Stan Walker on living life without a stomach

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[Music] [Music] hello and welcome to build series Sydney I am Danny Clayton your host and joining me now social justice warrior humanitarian R&B pop soul singer Stan Walker round of applause mates I've never had look I just wanted to start things off on a good foot now it's all downhill from here well it's been so long since I've seen you and I mean to start things off on a on a positive note happy birth week mates you know anyone yeah I remember when I had my first beer how did you how did you celebrate I flew and I worked and just nobody did anything for me they all hate me it sounds awful nah yeah flu I was just I just came I just flew in to Sydney and then we had meetings all day and then they got me a cake one of those cakes that little kids do you break them all away and I didn't even know was talked about but it broken and heaps of lollies yeah there's lollies Lee beat into a downward spiral and I had a bit of a episode at the hospital nurses camera also to America was visiting like and it became about me like I was visiting people who go through chemotherapy yeah and Here I am a I need some attention that's why birthday presents at least yes Sonne my label they got me a prison this anyone did you celebrate you celebrate birthdays okay this is really tragic well you know I like when you get older you know exactly what you want so I don't really care about like happy birthdays I just want a prison yeah you know is that selfish yeah I'm like this nice you're saying every if they were you gonna give me a prison yeah I just wanna prison yeah no look if I I folded by you so I can support a little bread a like if I could buy you something right now for your birthday what would it be without one horse a horse yeah I can't write that right that second I want to go back I want to go back to I think the first times I met you was in 2009 so this is like earlier days and I'm the first time I saw you do anything and it was you know idle days and it made me want to talk to you about the journey that he is Stan Walker because you were nervous as hell you know you could I mean even doing interviews and like performing I remember that one of the things that you struggled with back then was was nerves and now we look forward and we watch it's almost like watching a different person when do you think that those nerves which you rat you originally when do you think those dissipated I don't know like I still get nervous here in there I'm different like when I sing but I don't know you just kind of grow into yourself and like obviously I was still discovering like I started out as a singer not an artist mm-hmm and then I had to discover when I wanted who I was in this new space where I wanted to go like I knew like I had my vision and I knew my purpose but I was like what does it look like what do I sound like what is my sound so I went through so many different things and I think just going for you there and you know a lot of highs the highest of highs and the lowest of lows you kind of just end up getting out of yourself and you just kind of stopped caring about this small stuff yeah and like even though like I'm sometimes terrible at speaking now I do like a lot of speaking it's like really weird I'm right me and I couldn't even speak English probably still can't a little bit subtitle me for and honestly like I had to like learn how to speak especially living in Australia being brought up but still having a really thick New Zealand accent so I had to I remember one time out that are all they say to me I'm we're gonna have to put you through speech therapy because we can't understand a word you're saying and for me I'm computer-based you tell me not to do something or I can't do something who I want to learn so I went from talking like Jim over just like this and then hey guys I'm staying work I'm so excited to be here today it's really good now you sound like me well you know I'm just ready to go well what do you think tiger yeah the director attack of a Kiki do you think that he's getting the keyway accent out into the world do you think people can understand you know yeah well especially him playing their rock monster unthought he was being like a little whoring what we say he was being [ __ ] like Oh Jim my boy oh I don't really know what you're talking about but that's this how we actually talk like like you know and I didn't realize that because I was watching I was like oh you clown I was a father at six you know we talk yeah oh and it's so funny sing like keyway actors starting to invade the Marvel Universe so I know it's weird yeah it's good there's a lot of Kiwis in a lot of Aziz yeah so feel free to bust out your with you a natural accent don't feel like you need a you know dumb it down for for this Skippy here I want to talk about your music because you're saying that this was a a sonic journey as well and that you had ups and downs oh let's start low and work up what was some of the musical lows then that made you kind of doubt yourself in that journey I think it was just coming into a foreign world like you know I had this one thing that has always been mine my dream my voice I love doing that nobody could touch that nobody could take that away from me and then suddenly I'm putting like I'm catapulted into this new world and having this new platform now everybody has a say over my dream ever my gift that was only mine and I found that really hard you know people trying to steer me in different ways and do things that I don't normally do and I can't talk a certain way be a certain way so I started and like it was hard for me because I couldn't really be myself and then I started losing oh what am I like what is myself and it was hard like you know like I've been through so many like rulers that full-on depressed and people you know still have to sharp I'm