Star Wars: Shattered Empire (Audio Comic)

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[Music] you great thank you coming in three seven one and two you're clear Coakley first Green leader all green bring it in tight if we're buying time let's get our credit for great for what you tied up my wing green later I wouldn't want to be anywhere else [Music] four five six one seven to get ahead they really don't want to coming over to one 1x7 state I pick coming our way [Music] Sam is just hurry we're getting shredded up here [Music] all fighters follow me race 473 I've got the will of the work let that right so long where material locker combo deaf star watch for Ibaka where they may be trying to read the horrible I have a visual lock on lambda launch come on you're smug with my lucky flipping friendly green floor identify yourself [Music] I've got you covered commander you're all clear may the force be with you sir anyone here from gross water lieutenant Lulu Breen 4 knots playa Thank You Green - I heard they're shelling personnel down to the moon to celebrate that is correct I take you like to join them you're acting Group commander now so yes sir I know gentlemen Dean is worried about an imperial counter-attack I can remain on duty if stopped of course you can ja I'm sure he came through just fine [Music] Thank You lieutenant sure I'm gonna sleep so much anyone seen Cass no man sorry hey lieutenant BAE nice flying yeah thanks I'm gonna ask him to dance you did what to my ship what are you laughing at we're gonna have to find a replacement she's mostly in one piece mostly hmm don't talk with your mouth full Chewie general solo excuse me huh yes I'm looking for your strike team spec force pathfinders most of them are over there celebrating thank you sir Green 4 correct that was some fancy flying you all did out there today you're one to talk general you never quit do you I'm right okay see I still don't understand a word you're saying again I help you Pathfinder's that's us first in last out and broken furniture in between I'm I'm looking for Chuck I got you another med kit maybe there's something in there they'll stop you flirting with my wife yes sir such as Everett sir lieutenant a sergeant Dameron want to go for a walk desperately were you worried not even a little bit higher were you worried before and after everything's on my mind when we had bucketheads and Walker shooting house we've been fighting for so long I'm having a hard time believing me one there will be mop-up new government all that stuff I'm asking myself all those questions I never let myself ask before such as such as what do we do now man it's over I've got a couple ideas something up no idea love you Shara well I hope everyone got a good night's sleep if not I've got just the cure signal intelligence just finished decryption on a batch of Imperial transmissions broadcast before what was left of their fleet turned tail and ran the good news is that they're in total chaos the bad news is we've got an imperial holdout on the far side of the moon and they're dug in waiting for an opportunity to counter-attack seems no one told them they lost the Ewoks did us a good turn and Journal main team feels and I agree that it would be rude to leave a company of bucketheads in their backyard so we're going to finish this once and for all we're going to hit the base hard and fast limited air cover just the combat transport so once we get the pilots allocated sir consider this pilot allocated general don't touch that no don't upset either of general a little help you volunteered lieutenant don't touch that coming up on the landing zone we're gonna need cover to deploy take us in hi [Music] now he's thinking we need to find a nice plan and build a house the time to tell me now all right everyone in worried why would I be worried mr. finds a nice planet build a house oh sorry gotta go get shot at some more love you babe if you guys were in there a while yeah there was a lot of data in their computers lots of comms traffic lots of plans it's not over yet captain do that litter net grooving The Messenger has arrived clear the bridge clear bridge you are do that captain led vote yes messenger you will verify with blood of course you are verified my message is for you from the Emperor himself I serve at the impressed pleasure he bought you and full of others are new to you have been selected for a particular honor resistance rebellion the faience these are concepts that cannot be allowed to persist captain you are but one of many tools but with these ideals shall be burned away operation same ties to begin at once my messenger he shall relay to your target uh-huh butternut gulen captain the message was from the Emperor himself lieutenant but but the Emperor is dead sir repeating rebel propaganda is an act of treason and let in it we have orders prepare to set a new course [Applause] come to 211 I'll pick you up green one [Music] [Music] Green leader I've got one on me [Music] [Music] nice flames you see that sent those buckets back in calling for support of grind operations for mop up football in Exeter groups Lieutenant Bay what did you do to my a wing it's not what I did to it Wiley it's what the Empire did to it I keep telling them they