple of zerk links but it's really not that much and in the grand scheme of things in the middle part of the game Sarah just simply had too much stuff and gumiho will need to step it up right here now the next match Neverland is gonna be on the map court and normally and as you may have already noticed better mini-map it's a bit of a weird map I mean look at these zigzags the main path on this map is indeed going to be moving around in a bit of a weird zigzag not allowing you to cross the distance very rapidly if it wasn't for these breeches that are indeed covering these individual gaps as well well it's actually nothing over here there's two breeches over here then a couple open this side as well and we assuming that it's just simply gonna be very similar here for the majority of this map pretty interesting because judging by the layout of this map right the natural is easy to take but under third base feels rather far away which is gonna be in particular important for Terran and Protoss players but on top of that there's also this island here hanging out in the corner so if you are a Terran player you could take this is your natural right pretty early on into this game but you can just simply build the third command center over there and build your third base at this island and I wonder if that's going to be something we will see in as much as well that may very well trigger you know several to go ahead and build something along the lines of for example muta Liske rather than hydras as far as creep spread goes no for a Zerg player this is gonna be rather interesting too because not only will you have to like spread creep towards the northern end of this map to secure the third base location it will then have to go around the corner which you can already do by going past these bridges so this is gonna get interesting very fast this is a map layout that we don't usually see in Starcraft 2 and I wonder how it will indeed play out now gumiho he's more likely gonna be stuck on a smaller amount of bases in this particular match right although if he takes this as his islands and he can take this is his fourth it shouldn't necessarily be very bad whatsoever but I wonder if he's gonna play bio once again this does look like a map and you can quite easily secure with mechanical base units instead he's very good at playing that mechanical style not really doing it so far though although this time around we do see that reactor go down once again I will see whether or not he's gonna do the big switch real in the factory and switch it off just a little bit meanwhile though on the other side of the map the first couple of circles are indeed out the Reaper is gonna be able to pick up a kill or two trying to see whatever he can do but as far as no drones died here in the earlier part of the game it's really not that big of a deal for desert player does fire this is mostly just to force the Zerg unit our desert rudder to produce some units as well to make sure that the zerk is not just gonna be building a heck of a lot of drones and here indeed we will see this switch into that star port and then also the switch in place now in the third game of this series so far gumiho has figured out that the bio style is not working out and while this definitely can still transition towards bio he's gonna open up with not only hylians here in the earlier part of the game but also a tech lab that will likely come on this star / here in just a little bit well keep an eye on whether or not it's gonna be Ravens or whether or not it's gonna be something along the lines of for example what are they call banshees not errors indeed a double gasps already so we do have the potential gas as well and therefore there is the option for him to go for a cloaking field too but here we go this is got to be a switch up in place now let's see how well Sarah will be able to deal with this weird you know switch in this series right in the middle of the series it seems like a what I thought that we have the over switch actually it's pretty common at this point in the game but it's more or less like a change of playstyle right now that will make it pretty important for the zerk to respond to this differently because hellions of course they are very good at roasting all of these workers if they are given the chance now the third base is now taken several desperately trying to spread some creep in that direction as well it's gonna be very important no switch ups just yet don't know Roche Warren's going down no you know additional units really being produced just a couple of Queens once again and indeed it is going to be a switch into dead Raven now the Overlord came back in and while I did get shut down there by the Viking eventually he saw that something was producing out of this star port and also that no upgrade was being researched there in the tech lab so it's a pretty big indication that this is going to be a raven based placed out and a raven like i mentioned it isn't even gonna be changed up in just a couple of weeks but for now it's still gonna be very powerful just in straight-up solid macro games to stay you know are both harassment based units that are also gonna be very powerful a little bit later on into this game third command center already going down for a gumiho does look like he made what I'm gonna just simply secure this one at is third and maybe he will go free Island at his fourth base if we get to that point in this series regardless though sterols so far really not taking any risks whatsoever right I mean look at this he's why I'm actually I'm actually quite surprised he knew that that was indeed going to be I was gonna say like he knew that it was gonna be a stopper with attack left he still did not make any sport crawlers he's got to add on a couple really trying to cut some corners here right only a single one so far Helene's however are now moving onwards and while Bane's are being more thin I wonder how good this is going to be double armory going down at this point in a game as well so gumiho isn't even gonna make that switch towards the mech based style he's very good at that but he's right now using that Raven to slow down the crew spread here zurk player which is extremely important slowing that down is very annoying for the zerk and he's got to be able to use these units a little bit later on into this game as well just fine for his army compositions right and that means that he can set up a powerful timing attack once these double armories finish up their upgrades because the crypts run is gonna be halted quite a bit also of course this allows him to switch these hellions into hell bets if he so decides to choose could go for the auto turret there indeed he's gonna try and do so eat up some of that energy off of these Queens creep however immediately replaced here and got to be careful desert things are going for the wraparound they do manage to get it quite nicely Daryl though a lot of them however we're apparently greased up in Vaseline and and I don't really know exactly what but they were indeed capable of getting around that circling embrace the aliens will be able to get him out of there but the creeps threat has been halted here for just a little while longer and there indeed we do see the one one coming in CC tanks now in production as well and gumiho is switching up his place now entirely here in game number three and I like it a lot so far he's gonna have to sell that is right Sarah was gonna have to switch into a different kind of setup I mean he's still going to go for the Hydra link Bane style which is gonna be good against both bio as well as mech base armies but usually you want your Vipers out quite a bit earlier to deal with any kind of potential liberators but also of course with the blinding clouds on the source the siege tanks and of course the Yanks on all of those units as well now honey ins are trying to poke in banelings were left behind here for a little bit of Defense a couple of these hell bats were also left behind to try and you know roast some of desert things but a lot of them do still end up a falling circlings died there for just a little bit but the Hellions now here to recuperate a little bit of damage and he's gonna be capable of just simply losing to suvs there in the grand scheme of things now banelings actually hiding off in the corner beautiful scout there by gumiho showing what he's capable of this could have easily gone on scouted checking around where these are in hiding but apparently they still do get two or so heylia's there for their troubles and in another command center will go down at this point in the game a lot of siege tanks out right now and of course gumiho was the one that really popularized that new-school mech army composition for Terran player we're essentially a Terran player is going for both force as well as meta facts and I'm saying it that he's immediately queuing up this is great I love display stuff so for the longest time meta facts were only used in bio-based compositions right however gumiho is showing what he's capable off and he's still gonna build them well I actually just cancelled them there because he must have been shortly supply block there interestingly enough he's he's actually hitting a slight supply block there but regardless gumiho is the player that is using