Star Wars Episode III: Becoming Obi-Wan Webisode
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Channel: mranderson00001
Views: 8,191,362
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Keywords: star, wars, episode, III, revenge, of, the, sith, george, lucas, rick, mccallum, director, producer, lucasfilm, webisode, becoming, obi, wan, kenobi, ewan, mcgregor, alec, guinness, wedge, antilles, dennis, lawson, anakin, skywalker, hayden, christensen, anthony, daniels, c3po, see, threepio, iain, mccaig, nick, gillard, padme, amidala, natalie, portman, bruce, spence, tion, medon, christopher, lee, count, dooku, darth, tyranus, jedi, knight, master, lightsaber, vader, behind, scenes, documentary, three, palpatine, sidious, chancellor
Id: 5ihqDETf324
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2009
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I LOVE Wedge, and that actor is BRILLIANT in "Local Hero."
As Wedge motherfucking Antilles no less.
About a year ago my (then) six-year-old son, a big Star Wars fan, ended up playing for an hour or so in a park with Ewan McGregor, whose London base is nearby; the entire time my son remained oblivious.
Later on I patiently explained what had happened, and after about ten minutes (by which time I'd resorted to showing him film images) it finally sunk in that he'd actually been in the presence Obe Wan Kenobi.
He then looked up at me confused, and said: "Does that mean Star Wars is real?"
He's also in V and VI
Get this man involved in the new franchise!
Hes a great actor