like you know hear everybody and start singing my songs and man trying to spoil people meanwhile I'm dead inside yeah cuz you know you just becomes working it's not the thing that you love and get to do it's like I've got a do this is just another thing like you know you make all this money do all these gigs meet all these people go and all these tours and dress up and be all fancy or to be not happy yeah like you know so like there's been so many moments where I'm like I hate singing I hate this I hate the industry like actual like hate yeah as because it just you know it's and everything that's so public so we can't be sad or depressed or angry or anything because people are looking at us Wow yeah it's a weird thing I mean not to sound too profound but it almost sounds like you did really need to find yourself and not just your sound but like figure out who you really were but yeah when was that time when did you start to really grab hold of who's Stan Walker really is I think it was 2013 and I was in a kind of crossroads of like I'm working with different people in different producers and I finally got to a place because I remember going in with producers and I knew what I wanted I wanted to like Hybrid I wanted to Harper because I loved so many different sounds I love reggae I love R&B I loved soul I loved different kind of pop I love country but I wanted to fuse what I love and I just remember them saying like people saying you can't do that you need to find Elena I was like but why can I make my own lane it's music doesn't have to be this all day that music's music and I wrote a song called bulletproof and I remember like having wanting to this was this was my moment that changed everything and when I did this I was like okay if they're not gonna accept this song or wanna you know help put the song out or anything like that then I'm gonna I'm gonna move on this I found it and yeah it was that just changed everything because then I wasn't going into the studio I never thought about radio I didn't think about the three minutes duty or I didn't think about the time I was like I want to go in there and actually just make music to make music if it's nothing then there's nothing but at least we're getting to the place of you know process like go through the process of just actually enjoying making music rather than thinking oh that's not hooky enough we need to have a chorus like this like these are the conversations at the end of the day you know we wanna make some money thing yeah people want to make money and but I want to always go and not thinking about any of their but music and so year 2013 it was when I whenever I was it expected judge in New Zealand and I was like mentoring all these kids and telling them and I was like Farah I can't even do that for my own self and I was just like man I'm not gonna do this no more I'm gonna take a hold of everything and because I know now for the first time what it sounds like what it looks like it and everything yeah so if you could go back and talk to yourself so you right here if you could go back and and grab yourself as you first embarked on this journey what would you say to yourself don't just like you've dressed don't deal here like that don't talk like an idiot and I think you just just just might just just my gut I don't ever get any more better back the interest your gap soon you won't hear when you'll be skinny forever never have to go on a diet again oh my god gosh I mean you look great but of course I mean you have had some very serious health issues I mean following your journey has been very very you know it's powerful and I just watched the trailer for the upcoming movie based on your struggles just called Stan and I mean it gave me shivers so naturally for the people that don't know you've had very very serious cancer and your stomach he had have it removed yeah can you take us back to that first moment when you first found out that diagnosis and how it made you feel I actually just just got out of a sit now I was in a session writing a song about my mum yeah because my mum had just gone through cancer know about my mama I'm a mummy's boy love my mum and I was talking about all the struggles and you know she just threw everything our whole rose she's never run out of she's been the first example of unconditional love and I was right run the song he she rang me up and she's like crying I was like what because she was annoying me she was interrupting my session I said what mean what I was so impatient well you think yes or no I don't know the doctor said you might I was a 12 when we make if I do or not and then I went back in sit like this is honest to god I'm not this is exactly what happened anyway she bring me back an hour later she's like really oh that's trippy and I was like and then we just started laughing I just thought like the cancer like you know that weird is like such a baby oh well chase here we go like we didn't I didn't I never cried once I never felt bad I was shipped out like cancer cancer cancer thanks Kent I've got cancer and I don't know what to do I was this like say like how can you make cancer diagnosis humorous well it was just so weird when I found out my mom here cants up my whole life was dead like I honest to god I was like oh I remember like I went and hid was with my mom and I would cuz I'm my mom's right here me and so I have to I had to take care of everybody had to get everybody in line cuz everybody made it about them they'll come from a traumatic family yeah and I'm you know we all know those traumatic but they dealt with it in their own ways but it was it wasn't about my mum it was about them and so I was just like you know you get your stuff together and but every night I would wait for everybody go to sleep and not go in the toilet and just cry and I remember just like crying I was like God don't you dare take my mom away from me I was like I'm done like