a lot of these floors right now as drop ships as well very similar to for example Starcraft one right he's not using their healing capabilities but he's still allowing himself to get a lot more maneuverability on these Thor's out on the map just by simply microing them back and chasing it down a lot of desert units as well now we do see a couple of swarm outs on the production type I like this one a lot here from cero he will be able to kill the desert lane or rather the siege tanks and whatnot quite comfortably with that but already gumiho has finished up his 1/1 upgrades and he's setting up for a very powerful timing here circlings however as well as the hydras and the banelings are currently making a way across the map they're gonna try and see if they can deal some damage here nice wall by gumiho trying to prevent desert from all that maneuverability that they are so very well known for forcing him to go through this funnel here in the center of the map and the real question is is there going to be enough available here for gumiho will gumiho be able to defend against this massive amount of Zurich that is currently making its way across the map creep is already everywhere though this creep is not gonna be halted I feel like several absolutely plans on dealing a heck of a lot of damage here but the question is will you be able to do so gold base is not actually or rather the island base is not also being taken but hope that Falls because it does look like we are in for a massive push here in just a little bit siege tanks will indeed end up taking a little bit of damage banelings are trying to control right now as well win a lot of those units but so far the defense has been pretty decent here by gumiho picking a lot of these units up as well of course while losing a few of your a few of your suvs is annoying he's gonna be able to land the mules just fine and catch up in economy very easily this is an important part here for the terran player he needs to try and see if he can defend against the zerk onslaught cuz shortly he will be maxing out in just a couple of minutes will desert be able to stop this from happening right now that is the real questions Earthlings and hydras and banelings are trying to roll forward once again siege tanks are in the back they're dealing a lot of damage here Thorson are also trying to see if they can do some additional work the command center has a landed at that fourth base location but it does look like Sarila just simply has too much stuff and he may very well just simply be too good at taking oh my god man Sarah was playing like a monster here really not missing a beat in gumiho going for a completely different place now being quite successful in the earlier part of the game with it but Sarah analyzed what's up and he's just absolutely shutting it down and GG once again gets cold and gumiho ends up losing game number three as well not gonna lie Sarah is sort of making his opponent look like a fool right now I mean gumiho he's one of the very best Terran players on the planet but I mean Sarah is really not missing a beat I'm really impressed with the way that he's defending I mean gumiho is trying a lot of different ways to deal some economic damage here in the earlier part of the games but nine of the marines already heylia's are really achieving a whole lot when it comes to killing the work account and it's a very important thing for a Terran player to you know try and see if we can potentially slow down that Zurich's economy either by doing a big push to just simply forces or unit or about a desert units to be producing additional army units themselves as well or just by simply killing a lot of the workers which of course is also going to be a legitimate option but gumiho I mean he is definitely one of the very best Terran players on the planet and Sarah is making short work of him so far not every girl let me fill in that scoreboard real quick actually no that's a mistake right there loco gumiho is going to currently be three to zero behind that means that since this is going to be a best-of-seven Sarah will need to win this game and he will be able to be declared to the victor in his entire series which would be insane if Sarah could take a 4-0 victory against someone along the likes of a gumiho I think that he is gonna have a grand old time at the Bliss con grand finals in just a couple of weeks and of course both of these players are practicing their butts off I think that gumiho is is it showing in quite a couple of tournaments lately though I've seen him participating in quite a few of them whereas arrow I think that Sarah was just mostly practicing by himself haven't really seen him outside of a couple of these online cups like for example the tlmc he's not really he's not really showing nearly as many games as as gumiho is and that's a very common thing for pro gamers to do essentially since they are practicing so very hard in there often times also trying to figure out new play styles they want to sort of show their opponent games from a couple of months ago right because if you can show up with a new strategy ready your opponents don't quite know exactly how to counter it and they're assuming you're still gonna play if you did a couple of months ago oftentimes you're gonna be capable of absolutely crushing them so usually at this point in time a couple of weeks leading up to tournaments at the very least players stop showing any games and this is kind of the exciting downtime in soccer - if you have already noticed I'm really excited for Blizzcon I've been mentioning it in a couple of videos I will be daring myself as well so if you do notice me walking around definitely come and say hi but regardless I'm really looking forward to it because we we should be in for such the sick finals I mean I've been watching a lot of starcraft 2 lately GSL super tournament had just concluded a couple of days ago and I mean the level of play in Starcraft 2 it's just insane it's just insane there are some moments where players are just so evenly matched that it's just not really fair and and and the level of play is just insane as far as just skill level goes and tech switches and mind games and everything along those lines we're gonna see some of that at Blizzcon for sure now Cyril so far is making short work of his opponent he's definitely looking to do something similar in this game once again right because programmers don't want to play epic games they want to play clean cut out victories where they really don't drop the ball at all and it is simply obtained a victory with relative ease right that's what pro gamers what I do we would like to see something a little bit closer and something a little bit more exciting there we go nice denied air by gumiho preventing his opponent here from taking that third base as he has been doing in the entirety of this series so far another map that we're currently on by the way is gonna be catalyst very similar set up and so far actually gumiho is opening up once again with these aliens and that's why getting to bass up at the correct timing for Zurich is very important because right now he's not only gonna be you know delayed here with the third vase but he's also giving the fool map control here to the Terran player and this is gonna be annoying because Saral he's not been messed with so far and in this game he will get messed with he's trying his very best to get this third base up and running looks like he will once again get the knight here as well that drone gets roasted too and slowly but surely a slight little advantage will appear here for the red Terran player now once again this did all get scouted we see the cloaking upgrades start here anyway even though gumiho is opening up with a raven first very interesting move there by the red terran player this is something that we haven't really seen a whole lot of of just yet I think that it once again we'll be using this raven primarily as a detector but of course the auto tourists are still gonna be very helpful here too although apparently once more gumiho is gonna switch into a mech based army composition here at the very least for the time being it doesn't look like he's gonna make the switch to what bio anytime soon aliens trying to see if they can get an angle there however by judging your positioning there unless Queen's as well as the circlings he knows that he will need to get him out of there once more green in the main base already prepared for this too but the third base is still not up and you know we're almost 5 minutes into this game third Command Center has already started here for the Terran player himself so that means that so far gumiho must feel just a little bit more comfortable he's trying to throw his opponent off and I like this a lot right going for an upgrade there but then also following it up with a raven and a Viking and whatnot it's kind of odd so right now we see that single Banshee moving across the map the cloaking field will finish up in just a couple of seconds the Raven was already out and trying to do a little bit of damage but now we also have this potential for a Hellion run by this is gonna get crazy very very fast because there's like several unit compositions and several units trying to make their move across the map and this is something we haven't