Star Wars Mythology #1 - The Galaxy

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hello this is California die and I would like to welcome you to my youtube channel for what is my first video blog for the year 2015 and yes it's been a long wait over this month for my first video blog for this year but I think it will be worth the wait for today I'm going to begin a new series known as Star Wars mythology and Doctor Who mythology and what I'm going to be doing in this new series is I'm going to be taking particular topics from both Star Wars and Doctor Who and exploring the mythology behind those particular topics because behind the in the taking the various topics in particular topics from both Star Wars and Doctor Who and exploring in depth the details of the mythology of those particular topics from both those franchises that the lore studying the lore and studying the concepts and the mythology getting into more depth so I can get more into the creme de la creme of what I really love about these of these franchise easy science fiction franchises and what am i tentative plan to do is I'm going to alternate try at least try to alternate each time each month between a Star Wars mythology blog and a doctor who mythology blog so that will you know kind of even add out and you know give me time you know to have some equal blogs and on both Star Wars and Doctor Who but I'm getting a little ahead of myself and just rambling on about that but that's just tentatively doesn't mean that I'm gonna keep to that absolute you know I want to be flexible with my blogs but I'm gonna try to do alternate between it's Star Wars mythology vlog and I Doctor Who mythology blog to even it out kind of even it out so I'll you know cuz keep in mind my my youtube channel theme is four star primarily for Star Wars and Doctor Who so that's what I want to you know give equal enough time both those topic for both those franchises to talk about the mythology of boat owned of both those franchises but those science fiction stories but for today I want to start off with a topic on Star Wars mythology I want to do it on Star Wars mythology and well I just say I want to I think the the topic that would be most important or the the thing that I should start off with for Star Wars mythology that would you know the foundation of star of Star Wars lore of mythology of that universe would be the galaxy so today I'm going to my topic will be Star Wars mythology number one title the galaxy which we will study the galaxy and I'm going to go over and talk about what the Star Wars galaxy is and go into the details and also list various planets for each section of the Star Wars galaxy it's not going to be exhaustive but I'm gonna try to do as many as I can for this blog but essentially I just want to give you an overview what the Star Wars galaxy is all about and that will you know be a springboard that would be foundation for basically the rest of all other stories blogs that I will do one stores mythology so I'm trying to think of it if there's anything else important I should say but the foundation of what I'm planing to do with this blog but other than the fact of laying the foundation for what the Star Wars Galaxies is all about oh so let's see if I I think I think that's pretty much it so with with me st. with with me saying that let me let's get down to talking about this let's get down to talking about what the store was galaxy is all about now keep in mind like I said before that this is going to be a basic overview it's not gonna be exhaustive and I'm not gonna be going into every single detail about every single planet and sector of the Star Wars galaxy because there will there will be topics in this that you might want to learn more about which I will leave for later blogs to explore in depth various topics because this is gonna be a huge this is gonna be huge topics I'm gonna try to do it looks sort of like us like what you have with a survey course just go over some of the basics of everything but not extreme details with any one particular topic so hopefully that that's that will help with the concept of where I'm trying to go with this blog okay let's start off with the Star Wars mythology number one the galaxy I think the best place to start with studying Star Wars go galaxy is to study your own galaxy let me cover some basics about our own galaxy so you know what a galaxy is keep in mind a galaxies in the cluster of stars it's a sector where it's a cluster of stars where cluster restores are together so I think it's important that we study what galaxies are in and start off with our own galaxy to give you a little bit of foundation what the Star Wars galaxy is all about ok let's let's start off with this scientists have theorized that there are millions of galaxies within the known universe along with trillions of stars and habbit inhabiting them and potentially billions of planets circling those stars the earth ok let's start off with our galaxy the earth is the third planet in our star system of eight planets that circled the star of Seoul that is located within Milky Way galaxy the Milky Way galaxy is our home galaxy and you know it's gotten that name because of people in the past who have observed I've given that I'd you know given that term now if you weigh because it looks like sort of like a milky stream or a milky star system so they you know so we've through our observations we've we've refer to it as our own galaxy as the Milky Way galaxy now our planet or star system is within the our star system is proper is pork Mork so closer to the outer edge of that galaxy rather than inner galaxy so that kind of gives you an idea of where our homeworld was that but earth is the third planet within the star system of eight planets and I say eight instead of nine because most people know now in year 2015 that Pluto which was the ninth planet assumed the ninth planet has been debunked as a planet so early we have eight planets in our star system now keep in mind when I say star system what I mean is a star and it's as a star in a system of planets set rotating around that particular star and our star is named Sol that's where we get the term solar system the name of our star our Sun is sold and there's eight planets are four terrestrial planets that means with planets with an atmosphere and the solid ground that those are the interplay the inner planets Mercury Venus Earth and Mars and then for gas giants which are huge which I refer to as a failed star because they they lack the mass and they and in other material whatever to turn into a star but they're but gas giants Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune those are the four gas giants of the outer planets but essentially that is that our star system that you know the our Sun Sol in the in the planets that circle that star of course would as we know earth is the only one as we know it of today that can support life but that's located within the outer edges of the Milky Way galaxy let's go on the Milky Way galaxy is a stellar disk that's if you look at the perspective from the outside of the Milky Way it's a stellar disk looks like a stellar disk okay and here's the details of what the Milky Way galaxy or galaxy is it's approximately 100,000 light-years in diameter now a Lightyear keep in mind a Lightyear as a distance that light travels in one year light travels at 186,000 miles per second so you would have to do the math of what that would be what you know there's an astronomical number of miles if you talk about 186,000 miles a second you'd have to that's a huge number that you would calculate of how many miles that would be for for that light would travel in one year so that's why we call it a Lightyear the distance that light travels in one year so ardent are our Milky Way galaxy is a hundred thousand light-years in diameter is an N is on average about 1,000 light-years thick the Milky Way contains at least one billion planets and between 200 to 400 billion stars that's roughly they estimate of what astronomers and astrophysicists say that our Milky Way galaxy is so people keep that in mind two hundred four hundred billion stars I'm potentially a hundred billion planets and of course as we know we we haven't explored the galaxy yet except for own star system earth is the only one that can support life as we know it but now since we dealt with the real science let's go on to the fictional the fictional science or the fictional universe of Star Wars the setting for the Star Wars galaxy is in a galaxy far far away remember in the tech scroll at the beginning of every Star Wars movie we see in a galaxy far far our way okay meaning that millions of light years away from our own Milky Way galaxy keep in mind they say it's a it's another galaxy Star Wars galaxy is another gal's not the Milky Way galaxy it's an another galaxy millions of year light years away from our own Milky Way galaxy there exists a galaxy in which billions of stars inhabit in which many of the star systems have planets that can sustain carbon-based biological life carbon keep in my car when based life forms or what we are about to wear you know basically everything that we know on this world is carbon-based from human beings to animals to insects to plants it's all carbon-based life forms within the gate this galaxy spanning throughout several that's several thousand star systems and planets there exists an interplanetary intelligent and technological advanced civilization whose citizens consist of various multiple intelligent sentient races some of the races that make up this interplanetary civilization include that it includes but not it's not an exhaustive number but this is it includes this following or humans have put humans is first explain why now the rest of them going after humanity I'm going to well explain I mean I'm gonna go through a list of alien races but in alphabetical order but this is not an exhaustive this is just a sampling aqua leash bits bobbins shifts dev'reaux nians dogs Doros he walks Janoskians Gungans Hut's Ithorian x' Jawas chameleons plutonium among camel Aryans moons nough Modi uns Nick Toth spawns horns rodents soul stones Chuck Radha toydarians true friend oceans Tusken Raiders Twila X of knots on barns weak ways rookies zabbix and zag Aryans and sampling of sampling of the various alien races next to that inhabit the Star Wars galaxy along with humans and there are many other races that would take too long to list in anyway let's go on and the Star Wars mythology humans are the predominant race in the galaxy as they tend to have a civilized outpost or settlement and every known civilized star system the galaxy but in spite of that humans are not the only intelligent sentient race in the galaxy for the majority of the alien races that I mentioned and listed above are also just as intelligent and sentient and Hughes as humans are and are also considered to be equal citizens of their civil of their civilization in their galaxy with full fledge rights at least under the democratic government of the Galactic for a public keep in mind that I that I emphasize under the democracy of the Republic rather than the Empire because when the Empire took over under Palpatine not all races and people had the same equal rights there was a lot of persecution and oppression especially with other races that were not considered equal to humans or who and Palpatine look down upon also in addition both human and alien civilizations of the galaxy of developed and advanced technology of artificial intelligence and if used it to create a wide assortment of different kinds of droids now I'm not going to go too much into droids specifically today but that will be a topic for a future blog ok now let's get into the the details of what the Star Wars Galaxies just like I did with the Milky Way galaxy let's go with the Star Wars galaxy and describe that and give you the details ok the Star Wars galaxy is a stellar disk very much similar to the Milky Way he's seen the Milky Way that circular stellar did the way the circular solar disk is for the Milky Way while the Star Wars galaxy is pretty much the same thing it's very very similar it's very similar in the same shape of the Milky Way galaxy that stellar disk ok and here's the here of it specific details and it's approximately a hundred and twenty thousand light years and I am going to keep in mind remember light year is the distance that light travels in one year and it says here the detail said it's approximately that the that the Star Wars galaxy is approximately 120,000 light years on diameter so that so we go back to the Milky Way of the Milky Way's a hundred thousand light-years in diameter Star Wars galaxy is a hundred and twenty thousand light years pretty much the same size except the Star Wars galaxy seems to be a little bit bigger 20,000 light years bigger than our own Milky Way galaxy according to the mythology of Star Wars another way to break it down is 30 37 thousand parsecs now that's important because parsecs are used in the Star Wars movies and Clone Wars and stuff like that it as a measuring instrument a parsec to give you the breakdown a parsec what it is a parsec is three point two five eight light-years so when they say one parsec one parsec equals to three point two five light-years it's just like you just like comparing yards two feet a yard is three feet averages out to three feet so a parsec equals out three point two five eight light-years in distance okay and and they predict their own scientists predict that it's approximate with our galaxy it's approximately thirteen billion years old which would probably be close to the the the age of our of our universe of our galaxy in the 13 billion Milky Way's probably 13 billion or close to it or 10 billion years old but the other Star Wars galaxy let's just say this starburst galaxy is 13 billion years old that's the age of our galaxy that black hole exists at the center of their galaxy okay and at the center of our galaxy okay let's see when you get on here tidbits of information about the store with galaxies is a black hole that exists at the exist at the center of the galaxy also the galaxy was orbited not keep them on this is going to be very important information the Galaxy