lost but they don't seem to be getting the message I'm gonna have to pull the whole port engine array for a pilot who just helped liberate our city that's a matter now face this coming from a DeRose I would have you know that my face is considered quite short for one of my people and Devesh Lee handsome too I'm surely though that is well I heard you flew assist for the rampant squadron yeah the belt higher liberation and three days flying part of the screen for the fleet commando we're all working hard but not everyone is working as hard as you when did you last hear from guess or your boy I talked to my father in Poe last week but kes has been on Pathfinder op so general solo no personal comms on the field you know the rules I'm sure your husband's fine it's you I'm getting worried about I'll see if I can't get you assigned to some light duty for the next few days give you a chance to get your breath you're the logical choice princess you've already visited once in recent memory that was hardly an official visit mom I'm not comfortable taking time away from my duties here there's still too much that means doing I can think of a dozen other diplomats you can send for this mission but none of them combine your skill and your reputation you represent the best of us Leia you know what bail would tell you where he here he would tell me duty to others before duty to oneself yes that is exactly what he would say yes I beg your pardon Princess Leia Lieutenant Shara Bey I've been assigned as your pilot your highness so you're the one that drew the lucky straw very well let's get this over with we're flying without escort that is correct lieutenant there's a concern that a larger group will attract attention isn't that unusual for a diplomatic mission not if you're trying to arrive unannounced the navicomputer is already sent you'll be able to jump to hyperspace once we're clear of the fleet pre-programmed another security measure it's almost as if nothing's changed isn't it we won ma'am so I've heard it so I've heard [Music] made you something to drink thank you who's that hmm this is private Abel Moreno he was a nurse aboard the medical frigate during the Battle of Endor was one of the oxygen converters exploded near his post his patient lived you're notifying his next of kin I've lost track of how many of these I've written over the years general Madine uses a protocol droid to help write his but my parents taught me that some things need a personal touch I was here a few years ago after Yavin visited Karen I'd have thought someone would have come to meet you no they don't know we're coming so I imagine that our arrival has put them in something of a frenzy security security yes it's beautiful yes it absolutely is Palpatine was from Naboo wasn't he I'm surprised everything still looks so intact don't be Palpatine's greatest weapon was terror he reveled in the knowledge of nabu's fear that he could and would destroy all of this beauty the moment it suited him just as he did Alderaan here they are Princess Leia Organa I am governor dontay Gazette on behalf of Queen Zerona it is our pleasure to welcome you to Naboo only sorry we were not prepared to greet you more formally no apologies necessary governor feeds hospitality is renowned allow me to introduce my pilot in companion Shara Bey you are both most welcome please if you'll accompany me to the palace for Royal Highness is eager to speak with you its assistance your assistance your highness would be invaluable in leading the way to a restoration of the Senate as we attempt to form a new government we hope we may rely on Naboo support Council and aid we have mourned what was lost for so long now it seemed to us they might never be recovered Palpatine stain is heavy on our people and we carry that shame still your visit your words oh honey not just to ourselves but to our people Prince Claire how could we do anything less than give our full support to your proposal how could we do less than to accept your invitation eagerly quit sir and my gracious and I'll behalf of the Alliance pardon the interruption but something's jamming all orbital sensors we're experiencing a planet-wide blackout no transmissions are getting jamming a full power captain climate disruption array now at 20% we count free classified hurricanes already and never doesn't forming I want 100% within eight hours lieutenant Gulen by order of the Emperor Naboo is to be scoured yes how's it look I don't know suckas it's a secret is be base where they do unspeakable things so signed an up a [Music] string for did it go that's a bonus strike later strike for general I think I may have just open the door for us southeast side kiss on your left thanks to you about that strike teams form on me alright thanks to sergeant damron we have a way inside resistance is going to be heavy they know we're here waita chewy worse goldenrod hmm no I didn't I told you to keep an eye on him go and get him I don't know what he's thinking sometimes how else are we going to break Imperial encryption we could ask them all nice like for a mine them that they lost maybe general solo may I remind you that I am NOT programmed for combat operations my primary function is obviously or else you know to keep up now shut up