Revenge of the Sith Featurette: The Return of Darth Vader

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he was your favorite body you know he was he was doable as a bad guy it either scares you or thrills you I find your lack of faith disturbing and of something chilling about that breathing noise episode three ultimately is the story about how does Anakin Skywalker become Darth Vader I think that's the story that everybody has been waiting for this is the beginning of the end for Anna Kendrick you don't know the power of the dark side part of the reason I went back to tell the prequel of how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader is that it's an interesting story and it's a fun story to tell because it is the story of how a good person turns bad you know he progresses from being a bright smart loving caring young boy to being an attentive hard working but ambitious Padawan learner who feels that because he's better at his being a Jedi and his Jedi skills than most of the other Jedi that he should progress further and faster in some ways a lot of ways I'm really ahead of him and as he progressed it was his inability to control his temper as read to control things that work is undoing his whole slide to the dark side is quiet is quite carefully done and it comes from very human things that that he's in love you know and that he's going to be a father and that he's jealous and I don't know we've all done it messed things up because we're young and naive and not able to step back and go oh no it's okay what the now Anakin don't let your personal feelings get in the way the problem that Anakin has this whole thing is he has a hard time letting go of things I don't want things to change but you can't stop the change as he sought more and more power to try to change people's fate so that they're the way he wants them that greed goes from trying to save the one you love to realizing you can control the universe there was this missing piece now of episode 3 and that is the key missing piece of episode 3 which everybody's always wanted to see which is is the return of Anakin Skywalker in the suit the face the design the early Ralph McQuarrie inspiration is still there and we've tried to remain faithful to that as we looked at the original helmet we've noticed that it's not a symmetrical shape it was an opportunity for us to make it more symmetrical and that's so that's what we're trying to do so this is the bit where all the detail needs to be so we use about a long time getting this side beautiful I scanned into our machine and then I flipped it in the computer and then I'm just cutting the right hand side hopefully by the end of the day we'll have the other half of that that we can put together and see what it looks like that'll be the first time we've seen the symmetrical Darth Vader we've got the beginning of the helmet that's gonna go into a mold tomorrow we've got the shoulders we're starting on the head all these pieces the next couple of weeks is gonna start coming together and become Darth Vader which is great but we start to do a box is we have to start doing fittings originally starts out as just this beige suit which isn't very intimidating at all but you know that I still got this sensation of nostalgia that uh I wasn't aware where I was I was gonna feel I've been waiting for you we'll be one we meet again at last I could have just put some really tall guy in it and and got away with it but I begged and pleaded and they were nice enough to build a Darth Vader suit that actually fit me when we put this helmet on before it just looked too thin inhaled in if you can really see it but by actually adding a little bit of a pipe there and by adding a bit in there it just builds it all out and it fills in the face and it's much more what we're used to seeing so it's really weird things I'll out this that we're just discovering all the time things that we thought we'd be beyond by now simultaneously we had to create a sequence where both Anakin and obi-wan we're gonna fight with each other this is a really difficult thing this is best friends you know this is a mentor and his teacher and their relationship falls apart and and it can allows this to happen obi-wan seems always to have been a little wary of this child and having made a promise to his dying master qui-gon he promises to turn this go we get into Jedi look after him but she does I think to the best of his ability in the sword fighting you have to learn thousand moves it's very hard and you have to memorize them and you really have to memorize them well you get hitting head Oh Vegas the repetition of having to do each sequence over and over again and trying to get it so that it is as perfect as as we could get it to be was exhausting hard work but really satisfying suppose at the end of the day the guys would get so into it and then one of them make a mistake boom break they would be fine laughing everything else and then BOOM seconds later that we're back into it and this would go on for hours and hours every day you and has always been a great sword fighter but Hayden is very athletic and he's also very good at it the difference in this particular what does they have to fight each other so we got some very very good performances there you know working their routines through and trying to be better than the other guy and that leads into this blendin more layers of the silicon and then we've done a fiberglass jacket around it we've then taken all of that off so we could get the original shape out so we don't have an empty shell which is going to be our Darth Vader helmet which now Adam is about to start laying up in polyester in fiberglass yeah pop and after the helmet and that looks very good I think that must be incredibly exciting for hidden our being being Darth Vader getting into Darth Vader that's the cool part what more fitting with Hayden and then filmy on him and it'll be just a memory everyone on the crew ever on my crew wants to be involved in this the day we're on set with him and he came into shot and you saw him shining as he went up we just saw that is an amazing thing takes us back to the old days no drivers because they are very much like their movies but in the case of somebody who brightest and directs you know it is my life I mean everything I
Channel: Star Wars
Views: 3,700,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gq_2nK5KUAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 05 2014
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