was orbited by seven satellite galaxies that's an interesting seven satellite galaxies make some comments about that a little bit later okay now these are the seven galaxies or sampling of some of these get the galaxy set that would be satellite galaxies that I'm referring to be cat companion Urich also known as the Rishi maze Rishi maze is something that's very familiar it was mentioned in Episode two type of clones it's the first one companion besh also known as fire fist companion crash through grecque so I guess that last part is just giving you a sampling of many of the not exhaustive but the names of the satellite galaxies that are within the star war you know that's around the Star Wars galaxy let's see okay however most of the companion satellite galaxies were described as her as having ancient metal rich remnants of stars and not much life there was also a hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy that prevented hyperspace routes outside the galaxy the galaxy had nearly 200 globular clusters okay now let's go on to some other details hyperspace made it possible within the galaxy to have an enormous and diverse civilization keep in mind the hyper star the hyperspace drive the height at the hyperdrive propulsion system was one of the greatest technological advances in their university made space travel more practical made it possible to explore the galaxy because prior to the time that the hyperspace the hyper drive propulsion system space travel was pretty much what it is for us today you know you can try you can go up into space but you can't really go too far because it would take too long I mean it looks it takes six months to get to Mars it takes almost ten years to get outside of our solar system so traveling the galaxy is not too practical because your ships cannot go far in a short distance of time with the hyper hyper drive propulsion system that made that possible and they've had that Technic taught that the citizens have had that technology for almost twenty five thousand years in their in their galaxy there are approximately four okay here let's go on to more details about this galaxy there there are approximately four hundred billion stars in the Star Wars galaxy and around a hundred and eighty billion of these had planets that could support life ten percent of those planets developed life while sentient life developed and one to one thousand we're talking about the fraction here one to one thousand of those about twenty million so essentially what they're saying is that about twenty million planets had developed or evolved intelligent life had evolved and on those planets and twenty million of those planets could sustain the carbon-based intelligent life forms as we know it there were 7.1 billion true inhabitable stars within the galaxy that means there were stars that had planets circulating them with either one or more than one multiple that could support life as we know it [Music] within the galaxy and about 3.2 billion habitable star systems however it was estimated there were about 1 billion of these star systems were actually populated during the days of the Galactic Empire more than sixty nine million systems met the requirements for imperat and Perot representation and 1.75 million planets were considered full member worlds the population of nearly 70 million star systems that the Empire was responsible for amounted to more than one hundred quadrillion means it's a lot a lot of living beings at the end in the galaxy because you can talk about a very populated galaxy okay now interesting we're gonna talk a little bit about humans here and the Star Wars galaxy when humans discovered hype the hyperspace travel in the hyper you know they invented the hyper drive propulsion system humans discovered hyperspace travel and met other sentient races with several worlds and species came to know each other they formed the loose affiliation they accepted as common law and courtesy and the Galactic public was formed and became the official galactic government so think about that humans humans were at one time just like we are or isolated before the before they started exploring space they were they were isolated but once they discovered or invented the hyper hyper drive propulsion system they had discovered other alien races and they had they with discovering these other aliens intelligent alien races they derived a common interest in sharing of knowledge of cultures and technology and currency and economy and eventually the you know and eventually those alien races were exploring the galaxy with humanity and the and they eventually they became twenty five thousand years prior to the movies they became known as the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Republic was the official galactic government was democratic government which I will do an entire blog sometime in the future on the Calaca with the collective Republic is and it was a Democratic governor kradic free freedom limited autonomy within the races monster races and civilizations but they formed the Galactic Republic and that was the official government for twenty five thousand years of galactic history by the time the Clone Wars contact had been established with two small galaxies orbiting the galaxy the Rishi maze and the fire fist did the intergalactic banking clam had influence as far as far as the east locations somehow there was some intelligent races or whatever there was some type of contact made with the few living beings that it will within the galaxy of the Rishi maze and the fire fist now here's something that's interesting we're talking about the exploration within the galaxy and also the satellite galaxy but let's talk about outside the galaxy other galaxies the extra cargo lactic Society was an organization devoted to the search for life outside the galaxy during the last days of the Republic the brodo asogi leader sent senator grape leaves sent an expedition to another galaxy but all information about the outcome of this endeavor remains unknown now I'm gonna do and another month or two I'm gonna be doing an entire blog on that theme so I don't want to go too much in spoil what that blog is going to be but some some interesting theories about that which is interesting but also you know we talked about you know the sort of like the Star Trek theme exploring space you know star wars had that I just mentioned here the Calexico lactic Society we also we know prior to the Clone Wars we had the outbound flight project which is mentioned in the EU where Jedi were supposed to leave the galaxy and explore life and other galaxies you know they try to travel to other galaxies but I'm gonna leave that for another blog which will be interesting how about races that I visited other races that have visited the Star Wars galaxy well there have been some but the only one I'm gonna really mention is the best-known extra lactic aliens where the Yuuzhan Vong who almost managed to destroy the galactic civilization that while it was just recovering from the Galactic Civil War now the Yuuzhan Vong or EU EU legends and and I thought that it's important to mention even though that the expanding universe which I've done another blog on which a lot of people are coming which I'm very happy about but you know there's still that controversy on what we can get sitar Canon and non-canon in spite of the fact that Lucasfilm under Disney now has declared put that under legends will which the best-case scenario is that stays canario is the EU legends is a Star Wars history future history shall we say in an alternate universe worst-case scenario which I'm sure some people are wanting to take the position that take is that they don't happen they're just like fanzines their stories but they don't count worth anything I don't take that position I take clips for the first position but anyway I'm gonna go on to to talk about the very sectors in the Star Wars galaxy and then each sector I'm but what I'm going to do is after I describe what the sector is I'm going to describe some of the planets and give a little overview of some of the plants no I said this is not an exhaustive this is not an exhaustive list of planets some of the topics in these sectors these very sectors in Star Wars universe and also the planets and the races etc etc I probably will explore maybe in further detail in future blogs depending on topics that I want to cover or interests that I would would cover in those things so it's not this is not exhaustive so please don't say well what about that planet what about this plaintive I missed and I apologize remember certain things that you you wanted to hear a little bit bit about but hopefully I will cover a significant amount of each of the planets in each of the sections of the Star Wars galaxy saw cover generically prim hopefully everything that if that's within these sectors and planets and sectors within the Star Wars galaxy I will hopefully do somewhat of a job that gives justice to this topic okay let's start off with deep core that's the first one deep or okay which is in the middle of the galaxy that's at the heart of the galaxy as a deep court at the very heart of the galaxy the deep core was a region that spans 7,000 light years and contained roughly 30 billion stars due to the gravitational pull of the vast number of stars as well as massive the massive black hole member I mentioned the black hole that's in the middle of the galaxy the massive black hole at the center local space-time was severely warped making hyperspace travel difficult at best the region was thought to be almost inaccessible until Emperor Palpatine found several safe hyperspace lanes into that region so we see that the advances that Palpatine had made even though he's a tyrannical dictator there are things that he invented that were very helpful and that's that's not uncommon here even here in reality in our world tyrannical dictators are horrible but they've been known to advance science in certain ways that are helpful doesn't give them justification for their tyranny but it just interesting that they have produced some good with another evil the area remain an imperial strong stronghold for almost 25 years after the Battle of Endor it's an interesting of course I think some of that what that statement a lot of that would be stuff that you would get from the EU so I'm not gonna go into too much detail now the planets there's not really too many planets that I can really because you you know whether it be the movies or the Clone Wars series or even he used not a lot of covered stories covered where we either it's planets within the deep with a de deep or the only thing I can think of that I can I like I'd like to do some more research is I think that the if you've seen the they lost missions of the Clone Wars for season six the final three story arc with Yoda you know goes to the plant of go who finds a planet at the heart of the galaxy known as a hard to galaxy the sphere of Qui Gon Jinn leads him to that planet that's the origin of life were actually Forge of the planet with the origin of medic Florian's or which I know I probably want us when I do some more research on it I like to maybe even do a blog on that but your defines that planet and there was a force Brisas is there stuff like that I'm not gonna go too much into detail but it's the only planet I can think of that's visited amongst the movies or the TV series where we can see a planet inside deep pore but that's my theory I want to do some more research before I confirm anything all of that but anyway let's let's go on to the pour the core is very important in a core worlds okay big thing in at the core of core is the second region in the Star Wars galaxy so think of it almost like a funny you know think of the Star Wars Galaxies and onions just to give you a little bit of understanding of how this is you know isn't you know you have you peer through layers and layers you get down deeper and deeper well each each one you know it's a circle within the galaxy and that's that's the region so we did the middle one the center one which I've meant just mentioned is the deep core the next section is the main one is the Core Worlds the core what they refer to as the court okay the Core Worlds an ancient region bordering the outlying areas of the deep core the core worlds were some of the most prestigious well-developed well-known and heavily populated planets of the galaxy the Galactic Republic was born in the Core Worlds and spread out over the galaxy humans were supposed to have originated from this region so humanity the human race in the Star Wars universe essentially they originated they evolved and originated in that in that region and from among those planets which I'm going to cover and again and if that future blog which I had mentioned the Core Worlds our home planets such as that not only consist with the origins of intelligent life and the beginning of civilization but also make up the epicenter of classic of galactic civilization such as our literature architecture culture and technology and us all also the center of politics and galactic government so essentially what you have here in the core worlds is the mo the most heavily done slated populated civilization so where civilization began its where technology was invented the beginning of the sharing of knowledge of Technology of culture and you know it's the creme de la creme it's the it's the epicenter of civilization and it says the seat of the galactic government it's where the prestigious of all of all of that stars galaxies the of all civilizations their art their literature architecture and culture and technology you know it's where all of those the best of the best the the heart of that civilization the origins everything that's where the data see it in this the core wall so the core is the seat of the center of civilization and also of government and also of culture and culture being which I just mentioned and let's see I'm going to talk about before I go into this little it's just some okay I'm gonna talk about the planets some of the plants now um like I said this is not an exhaustive list of planets and I know you think well if the core worlds are the the epicenter of civilization the Star Wars universe I'm