really seen a whole lot off another ace a beat a spore crawler out all of turrets will go down almost immediately and that means that the bench you will be able to continue fighting here for just a little while longer at the same time no the Hellions are moving onwards here at the third base locations earnings are gonna try and go for the rep around not quite managing to do so just yet couple of worker kills here and arrow at the friendlies some of these units will get some damage in beauty splits they're actually as well owned as hell but it's trying to see if they can get some additional damage done bleh or like blowing up all of those banelings as well and even though the bench he was dealt with very nicely and so was their raven at this point the Hellions and the hell bats are dealing an awful lot of damage so the question is is it going to be the smart decision though to go after the hatchery so far not entirely sure if I've agree with that decision making however seven workers do end up dying there and that's a very big deal Queens will be able to hit dress transfuser zone that main hatchery there so that's gonna add two valleys live for a little while longer but seven drones going down and with continued continued auto turret aggression there in the main base as well it looks like several will be able to deflect this but not without taking quite a significant amount of losses not only when it comes to the amount of units killed there you can be you can indeed see that there are 33 units killed here by gumiho so far in this series but also just by simply losing a couple of those workers and once again the reinforcing hylians have morphed into halibuts and they are ready to continue this aggression for a little while longer going after that mineral line once again and just simply roasting up that hatchery it takes a long time for these units to kill a hatchery at this point in the game but the banelings blitz are incredible and he's managing to deal with quite a bit of this black damage very very nicely hellions however once again going after that mineral line trying to see if they can view some damaged salt defense so far by cero trying to make the most of this scenario and once again the Banshee is back into the main base after a did indeed go back home I think it must have gotten repaired or maybe a second one was produced as well certains are desperately trying to go for a counter-attack picking up a couple of SUV kills up as well but so far this is a game that it's quite nicely in control here of the Terran player look at that once again dealing a little bit of damage here and they're mixing it up going for a different place though and I gotta say I really like this move here by the Terran player so far trying to go after the Banshee here inside of that main base does look like you will be able to get it but not without losing quite a couple of drones in the process Helene's however are currently setting up for not a nice little run by and this may very well be detrimental right here this is going to be a cruise Bay links are not in position and the drones are indeed ready for their barbecue eight oh my god 13 drones immediately going down building up to 60 in there and that is the damage that goomy Oh has been looking for this entire series so far just simply trying to spread his opponent thin right and while the initial defense of the Hellions was very solid the initial defense of the raven was good the initial defense of the bench he was spot-on as well after being pulled in all kinds of directions for about a good three to four minutes or so eventually seral just barely slipped up and he ended up losing a substantial amount of workers in this game so far thirty work kills that is what gumiho has been looking for this entire series now once again we do see that switch to the swarm as the very cost efficient or very cost-efficient unit here but gumiho is just simply building up more and more units right he's gonna be capable of continuing this banshee aggression as well something that I haven't really seen him do a whole lot of of just yet he's going for that fourth command center so trying to see if he can build up once again that mech base composition and securing that economy as well and while there are now swarm hosts moving across the map there's also a scan at the third base location here of the Zerg player and he's gonna try and see if you can keep these drones alive for a little while longer beautiful sensor tower placement as well by the way on that mini-map look at that really taking huge control of this area but so far more and more workers get picked off with some great micro here by the Terran player in red trying to see if he can do as much damage as he can I think that one of these one of these benches may very well end up dying so far not quite gonna be the case at the same time on the other side of the map couple of these siege tanks do take a significant amount of damage I guess that he was busy and preoccupied here microing on the other side of the map but I think that to siege tanks in exchange for a couple of couple of drunk kills is definitely not terrible here either couple of locusts now however also making a way to watch that fourth base location suvs desperately scrambling inside of the main base trying to see whatever they can do once again though the swarm arcs are getting a lot of value done and I wonder if Sarah will be able to crawl himself back into this match because so far there is definitely no denying in the fact that goo it's just barely ahead he's producing a lot more stuff than his opponent he's already ahead when it comes to the supply count as well as their work accounts and the question is will you able will you be able to close it out cuz there is now an army base around Queens as well as swarm hosts moving across the map and it's not really a counter to the swarm us just yet these locusts are ready to do some damage beautiful positioning right there no on that PDD shutting it down and allowing these hell bats to deal with those initial locusts they're very very nicely at the same time couple of hellions called out on the map trying to see if they can deal some damage here as well and it looks like the Queens will try and join this engagement here very shortly as well however at this point I think that gumiho is realized hey there's really not a whole lot of army supply for my opponent outside of all of these swarm hosts should I not just simply try and see if I can potentially do some damage and he is smelling blood he's gonna try and see if he can move across the map see if we can potentially obtain the victory right here right now gumiho is trying to get a position here swarm of soever are once again getting their locusts off of cooldown that means that they're once again gonna try and fly forward try to target fire down those siege tanks getting a couple of the hell bats here in the process and while the Queens are dealing with all of the air units as well the siege tanks are slowly trying to move forward reinforcing hellions now also getting in position once again however to swarm most half of the method rallies once again after locust available they're gonna try and move onwards locust are trying to connect with all of the siege tanks trying to use this Splash Damage right there of those teach thanks to his advantage as well but it's a little bit too much and cero is forced to tap out a game number four this is one of the maps that when I first had a look at it got me very excited I don't know if it's any good but the map layout and the ideas and the thought processes behind it are really very cool so first off it's called neon violet square I mean I don't think I really need to tell you exactly why it's called neon violet I think that part is pretty obvious but regardless all over the map there are these little cubes that are set up right and while initially I didn't really know exactly what their function was they're right here in the center as well they are essentially pathing blocking buildings now the cannot be attacked it cannot be targeted or whatever but essentially what that means is that while you can indeed maneuver across this map but for example Thor's and big units they're gonna not be capable of going through this field very easily so while a Ford will be able to go through this square quite easily it will not be able to go through these ones nearly as effectively whatsoever essentially meaning that if you want a maneuver around this map right you gotta have a big benefit if you're gonna do so with more mobile armies so this is this is definitely a map that favors link baneling kind of styles Marine medivac kind of form positions compositions based around the stalker as well as the zealot right whereas the higher tech units the bigger ones the big ground-based armies usually are gonna have a harder time trying to make their way across and this is something that is not very explored in Starcraft 2 just yet I think it would be really cool to have something maybe not necessarily this map but something along those lines out on the map who as well it just simply favors one play style other than you know it just simply of being a big map so it's focused around macro and being a small map it being focused around rushing whereas a map like this I mean its