Standing Buffalo Powwow 2018 Men's Traditional Special Pt2

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okay there's probably been different ways of that okay hold on just a quick sec [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right okay oh man it's gonna be cool all right this is an honor of us initiation for deva katta cheetah did we get our judges audition [Music] jason taylor is that a bestie they want you out there Jason go out there this guy knows everything right here Jason okay listen up dancers here's one is good to go we're gonna go one is straight saw and first of all we go first which of this for what neither got okay you'll have to first push if we're watching dance out there and then on the second wish of matches you'll come in and help about the second song will be a sneaker and they're all going to come from Dakota Oh time and then the judges after that sneaker are gonna pick and dancers and healthy that dancers then we're going to go into a warrior society song and I'm trying to figure it out and I think was particularly that put a whole time you've got one of those you know those Warriors song they danced like that it's me I think it's what take a little and then after that what vaguely song they're gonna go to I'll pick the top five and then they're gonna have one straight song and then they're gonna have top five judges pick the top five dancers and we got there okay yeah that's how we're gonna do it oh man a lot of warriors out here then oh geez Oh what dieter cuts gonna be ready man look at there he's getting ready got that who stick going then he's gonna come whoo hey all right okay somebody give me the hi sign the judges do we have all ten judges out there somebody if we count the family do we have all ten judges out there okay all of the judges are in place the judges are ready the dancers are definitely ready but this first push up is gonna go for what what did it cost so we're going to go over here to Dakota hope I warrior song please take it away boys [Music] [Applause] there you go there is that's what he hope she does Fujiyama cucchiaio good job [Applause] [Music] [Music] what your job is to collect ow forty-four [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey what do you think of that ladies and gentlemen men's traditional dancing at its finest right here at IG Oh Scott a white GP okay gentlemen walk around a little bit if anybody wants to bring them some water they definitely need it so come on out give them a little bit of refreshment as they collect themselves they're gonna get one more song and judges after this song you will be picking the dancer of your choice alright and this song gentlemen is going to be a sneak up so he's standing by be ready good singing there doc Jota Jota I wanna I care ho I stay you hoppy ah hey Kenny Pratt and the boys good job and he was way over there well for pennies were over in New York a couple of weeks ago over there yeah good job representing Sioux Valley and a good way good job good to see them back here all that good stuff all right aha hey boy that's good things going on here this evening that's a takahashi good job okay judges just kind of give me a high sign let me know when you're ready to go best-looking Indian guy in the whole world right here yeah there is how'd you tattoo that white thing on your belly oh I bet you're gonna next okay are we ready to go shooting ready to go judges ready okay after this song judges you will be picking a dancer of your choice so we're gonna go over here to Dakota Hawkeye let's Nigam up gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey what do you think of that ladies and gentlemen put your hands together awkward you fear [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah good god lost his compass [Applause] [Applause] hold your places with your painted faces gentlemen the judges are going to make their pick at this time just kind of stay where you're at in your general area and again boy this is a tough job being a judge with this quality of dancing here and again on behalf of wadiya coho cheetah they wanted to honor the Minish traditional category and again gentlemen thank you very much for coming down Tatanka nagi powwow we are participating in initiation of this young gentleman and again so once you get your dancer bring them over this way if you would judges come on over and again if you get big gentleman come on over and stand make a line right here then we'll count you but me and what either call only know how to come to five so we'll have to quantify twice hey good job gentlemen congratulations come on over if you get picked come on over and again a very hard job oh man [Music] [Applause] hee ha boy this is Dan did good job and again judges they just kind of yeah we need 5 more dancers come on over and if you get picked come on over a good job a lot of good dancers champions of Champions right here at this Paolo again ladies and gentlemen can't say enough about the thankfulness we have for the president just a mere presence of these dancers did we get all 10 of them is there 10 of them somebody help dusty count them 20 new phenomena dope Izapa Chaka Chaka Chaka ooga Chaka is there 10 for missing one I think [Music] you get in there yeah okay that is he's the tenth guy still not shovel horse bianca hold up their dancers hold up we need one more dancer when she no play yama need o paws off - big boy sagar toga knob - haka we need one more dancer family who's going to make that pick that little guy or what my chilena have you forgot to pick okay there's a choice right there or there's our bent guy right there is that who you pick okay okay come on over gentlemen again ladies and gentlemen skip the rest of our - there's a big round of applause then again we're gonna wish them good luck you're not there with the other traditional specials they may have thank you but we're gonna wish them well in the contest as well gentlemen thank you very much yeah make us all feel good warriors right here - tonkin igy cheapy good job okay we have our final 10 in place and we're gonna ask them to please position themselves around the arena at this time and again I'm understanding they wanted a warrior saw Dakota Houghton and I believe it's like a walk begley song and where they jumped like that [Music] and then we'll need the top five judges out there dad and we're chelina help me to say this each to a top five right here dad and falando June Oscar Don and dusty dusty you got to go out there this time don't be shy don't be acting stru yeah you're a warrior as zipler and again it's uh I believe again is that the family just trying to help us understand the importance of like walk take Elaine and Don and rose but would not they returned from the Battle of the Little Bighorn there was songs that were made that sang about telling the stories of what they did on the battlefield and there was a certain beat that they had to it and they shared these stories they also offered stories about those that stayed behind in the town there's a whole set of them about seventeen and there's various times in the truth through Susan ceremonies they sing all seventeen in them but tonight we're just going to sing one of them and again there's a certain way to dance to this kind of a song and and all that in the family after this song there were going to pick the top five finalists so judges be ready then after that when you make the top five you're gonna dance to one straight song and then one two three four five right [Music] oh and Sita April Ando raise your hand Orlando yeah are you Navajo hey that's