not going to be mentioning a whole lot of quark worlds so it seems that I'm not I'm not you know it seems like why aren't or my question why aren't there more planets listed well the reason being is because most of the planets that appear in the six movies and also the Clone Wars essentially how not don't appear within the they the planets that appear are not within the core walls majority of them there are some much I'm going to mention but not all of them because moat majority of planets that in the movies the six movies in the Clone Wars or within the other regions especially out of rim which I'm gonna get to in a second but let's start off with the central planet course okay horison is the capital planet of the Republic it has urban populated surface covered entirely with cities and it's a seat of black the government also a seat of the jib we're all prior to the takeover of the Galactic Empire Palpatine's regime that's where also the Jedi Temple was of course the Jedi Temple and the year was moved and I'm sure even on a sequel trilogy the Jedi Temple would have to be moved or maybe not but I don't think it's on course anymore but we'll find out as time goes on and in Episode seven comes out the force awakens but if prior in time of the Old Republic from the time of the formation of the Galactic Republic to the present until episode 1 the Phantom Menace we see that the Jedi Temple is on the planet courtesan the quarter cent keep in mind I mentioned chorus at first is the planet chorus it is equal to Earth and Star Trek if you fruit if you watch Star Trek and you know Star Trek universe in Star Trek mythology the United Federation plants with a central planet and the anti Federation plants is Earth well Horus is equal course it for the Star Wars universe is equal to what earth is in the Star Trek universe just to give you a little bit of an overview on that course is a prime planet that is the center of their galaxy and locality culturally and politically there is a saying in in their galaxy that whoever controls the planet course also controls the galaxy and interesting enough we know that because during not only don't that was the seat of the Galactic that was a Senate the Senate the Supreme Chancellor and the Galactic Senate rolled the galaxy from there but also during Palpatine's regime he you know his palace was also on course and to so and interesting enough don't want to go off too far off this but if you remember from the ending the additions that Lucas and made to episode 6 Return of the Jedi member at the end after the Emperor and Vader died that they were knocking the statue down and that's very similar to what you have seen here in some of the European countries and Asian countries Middle Eastern countries wind regimes dictators have died they knocked down his statue as a symbol that his ringing is over his reign and they knocked down the Empress statue to show that the am the Emperor and they his reign of the Galactic Empire was over on course well anyway let's move on Alderaan we should know that especially from episode 4 New Hope because that listed the first planet was destroyed by the Death Star the first Death Star that that talking human grand moff tarkin destroyed with the terrorize the galaxy and also Leia to get laid a talk give no information about the rebel rebellion well anyway all around the planet Alderaan that was populated by humans oh by the way before I get too far it's I'm gonna some of these planets and I know of I'm going to talk about the origin or the home planets of particular races course it I don't mentioned the prime race ik that lives as that's populated on that planet because it's sort of like the melting clock just like New York City New York City you have people from all over the world from from Asia from Europe from Africa from South America hey you know everybody in the world the this is New York well that's the thing is that everybody in the gal all the humans and all the other alien races both live and visit course and so that's sort of like the melting pot of the entire galaxy well all Iran is populated by humans and it's the home of Bail Organa and it's adopted orator Leia you know remember from episode 3 fringe of the sit that Bail Organa takes the infant layup back home for him and his wife to raises their own daughter their adopted daughter and Alderaan is there is no renowned for beauty culture and commitment to peace well if you remember from the scenes that you see from episode 3 Revenge of the Sith very beautiful planet very similar to earth in its atmosphere has small seas doesn't have gigantic oceans like we have separated by the nation states in the continents but it does have small seas and its land is in the its its continents are very much similar to what Earth is like but it's very renowned that the human is like the very much creme de la creme for human civilization for their highest renown for beauty for their beauty in the culture art and literature their philosophy you know the commitment to peace many of them are pacifists not all of them they obviously were being drawn secretly being drawn into the rebellion and trying to run secret missions for the Alliance the Rebel Alliance during you know you'll remember from episode 4 new hope the blockade runner the which was null during shipping of Bail Organa ship that Leia was on that's from that was all during that was from altering of his running missions secretly for the Alliance Rebel Alliance and it was discovered even though it all drank claimed to be peaceful and commitment to pacifism the the Empire especially death Raider suspected them of secretly helping the Rebel Alliance out and that's what got that planet in trouble somewhat made a my target for Tarkin and Vader to destroy but anyway I'm not going to go into too much with that let's go on to Karelia the planet Corellia okay that is also a human world human populated world it's the home of Han Solo and wedge antilles remember wedge from episodes four five and six rogue squadron leader okay and we all know the mean Solo is okay but also listen as historians believe that the Celestials an ancient race outside the galaxy assembled the system artificially the Corellia system and the walls were brought from other parts of the galaxy from unknown for unknown reasons some believe that the Celestra is populated Corellia with humans from coarsened so I'm gonna leave that a little bit for my blog talking about the origin because keep in mind that blog and I told you I'm gonna be covering its gonna talking about the topics of the origin of humanity and the Stormers galaxy and and thirties one where they have what planet that the race of humans originated on as of course it was another world another planet in the core woods but anyway that's that's pretty much what I'm gonna say for that Corellia like I says he mines home planet human it's a human populated world home with Han Solo and Wedge Antilles and and it was believed that it was artificially constructed by these ancient aliens and planets were actually brought into that system must be super powerful race almost godlike to have been able to carry planets and put them and artificially into a star system but anyway let's let's move on Skippy out okay Skippy o is a planet it's nice it's a nice plant as it's covered in ice and snow its cover its new the moons and humans humans and moons populate populate that planet and what else can I say moon moons are the ones the bank that control the banking system the corporate banking system and skip your plant I mentioned that because keep in mind majority of the planets let me back up cuz I don't want to confuse anyone majority of planets that I'm going to be talking about and covering in this blog are primarily that from the appearance as from the six Star Wars movies episodes one through six and also the Clone Wars and I'll I will mention the ones that come from the EU legends but like I said there's still that controversy of what we can count as cannon non-canon but in spite of that there are a few that I will list from the EU but the majority ninety nine ninety percent of the planets that I mentioned are the ones that are mentioned or appear in either the six Star Wars movies or the Clone Wars skip-bo is one of them and that appeared in the Clone Wars Episode old friends and rise of Clovis and the crisis at heart from the season six of the Clone Wars The Lost missions you'll remember those three stories from the lost mission episodes of the Clone Wars series okay the final one I'm going to mention for the court worlds is Dorrough you know the Doros Murray it's a cousin race for the pneumonia pnes but the door rose now they're mentioned it they're mentioned the planet is mentioned in the EU but it's an official planet mccannon in a Star Wars universe an official race story and they have a very densely populated urban populated planet but it's so industrialized that there's so much pollutants it's like the it's like the environment environmental problems go on array and it's very hard to live on that planet because of the smog and the pollution and yeah all the stuff that they have but that is that is the home planet of the door room door Oh is obviously the home planet of the dories so it's pretty simple to remember anyway let's go on to the next session next session beyond the Core Worlds is the colonies okay let's let's talk about the colonies the colonies was the name given to a region of the galaxy between the Core Worlds in the inner rim it was among the first area outside the court to be colonized and the worlds were typically heavily populated industrialized and culture so I guess after the core worlds were core worlds were populated you know just like in DC in Star Trek hey if you see the original series of Star Trek and look at a map there the section of the galaxy is lot smaller as far as explored charred and populated and brought into their United Federation planets that section is a lot smaller than you would see in the next generation series which is bigger because there's more exploration for exploring out so that's what happened went in in Star Wars when the humans and aliens got together in share technology and culture and they start exploring the galaxy thousands of years ago they explored the Core Worlds that region and then they went further out into the galaxy and then and when they colonized that that was known originally known as the colonies has this quite just explained now let's talk about the they call it the section of the colonies in the Star Wars galaxy let's talk about those planets now keep in mind the planets that I mentioned or either mentioned either appeared or mentioned in the six movie star star wars movies or Star Wars the Clone Wars let's start off with the first one kata de Namur do you remember that that that was mentioned also in Episode three were Revenge of the Sith was also appeared in the Clone Wars okay that that's not in the Mauryan homeworld but it is no more daeun populated they have populated that planet that's their planet it may emigrate some of them emigrate it there but that's an important planet now remember the more dense if you remember they are the ones over the Trade Federation in the episodes one two and three those aliens that are control of the Trade Federation and so that's the race that I am referring to and they appeared in the Clone Wars episodes the Senate spy and sabotage and also is mentioned and episode 3 when obi-wan tells Anakin says oh you know mentioning that time that they were one kid in the Moriya so that's that's one of the s or one of the planets Devereux naeun okay devran if I want excuse me I apologized ever on that's the next planet Devereaux nians that's that's the home planet of the Devereux nians and the Devereux nians were known they look like a lot of them ironically sort of tongue-in-cheek they look like have that devil you know the horns referred to as some people think that you know their own Ian's is a short for devil although they're not it's a race it's a race of alien beings but that's just to give you they appeared it you know the race you can remember from episode 4 they were in the cantina the they were in the cantina episode 4 new hope of Mos Eisley cantina and the planet also appeared in the Clone Wars Episode it's a car drove doom and monster so that's where they appeared the Devron plant Devron appear though law raised the home planet of the the law thien's if i'm pronouncing that right the law penis so that's the other that's the next planet for the for the colonies fell off and bumped their didn't ever mentioned anywhere of the six movies or the Clone Wars I think the only appearance is seeing the they're an important planet they appear in this Star Wars EU legends and I like to think of it as kind of but it's a factory world by Hugh used by humans huts and Twilight's so it's a fact you know it's it's a factor world world that Grand Admiral Thrawn had visited was looking for stuff to help him in his battle plans for reconquering the New Republic but I don't want to go too much into that now I could probably say that for another another vlog to talk about that but anyway that's essentially Bill Maher is a factory world used by the Inhumans huts and Twilight's okay now the next section we're going to go into after the colonies is the inner rim in a room you know people want we have the inner rim bedroom and the outer rim so now we're going into the inner rim which is the next section after the colonies the inner rim was a region of the galaxy between the colonies and the expansion region it was originally just called the rim as it was expected to be the farthest extent of the known galaxy for centuries but they expanded rim later renamed expansion regions was was opened within hundred years of the inner rim so I guess after the colonies were colonized explored charred and colonized by the humans and other alien races with the hyper hyper drive system and their ships they went out further into the galaxy and charted further the next section which they refer to as the inner rim and so in colonized and civilized that area of space and they just call it the rim at that point because they Minh had their various rooms it was the first area that they refer to