and stay close I doubt the IASB is going to be happy to see us what is happening these they're all getting stronger we've reports of fires flood destruction across all it's an imperial remnant it's got to be princess from beyond the grave if they're altering the weather around the planet they were talking about an orbital array of some kind satellites or perhaps multiple small vessels and at least one capital ship start destroy her that would explain the Jimmy we need ships we need pilots with Billy in combat trade policies days and no fighters Princess Leia the emperor demilitarized an who years it's not entirely true captain corral this wing was sealed after the Trade Federation invaded queenly on the move the fighter operations out of the palace no one has been down here in over 20 years I make no promises as to what will find Queen's Authority ever right so sure Serena 20 years hopefully some of you still have power do you feel it I feel cold the Swedish stores widget I just fell nevermind the tanks were still full these are all the equips for a strobing assist and I'm not seeing any droids here if they still fly you know I'll be manual control I think I can manage it but a plane fighter against whatever's up there - I know how to fly you - part of my assignment is to keep you out of harm's way that's a good thing I need a wing mate better than staying down here doing nothing and two of us time to initiate data push hands up this is the moment where you decide if you want to live or not buddy I I offer you my surrender let's get this sliced looking for anything on Imperial contingency plans fleet movement counterinsurgency operations Threepio let's get to it there is no need to shout general I'm right here yeah well go be right there and get the computer let's start talking I cannot help but feel my contributions are overlooked this would be so much easier if r2 was here oh that is interesting operation cinder is running it seems quite widespread oh oh dear general soldier I think you'd better take a look at this it's about an imperial operation currently in progress against multiple targets as specified by the Emperor one of those targets is Naboo your objection is noted but I would no sooner ask one of them to sacrifice what I am unwilling to sacrifice myself continue the evacuation of the city captain the fire combat teams are to remain only until the last of the civilians is seen to safety yes your highness are we ready my friends we are your highness I suggest lieutenant Bay have just flight leader she has the most experience of any of us I think that's a very wise suggestion Princess Leia lieutenant BAE we await your orders everything Winkies around the globe has increased GT kilometers in the land power among the fire engine has a difficulty safe air for more the bulk of black array 5:3 information we have an out the rest at home before these storms render nabu inhospitable whatever you're going to do [Music] run appalled through the pressure manifold its you clear pulsing that did it very clever lieutenant bay I've gone to video class star destroyer to to mark six your collective Highnesses locate and destroy the satellite that all cost I'll buy you as much time as I can seventy-two TIE fighters princess I'm just hoping they don't lunch all of them at once I don't know how long I can keep this up for satellites down going after the net no I just took a hit I don't I don't you to write that letter okay I don't want you to have to do that looking for the next mortised coming our way I may have spoken too soon huh maybe but may I say it's been a privilege all fathers begin your attack why show up early when you could arrive in the nick of time you said you didn't want me to write your letter lieutenant Bay I'm trying to figure out why I've always admired you princess I just didn't want to add to your burdens hmm is that your husband that is indeed my husband then I won't keep you from him any longer nor are doing imperial operations or getting another dozen worlds burnin Khan Kalavati Abedini no uncommon war amongst them civil is a perturbation holy pure ative on the part of the Empire though the purpose of many others are far less clear your efforts in combating operations cinder have been instrumental in saving countless innocent lives that said as much as Admiral Akbar and I wish we could tell you the end is at hand we see no respite from hostilities at this time not the news any one of us wanted to hear I think no it really wasn't Lulu you ever think that this is never going to end ah sure you can't think that way otherwise you're just fighting for the sake of the fight right I understand your husband put his paperwork in and it's been approved I took the liberty of submitting errors you students have done that captain Chara you and guests have done more than your fair share its muster now it's not desertion besides it's already done should be player within the week it's past time you and your family got to live the lies you've been fighting for time for you to pick out a world to settle on lieutenant yes sir you're talking to me what wait where I am keeping up if you just tell me who you thanks r2 so the problem with these lambda class shuttles they fly fine with one but it's much