rudder big but it's still gonna be it's still gonna be capable of you know focusing the players on a very specific playstyle I think that's a really really cool concept something that has not quite been discovered just yet there's also these weird rock formations that essentially open up these like new pathways that make it easier for big units to make their way across the map but of course these don't really come into play until much later into the game so you know you really are you know forcing players to go for a certain play style which i think is a really really cool concept regardless though it's currently three to one so that means that gumiho will try to obtain the victory once again he needs to if he does not win this game and the next two after this one he will not be able to obtain a victory he needs to win every single last match in this series from here on out now cero opening up with a quick is circling speed right now actually leaving the drones into the gas geyser as well pulling them off right now now that he's got nearly the second 100 ready to go and that means that he can start up you know whatever upgrades that he chooses after these Queens finish up circling is whoever trying to make their way across he's gonna try and see if he can pick up that command center building SCV but I don't think it's gonna be quite in time he's just waiting for a certain speed to finish up at this point knowing that he's probably all going to be a little bit too late but he's gonna use these first two links to try and get some scouting information so that means then while still going for the nemetes carapace upgrade which is the Overlord speed you will be capable of knowing a little bit more about what his opponent is up to slightly earlier on into this game and speaking of which it once again does look like gumiho has figured out the place now that works very well against cero he is gonna go ahead and see if he can potentially deal some damage once again with hellions and then the switch to watch a star port with attack Leopard so well and so far it seems like that most definitely is going to be the more beneficial playstyle but the question is is he gonna try and go for Thor's is he gonna try and go for siege tanks I mean he certainly could if he wanted to now this time around is something a little bit different look at that gumiho may very well make the switch from mech towards bio in just a little bit and while he's once again going for that cloaking field upgrade he's also getting himself a matter-of-fact so I'm assuming he's planning on dropping these hylians inside of the main base of his opponent or of course the natural if he's so decides to choose now of course air units they don't really care about a whole lot of these you know path blockers either so right now Sarah is gonna be able to get it in there beautiful boost there actually by gumiho and while it may sound a little bit silly to say it does prevent it does prevent this from getting scouted so far and gumiho is gonna be able to lift up all of these hellions into that matter of fact and this is completely unscarred I mean of course Sarah does know that there wasn't a Viking this time around like in the previous game she also hasn't seen he also hasn't seen a bench he just yet plus he knows that at this point there is a potential for a raven out so far it really hasn't been the case also dis this Reaper actually scouted ahead to see where he overrode to a position but this is completely unscarred so far cero is gonna have to respond to this perfectly so far not really losing anything just yet not really losing anything just yet great defense there great reaction time there by cero if those drones remaining for just a split second longer this could have gone disastrously wrong here in just a matter of seconds but I think the certain teams will be forced to the next row here very shortly though because so far there is really no defense here just yet question is where do you want to engage at this point right I mean the scouting Reaper has gone down at this point if you are Terran player or if you are to templayer how are you gonna do this how are you gonna decide where you want to move in and saral hey he's going in he's like yo dude I I'm just you know I'm assuming you still have that matte effect out here right what exactly is your plan with it and he's doing a good job not really losing anything to it just yet another clogged banshee has arrived Sarah apparently is however caught off guard for just a little bit of time because of course he he was dealing with that with a medivac drop here he was probably making the assumption that this Banshee would come in quite a bit later so interesting place that once again and still picking up quite a lot of worker kills doesn't want to lose that Banshee no and gumiho does end up losing it but at the same time the Hellions are once again unloading and they're gonna go for the drone barbecue I mean summertime is mostly over here in Europe but I mean the drone barbecue welcome to you for just a little while longer and 12 workers end up dying that is not an amount that is you know it's something you cannot come back from I mean it's still definitely something that's manageable but going out definitely got some damage done here in the earlier part of the game which is something that he did not quite manage to do in the first couple of matches in this series now we do see the switchover right here.double factory wants more going down and actually even though this is a map with a lot of these you know passing blockers which would definitely benefit biobased armies instead gumiho he's tried playing by oh it didn't really work so even though this is not the ideal map for it he's still gonna be playing mech here nonetheless he's also aware of the fact of course that there is a good chance that his opponent is gonna go from you know let's play on a map like this just because of course Muniz will be quite a bit more maneuverable so going for that ng bey opens up the possibility for him to go for some more damage now the Met effect does end up dying there at the same time new helmets are making their way across the map too at this point it does look like the Ben Chi will get picked off as well as every single loss of these helmets who banelings have trying to connect a great splitting once more here by the red Terran player I don't know if he wants to move out their ramp though I think it's gonna be a little bit risky although he doesn't really care I mean Kumi gumiho knows that it's gonna be a bit risky but these units were sacrificial anyway he's probably got to get value if he surrounds or if he gets too rounded by circlings anyway so he is feeling all right you know just simply slowing down that mining time for just a little bit sitting in those little nooks there any even gets two workers there for his troubles - and gumiho he's effectively reducing the amount of supply here available for the Zerg player meaning that if there's gonna be a big push it's gonna come in quite a bit later and here we see the classic gumiho playstyle something that he figured out earlier in 2017 is gonna go for the Thor drops in this match as well and that's a very menacing thing to do because of course Thor's right they have a hard time maneuvering past these these pathing blockers but they don't really care too much if they're inside of that met effect right and well of course it's pretty obvious what's loaded into that matter of fact he's still gonna be able to move them around the map quite easily now so far the creep spread is really not that far out eater compared to the first couple of games in this series seral seems to have a hard time in this one so far third base has been secured here by gumiho is going for that fourth command center right now - but here we go this is gonna be a little bit of drop arras here with two fours and this is something that was very unheard of right this was something that wasn't all in just a couple of years ago but right now it's more or less a nice little change of pace and it's gonna be rather annoying right of course the Thor is recently a couple of patches ago also got themselves just a slight little increase in armor making them far more mobile or far more powerful against against these Zork legs here in particular now currently there is a overlord moving across the map and this one is loaded up with banelings we'll have to keep an eye out on this one because it does look like so far the Terran player has got absolutely no idea about this drop Oh Lord then it's currently you know making its way to watch the main base here of the zerg player dudududu come on are you gonna drop him I guess that he's preoccupied here with these hellions that are moving across the map as well as the double sword ropes but here we go there's movement on the mini-map and uh still and that does mean that do me I wanted to respect oh my god that was insane but you see the response time right there it was absolutely ludicrous trying to deal with that so perfectly the only way that he was gonna be able to deal with that bailing drop was by responding to it in time and he'd barely had vision of it he must have been also scanning and microing here on the other side of that map but he just simply got all of his SUVs together and