as the rim they later changed it after the other charter and renamed other regions as the mid rim the outer rim they've changed that section to the immigrant but it was just called the rim at that point so but like I said like I was just mentioning that within hundred years after that was call it the inner rim was colonized they had another region which I will get into in a minute which they inferred to is to expand that rim later known as it expanded the expansion region which I will get into in a minute okay let's go to the first planet in the inner rim on the wrong okay Onderon and that's a that's a planet that was significant for the Clone Wars series it appeared in season five of four episodes the war on two fronts frontrunners the softwar and tipping point now remember that ahsoka tano she led helped the rebels on that planet on the citizens the rebellion at the rep met the citizens who were in rebellion against the tyrannical king that was serving was serving the Dooku Count Dooku and was trying with trying to join the separatists they were in rebellion and trying to free their planet from that king and from the tyranny of Count Dooku and the separatists so that was for episode series hidden that on season 5 the clone wars that would took place from the planet Onderon so I'll leave you to watch those episodes to learn more about besting four Bestine is mentioned and they the movies you know at this particular episode four and probably another in other in other areas it was a other times it was also in the year legends it was mentioned but Bestine four is one of the planets and it's a human populated world and it's an aqua cultural world very it agriculture and agricultural very technologically advanced but it was an agriculture planet inhabited by humans and one of the rebel alliances most famous x-wing pilot jet for check for kids you remember from episode four new hope his ship was destroyed early early he was a heavyset guy he would flew with RIT rogues squadron under under oh my goodness oh my brain is freezing at this point wedge antilles the Rogue Squadron at Wichitas but a ship was destroyed in the attack against the first Death Star but Bestine fors where he is from but that's the planet where he is from 4sight okay that appeared and the Clone Wars Episode bounty and the last planet I'm gonna mention for the inner rim his marker micro if I'm pronouncing that right hopefully and I think that's significant plot that's a significant planet even though it's only mentioned and in the star wars EU legends the legends are the you know Timothy Zahn's Zorin trilogy that's where uh Grand Admiral Thrawn I mean yeah the front role Jake's excuse me that's where grandad pelant had visited to get these creatures called yes Salim marry you Salim marry well you know sounds very similar the Salamanders because it's what they look like probably just a little bit bigger than the average salamander yes all armies like em phibian like creature but it has a this power in this little creature which creates a bubble for the force and and forces back the force so anybody wearing this creature creates a bubble around their body so a force sensitive being or Jedi cannot use the force against them and you know obviously why brain I'm with lon he's not a force sensitive creature and certainly not a Jedi or Sith so obviously he used that to protect himself against the sucks the Skywalker family and the other Jedi said Luke was training to be Jedi's you know to protect himself from the Jedi's and that their power so but that's a planet that's mentioning you EU of the Union novels particularly the Timothy Zahn throwing trilogy and I'd like to think of that my opinion as is it's a planet it's in canonical with the Star Wars universe very fascinating planet alright that's just a sampling of the inner rim planets let's go now what I would I mentioned before the expansion region the next region that they had explored but they retitled centuries later as the expansion region the expansion region was an experiment in the corporate control worlds with powerful corporations exploiting and profiting heavily from the planets for their raw materials metals and ores and happens inhabitants or oppressed while the corporation stripped entire stellar systems of all their resources eventually civil unrest spread from system to system the Galactic Republic eventually took control of the system due to the mounting pressures from the dens eanes and limit limiting or evicting corporate interest expansion region world's continued to be producers of raw material and ores however the natural resources were exhausted by the Imperial period so that's interesting I guess in the early days of the Galactic Republic when they would that when that was still frontier and outside of the Republic they were being controlled by corporate interest and you know the corporate interest or not humanitarian or altruistic they're not there to help civilization they're there for greed did to create more money and and they create a lot of oppression with slavery and stripped of natural planets and red natural resources and stuff like that so the Galactic Republic conventionally established rule in that in the uncivilized and brought brought those worlds into the their government the Galactic Republic government and brought in a sort of a system of of control while justice and sort of sort of created justice and equality and democracy in that area that democracy for that region but anyway let me let me go on to talk about the few worlds is that keep in mind it's only three planets that I want to mention but very important ones that are important for this region the expansion region first one is in bar okay and that is inhabitant by the end of race of who in Boren's and that planet appeared in four episodes of the Clone Wars series known as darkness on bara the general the plan of descent and the carnage of Krell so if you remember from season four those four part this four-part story a story arc and the Clone Wars season four which had the crowd the Jedi Krell who was getting the clones troopers slaughtered and eventually turned to the dark side Crowell was a Jedi who turned to the dark side and tried to join Dooku and the Confederacy separation Confederacy for independent systems so I'll let you watch those episodes to see details on that planet what happens in those stories let'em bar is one of the expansion region plants okay here we go Chile Chile is the next planet NOW Chile is very important because that's the home planet of the two grata to brought the the took the two grata reefs keep in mind our favorite - Radha her most beloved - Radha is a ahsoka tano you know Anakin's potowa of arrogance follow-on in the Clone Wars series ahsoka tano is a to karana now the planet does appear in the epitome Wars Episode The Gathering which is interesting but that's the first time the planet actually appears but that's the home planet Chile is the home planet of the toccata and I think of the two Bharata so kitano is one now they also had other ones if you remember from the prequel trilogy since one two and three they had other karate Jedi but so Gaetano is probably the most remembered most beloved oh she was Anakin spotted one in the Clone Wars series the next one is kurios that's also a toccata even though it's not the home planet that's the planet that many tabata have migrated to but that's a tirado inhabit planet and that peers in the Clone Wars episodes of kidnapped so it's that's that's interesting so I guess in the season five episodes dealing what the the Jedi the the Jedi younglings and their training to become Padawans that those two planets appear the expansion region appears and the Clone Wars series okay like I said the the galaxy the the the civilizations explore further out into the galaxy and so the next one we come to after the expansion region is the mid rim okay with few natural resources and therefore a smaller population than many neighboring regions the big rim was a territory where residents worked hard for everything they had several planets had built up impressive economies and pirate Raiders often hid in relatively unexplored spaces far from the major trade routes so I guess to the Glock the Galactic Republic as it continued to explore split explore further out into the galaxy and have it and civilized and brought those planets into the Galactic Republic the civilization and government of Galactic Republic it became known as the mid rim and I just described what the Mangrum is all about so if you give me a minute turn my page okay let's I'm going to cover the planets which there are several more planets interesting enough several more planets for the mid rim and I'm going to try to cover them all most famous one now keep in mind how I'm organizing these is I'm going to the naming the ones that appear in the six movies first the next set would be the ones that appear in the Clone Wars series and the ones after that are the ones I that are mentioned but are there are home planets to particularly on races that have been seen in the movies or Homer series so the first one which is most famously known is naboo which appears in episodes one two and three Naboo is a human populated planet but also has a Gungan population that's underneath their lakes and there's in their seas and swamps and stuff like that they live underneath the water but above-ground above the water humans are the primary population of Naboo [Music] Naboo has large planes it swamps and seas so it's very similar an atmosphere in a land to earth not exactly like Earth and like I said I'm just talking about similarities between environment what the vironment is like so it's very is very similar to to its environments for someone to earth but let's see it's a home well what's significant is the home of Padme Amidala who was once a queen she has a teen she served as the queen of their civilization their government and then she ever after she her term was up for Queen because they had a what we call a constitutional monarchy or if she had to be elected as queen she inherit that as like you like you see what the aristocracy and rural families in Europe she was elected to that but after she her term was up as Queen she became the senator of the Galactic Republic and she's also the wife of Anakin and the mother of Luke and Leia the ones who are leaders of the Rebel Alliance and also the Naboo is also the home planet of Palpatine who was a Senator in the Galactic Republic who manipulate his way to become Supreme Chancellor and also ultimately to Emperor you know dictator of the entire which most evil Sith Lord and most powerful Sith Lord and and most in the one who ruled over the galaxy during during the time of the six or like the final three movies episodes four or five and six of Star Wars okay they appear 'he's obviously appears in the battle of the battle of the significance the Battle of Naboo and episode one The Phantom Menace that happens and also Naboo appears and a couple episodes of the Clone Wars series as well as so it's one two and three the next one is Kashyyyk Kashyyyk it should be very familiar because it's now home planet of a wookies Chewbacca that's Chewbacca so planets own planet to Loki's its environment is jungles and farce seas and lakes you know be the Wookiees live on these these pected these villages that are high in the trees they built the their trees or are built and made for that that could support villages and stuff like that so they live in the tree they live in villages in the trees which is very interested in the walkie race and that is a scene Kashyyyk is the scene of the battle Kashyyyk in Episode three that's when you're the leads the clone troopers there to liberate that from the invasion forces of the separatist but that is the that appears that planet appears in episode three Revenge of the Sith Kashyyyk okay now we're gonna move on to a couple now Hutta in north Shaddaa now Hutta it's the planet nor Shaddaa is one of the moons of now Hutta inhabited moons now Hutta is the home planet of the Hutts okay it's you know is the home planet of huts and it's very murky it's you know the huts are not very yo environmentally savvy and they're not you know they're not keen on taking care of their so it's very polluted almost like what I mentioned with Thoreau is very polluted and murky it's stuff like that so it's not very it's not very easier you know only the huts can live in that kind of environment but the hut race it's the home planet their their race nor Ishod ah on the other hand is the moon of one of the most populated moon of now Hutta and as its nickname that most people so if people are in the galaxy give it is known as the smugglers moon this also noticed a little Corazon because very much like Khorasan is a densely populated but also urban covered in entire cities also is Nar Shaddaa Norcia da his like they call it the little Corazon it's also covered in cities very urban but it's also known as a Smuggler's moon because unlike because it's controlled by the Hutts primarily and not by the Galactic Republic there's not there's less democracy less law and order and it's more so a place where smugglers and other criminals and others like them would you know Widow would go there to do their illegal business so it's not a really a safe place to be get yourself killed very easily by criminally minded people you know criminally minded people or organizations there there on Nar Shaddaa but Nar Shaddaa and appears in a lot of star wars EU novels but it also appears in the clone war episode the hunt for zero remember the hunt for zero when they were when obi-wan and they his name eludes me right now but they were hunting for zero zero of the Hutt who always had escaped the prison of Khorasan so that appear at NORAD off Pearson the clone wars episode but it also appears several times and and they Star Wars expanding universe novels to the next one is trained OSHA and wash yeah trained OSHA is the planet while Shia is the moon it's one of the moons of trained OSHA okay trend OSHA is dead home of the trend oceans too recently transitions their reptilian if you remember boss the the about to hit on Bosque from Episode five Empire Strikes Back and also there have been trend