Interview Question: Why should we hire you?

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hi it's here I hear and today we are going to talk about a very very important interview question why should we hire you all right so now this question usually comes at the end of an interview but it could also come at the beginning we're in the middle in a slightly different form which which could be along the lines of why do you think you're a good fit for the job why do you want the job okay so either way it's really you know sort of different sides at the same coin why should we hire you why do you want the job essentially it's getting to the same thing which really is about match okay it's about the match between what the position requires and what you bring to the table okay so what are the skills and experiences that the job means right to get done and then what do you bring in terms of skills and experience that would allow you to do the job well and so really the genesis in answering this question well lies in your ability to make that match for them okay connect the dots for them and show that everything that you bring to the table your skills your experience your expertise your talents all of this lines up really really well with the requirements of the job and so really the answer the question why should we hire you is because you're the best candidate you have you bring with you an excellent match for what they're looking for all right so let's um let's walk through an example usually examples are the best way to illustrate this so let's say they ask you the question you know why should we hire you and say something along the lines of well from my understanding of reading the job description and also you know I do a bit of research I was on your company website I've also talked to some folks that I know that work at the company and so when I look at this job and when I think of who would be a perfect candidate for this job what would a perfect candidate have I feel like you know there are three things that come to mind and so this is where you highlight three things from you know it should really be a clever way of summarizing the three main things that you think was in the job description and then cleverly matching that to the three things that you think you bring to the table okay so for example you could say something along the lines of you know when I look at the job description you know the three things that really make me think are key here are you know the top thing is obviously analytical ability you know being able to really sort of work with a lot of data and the would be good with the analysis component of the job and then the second thing seems to be experienced in in in this particular industry and being familiar with the clients and what that role entails and then the third thing might be looks like from the job description it seems like you know someone who is very versatile in terms of working with a lot of other people collaborating across divisions you know someone who can sort of take leadership when required but also a good team player and can work within a fairly large team and then you say something like well um look at this this is really interesting this is exactly the three things that I would highlight from my from my experience and skill set when it comes to what I have to offer um you know so you go back to those three things and I say well when it comes to analytical abilities I mean that's you know one of the key things in all my jobs right through from college to to to the my most recent job is you know a very big component of it has always been I know what I call data driven in terms of experience in the industry and how could I have you know X number of years working in with industry and or family with the mark-up with the clients etc etc and then thirdly you know it seems like you know you've highlighted a need for someone who's pretty versatile in terms of being able to work with a very wide cross-section of people and divisions and you know that's something that you know pretty much every role I've been in really has has had that element in fact that's actually you know one of those things that I really look forward to I love dick teams I love collaborating with a lot of people cross-functional work across different divisions and departments is something that that I'm good at but I have quite a bit of experience with so you know in the answer to your question why should we hire you really is that I believe that you know this is a really good fit what I've been to a table and what I think you're looking for in an ideal candidate here I've pretty much the same thing so there you go alright so again this is a framework you know if you don't obviously use the exact same examples or details that I gave you the idea is you look at the job description summarize it for them highlighting three times or four things that you you say to them is what you believe in ideal candidate would have and then it affects the price of price but that's the same stuff that I have and then going through and showing how you have those three or four things all right okay well hopefully that's that's helped you a little bit with this question it is a key question it will come up win one one way or another the idea sorry the question of why should they hire you why do you want the job and again like I said it really goes to you know the crux of the matter which is the match between the requirements of a particular position and then what right into the table alright feel free to contact me if you would like some personal guidance with other other interview questions okay all right thank you
Channel: Careerly
Views: 261,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Interview, Interview Question, Interview Prep, Job Search, Career Coaching, Hiring, Job Interview, Careerly, Mock Interview, Career Development (Literature Subject), Career Counseling (Website Category), work, Employment (Website Category), Office, Working, Job (Quotation Subject)
Id: ZGNb0PvNGk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 12 2014
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