ran them away this is the gumiho we all know this is the goo and one GSL this is the highest level of starcraft 2 that you can really expect right now in StarCraft I mean that's insane right like the response time right there absolutely crazy I mean that that's just not like an easy thing to do it's a very very hard thing to do at this point though siege tanks are making a way across and while they will need to take turns in order to go pass this little wall it does look like he doesn't really care either of course this also makes it more difficult though for certains and whatnot to get the the wrap around these units look at this no this is so silly I don't know if he knows this is gonna be so silly yeah I gotta bake no what no I don't think you want to see chop right there oh man because dessert knees are currently moving onwards out these seats legs are trying to move back this is like Starcraft 1 all over again look at this these seems like a desperately trying to move past this little angle very annoying so forgive me I was trying to move forward but he doesn't realize just yet that the pathing in this match is a little bit different look at it that's so silly gumiho will be forced though to to pick up a couple of these locusts losing a siege tank during the process but if you see chop one tank during that little gap that's not gonna allow you to move onwards once again siege tanks however are going to be able to seat you up in a very strong position not only will the Hellions be forced forward right now but if desserts you know hydras and banelings or in certainties or whatnot are trying to connect there first off trying to do their will first stop be forced to take a couple of these shells here from these siege tanks which will essentially one shoot them and I think that this may very well be the beginning of a slow push now eight more of these units are indeed in production the thor will be able to get a couple of kills there inside of the main base but not without losing the medivac in the thor itself to banelings are trying to connect there but that is not quite what you're looking for if you are the zerg player that was a pretty big loss and gumiho is inching ahead right now when it comes to the supply counts here we go though locusts are moving onwards they're gotta be on cooldown for the next couple of seconds here is there going to be enough zurk to deal with all of these units here that are out on the map for the Terran player in red a force base has been secured as a planetary fortress on it a fifth command center is now also building here for gumiho and while it does look like eventually on this side of the map you will be cleared up he has got a very menacing economy and even an additional base that his opponent does not quite have at this point in the match look at those beautiful neon panels by the way I don't really know exactly what's going on there but it looks awesome the are I need more and more factories going down as well as that sensor tower so once again I mean even though I don't think the Zerg player really knows about this base just yet as soon as the sensor tower finishes that's gonna be a massive indication that that part of the map has been secured here by the Terran player Zorich trying to move onwards no I think that Zurich may very well just be trying to you know get that maxed out army going and you just make a big move across the map because while the two two upgrades are not started here for the Zerg player right three-three is already being produced here by gumiho and three three that's a menacing upgrade if you get to a maxed out Terran force right and they're gonna be fully maxed out as far as the ground upgrades go it's gonna be an extremely tough very tough army to stop I mean hydras are currently trying to make their way across there Col that is weird maneuverability you know issue that they that they already trying to get it but I wonder how this is gonna go I mean Terran is gonna maxed out here in just a minute or so I mean if he keeps on losing units of course is gonna be a tricky thing to do but at this point I mean he's just simply trying to contain the zerks creep spread right making sure he's gonna be capable of moving onwards here slowly but surely rallying the majority of his units across the map as well and that's gonna be very terrifying right he may even want to go for like a slight drop inside of that main base once again as well I mean there are plenty of Units here available these locusts will have to get dealt with perfectly so far doing so very nicely siege tanks however are seeps everywhere and they are dealing so much damage to each and every one of those units Vikings are also picking up all of the locust in the sky before they can even land but is there going to be enough zerk here to deal with that it does look like this just barely not enough reinforcing Helene's dealing so much damage as well just simply picking up so many of those units and I mean even though this map may not necessarily be built for a lot of these slow-moving unit compositions it does look like if you manage to get a position right and the crews threat has been halted for long enough it's very difficult for the Zerg player to get the wrap around as well to try and do the damage that he is looking to do at this point in the game and while the locusts are now also flying from the main base the Vikings are close the distance siege tanks are not dealing so much damages well to every single last of these units on the ground and with so many reinforcing army units moving across the map here for the Terran player I wonder if there's just not simply a little bit too much I mean siege tanks are being loaded up into the matter vac they are dropped on the other side of these you know panels I suppose I already know exactly what they call them but at this point I mean there are slow pushing forward trying to secure the position they're outside of the fifth base here of cero and once again cero is forced to GG out of this game so gumiho has to win four games in a row and so far he's got two down already very impressed with the way that he's approaching this so far I mean in game number one and two he tried praying by oh he figured out that that was not gonna be quite you know the the strategy that he should be going for but it turns out that if you mix it up a little right and you throw Serra off of his standard game you can actually take a game off of him I mean I gotta say right while the Hellion play is very standard we switch it to the star port and then going for the Viking the Raven and the cloak Banshee is very odd normally it's either like two o'clock benches or two Ravens or a Viking in two met effects or anything along those lines but the way that gumiho has been producing units out of his Factory and star ports so far are a little bit odd and I think that that is a conscious decision while he knows that they are not the optimal way of playing it he knows very well now that cero is gonna be capable of you know stopping a lot of the quote unquote standard play styles in the Terran forces Erick matchup you figured out that Sarah was very good against the you know very normal straightforward approach however in these games so far in the last couple that we've seen right Grumio is mixed it up he's played a little bit oddly and all of a sudden Cyril doesn't even he doesn't seem to know precisely what the correct response is really cool play there that's really like the sign of a champion right there right when you know that you're up against an opponent if you may not know as well you could have potentially if you were gumiho in this series right you could have potentially decided what kind of playstyle you want to go for before the series even began right you may have very well decided okay I'm gonna play standard Hellion into banshee into mech in game number three four and five and six if they you know are applicable and in the first couple I'm gonna be playing but no he's adjusting on the fly judging by what his opponent is capable of as well so I wonder exactly what GU mio is gonna in store for us in this match as well because it should be a lot of fun now we are on a map called God's garden their fruit okay look at this there's grapes there is a lemonade stand as well if you if you want lemonade I mean look at it it's fresh it's very nice there's some more grapes right here floating off in distance we got some bananas do we have any other snow it is more and more oh yeah we do have watermelon as well very good there's all kinds of different fruit here which I got to say I already do like now this map is called God God's gardens but apparently if you're trying to publish a map in Starcraft 2 you're not gonna be able to call it anything along the lines of God so if you're looking for this map in the arcade or in a custom map generator in Starcraft 2 you gotta look for the nap name a dog's a garden so not God's garden but dog's garden and this one will actually show up quite funny in that regard anyway if this map doesn't need make it to the final stages of the ladder I'm pretty sure that sadly Blizzard does not quite want the fruit on here I mean the fruits are fine but I don't think you gotta make it if this map gets to the letter version of the game right I don't think the fruit is