oceans and I think I could be wrong but I think Bosque was also seen in the Clone Wars series - but you've the trend oceans are also in the Clone Wars series because wha-wha sky is the moon WASC a-- is used by they're trained oceans as they're hunting around that's that's their sport hunting and they they hunter they hunt civilized species including with a when the one is the as dukey's they hunt walkies for sport and they also involved because for and OSHA is also in the same star system as Kashyyyk they've been known to kidnap will piece and spin and sell them to slave traders and also use them for the punt taunt them for sport on the in wash wash cob that moon wash is used for sporting ground that's their hunting ground that they they transport their victims to and they hunt but appears that planet appears in two part c season three finale two part the pot of one lost they're working out when when the ahsoka was kidnapped along with the and met Chewbacca and other monkeys as they were being hunted by the trend oceans let's go on to the next one Roose on river Sounion race that's the home planet the reunion race and that appeared in the Clone Wars Episode dual of the droids side area that's a home planet of the two variants wada think of Watteau from episodes 1 & 2 and whatta who who used to own Anakin and his mother shimmy as slaves but Watto was a Tiberian well the home planet of toydaria and that and that planet appeared in a clone war supply lines and remember that when when Bail Organa was trying to appear before the council of titans on their own planet of zygerria trying to get support for the war effort and for the Galactic Republic Malastare malice terrorists next planet and that's the home race of the Dougs the most the most famous of dogs is sal boba Cibola flesh and remember he is the kind of the unruly arrogant obnoxious Doug who well gotten truthful first gotten done with trying to start trouble with with Jar Jar and also he was in the race the he was one of the APOD racers who wasn't afraid to cheat and know where to land and of course he lost in the podraces as we know if you saw episode 1 The Phantom Menace Anakin was the one in one but he tried to cheat in order to win but a Malastare that's the home place of the dogs because he was a doug and that a that planet appeared the code word episode the Zilla beast the Zillo beast let's go on the next one and oh the planet and oh that's the home planet of the aqwal aqwal ich romero Ponda Baba in the and I'm trying to think of the doctor's name the psychotic doctor in Episode four New Hope where they gave Luke trouble and then ended up creating in conflict and obi-wan solved that by pulling out his lightsaber and slashing off the arm panda Baba the alien panda Baba who was not he was an aqua nation he was from the planet and oh and I was the oceanic planet mostly covered with water and oceans and that's that's the planet and oh the next one is by the way by the way should be something familiar like specially for those and Star Wars II you cuz that's the home planet of the bobbins the bobbins are like the cat light race they very civilized urban populated planet but they're very civilized and culture and art but they have their experts they're like the creme de la creme for spies they have a the bobbin spy network for those are familiar with the Star Wars expanding universe the ball dance as they are in the EU but it's a college Matata by the way is a cosmopolitan planet I like to think of that as a planet that is canonical with the Star Wars universe next planet is I Thor I Thor ian's remember from they appeared in many of the Clone Wars episodes also appeared in Episode four new hope remember the big head hammer that known as hat titled in a nickname hammer head well those are Ithorian and they come from Planet Earth or and ever ecologically conscience it's over there very ecologically conscious race interesting enough the next planet is arid dunya and that is the home that is the home planet of the sabra priests zabbix think of Darth Maul and Savage Opress they are zabbix but that is too home iridonia is the home planet of iridonia the home planet of the sbrick race I'm trying to think of if they appeared in any of the Clone Wars episodes I know the iridonia is mentioned but that is that is their home planet Aleen a lien and I keep them on this abric let me go back to the zabbix when you first meet Savage Opress it's not on it's not on iridonia some of the tribes of zabbix we're on what they gets just with the Nightsisters but I'll get to that and I'll get to that in a minute the name loots me but I'll get to that in a minute Alina Celeste planet I want to mention Elena's a rocky planet or rock it's a very harsh rocky planet and it appears in the Clone Wars episodes mercy mission but those are the planets that I had mentioned a sampling of planet that are mentioned that are in the mid room that are the ya-ya mid rim planets excuse me now let's go on to the next section which is probably the biggest section known as the outer rim so again from the Galactic Civilizations Blacula public his early days continue to explore further into the galaxy it came upon and eventually their civil the plans that they brought in to the Galactic Republic and they titled that area as the outer rim the farthest want the outer rim which was in a lot of ways it was frontier even in the days the over Republic what you see in Episode one that's why slavery episode wanted fan mass that's why slavery who had slavery on Tatooine which Padme even mentioned that slavery was outlawed in the Republic but the Republic law didn't apply to them a lot of planets thing out around but anyway let me go on interesting enough I make I make this note since while living with his uncle Owen and aunt Beru on Tatooine Luke Skywalker once said to see through you know that quote if there's a bright Center to the universe you're on the planet that as far as from and that's from unquote that's from Episode four a new hope then when one sees the difference between the star systems of the outer rim compared to the star systems of the core worlds they can fully appreciate what Luke was trying to express so let's go on to describe what the outer rim is the Outer Rim territories was the last widely settled expanse before wild space and the Unknown Regions there's a place where the Mandalorians began their Crusades in the hope of revoking the Galactic Republic in the war it was strewn with obscure worlds and rugged primitive frontier plans due to its distance from the core the region was home to many supporters of the Rebel Alliance then the Empire's Grand Moff talk will will Hoth Tarkin was a sign the difficult task of bringing the entire outer rim in line you remember that and remember that in episode 4 New Hope were Tarkin said well you got to make a planet we've got to make an example of planet of course when Leia had lied and gave the location of the Dantooine plant we're wrong the Rebel Alliance was what at but no longer at they say well that was tumor moat for section to make an example so that's why they made an example of El Durant and and Tarkan's job was to bring the entire outer rim and a control of the Galactic Republic make them fear the Galactic Republic the majority of the planets in the outer rim well well let me just say this majority the planets scene and the movies and also in the Clone Wars series took place in the outer rim that's why there's going to be a lot that I'm going to be talking about here and but that's the reason why I'm going to be mentioned so you talk about the the core of worlds where there's so few and while there's going to be a lot I'm gonna be much and the outer rim well reason for that is because the majority of plants seen in them in six movies and also the Clone Wars or planets from the outer rim and like I said a lot of planets are out of room even though they were under control the Galactic Republic in front terrorized by the Empire controlled by the Empire there is still a lot of those worlds were still in control of the huts and frontier and they were under warrant under the walls of the Galactic Republic like I had mentioned even at the time of the Old Republic and episode one the Phantom Menace because like I said slavery Kings still existent there but but here are the planets now like I said the first set of planets that mentioned are going to be the ones that are seen in or mentioned in the movies the next set are the one from the Clone Wars in the last or just general planets term mentioned from various alien races to home planets of these they own races seen or mentioned and the movies or the Clone Wars so let's start off with the first one I've mentioned Tatooine Tatooine is most just like Khorasan kids for the Core Worlds Tatooine is the most significant planet that we think of picking up the outer rim and it's if the native species did for Tatooine or indigenous shall I say or job was in Tusken Raiders no you see it's a melting plot because they have various alien races it's a planet controlled by the Hutts and they have prefer it in the different towns and taverns they have various alien races and traders and smugglers and doing their business but they indigenous the indigenous the two indigenous races are the jobless and the Tusken Raiders and remember the job once were the ones who are are traders of droids there they're there they are sort of like pirates they steal joy Don they resell them Tusken Raiders or nomadic race they're very tribal nomadic and the very tough and aggressive towards outsiders and tattooing is a debt primarily a desert planet and I'm gonna get too into that because it's probably a blog I'll save for later it's a desert planet moisture farmers go there because it's not there's not any really lakes or seas in there but there's a lot of moisture humid humidity that they they are able to draw out from the hot weather and the humid weather and get water and salt water moisture farms as moisture farms and rural Owen and Beru lures or moisture farmers on that planet but the other the taverns in the cities spaceports reused for smugglers and other people doing various business whether it be legal or illegal and the most significant because it's meant a lloween is seen in almost all of the movies including the clone war given the Clone Wars movie it's mentioned on all the six Star Wars movies except for except for around Episode five the Empire's books back but it's mentioned at the end remember when Luke says I'll meet you tells Lando and Chewie have ready to go off to search for four and the Luke says I'll meet you on Tatooine which we see in Episode six Return of the Jedi but significantly Tatooine is home the is was the home for Anakin and a sub loop Anakin as a boy was kept there as a slave under the huts owned by Watteau and of course Luke was raised by his aunt and uncle burrow I mean I am / uncle Owen and aunt Beru he was raised on Tatooine but that's the significance of the planet Tatooine but that's why because it's mentioned or shown in all the movies except for Empire Strikes Back anyway let's go on the next one is Yavin 4 which is actually alvin is ok Yavin is actually a guest giant so when they say Yavin 4 it's the 4th moon of the oven of Yavin planet and the moon is a jungle and reef rainforest moon and has seen its a scene for the Battle of Yavin one of the sexually the second I was going to say the first but it's actually the second did you remember in the crawl text of episode 4 new hope it says that the the Rebel Alliance had won there already have won one of their first major victories against the Galactic Empire so but the Galactic Empire was trying to search for the Rebel Alliance space and when they found it which was being hidden on the job the Yavin moon for Yavin for the moon they tried to destroy it and destroy the entire rebel base and the Rebel Alliance and one swift blast with that they had attacked when Luke had joined them and they attacked the the base that they had tactic I mean Luke and rogue squadron had attacked the Death Star and destroyed the Death Star in Episode four new hope so that was the scene of the that was known as the Battle of Yavin and that was if you remember from what I talked about in stories history how we measure time usually because Star Wars Episode four was the first Star Wars movie they usually measure time before Yavin and after he often before the Battle of Yavin after the bottom gallon so that was the significance for Yavin 4 let's go onto the next one which appears in episode 5 and parts for expect ha the planet hop it was the sixth planet in the Hoth system under fortuitous halt still it's a snow and ice plan the a hab is no intelligent advanced intelligent species on the planet Hoth but there is other non-sentient less non-sentient animal races on Hoth the two of them that are significant is wampas and taun taun swamp paws are the big white creatures in a look like polar bears and the abominable snowman put together that tax luke in the beginning tries to carry them all for food back to his cave and then you see the tauntaun switch the rebels right on there there they're like the animals that are domesticated and they use them too for transport you know almost like what we use for horses you know we ride on horses they write on Tontons but they're both an indigenous species for the planet hoth and they live obviously they don't live on the surface where it's freezing cold you know several hundred degrees below zero but they have caves and on the ground dwellings where they they live and find food and stuff like that but Houghton's to battle is seen for the Battle of Hoth you remember when they tried to have a ground invasion the Empire found them and try to attack them from the ground vision to take out their base with the at-at walkers and that's one word the Rebel Alliance that's one of the battles of rebel lines had lost they barely escaped with their lives and from Episode five Empire Strikes Back that's the planet Hoth let's go on to the planet Dagobah dig about okay which we learn a lot more in the Clone Wars series but we see an episode we see at the end of episode three Revenge of the Sith when Yoda goes there into his into his isolation no you know he he