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you see the hat don't you you know what today is well hello campus lovers the great outdoors welcome to another edition of Stanley Sundays you know I got to tell you ever since I started doing Stanley Sundays a common question that I get a lot is ok out of all the Stanley cookware that they make in your opinion what do you thinks the best well the way that they're made I would have to say they're all similarly made but I guess the way I'm going to answer that is is if I could only have one of the Stanley cooking sets which one would I choose if I only had one option of one Stanley cooking set this is the one I would choose and it's very popular this is the Stanley prep and cook set there's lots of reasons why this is in my opinion for one cook set being the most versatile and functional cook set just about out there period Stanley and other brands combined this is my Stanley prep and cook set and I gotta admit I was doing a test one day I was using I've had this this one right here for over three years and anyway there has always been this issue about the plastic tabs upon the lids melting and I did a video and about you know how to deal with making your your handle tabs keeping you know how to keep them from melting but what I did was in the course of doing that video I said dang how hot do you have to get this thing to melt I said I'm gonna try it I said I'm going to intentionally try to melt a tab and the way it turned out I got to tell you this I know I'm running a rabbit here but when these things start melting it happens like all at one time and the way to avoid and melting tabs is to simply treat you campfire like a stove cook on a bed of coals and not a flame it's that simple I believe that these pots were initially created for stoves but surely they had a campfire in mind the flames were up high and all of a sudden I was sitting there watching it the the plastic started just kind of moving a little bit I said oh my god so I got it away from the fire but it takes a good deal of heat to melt these things don't ever let the plastic tabs be a deterrent from buying one of these things if you're really worried about it do what they do put a little take break the plastic off and put one of those little key rings in there and you'll be fine this kit has the utensils needed to cook a variety of things whenever we're looking at a cook set and overall the cook set has one pot okay and it's a pot it's not a frying pan typically what all of these cook sets are designed to do is cook a one pot meal okay so you're cooking anything from stews to dehydrated food where you're warming the water up and pouring it in you know things like that but they're typically one pot meals and this cook set it has one pot it's no different than any of the other ones okay but the features that I like about it is its greater capacity alright I love the packaging on this kit now the pot itself is one and a half quarts it's a 1.5 liter pot okay with a vented lid very important for straining things it has a spatula it has a ladle it has two bowls and al of the bowls the bowls are incredible it's one of the stars of the show along with that spatula game then it has two cutting boards or lids or cutting board lids and they work they work they're not ideal but they work now let's open this thing up and take a look at it all right we're gonna open her up here the tape there there we go nice safety now here we go it has one of their handles it unlocks this way you push it forward to lock it keeps it from being flop here's your vented lid that they're talking about with all the vent holes down here and you've got another one right there this is all stainless steel they're stainless steel is incredible really is you have graduation marks on the side of the pot let you know how much water you you're using which is handy and here we go with the two cutting board lids for the bowls now here is the utensil part up okay they lock in this way you just press them in to release them come back this way come back this way notice that this has teeth on it for like if you're scooping up noodles or something or pasta or and then it's got this pour spout over here so if you have some liquids or some gravies or something that you're trying to aim where the liquid goes there it is but the ladles very nice very nice but as far as the utensils go what I've used the most is this spatula I'm gonna get my other one to show keep in mind that I've had this for over three years and I've used this set a little quite a bit because I like the utensils now show you the difference here they both are okay and you can see this one as you can see after three years this thing's pretty much and like brand-new now this is a high temperature melting plastic here no doubt about it because I've had this thing on some very hot grills I've had it you know in hot frying pans with all in the pans a lesser plastic would have melted for sure now another thing that I really love I can't say it enough I love these bowls these bowls are nice I think they hold about 20 ounces and the little cutting boards and they do work for cutting meat and stuff like that they're very useful but if you take them this way you can have a spoon that rests in there or fork whatever you're eating with put this on top keep insects out and keep temperature in these bowls are really nice now to show you from my other set now here's one if you look at it it's all buggered up around here well that's not from campfire food that's from me using it in a microwave so because these that's the thing about these bowls is that they're so nice that sometimes you want to use them around the house and there's nothing wrong with that nothing wrong with that at all I do that sometime when I'm cooking a meal at home I'll use my camping stuff just for fun just to do it and and the stuff so good that it works great for home you I mean it really does a very important difference between this one and your regular standard Stanley cook set is its wider bottom this wider bottom makes it so camp stove friendly it's ridiculous I can't think of a camp stove that this won't fit on and do nicely that's the only complaint that I had about your regular stanley camp cook set one with the cups and the taller one but this pot right here is performed so well I have fried in it I have student all with no problems no problems whatsoever no doubt about it if you're buying you wanting to know a good reliable cook set to buy for your first time or if you want to augment your the cook set that you have now in my view this is the best most versatile cook set that Stanley has to offer and it gets the DPO the donnie pavel in the outdoors see you of approval for sure i'd like to say thank you Stanley for sending me the stanley prep and cook set for review and i encourage each and every one of you to go to the stanley web store and type in promo code DP outdoors and you will receive some unbelievable discounts 30% off free shipping check it out or it so I hope that clears up that question of what Stanley cook set do I prefer what's my favorite which one's the best and all that like I said the cook sets are built pretty much the same but as far as a one or two man cooks set that's made for if what you're wanting to cook or one dish meals one pot meals there's nothing any better nothing honestly if there is I'd sure like to see it and for the money it's an incredible value thank you for hanging out for another Stan Lee Sundy good to see you as always I'm Donny paddling the outdoors to you and yours get cooking and we'll see you in the woods take care
Channel: Donny Pavolini Outdoors
Views: 4,994
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: STANLEY, Stanley cookset, stanley prep and cook, best camping cook set, caMPING GEAR, STANLRY CAMP COOK
Id: Paf0Po3Gn88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 04 2018
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