gonna get that far and it's probably also not gonna be God's garden anymore but still this map does seem pretty similar and I are pretty pretty awesome and I I guess I actually really do like the way that this is being approached so far now here's a little bit of interesting shenanigans once again I sold it gumiho was producing that reactor on a production tab he went for the factory as well and while apparently he is gonna make this switch here there are a lot of Marines here in production this is cool right once again he's analyzed to wait at Cerro scouts he's figured out the wait at Cerro Scouts and he's making Marines while still wait no interesting I love this so he's making Marines he's making it look to his opponent like he's making Marines but any switching into factory units here instead now there's also indeed a star port now producing a medivac but there's also a tech lab going down so gumiho is once again switching it up now there is going to be this offroad here this slice straight into that widow mind actually a little bit sloppy there by cero he knew that that one was located at that point in the game gonna be able to pick up this at its overall Scout as well but this is gonna get very odd very quickly I mean right now there's gonna be a liberator on the production tip as well and once again we see gumiho mixing it up I think that he may be able to move across the map here with this we don't mine as well as then of course these Marines win it as well so does five Marines in total one apparently was left behind in that matter of fact there's gonna be five Marines here in total they're gonna be able to drop off in one pace that I think this liberator is gonna potentially be able to have wrasse another one as well and then the heli ants can potentially do some damage too so right now right he's making it look to his opponent like this is just going to be a very standard straightforward bio-based composition but it's really not there are going to all of a sudden be hailing it's out here on the map as well and there's also actually an armory in production so that means that Grumio is gonna be capable of morphing these units into into hell bets as well now this may very well get scouted although so far I think that desert player oh no this one actually just right on the creep never mind but I think that's so far the Zerg player doesn't really know exactly what to make of this this is kind of odd I love it very cool so indeed the medevac with the Marines as well as the widow mine is currently making a way to watch that third base location Liberator here is moving on the left-hand side of the map heli ins are right now waiting for that armory to finish up and I think they're gonna be morphing into hell beds very shortly and this is such an annoying little move here that Sara will have to deal with right and this is once again something on Orthodox I don't have Queen is not caught in a perfect angle there so these drones will be forced to run away at the same time Widow mine was dropped off here it did end up killing a couple of kills or a couple of units there as well and now the helmets are moving into that natural mineral line I love the way that gumiho is approaching this delaying the third base and he's also following it up even with a bench you with cloak now mixing it up in every single one of these games throwing is opponent off and trying to see if you can potentially deal some damage here as well now eventually the spork role are dealt with it apparently these helmets were dealt with as well and even though this is something very uncommon I gotta hand it to the Zerg player here as well only 5 workers ended up dying plus he still got a very slowly economy left over and a lot of queens too and he's gonna start to droning once again very nicely played here by cero but I love the way that gumiho is approaching is now once again he has he doesn't want to play bio anymore in a series he's got to switch into that mech base composition instead but I love this story right that he's trying to sell to his opponent although I think that that Sarah is gonna be able to push ahead here in just a second I mean already he's gonna sort amount of economy and he's gonna be capable of building up more and more of it I mean he will have to deal with these hellions once again he's got to try and not lose any additional workers here but so far very impressed with the way that Sarah is approaching this as well even though he knows that his opponent is trying to mess with his mind he's he's making the best of the scenario now Club Banshee is out there isn't he's gonna be a spore crawler available and I think that these baneling connections will be forced to be spot-on because a lot of these units are once again moving onwards heylia's are making a way to watch the mineral line marines are forced to split up as well Ben Sheets are trying to deal some damage here - no transfuse is going down just yet until the nick of time there and once again great defense there by the Zerg player although just here the nick of time he may end up losing a couple more workers there that he was not quite hoping to lose here earlier on into this match but still gumiho the latest third base for this for a little while and and and so far I mean he's capable of switching into this mech base composition but sarah has been able to hold on quite a bit nicer than he has in the previous games thus far ten workers killed in total that's manageable that's totally manageable good meal once again trying to move in now and he's still gonna continue this harassment right recognizing that harass is probably the way that he's gonna win and he's once again gonna move into the main as well right now with hell bets these however these Queens however are gonna be able to deal with that Banshee just fine they're gonna be able to deal with that one just fine on top of that the creep spread is really far out already right well Sarah was forced to deal with a lot these different kinds of units as well he is he's doing a great job at spreading all of the creepin right now that queen going after the medivac dealing a heck of a lot of damage to it already that means that this gets shut down perfectly as well and this drop will not do any damage very solid play here by Sarah but the supply counts aren't lying right this is something that he's focusing a lot of his efforts on it does mean that he's slipping up in macro here and they're gumiho he's not doing so gumiho is you know very very comfortable playing a style that is very irassman heavy while still being Mac rowing or a Mac rowing up like an absolute champ and gumiho also actually got up to 70 workers right now securing himself that fourth command center musky Rockman's has just finished up which is the Hydralisk upgrade hydras are now on production as well aren't there any upgrades out right now for the zerg player really not a whole lot just yet interestingly enough of course gumiho only go to one armory so he's not gonna be able to double double up those upgrades so that means that the longer this game goes you know it's not gonna be quite as powerful of an army as we saw in the previous games upgrades really do make a massive amount of difference now clock banshees trying to get rid of some of the creeps Red Queen's however immediately they're ready to replace some of those lost tumors as well zurk lynx setting up for a potential run by Aldo there's really no bases taken on this side of the map just yeah a look at that we got some blueberries as well that's awesome but once again while the siege tanks and the thor's and the heli ins and helmets are moving across the map desert things are gonna try and see if they can do some damage as well and currently the front door is wide open while zerk of course needs to deal with this the front door is wide open and a lot of units will end up falling here this is a great run by here by several essentially making this push from gumiho a lot more commitment right does he want to go back or does he want to try and see if he can potentially finish off the zurich at this point in the game reinforcing units however dealing with that run by a reasonably well 9 suvs going down there in total and gumiho is trying to see if he can potentially clean all of this up now he doesn't really have the money right now to scan either so these tumors here will be available for just a little bit a little while longer will indeed decide to clean it up there after just a couple of seconds but still this is gonna be a scary push though there are so many Terran units here available great cold cave however by several spreading out is hydras and queens brilliantly using trans fuses left and right to keep his units alive for a little while longer and several cleans it up what a beautiful hold there that could have gone either way that was a very tough thing to hold and he even gets the surround right there on that reinforcing Thor as well making sure that he's gonna be capable of cleaning this army up completely now I would actually love to see him knock down these rocks I think these rocks are gonna make it quite a bit easier to to open up quite a few new attack pads right if you once again have to fight on this angle in this choke I think that if you have these back rocks opened up that makes it significantly