goes there just remain in isolation and and but we also see it primarily in Episode five Empire Strikes Back when Yoda teaches Luke to become a Jedi and the ways of the Jedi and also he end towards his death at his death in Episode six Return of the Jedi but the planet Dagobah is a swampies of it's a very remote planet uninhabited by any advance you know intelligent again it's a planet that's not inhabited by other than Yoda but Yoda there as living as a hermit in isolation but it's not inhabited naturally habitats by any intelligent race but there are plenty of various animals reptilian and phibian in nature being it's a swamp it's a nature planet because the planet is a small and forest that's pretty much what the planet is made up of so it's you had two lives there in seclusion and it also appears you know in the Clone Wars season six loss missions episodes the voices the episode voices where qui gonn leads him to did the planet your delete leads Yoda to the planet Dagobah for the first time and I guess that's where you know why you two chooses that for his seclusion to live there in seclusion after the events of Episode three but either qui-gon leads him there for the first time to teach him about dick above because it's a big of it as a planet that is rich in the force and has it's very powerful in a sense of the force and I guess maybe because of the presence of life there I mean the animal and plant life and its seclusion you know these non technological and with the very advanced civilization live in there but it's interesting plant but that's where the planet where Yoda goes to live in seclusion after they lose their war against a synth but anyway let's go on let's go on to the planet Bespin bespin is a gas giant it's a gas giant we were not jealous a doesn't really have a ground or saltless surface to Planet Bespin but it's significant for episode 5 and parts to expect because Cloud City is there and as a city that exists in the clouds and exists in a layer of the clouds which has a rich oxygen nitrogen atmosphere where humans and other oxygen reading advanced alien races can live there where they do business and what they do is in Cloud City see mine to ban a gas Tibetan gas is a something that they use for energy and for fuel and Lando Calrissian he's the administrator for cloud city and he runs that business and well I don't want to go too much into detail we all know who lambda calibration is and and how he how he runs this administration with the relationship is with the Galactic Empire trying to stay out of the war in the conflict but getting drawn in but that's what Bespin is essentially the best one is a gas giant which is significant because of its used to mind to benedict gas primarily in Cloud City but anyway let's move on Endor Endor is a moon and or Endor is a moon for a gas giant for gas giant and no end or significant because it's the home it's the homeworld of the Ewoks and it's a forest moon and it's significant because that's where the Battle of Endor there was a ground battle taking place with the Rebel Alliance fighting off the Galactic imperial troops and also the space battle what the rogue squadron and other another squadrons having a space battle trying to take out the Imperial Navy so they can destroy the second Death Star that happened in Episode six Return of the Jedi so that was the moon the forest moon of Endor and next planet is Geonosis and that's the that's the home planet of the Geonosians from Episode two attack of the clones they're an insect-like race but a very advanced technology and advanced technologically it was a desert planet very arid and desert planet and it was a scene for the Battle of Geonosis in Episode two Attack of the Clones the next planet and of course I also - in addition to appearing and you know because that was the the Battle of Geonosis keep in mind was the first planet was the was the first battle of the Clone Wars that's where the clone wars began fish lived again but also appeared because it was a Second Battle of Geonosis in the second season of the Clone Wars so Geno's was also seeing the Clone Wars series but anyway let's move on the next planet is Oedipa cudapah is the the race of the pons there if remember one of the pawns is seen in the the New START Star Wars series of the rebels is the apparel Inquisitor but the but even though that he appears menacing that the pawns are generally peaceful and democratic as seen in Episode three for Revenge of the Sith and adapt ah what it is the surface of it is they have eret sinkholes you know various hold massive holes in the surface of the planet in there and from the surface of the planet which they live in cities underneath the ground from these sinkholes and it's where it's the place it's significance is where obi-wan came to and he finally defeated General Grievous he killed you at General Grievous in a battle in Episode three Revenge of the Sith so that's the planet Judah pop Mustafar Mustafar interesting enough Mustafar is a volcanic planet and the significance is that's where the end of the official end of the Clone Wars where Palpatine tricked tricked the last surviving leaders of the Confederacy for independence systems tricked them to going to we're at and then he sent Anakin to kill them all and then demanded Li the Confederacy the separatists the rest of the separatists surrender which they did they surrendered your droid army they surrender but Anakin went there and was staying there ruling over that planet nobody want met them therefore they're fit their infamous battle which we know Anakin lost and that's where he lost his limbs and game deformed and then by the lava and fire and and how why he was put into that famous suit which we know as Darth Vader's suit but that's where they had their deadly encounter and the reason why Lucas had that planet is because he envisioned a planet you might have vision that they had their deadly encounter you know theme theme very similar to Dante's Inferno that that Anakin descends into hell's it was a planet like hell Mustafar is like a very planet that's very similar to what he considers like hell even though that there's an oxygen atmosphere that humans and other gallant races can breathe it's a it's a volcanic planet and it's very similar because of lava and heat and everything else that it's very similar to hell they considered you know very similar to help their concept of Hell the next planet is cell economy okay cell economy is an arat techno Union world and KK Quinlan vos I apologize about remember I mentioned back with the episode where that where obi-wan and Quinton and Glaus visit now how did looking for a look at searching for a zero the hut what was Clinton boss I couldn't think of his name at the time but it eluded me but Quinlan vos was the the cowboy Jedi who rogue and was wondering if he was going to turn to the dark side because he went undercover trying to get Duke whose trust in order to undermine his you know his plans but it was very dangerous because they thought they worried that he would turn to the dark side but Sal akame was one where he won that great victory which was covered in the Republic series of stories Republic of the Dark Horse's comic series but it was also mentioned I considered that canon because it was mentioned in episode 3 Revenge of the Sith as the planet where Quinlan's loss had the master Foss had won that great victory and it's also it appears also in the it also appears in the episode 3 Revenge of the Sith that's the Jedi Master Stas Ali was killed he would murder when order 66 was given and it also the plan also appeared in the Clone Wars episodes brevis intrigue and the deserter so that's the significance of that planning the next one is Felucia is a jungle planet and Lucas who's making a mentioned talking about the end special features for episode 3 talking about how that's a verb that is a jungle planet but very alien in origin I mean the plant life and stuff like that is so dissimilar to what we know of as plant life here on earth so it's very it's very interesting but that appears that appeared in Revenge of the Sith and also appeared in the Clone Wars episodes Hulk Hulk rowing heist and bounty hunters and as a scene in episode 3 range of the Sith work or where their jedi master ali sakura a twilight jedi master she was murdered when order 66 was given and in that scene and it seen in the movie okay let's go on to the Clone Wars episodes specific Clone Wars episodes planets Chris Christophsis if I'm pronouncing that right marry her planet to pronounce Krista offices that appeared in the Clone Wars movie that introduced a clone war series and it's a crystalline world and it appeared in the Clone Wars movie and also in the Clone Wars Episode captain Mouse and the hidden enemy but that's significant planet that started off the Clone Wars series okay let's go on to other these other plants Rodya Rodya is very interesting rodents it's a home planet of the rodents think of from Greedo which is the think of him mister hymns to controversy ironically a tongue-in-cheek song say the controversy Rodian greeted the bounty hunter because that was the whole controversy that some fans get upset about who shot first Han or Greedo you know but Greedo is a rhodium and Rodya is the home planet the Rodya is don't planted the protein so easily so it's a rain forest industrial planets it sort of feels like an oxymoron because very densely humid rainforest but it's very industrialized by the Rodian reefs and they appear in the first season episode of the Clone Wars gone by Jetta you remember where the separatists are trying to take control of that planet and as Jar Jar is guardianship you know the the the the cloak that he's wearing they assume that he's like a Jedi and they kind of fear him which is kind of funny but it's an interesting episode but Rodya that's the planet rhodium next one is Meriden okay Meriden it's yeah Marit Marit dune is home of the mannion race the gamma if i'm pronouncing that right I apologize if I'm not the Imani in race and appeared in the Clone Wars episodes let me start off with this appeared in the Clone Wars this first season episodes of Jedi crash and defenders piece the ax man yinz if you remember they were they were a pacifist race and they were very critical on the Jedi's unaccepting of the jedis on trusting of the jedis but they learned that they had the lato learn how to work with him because even though they were pacifists they learned that the that the separatists were going to try to gain that victory by essentially annihilating all life on that planet so they had to help the Jedi in order to defend their very existence but Meriden is that is the planet that that happened one and it was a class with grassy it's a grassy and forested planet a world with grassy and forested surface but that's the planet Mary doing next one is ordo Plutonia orto Plutonia is a it's a home planet of the tall's and you know they look like very similar not not exactly but somewhat similar to like Wampus but they're intelligent they're sentient and intelligent Tawes even matter fact one of them actually does become a Jedi and I'd be and the reason why they're so big so having a white fur covered in white first appear on it's a order Plutonia is an ice planet and it's one and but it's occupy its own while I should say own but occupied by the by another twin moon that is trying to take control of that planet during the time the control of during time the Clone Wars it appears in the clone wars episode trespass from the first season Ryloth let's go on to the next one riot the planet Ryloth that's the home planet of the twilights the twilight's are the ones who have those those long tentacles in the back of their head a lot of them are blue they have various clothes but majority of them are blue it's the planet Ryloth is a harsh rocky planet and it appears the Clone Wars episodes in first season from swarmed over Ryloth then inserts in Rye loft and liberty over lar trial off the trilogy story arc where that the theme of that is from the from the d-day invasion of the Second World War where the the the separatists are controlling and occupying there they're the oppressive occupiers of the planet Ryloth and they in the Republic through the the Jedi generals the Jedi Masters are trying to liberate Ryloth along with third they they the Clone Army they're trying to liberate the planet Ryloth and the youth twilights from the separatist and the that three part trilogy of episodes from the Clone Wars series first first season of converses be technically exact but that's the planet Ryloth next one is so lost and if you want remember that planet from it was mentioned in episode 6 Return of the Jedi because that's when Vader mentioned a propeller tini goes what do you make of the yeah the rebels are amassing a fleet it's all lost well it was the planet so lost well soulless teens solstice tens steam yeah or the race that inhabit the planet that's their planet so lost and it's very rocky and it's a rocky and lava planet it's a very harsh on the outside environment but to live but they soul since live underground where it's more habitable that's where they probably and uh and the peers in the Clone Wars episodes Nightsisters but it also neomu if you remember him he was the copilot of land up in Episode six with went Return of the Jedi when he was went on their attack against the second Death Star so he was his co-pilot in the Millennium Falcon so that if you're confused with the soulstones are he an iam knew who was the copilot with Lando so you'll get you kind of get a understanding but I guess what was happening there is before the major attack against the second Death Star an end or they were massing the fleet and gathering the fleet and planning the attack next to the planets all ah so so lost was was probably the planet that they were preparing their attack against the second Death Star Mandalore let's go into the next one Mandalore that should be very similar somewhat controversial to those who are into Mandalorian mythology but used to be run by the race of tongues thousands and years ago which I'll get into later and I want to get into now because it will take too much time but that's a topic that I will be