uh what D de cos dad's twin brother right there let's give him a big round of applause one of our visitors here good job Hollande oh thank you very much for coming and honoring your nephew here but that's his twin brother good job guys okay are we ready to go the judges are already family helped me out somebody quit gossiping oh okay looks like the judges are ready the dancers are ready we're gonna go over to Jota Jota okay anytime you're ready boys [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hi hold your places there gentlemen if you would and now judges from these top ten you'll need to pick five of them and bring them over this way so judges Panna get yourselves together the side on the top five there's a lot of great quality dancing out there and again these are some of the champions of the champions throughout Indian country various times biggest one in this contest at dancing in the venoms traditional division good job and thank you very much gentlemen we appreciate you coming here and thank you they're gonna make the top five right from here and then those top five will backs to one more straight song and then we'll determine first second third fourth and fifth kind of like that okay there's one there's two only there's three four and then we need one more and there's five okay let's get these other five dances too big round of applause good job gentlemen thank you very much come on over to shake hands if you would and again that's what we are are sharing with our young people they need to see this fortune ship in our way we call it a respect that is shown for our competitors but yet in a good way we respect that opportunity yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] and again I know that these dancers would appreciate some water so if we got anybody out there they've got some water I know they really enjoyed good a job yeah that's uh that's kind of a history behind that welcome Begley a the Warriors society song and again the women have that kind of a song that's kind of coming back EEP Silla they refer to that as [Music] all right pose cool I like this oh man this is so cool okay dancers listen up we're gonna ask you I'm sorry we're gonna ask you we're gonna Dakota whole time the family is asking for five push-ups on the first push-up they're gonna pick fifth place on the third room on the fourth push-up they're gonna pick fourth da-da-da-da-dah and the last dancer standing will be the champion and that'll be chosen and the boys are gonna go out and dance with these champions here so again ladies and gentlemen this is an initiation for what D Takashi Dodd and soul okay picking our pivot will be dusty you'll be first to pick picking fourth will be Donovan's and third you'll pick on the third push-up Oscar you'll pick yours on the fourth push-up Jun you'll pick your dancer and the remaining dancer will be the champion okay we got that five push-ups I put a whole time okay judges are you guys ready that's the Donovan go out to the middle judges go up to the middle dusty you'll be picking on that first push up and then Adana than Oscar and then June so you got the order right got into the middle there guys and in June and then Selena while you're out there she wants you to dance as well yeah kind of like that so that's the after you picture dancer just give her nails on this song hey yeah and again ladies and gentlemen as you can see it's really important this is something that we do in powwow country we're not worried about that time and everything does the family safe all year long for this gathered some items and what's not in honor of this young child you see standing right here and here's the name of what Dida kaho cheetah okay judges are you guys ready to go just give me a nod Donovan said yeah but he can't believe Donovan so I don't know somebody else should not her head no I'm okay it looks like the dancers are ready the judges are ready five push-ups now hold a hope I may oppo [Applause] Oh [Applause] okay just bring fifth plates over here and there he is right there fifth please sometime during this push up gotta move you'll make your choice they want you to - best to stay out there [Music] Oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] okay Donovan make your choice bring them over this way if you would at least and this will be court place [Applause] and there's fourth place right there okay we're gonna ask Oscar during this push-up you pick third place please [Applause] yeah [Applause] there's third place right there good job sir okay we're going to ash you'll be making second place [Applause] [Applause] and the champion whadya Kashia initiation special as well Laberge a [Music] okay one more push up venture style might be you're the champion that's your style good good there you go and again traditional doctors thank you very much for watering what did it go Cheeta with your mere presence in addition to that Dear John stop and as we do these things we appreciate the regalia the things that you respect the responsibilities who discipline [Applause] he can hear you now big round of applause for our champion with the for the medina Conchita initiation special and there he is ladies and gentlemen I should claim him because he's got money my brother Michael Liberty yeah that's all Indian trick yeah didn't even have a home car nothing but he's got money so I'll claim him he did something good yeah I kind of like that and again ladies and gentlemen we just wanted to say how you look like it he said one more like bad oh my goodness but again on behalf of the family they said you know ladies and gentlemen are the whole family got together and really understood the importance of our coming together and this young this young person this little walk hiya John brought all of us together give us purpose and gives us meaning and helps us to understand the importance of that representation so with that we're gonna say thank you to all of the men's traditional dancers but I got a little something to read before you all leave and so in that again we just wanted just wanted to say the family and the wadi Takashi de Dennison asked I would like to thank Tatanka Nagi or yak a power and Chief and Council for giving us a time to have this men's traditional special initiation and into the pouch bringing him into the Power Circle and so for wadiya Kahuku seed adenosine Husker rope ela tonka hey and again we're asking ephod dakota ho ty come on over shake this young man's hand they got a little coffee money for you for those very beautiful songs and it was really good to hear the walk austega laid those warriors songs and again the akanchha would all dance to that and kind of on the downbeat pretending like they're shooting and stuff like that but it's there's a whole 7 that set of 17 I believe with those songs and they were created down in rows but upon the return of those warriors from oh thank you very much and they give me a little of coffee money thank you they're a hedge a 2l Oh now pay choose up it oh that means she can take a jacket ha ha ha ha all right may God give me a little coffee money but come on up there Jota Jota they got a little something for you and again Whoopie lie again and then also the champions here again in our way ladies and gentlemen when we collaborate and with the drum on something like this our
Channel: Peigan Powwow Productions
Views: 25,885
Rating: 4.768786 out of 5
Keywords: Standing Buffalo, Powwow 2018, Men's Traditional, Dakota Hotain Singers
Id: 2u0qMXFpDUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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