easier with a co-pilot especially through hyperspace this is just a quick trip out to the teen in the Merrick sector there's something I need to get I'm Luke Skywalker by the way I know who you are commander Skywalker there's not a pilot in the Alliance who doesn't you seem familiar have we met before I almost shot you down during the Battle of Endor Lieutenant Shara Bey you're the pilot who flew with Leia on Naboo I send our two to find me a pilot and here you are interesting so what do you say lieutenant BAE shall we take a flight I'd be honored commander how's it fit it's a little snug and wearing it gives me the creeps honestly are you going to tell me why I'm dressed up as nice be officer you're actually dressed as a specific Gaius B officer a woman named commander Alesia Beck you're going to get us into the base on Bateen an Imperial base that's correct and why exactly are we doing this because in the lab at the heart of that base is something the Emperor stole a long time ago we're taking it back we're just going to walk in and walk out again we obtained commander Beck's clearances during the raid at the Rech of Teheran that should get us through the door as for the rest I'm going to trust in the force venting flight control this is the shuttle antara is be commander Beck aboard you will stand down at once and grant clearance for landing should expect nothing less Beck out you've got a mastery of Imperial arrogance lieutenant very nice it's easy you just act like everyone else is a bug you're too busy to squish what do I tell the Kommandant that you're here to inspect the security on the lab and when he asks about you I'm your bodyguard commander Beck this is unexpected given the state of rebel activity I'd have thought you'd have sent some warning of your plan to visit if you had received word Kommandant this would hardly qualify as a surprise inspection I wish to see the security on the labs immediately want to introduce me to your entourage first it's a droid and my security officer command and their names are irrelevant if you'll follow me commander back I admit I'm surprised you're here I'd have thought the ISB would be more concerned with destroying the rebellion especially now rather than launching surprise inspections of Imperial research facilities I will attend to my concerns Kommandant as I see fit the same as I expect you to attend to yours of course commander we've increased our security measures since the events at Endor you can see commander that as we progress deeper access becomes more and more restrictive until we arrive at the inner lab here there are only two people in the galaxy who could freely access this room myself and the Emperor himself I am all that remains until now I never understood the need for such precautions to be perfectly honest all of this to study a couple of twigs clearly I was mistaken you had all the right clearances I'll give you that but you should have done your homework you see Amanda Beck is missing her left eye so now I must ask what are they clearly you know what makes these little trees so special that you to rebels would try to bluff your way in here to steal them these are all that remained of the tree that grew at the heart of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant the force is with them the force is meaningless and the Jedi are extinct you couldn't be any more wrong commandant now r2 sharra you and r2 get the trees I'll cover you keep them safe lockdown put the facility into lockdown come on little guy let's do this quick just down the falls don't let them drop they're very fragile [Music] got them good stay close that's great commander but we gotta do something about that cannon or else we're gonna get cut to pieces get to the shuttle detonators stop shooting at him you idiots blow him up [Music] we're done here overheard your conversation with Captain Sulu something about mustering out of the service I'm still trying to decide if that's what I want search your feelings I've got a son I've barely seen since he was born a husband I get to see for an hour at a time every couple of weeks if we're lucky I'm tired and I feel guilty for even saying so I feel like I'm abandoning the rebellion but if the cost of our struggle is the lives we fought to protect the future we hope to see then what is it we were fighting for I only bring it up because I didn't think there would be two trees one of them is spoken for obviously but I'd like it if the other one found it beautiful let's go home sure are they [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Adler aphasia operations in the East begin at once resistance rebellion defiance these are concepts that cannot be allowed to persist
Channel: Star Wars Audio Comics
Views: 33,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: darth vader, krayt dragon films, comic book dubs, star wars sith, darth vader fan film, star wars luke skywalker, star wars fan films, star wars comics, the comic experience, marvel comics, shattered empire, return of the jedi, shara bey, poe dameron mother, naboo princess leia, darth maul, darth sidious, star wars shattered empire
Id: f3VkG3vmSKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2019
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