talking about the blog that I'm referring to which will be the one after next by the Tom Reese but also ultimately later on in the modern period when time the Clone Wars into during the time the movies it was inhabited by humans but the humans that were Mandalorians because the tongues were believed to be the original race of the mantle Orient's but humans this was populated by the Mandalorians which were humans at the time of the movies in the Clone Wars series and that appears the clone war the clone war episode of the Mandalorian the Mandalorian plot and many others because this whole theme of stories that take place during the Clone Wars series which they key proof you know the mental or the plant Mandalore's constant from a visiting but does a whole history the whole mythology behind the planet mantle or in the great Mandalorian race and but anyway I'll save that for another time another blog to go into details with that to go on to the next one the plant Bank war it's a human populated planet has desert and canyons and it appears the Clone Wars episodes Dooku capture deathtrap and r2r to come home from the second season of the Khan Wars series but anyway moving on Oh College eyes moving on let's go on to the planet Serena it's a planet inhabited by humans and Twilight's it's a coat and the cohabit by humans and toilets and has mountains and rain forests it's the surface mountains and rain forests and it's the home of Count Dooku now keep in mind the Sereno is a planet that human population has in their history a royalty of counts that have come they lived there and have come from there there's a rural rural rural families that lived there from race of humans primarily recent humans Count Dooku is one of them and that was his home planet before he joined the Jedi Order and that of course that appears in the Clone Wars EU novels that planet or where robbed Count Dooku's from it also appears in the clone war episodes Nightsisters and many others where you see Dooku where Dooku is in higher you know where he's living over he's at once some of these events take place where he's staying up but Sereno keep in mind that's in addition to being humans and Twilight's it's also the home oh my plant at home planet of many counts including Count Dooku as a planet death or more that's the one I was thinking about that's the one I was thinking about in the past DAF am are what I was remember I'm mentioning that where the waiver where many of the SAP ryx and have were taken to or were also inhabiting the planet death and where they were taken that's where Darth Maul and and dark and savage opress were from they weren't from living on their home planet they were on that farm are at the time but death amar is a planet with the four switches known as the Nightsisters they they first appeared in the EU in the EU novels Star Wars even expanding universe novels but they were included in the Clone Wars series as the Nightsisters so then they're canonical with the Star Wars series it's also the home planet where the rank horse come from because even though the Broncos appear in episode 6 Return of the Jedi ranked wars were not and had they're not natural indigenous to Tatooine they're indigenous to death Omar the planet death or more and death more was a surface with covered in forests and savannas that's the primary that's that's the primary surface of plant death amore and they appear in the Clone Wars episodes the episodes of my sister's monsters and witches of the Mist and there's several other ways but the first time that you see death Omar is in that trilogy from season 3 of the Nightsisters trilogy from season 3 of the Clone Wars but anyway let's move on low Lola say say you if I'm pronouncing that right forgive me if I'm not it's sulfurous world but it's appeared its appearance in the Clone Wars emphasis a little counter tact and the Civil of rescue if you remember this it's a world as a part it's a very harsh volcanic in sulfurous world but it appears in the trilogy the trilogy stories episodes in season three of the Clone Wars where the the obi-wan and the rest of the Jedi tried to and the clone troopers see they freeze themselves in carbonite so they can pass beyond the detectors of the droid army of life-forms and they able to secretly get on that planet to rescue one of the Jedi Masters that's that's what happens on that planet so Lee say you that that planet does that three trip that three-part trilogy episodes from the Clone Wars series the next one I want to mention is Mon Cammalleri and that's obviously the home planet of the Montcalm alarians they lived closer to the surface the corners live further underneath this underneath the ocean so Montcalm alarians and the corns are the two races that are the indigenous races of that planet but it's a quote it's an aquatic planet primarily covered with water with small lay it was small land island small islands but primarily covered in oceans and that had and that appears in the clone war emphasis at all it appeared that planet appears a lot in the in the EU novels expanding universe novels but it also appears in a clone war novel the I mean the Clone Wars series water war Gungan attack and prisoners the three-part trilogy episodes from the first first three episodes of season four of the Khan Wars that's where the they're trying the theme wild camel Aryans and the Jedi are trying to free keep Mon Camilleri from being taken by the separatists by the Confederacy the next one is Dantooine I mentioned that tween before Cosette it's a small it's a small planet but it has grasslands rivers lakes and it was used as a former rebel base somewhere in the past so Leia lies and says partially true in the sense the rebels used to have a base there but they were far go on so Leia would not be traded the rebels their location of the rebels but Dantooine is that was the place where the rebels formally had a base Sigiriya is to home planet of the Zhou gary ins and sy gary it sir has had planes and Highlands primarily planes in Highlands and that had an appearance in the Clone Wars Episode slaves of the Republic and escaped from Kedah kadavo which appeared in the fourth season of the Clone Wars series Lavo minor next one lado minor it's junk world that appeared in the clone war besides brothers that's where Savage Opress when he's looking for his brother who was assumed dead Darth Maul that's where he found you know they've beaten down or of the word shall I say the surviving Darth Maul it was you know existing they're not living that car I guess but existing there but that happened on a lot of the minor in the Clone Wars episode of the final season of the season four of the Clone Wars four I mean a fourth season of the Clone Wars series okay the next one is florrum planet florrum and they had a that had a very arid desert and canyons was covered with it was surface was arid desert canyons and that appeared in clone war episodes do capture and as far as many others it appeared and men together Clone Wars episodes the next planet is Gamora that should sound very familiar the gomorian remember the gomorian guards and Episode six Return of the Jedi they were the guards and Jabba's palace on Tatooine there's this big heavyset creatures short heavyset creatures with a locum Orient's whether from the planet or more and they come from a very agrarian surface type world should I plan it that's what camor is like the next one is clean collect onehans they were you know remember they were some of the military best in a best description is no you know they were they're like the force or military force for the Hutt clans and the Hutt crime lords but Kryptonians cartoonion is a it's a its surface is very arid desert in Savannah so that's the primary surface of click catonian muna lest I mention amines before muna list were the home planet of the moons and remember the moons where the want the the international banking clan and they were one the ones who sided with Dooku when in the Confederacy for independent systems they're very very thin very long heads were those were the moons and they come from the planet analyst and the planet muna list surface was forests Plains and mountains that was the primary surface of the communalist the final one that I want to mention very important indeed could be used for a future blog for Star Wars but I want to talk talk about it this for a second moraband formerly known as Korriban but at the retitled moraband for the Clone Wars series Mora ban has an ancient world from the outer rim territory into the most ancient world from the outer rim Tiptur because it was a homeworld of the ancient Sith race going back thousands of years ago and its surface was the first range because it was covered mountains at red sands it's why it's very it's very dark it read on that planet because it's mountains and red sands it's the surface of the planet of moraband which was the home planet legion sis but thus if appear in that and it also and the peers even though it's Korriban women's formally named Corbin appears a lot and expanding universe material it does appear and they as renamed moraband in the Clone Wars episodes sacrifice which was the final episode of season 6 the The Lost missions episodes of the Clone Wars series and which Yoda visits the ancient world of the the home the ancient homeworld of the Sith and sees that spirit or that vision of Darth Bane you know who created the order of to so he learns about the secrets of the Sith order and that episode but that was the final episode of season 6 the lost mission of the Converse series and there's technically the last final episode of the Clone Wars series period but that's where more of an but that's but that's up that's a topic to explore later in a later blog because this is probably a lot more I can go into about Moorabbin or formerly known as Corbin now keep in mind the more ban in Corbin even though it's known that George Lucas wanted to change the name for the Clone Wars series because primary but because primarily over the centuries over the millennia Laura Banneker ban have changed her name so it was you know just like certain names have changed you know you just like you have in Turkey Istanbul used to be Constantinople now known as Istanbul so names can change so probably currently by the time of the movies in the Clone Wars series that plan is known as moraband but it used to be referred to Korriban probably thousands of years ago by the ancients if so it's not an on it's not you know it's it non-contradiction than continuity really so you can easily put Freeman in the continuity of Star Wars universe but that concludes my sampling even though it's a large sampling arc that concludes my sampling of plants and the Outer Rim territories of the Outer Rim let's go on to the next space now keep in mind that those the out of when we get to the outer rim after the outer rim that is the official civilized section of the galaxy of the Galactic Republic now that hasn't stopped the furthering of exploration and charting of the galaxy but now we're getting into we're really getting into territory of space which is somewhat shorter but it's still it's still a pioneer it's still it's its frontier its front its frontier space and the first area I want to get after area of the galaxy when I'm gonna get into that after the outer rim is wild space while space is an area of the galaxy where it is also known as the frontier while space was the frontier of galactic society separating the known parts of the galaxy from on their own Unknown Regions one of emperor palpatine last act was open up much of the region to more expansive exploration interesting enough again one of emperor palpatine more positive acts during his regime even though that doesn't excuse his tyranny while space deferred from the Unknown Regions and that some wild space has been unexplored though not extensively the Unknown Regions remained mr. the Unknown Regions remained a mystery so though the last two parts are going to be talking about is wild space and the unmanned regions the difference between them as wild space has been somewhat charted and even explored whereas the young man regions totally unexplored and even though few planets charted but widely uncharted and unexplored hardly explored shall I say let's start with first planet which is very significant Kamino that's the homework of the committee Hume onehans who had a very advanced cloning techniques it was a watery world you know again award a world covered in oceans and it was the home planet like I said at the communions they weren't members of the Republic and they weren't they weren't remember and basically but they did have an advanced society and civilization and advanced technology and cloning and they were the ones who cloned Jango Fett the Mandalorian on his Jango Fett for because he was strong warrior known as most of the most skilled warrior with fighting and technology and skills and stuff like that so they used his DNA to create the army of the the clone army for the Republic that was secretly created and it was a world Kamino his world was covered mister distinct because that that planet was was sort of in wild space it was hidden because remember obi-wan heard that planet and was trying to search for that planet because that was the origin of the Bounty Hunter who was trying to assassinate Padme and he was trying to uncover that mystery of who was trying to assassinate her and it led him to Kamino but he couldn't find Kamino in the Jedi records because he'd been erased by a Jedi the high def planet and for obvious reasons that we know now because of the acclaim the the Clone Army that was being created there on that planet but remember when when obi-wan was searching for it he said it should be right there in the south the Rishi maze Rishi maze was one of the seven satellite galaxies for the Star Wars galaxy somebody said the Kamino should be right there south of this Rishi base but it couldn't find it so the Rishi maze is probably Rishi maze was north of the while it was the satellite Gao see that was north of wild space territory so Kamino was one of those planets and that's where the a clone on was being created sifo-dyas probably prior to the events of Episode one The Phantom Menace