easier but once again this ban she's gonna try and see if it can potentially do more and more damage gumiho doe losing a huge chunk of his supplied air beautiful game here so far by the desert player in red even though he's forced to adjust here on the fly he's done so much more effectively than he had in the games previously now this is a little odd luckily however the bench is here to push these workers back to mining that almost was a moment where it wasn't even worth any more to to help this work out there cuz a whole lot of idle workers for the remainder of that base being up it's probably gonna be more beneficial than then actually tried to shoot them down some of these some of these drones as well but still certain things once again trying to see if they get an angle and I mean the circlings are indeed trying to see if they can do any damage whatsoever now so far gumiho knows that this is a potential thing that he needs to deal with and at the same time locust are moving onwards here as well they're trying to see if they can close up some of these siege tanks not quite gonna be able to do so effectively just yet once again only half of the locusts got activated so he's gonna be capable of sending several waves over the units forward at a time but gumiho once again has got a very menacing army another base is trying to get secured right now as well by goomy older this is one that's a little tricky here to defend the planetary fortress should hopefully make that just a little bit easier and once again he's gonna go through this choke now there are so many swarm us here and the slower disengagement is here for the Terran player the harder this is going to be to try and defend it as well I mean or about it the harder is going to be to push and do this as well I mean how are you gonna try and fight this right if all of your locusts end up dying here as desert that's gonna be game over for sure but he's sending them out in smaller waves instead I really like this move using that Splash Damage of the siege tanks to his advantage as well and once again the Zerg is trying to clean all of this up doing a magnificent job of that exact thing so far although there are still a lot of Units remaining the locusts are once again available and they're gonna be able to pick up every single lost of these units with a relative ease now great pick up their own that matter of fact keeping that one alive for just a little while longer planetary fortress has finished up however in the top right corner of the map and gumiho will be able to mine for a little while more Sarah actually tried to secure the same BAE's here this is kind of interesting I mean this is essentially on the same vertical axis on this map here as the the base of the Terran player now one of the Thor is actually running very low but picked up there in just the nick of time gotta be careful don't run really lose all of these hylians here for free eater while the Hellions aren't a gas unit and usually you don't quite want to max out on them they're gonna be very important at this point in the game just because they're soaking up a lot of these locust skills as well at this point though Sarah playing very swarm I was heavy I wonder how this is gonna turn out Helens are gonna actually try and move around here potentially see if they can do a little bit of damage here on the left-hand side of the map as well creep only just now moving off into that direction but finally we see the switch here from Sarah and he's going up to watch the HiFi think that he's looking to try and see if you can potentially go for some fibers as well maybe a switch to what brute lords and ultras will be on the production tab here in just a couple of minutes Hellion so ever get picked up with relative ease and they are not quite gonna be capable of dealing the damage that they were looking for medivac now also once again trying to move in and so far actually really impressive defense here though by the Zerg player I mean how many work is a follower here in total its 16 killed here by gumiho whereas arrow killed 10 in total so really the difference is a very very minor double spine crawlers at each and every one of these bases will be able to just simply shut down his Hellion drops just fine I mean sure a couple of drones may end up dying once again but at this point both players have got the economy to replace workers with relative ease at the same time locusts are trying to move forward right now as well to that base in the top right hand corner of course committing to this path here is kind of a risky thing for the Zerg player because if you lose all of your swarm modes that is gonna be game over as well so he probably had to fly them in from quite a long angle but Sara I mean he's trying to maneuver around the map trying to see if we can find that angle but he's not quite catching it just yet and I think that in late-game scenarios in particular with + 3 weapons finishing up that's gonna be very tough here for the Zerg player to hold I mean look at this composition right terran has got a lot of terrifying units well here we go siege tanks are siege top aliens are trying to connect with as many of these locusts as they possibly can hydras dealing damage from a bit of a distance as well but is there going to be enough zerk here to clean the remainder of these units up once again those siege tanks taking down a lot of these locusts but not without losing a few of their brothers as well desert things apparently did go for a run by here into that third base location here off of the Terran player and a couple of SUVs once more ended up dying but more importantly I think that cero just bought himself a lot of time he's bought himself a lot of time potentially go up to some hive to your units as well maybe get some plus three plus three upgrades here very shortly too I mean he's already a plus two plus two plus one here for melee units so I think that going up to three three is gonna be a great move but this high ground is definitely currently occupied here by the Terran player in blue look at that that's not gonna be an angle you can easily fight into if you are desert player and it looks like he's gonna be forced to run at least a couple of circles across the map to see if we can close out this fight here in a bit of a different way I mean this base is gonna be a tough one to fight into very very tough one the Vikings you're actually dealing a lot of damage to to these locust siege tanks are gonna be capable once again dealing a whole lot of friendly fire however desert ins are currently make their way into the natural but they are greeted with hellions beautifully positioned right there by gumiho showing what he's made often at the exact same time he's moving once again just that you know just at it just a tiny little bit further just a little bit further into this map once again dose each tanks in the back are indeed gonna be dealing a lot of damage we can see tanks are not picked up in those drop ships right trying to see if they can deal the damage here as well that they were made for now while stitched up they can no longer be dropped down and it does look that miss each tanks will end up falling there too a lot of desert things hydras and banelings and locust as well one of these swarms apparently does have a bit of a death wish once again the great pick up micro but I think that cero has managed to you know at least has Ito I wonder I was gonna say like I think he has been able to secure this position reasonably well once again but this is a tricky one terran wants to take control of this area because with the creep going down once again a couple of minutes from now it will be very difficult to make a move similar to the one that he's going for right now he's actually trying to secure this position very very nicely and I think that with enough vikings in the air right he's producing a lot of them he may vary be able to take this map very easily if he manages to take control of this once again but once more the locusts are flying through the sky providing so much value here for desert Blair and indeed matte effects are gonna pick up every single last of these units in Zurich we'll be able to live for just a little while longer now interestingly enough I think what a time that the Terran will actually be able to secure this area the bases here will already be mined out so ready Teheran doesn't you know he knows that the value of getting this position is running out shortly as well at the same time no hylians are trying to make their way into this base here on the left-hand side of the map although there's a lot of Hydralisk here ready to take this one out as well Frank close game here so far although judging by that supply count right I gotta say Sarah seems like he is in a firm dominant position here really not missing a beat I really do like this move though gotta be capable of eating quite a bit of damage here with these siege tanks look at the amount of damage that they view in a short amount of time at the same time they'll locus once again flying forward no planetary fortress here on this part of the map eater hydras are not trying to move across the map here at the exact same time as everything else don't know if that is going to be the smart move siege tanks however dropped off inside