Stan Walker opens up about cancer battle

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welcome back to the program all this time last year at just 26 years of age Australian Idol sensation Stan Walker was diagnosed with stomach cancer he faced a potentially terrifying outcome but Stan made the decision to document each step of his treatment take a look I thank God every day that I'm live hey it's quite secure feels like I'm dying in a way this whole whole we've all been struck by this ugly cursed as ugly Jean I've watched everyone die and it's poor routine check about two months ago week later I found that I had cancer like I know I'm gonna beat this just to pick a specific everything's going wrong what I'm realizing more now is that the journey is far from over it's very raw it's very honest but it's also very inspiring and we are so pleased to say that one year on Stan Walker joins us now hello to you it is really confronting seeing what you've been through because 13 tumors is that right that you've battled so far yeah there was um here 13 lesions originally there was only one that they found but when they opened up my stomach there was actually 13 so I think it had spread already and now cancer and that particular cancer spreads of real fossils like salt that's right yeah how many of you mentioned there about your relatives and I'm sure this was weighing on you I guess for many of you it's it's you're living with a sentence so we're just waiting for waiting together how many did you watch pass I've watched maybe 3040 of my family movement and possibly more pass from the sin before that a lot more so I know it was like a bear to save us kind of a normal thing mm-hmm but I was thinking oh my gosh and then now I'm a part of that lion they could you know just and did that terrible reality help you in some way knowing that you've seen others and witnessed others so closely did it give you some insight into what you'd be going through yeah well I kind of sometimes I didn't pay attention a lot to you know cuz I think he's never gonna touch me yeah never gonna happen to me like but then when it happened I was like okay you know I neither like get into action and it didn't really I didn't really it didn't really hit me until I actually got the operation cause it didn't cares like oh just hurry up just do it I don't want to think about it feel real yeah and em but like you know thank God that technology and scientists would come so far that it's kind of like a easy thing for these surgeons to be no people accused you earlier but there were accusations around the euro of drugs and the hereof had alcohol and drug problems I mean that must have been difficult to live with I was hard for my family yeah my family you know I'm used to being told I'm dissing date like yeah they're for me but I started affecting my family a lot and I just said to them just wait at a wall makes sense when this comes out and it wasn't so much to shame people but us to educate people to help people hopefully it's shame them as well yeah and you deserve to do that I mean this is the most horrible accusation that you decide to document this as well that that's a brave thing to do why well I'm a creative person anything that happens in my life good bad ugly said like I try and turn into something creative you know yeah like I'm a storyteller I'm a singing I'm a songwriter I like I try and use everything but also it was like an excuse for me to well not an excuse but a way for me to process and also help people all right I know it sounds like a cliche thing like all I want to help people now but it's like there's so many people in my own family that are so like they think they're exempt to something like this so when people see me they're gonna think now you're young you're healthy how can this happen to you as it's like you can happen to anybody so it's like a bit of a boot up the bum look after yourselves and but a education on this team and you've taken it to heart to look after yourself because you've really lost a lot of weight during this year and fitness is key right oh definitely like I was so excited before the operation yes don't be skinny forever and they went a half an ounce or two skinny now but now it's um and what are you doing to stay fit how are you doing it well I've just my eating habits have changed I like eat vegetables I never even knew existed yeah I'm taking like these supplements and stuff and I never never heard I didn't even know what a probiotic was before but now I'm like like I'm not all the way there sometimes they and I get sick but just for the taste but like I'm genuinely I'm quite healthy it's a 24/7 job to be honest what about you see I mean has it affected that at the beginning of the day I thought I thought I couldn't sing because I tried and it never came out I liked singing in a would stop and I'm like sitting there like manifesting like gosh but then it's slowly coming back in like I've done shows in like a new kind of voice came out of it oh really yeah okay so I'm still trying to build that back well a bit of a Marvin Gaye for us can you just hear that a bit of its approaching as well and you've got a special tribute to your own mum as well as part of your new music yes a funny story about writing the song cuz I went into the studio and I was like I want to write a song about my mum everything she's gone through she went through cancer just before me like eight months before I found out where she was stunning recovery and I was like I want to write her a song and out the day after I wrote the song I find that I had cancer it was like this thing and I was just like oh mom we're doing this together well karma guys to her send our love she's obviously been through a lot oh and also regards to your tongue as a fennel I'm sure there's been a battle the whole family is taken on board in the whole community so going on you and thank you for being so open and honest remarkable story you're incredibly handsome no you have got a twinkle of health I just can't take my eyes off you and you won't take your eyes off this documentary either Stan Walker the fight of his life is tonight at 9:15 online and Stan Walker's EP Stan is out now and get out there and grab it he's a real champion yeah great singer Don thanks again
Channel: TODAY
Views: 167,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TODAY, Karl Stefanovic, Georgie Gardner, Australia, News, stan, walker, cancer, stomach
Id: A6aSxA326qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Mon May 07 2018
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