started that before Oh Count Dooku murdered him and probably use Count Dooku or either Darth Sidious who most likely Count Dooku because he was known as a Jedi where whereas Palpatine nobody knew he had force power so he wasn't trained as a as a Jedi like Dooku was before he converted to assist so most likely Dooku had the most access I'm presuming accessed to the Jedi Records room that's why he erased but you know his last time on course and he erased the records and the Jedi records of Kamino you mean his existence so the Clone Army would be hidden from the Republic and the Jedi Order until the time that it was necessary to reveal their existence which was in Episode two attack of the clones let's go on to the next planet death death was a planet was it was a planet it was a planet was primarily inhabited by humans but had jungles and planes it was its primary surface and the appearance in that was in the Clone Wars movie and also the Clone Wars Episode a hunt for zero because that's ultimately where well first of all that's where the this the separatist had a movement there which they were when they kidnapped Jabba the Hutt's son that's where they were hiding out on that planet and that's where the clones are me they've Republic army where the Jedi had to go there to rescue job a son but also it was the last place in the Clone Wars Episode two hunt hunt for zero that's where zero fun made it to where he was assassinated by one if his love interest anybody zero was killed if you remember that episode but teth was the plant that was the planet in the wild space region that those events took place it let's go on to the next one which was mortis now mortis is interesting now mortis is even though that's good I'm going to refer to it as a planet it's very strange okay because the planet was enclosed in a monolith and it was a conduit was conduit to of the force and appeared in the Clone Wars episodes the overlords ultra mortis and the Buddha mortis it was the three-part you know trilogy from season three of the Clone Wars series and that government and that was those became very famous episodes because they explored deeply mythology of ancient knowledge of the force and which I'm gonna do I'm definitely doing a feature blog but I want to do some more research to come up with more solid opinions on that because that you know sort of controversy and various ideas of what mortis is it is is it reality inside that planet or it or is it a sort of vision or so because if you remember in the beginning obi-wan and Anakin and ahsoka they visit mortis because they get that signal from deep space from the wall you know the the wild wild space they get this they get to signal which they recognize comes from the ancient the times of the Jedi it's a signal that comes from a signal that comes from the Jedi Order but from thousands of years ago it's not a modern signal is a signal that's cast in a language from the ancient Jedi's and they go there to explore it and they get caught this monolith and they visit this world and this world is almost like another dimension because we remember when they come out of it almost no time in the galaxy the routing of reality has in the galaxy has passed but I'm going to say that for a future blog because it's very important information very intriguing information about the nature of the force and some mythology behind that so mortis is located within that region of the wild space and the last planet I'm going to talk about for wild space is kadavo it's as I Gary it's as I planet inhabited by dog Aryans its surface is volcanic and very thick smog atmosphere and that appears in the Clone Wars episodes slaves of the Republic and escaped them from a deep kadavo which is in the fourth season of the Clone Wars series that'll let you like those episodes to get the info on that what happens in that planet ok that concludes my section for wild space the last section I'm going to cover the final section is known as the unknown Regents let's talk about the unknown region some term unknown region's most commonly refered to the large unexplored region which some interpret some interpreted to have been outside the plain of the Galactic disk which was largely dominated by the chips ascendancy the unknown Regents was comprised only a few billion of a few billion stars out of a galactic total of for hunt four hundred billion there was a lack of reliable hyperspace routes through the region the Unknown Regions designation included uncharted areas in dense nebula globular clusters and the Galactic halo the Galactic Empire launched many expeditions to discover and conquer unknown the Unknown Regions section past the region's outer edge including the door seven dwarfs satellite galaxies was too hyper space disturbance hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the galaxy so when we get to the outer section of the Unknown Regions remember the outer the Unknown Regions is the furthest part of the Star Wars galaxy that's the furthest edge of the Star Wars galaxy when we get to that we get to that edge of that disk the edge of that area that's where we encountered a lot of those seven dwarf satellite galaxies that I hadn't mentioned before of course the you know one of them being the Rishi maze and but but outside of that is outside the galaxy that's in the al out of a far outer space outside the galaxy where you then can travel the you know the millions of light-years in distance between in between the various galaxies of the universe and there it was known as a hyperspace disturbance beyond the edge of the beyond the edge of the galaxy and that's what prevent it a lot of ships from traveling outside the galaxy of course I'm gonna get to that because I think there have been successful missions outside the galaxy as well as alien races visiting once visiting star wars galaxy which I will get to and of course the app bounds flight project the Jedi Masters had found a way to get beyond the hyperspace disturbance so they can explore other doubt and you leave the galaxy and explore other galaxies but essentially that is the Unknown Regions the Unknown Regions again and like wild space very few but there has been a few planets charted a lot of them have been during the time of Emperor Palpatine ring the charting of some of those planets neon then Regents but it's mostly uncharted and unexplored and hardly any of them have been inhabitant or civilized by by humans or alien races from the Galactic Republic and none of them or members of the Galactic Republic the the the the main the main race civilized race that controls that region is chess but that's but the chests are not members of the Galactic Republic but they those are the they are the only intelligent civilized race that that rule that region but anyway let's go with a few planets that we do have a few planets that we do know a couple of them or from the Star Wars II you know spanning universe but the first one is Illume Illume appeared in the Clone Wars episodes of gathering humor if you remember the episodes from the fifth season of the Clone Wars series where Yoda and ahsoka take the younglings of the the Padawan younglings to to train them they come paddle once and - so they go through a rite of passage and learning how to create that learning how to find the crystal so they can create their own lightsabers well that the planet did loom that's where they go to that ice planet and the Loom where they find that that crystal that is the place in the unknowns as to planet and the unknown Regents which the Jedi do visit because that's their right of passage where they take their young ones for a rite of passage but it's an ice planet and has obviously there's a lot of crystals because of Jedi's use that those crystals are able to find those crystals to use to create their lightsabers for the power of their lightsabers so that appears in the episode the gathering from the fasces in the Clone Wars series the rest are the rest of three planets that I'm going mentioned or from the Star Wars expanding universe because like I said in a six movies and also Clone Wars series other than a loom we really don't know or deal with too much of the Unknown Regions most of it is talked about it referred to an expanding universe legends which is now referred to legends so the question remains is how much well this can consist or where they carry over into the new Canon official Canon which I like to think that most of this will or could anyway let's deal with the at first planet I mean not the first planet for the governing Regents listed but the first planet from the expanding universe shall I say is silho seller in the Unknown Regions that's the home planet remember the Chiss that's the home planet of the chess but remember the chess have an ascendancy just like the Galactic Republic which they inhabit thousands of worlds well that shifts and have thousands of planets within the unknown Regents no this is just ascendancy but Silla is their home planet which they are from and that's a nursery in it Silla is covered in glaciers and snow wasteland but that is too home planet of the chess essentially and you if you know the chess traces of blue skinned red eyes you know their their body structure is made for that kind of environment the next one is the Wii if I'm pronouncing this looook week and that's the home planet of the Sarek race and their reptiles they look like a lot and they look like velociraptors it's what they remind me of and it's a vert the planet is very humid it's a it's very hot and humid there's a jungle planet that's its surface and the reason why I mention that because that if you remember it's a truce of becquer they were the race that were invading the galaxy right after the defeat of the Empire and the death of Emperor Palpatine so I mention that because they're from the Unknown Regions Sarek race from the Unknown Regions and they're their home planets a week and the last planet that I want to mention which is very interesting and almost gets them to fantasy and autum ways is zoning the mouth see cop cinema see cut it from pronouncement right and the reason why I say that is because it's a living sentient world and for the expanding and appeared in the expanding universe in the clip from the Clone Wars there are prior to the Clone Wars era after episode one The Phantom Menace appeared in that era where obi-wan was training Anakin to be a Jedi and to come to that world for a mission and he discovered the you know one of the Jedi's masters who had left the galaxy there was an alien race that would visit it there and left the galaxy and when they left that that Jedi left with them and from their reasons which we learned more about why and the New Jedi Order series of the EU with the Yuuzhan Vong invasion but that planet was the seed of the original news on Vong homeworld so it's interesting that that plant is connected and so it's a living sentient world which if you know anything about the Yuuzhan Vong that's what their technology is based on and the essence of their religion in their society but that that was scenting on cinema Sika living sentient war planet so pretty much that concludes it's not a whole lot like I said because most of those planets are not even dealt with and the six movies or the Clone Wars and a few of them are dealt with on a food planet from the Unknown Regions are dealt with in the expanding universe but pretty much that concludes my blog therefore the Star Wars Galaxies very long I know I did a very long blog there's a lot of detail I hope I did justice I hope I did justice for this topic because it's very survey it's like a survey course so I had just we mover a lot of information for the Star Wars Galaxies just to give you an overview of what the Star Wars galaxy is about and give you samplings of the plants for each of the sectors in each sections of the Star Wars galaxy so hopefully I did a I did a somewhat decent a satisfactory job on that and that'll be a standoff for a point that I can jump you know go from there for other blocks that I create in the future for Star Wars mythology so I figured I start off you know today's new series of stories mythology with that topic which I conclude which I have concluded now and I will let it go there because I know this blog is long and it'll be over two hours now watching it and I hope that you have enjoyed watching it especially if you watch the whole thing I know it's been long I appreciate you watching this I hope that you have enjoyed this and it's been very informative and helpful and from informing you of the stories and mythology and information on the Star Wars Galaxies so but anywhere that concludes that I ask you to join me next month the next month blog on the 4 February as I plan to do with Doctor Who mythology on the nature of time travel which that should that will be very interesting but wait this you see that blog to get into the topics of time travel can you know time be changed and or is it is it infinitely blocked or can we change time and what does it mean when we talk about changing changing history but now I'll get into that when we deal that when the Doctor Who Doctor Who mythology on the nature of time travel but anyway I hope you enjoyed this one on the Star Wars Galaxies if you do enjoy this video if you did enjoy this video I ask you to please subscribe to my channel so you can get all the latest updates and for free especially for future blogs and I want to bid you a good day and thank you again for watching this video and may the force be with you
Channel: Gallifreyan Jedi
Views: 474,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars (Film Series), Mythology (Film Genre), Galaxy (Celestial Object Category), Star Wars The Clone Wars (Television Series), Star (Literature Subject), Galactic Republic (Organization In Fiction), Jedi Order (Organization In Fiction), Galactic Empire (Organization In Fiction), Space Exploration (Literature Subject), Planets (Literature Subject), Moons (Literature Subject), Alien Species (Literature Subject), Science Fiction (TV Genre)
Id: C2l6qtvIC7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 39sec (8439 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 03 2015
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