of this base once again and it does look like gumiho managed to deflect this aggression for a little while longer but this base did indeed go down all the way to red amounts of HP so it will go down with just a little bit more aggression here probably in a minute or two once the Terran please once the Terran player feels comfortable to make a move towards that base once again now these players are really very closely matched I mean several is playing is hard out here really not missing a beat going to adrenal glands upgrade right now as well as +3 attacks that's a very important one +3 missile is already done +2 melee weapons as well here for desert player and here we go massive push coming in try to push up to that high ground not usually something you want to do as a circle air but he's smelling blood he knows that he's ahead in these supply counts at this point in the game using a lot of these locusts once again to soak up some of that friendly Splash Damage making sure that the siege tanks kill each other Thor just does barely in the nick of time it gets picked up there what once more gumiho manages to hold on to this base for just a little while longer and I think the Terran player may very well all right a desert player may very well to simply try and bring all of these reinforcing units back into this engagement as well and do another push I would love to see another push up this ramp after bringing these hydrolyzing back home as well and that's exactly what he's gonna do trying to move forward here as well with a couple of these hydras though making sure that he takes control of whatever is going on here on the top left-hand side of the map Helene's now also trying to see if they can potentially get an angle to watch the base here in the bottom left-hand corner of the map a Thor drop going down at this exact same moment while the hydras are trying to pick this up hydras do get shot down but Authority a magnificent amount of damage I mean that is a fully upgraded Thor at this point in the game are actually it's a +3 attack but at the same time certain inks in the locus and I love the banelings and hydras are once again making a move for it and Terra knows that he needs to evacuate that the thorw ever killed a base all by itself as well and while the zurich was putting all so much effort here on trying to kill a single base a Thor did the exact same thing on the opposite side of the map in just a matter of seconds siege tanks now also in production or rather in position here forcing the cancel on that hat tree once more and now that there are aliens and helmets here at a bottom left-hand corner of the map I wonder whether or not Sarah is gonna be able to start mining from that base anytime soon I mean so far gumiho is really abusing the terrain layout on his map absolutely gorgeously securing himself bases left and right and while Zurich is trying to go for these run demise every single time he tries to do so other than the initial run by into the natural expansion there really hasn't been a whole lot of value in this whatsoever sarah has been trying to do the run buys he's been trying to do the damage but gumiho while he was significantly behind earlier he's getting into a position where he's once again crawling himself back into this match now this is an opportunity right here Sarah does have the opportunity to do a lot of damage as there are currently no defenses nor is there a planetary fortress here on this base secure right next to the one that was previously into the natural now Zurich is currently posturing here on the right hand side of the map and as Earthlings are indeed making a move this is the move that Dirk was looking here for for a little while these are very well upgraded circlings that got adrenal glands they're going to be able to eat through all of these SUVs in just a matter of seconds couple of them do end up dying there but not without also taking 14 suvs the man actually the command center is running awfully low it's currently burning what azarkh wasn't need to force wasn't he'd forced to do with a siege tank drop here as well at this point siege tanks are just gotta be absolutely shredded by these fully upgraded circlings now that they've got +3 attack as well as +3 armor Vipers not also on the production tip I don't think there are any ultralisk out just yet but the chitin is plating research has finished up so as soon as the force and the siege tanks die I think that Sara was planning to make a switch into these into these ultra liscus of course ultras are very great at essentially dealing with everything on the ground that is not called a siege tank or a soar interestingly enough the bases are actually starting to run very very low this is really one of the last mining bases here for gumiho and they based in the bottom left-hand side of the map right now for dessert is gonna be crucial to I mean this one is not gonna have a whole lot of mining left over at it anymore great move here by gumiho going after this base right from the get-go just simply target firing it down not teaching up these things whatsoever because that means that he can pick them up too to start fighting once again a little while later trying to abuse the low ground right there as well is gumiho trying to see if we can potentially kill that base from the zurich once again now this is really gonna be the last mining base here for the zurich in just a second and goomy how only really has one mining base himself here as well thanks quite heavily in favor though of 0's is the supply count so if you can manage to coast efficiently deal with the rest of the terran army here i think that saral still has a very good chance at dealing the damage and of course he still has got all of these swarms to life as well thus for most are very important a lot of them have indeed fallen look at that 401 circlings died in this game so far pretty insane when you think about it but really look at the total supply or the total cost of all of these units pretty back and forth between both of these players and the efficiency here is definitely not in either player's favor a lot of hylians committed right now this is a ballsy move from gumiho he knows that this base in the bottom left-hand corner of the map will be one of the last mining bases here but at the same time he may very well be sacrificing every single last of these aliens but 28 workers killed is definitely gonna be the value that he is looking for now the Hellions are not quite gonna be able to get him out of there that's gonna be a bit of a shame at the same time though several knows that this was a big commitment there by the Terran player only 39 workers remaining here therefore desert player is once again forced to produce some drones as well but really how do you want to fight this if you are the zerk at this point in the game do you really not what a knockdown these rocks and potentially go for some more run buys this is gonna get crazy pretty fast cuz all of these bases are indeed scouted by either of these players trying to keep track of exactly what is going on at drones will continue to start mining here in the bottom left-hand corner of the map and ready there's not a whole lot of mining going on here anymore for the Terran player at all trying to make the most of this scenario now one little cheeky circling is currently burrowed underneath that command center and gumiho has yet to notice at this point in the game trying to see once again if you can deal with all of these jerk units vipers however are yanking the siege tanks up towards that high ground picking up these units very effectively because really all desert lost there was a couple of hydras some bailing x' as well as a whole lot of locusts at the same time zerk knees are making a way or on the right hand side of the map picking up a lot of these suvs and I think that saral may have very well been able to do it although not to just yet there are still thorns out there are still seats tanks out they are extremely cost-efficient ultralisk now also on the production tab however the circlings are absolutely shredding through every single last of these buildings here in the bottom left-hand corner of the map and gumiho is forced to GT out in a very epic conclusion of this best-of-seven series where cero obtains the victory in a four to two fashion what an awesome set of games that was really really really cool I hope you enjoyed watching it if you did you know what to do make sure you hit that like button down below and if you want to see more make sure you hit that subscribe button so you get a notification as soon as I upload more I don't have that I want to thank you for watching have an amazing day do not forget to smile alright and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: LowkoTV
Views: 269,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lowko, lowkotv, tutorial, guide, commentary, how-to, sc2, starcraft 2, starcraft 2: legacy of the void, starcraft 2 2017, starcraft 2017, tournament, strategy, starcraft 2 cast, casting, zerg, zergling, zerg air, cheese, macro, micro, zerg vs terran, terran, bo7, best of 7
Id: 88Myy5JvgNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 22sec (5182 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2017
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