god I don't even think I would be able to function our probably stopped singing like that's how bad like my mom's everything so that was her they may I'm like she's crying oh my man stop crying look yeah and then we just laugh together but I know it was hard food like you know a parent my mum always says she owes a child should never go before Piron of course I'm gonna be like bye yeah so there was a there was a book but big shock and she just had cancer eight months before cells like one after the other and yeah I mean because it's a complicated situation in your family I believe that there is this particular gene the cdh1 yeah which runs in your family and it makes people much more likely to get cancer I think it's four out of five people with this particular gene and this is something that's been in your family tree for quite some time yeah with that knowledge you know before you were diagnosed did that loom over you did that was that something that you thought about it all it's a weird thing and they like you know you've got so much power over yourself your mind as an incredible thing you know you can speak the life will differ over yourself or somebody else I can't always like I feel like I'm gonna get cancer and I just say the old time just because I was like oh yeah found out I had the gene and so and because I've seen it so much I think that's why doesn't help me huh yeah didn't even really hit me yeah it was just a shock because it's that cancer like that's you know it's a freaky thing but um yeah I just it's it's I just thought it I was gonna get it like mmm but not yeah not actually not believe it you know but I thought actually gonna get it but you know just as like oh I feel like I want to win this award yeah but here was I don't know that it was a shock it not a song yeah and fast forward to I mean getting treatment it I've only seen snippets but it seems like incredible ordeal so I mean what happened what was that like well I was supposed to get the operation the next month but I was like oh I've got to work so I push back a whole month and my baby wasn't happy with it but I was like no I've got like commitments and I've already dedicated myself to this and I don't know how long wanna be out so I need to make this money because a lot of pay bills I got it you know like and I wanna I don't want my mum and dad paying for anything yeah I wanna support them well my mum's not doing anything and so yeah I'm got the operation and September and honest to god I never felt anything anything I didn't I was just like they're like took me through all these different processes I had all these tests and CT scans and you know they're scary once we let that little yeah yeah they stores like because I I binge date to I so I oh my god I was gonna even takeaways like four times a day oh dear I got faith yeah like I was never fit I've always been like solid and oh my god big like cuz my normal weight was like eighty nine ninety and I go to 100 to never been a hundred really yeah yeah in any way I was big boy yeah so I was like I just remember just laughing about how fat I got I was like look like I was swallowing like I got stung by a thousand bees yeah I wasn't until I woke up I was like oh my god this is for you I've got my stomach and I look down I was like cuz I see it's almost like man I'm gonna have a big stomach now so I always thought my stomach was down thee I don't know that the stomach was up there and I was like and when I was talking to my surgeon he goes I'm I did take a little bit of fatty I was like we weird I have no stomach and he took better I was like weird it's you did you put it lit night he lifted and now sure he did you did it on purpose I was like oh I woke up I was in so much pain and I was like couldn't breathe and I got this I'll show you after this there's a photo of me like dying and getting a fight cause I wanted to see myself hey my mom's at the back and at this and I'm like plugged up and everything like babe I'm right I mean hilarious but I was I was so yeah it was just I was just painful well now I hit woman here holes in my body yeah they took out your your stomach I mean how do you how do you survive without a stomach I'd be no no like even I never anticipated I laugh so much those well when photosynthesis but you're outside watering yourself it's like you're feeding soil man as honestly I don't like the body is so incredible because it like that overcompensates for you know just yeah it's back into action it just keeps going yeah I mean put what does this mean for you moving forward like how's your life changed when it comes to your health and eating and all that kind of stuff I'm genuinely fascinated I don't know how you work yeah well so a lot of my family who've got their stomachs out they don't like pigs in this skinny is but for me I had different because I had a lot of complications I had a few different operations and procedures that stopped me from I can't my body has forced me to be healthy you know sometimes I'm not I can't eat too much dairy and it's like I'm gluten intolerant mm-hmm what's the one word theory intolerance celiac no dairy what's the theory one yeah I knew I had you here for a reason select a intolerant can eat greasy food don't go to America hey that's painful because I love eating and I love eating fast and I love eating heaps I can't eat fast I have to take my time and I'll get sick before I was thinking a wonderful spoke on stage because I 18 Facebook at the rep was so young but yet like so my I'm forced to be healthy funny enough I have more energy and more I think maybe because I'm skinny but my body just moves a bit faster than I used to honestly I still look like a rugby player dancing and singing on stage but now I'm like yes at some I definitely I have to get arm shots b12 shots every six weeks and I don't even know what b12 never even heard of it I was like why do I need that and I'm like well if you don't take it you'll die okay so yeah okay so this that's a thing I heard it before so that's what I happen in the hospital yesterday and then later came around gave me a b12 shot you're back on and I was like I was like freaking you know it's it's it's the secret to Iggy Pop's long career every time he goes out and stays well he gets it he has a nurse that travels around the world with him and gives me about 12 yeah yeah [Laughter] the needle the knee Arthur Vito but everything sells bad whoa whoa you know my girlfriend's gonna watch this guy you're an idiot okay I mean let's talk about your girlfriend Alex how important was shade during this process I mean this seems like a pretty serious ordeal which she could girlfriend I just made my girlfriend straight after you're kidding yes literally straight after and um I never told her that I don't want to know what didn't know end up telling you cuz I ended up drinking like when I drink I just talk a lot and I was blaring my officer oh yeah okay so this one skinny anyway they judge me but um she's she's actually been the I probably ordered she's just amazing she keeps me on my toes she always especially with my health because I'm such I'm looking naughty little kid honestly and I love it I love being disobedient in norther you Toby don't do that I'm gonna do it that yesterday I want to touch it yeah but like I just I take for God at my house and I cause I just want to move on and do everything everybody else is doing but I can't eat the way that people lead and do this so she's she is actually my biggest support and help and like she growls anybody and my family my friends they didn't like it they're like what did she know but she's the only one really who sees when they're gonna help me like if I say my mom will be like oh yes you shouldn't be doing there then I'm like I just want you guys won't have one yeah but she would never do that to me yeah she was like hell no you're having then you already know what you're like you're gonna spew up ah just let me have a little bit mmm gonna do it then yep spew up and no it doesn't feel sorry for me now that now that you at your soapbox moment is everything like to said Alex lovely girl oh there we go baby boo nah she's amazing she's honestly she she say yummy have you seen it damn girl [Laughter] she makes me feel big because she's little as well I feel like a man around ya nice so I never anticipated I'd laugh so much in a conversation about cancer but moving on I mean yesterday you were involved in war for-ward this is the Sony Foundation's in incredible fundraising for children's cancers yeah I just love that organization they do such a great job you were performing with tones and I Samantha Jade it's good to see you guys hanging out again I mean how did that feel to be someone that wasn't just supporting this organization but someone that has gone through that journey and then be able to talk to and make kids that are going through this similar journeys I don't think that I would care so much because when I'm done with something I'm done with it yeah like I don't want to be put in oh you're pissing they hate cancer might ask me how I am oh I get so annoyed but I know that they some people are just finding out and like how's your health I joke and I'm like oh I'm dying just because like I've dealt with it and I thought I didn't think that I was gonna feel such a type of way or like I had when I when I started meeting all these kids and I was like far out I remember now yeah I think because I never wanted to go back to their place I hate hospitals they make me feel like give me anxiety I just yuck but when just meeting them all and knowing that oh my gosh we actually need these you can centers so that they can have a break from the noises of the beeps of the machines these four walls and like you can be in hospital people that look like they're dying it just doesn't make you feel any better about yourself the smells are yuck and then these these what we were fundraising for is these centers where it feels like you're at home they got like Playstations Media rooms and kitchens and outdoor areas is full of color it's full of life like there's so many games that you can play like it feels like you're at home and that's that's something that I didn't have in I don't want other kids the first experience that I had with them seeing somebody young like me and my cousin same age we were 16 and he was dying of cancer and I watched them die of cancer and spend his last days and I and a hospice a great hospice with old people no color no life no nothing and I was oh I go you're really dying but what a way to die yeah how depressing is that that's your last moments and and they're so yeah just being there supporting them and just hanging out with them and just seeing their stories like yesterday oh we will like trading stories as Rieu in at this and this other girl comes yes and it's funny because when kids are around kids they can share those stories you know they don't have as much to relate to the older people so yeah fantastic organization you are clearly the best ambassador ever because I mean look you you are taking on this role as almost like this no social justice warrior you know you're fighting for land rights for First Peoples as well and reading about this it's some really powerful stuff so I mean I saw your performance over back in New Zealand yeah can you tell us a little bit about what's happening it seems like the there's developers trying to take land away from the Maori people yeah it's it's not a hard thing it's it's very simple it's very black-and-white what is happening the developers who have bought into the lane it's not actually their fault that it's the people who had the land before that it was confiscated because the crown wanted to just take this land for themselves and you know there's a lot of and there's a happens here as well yeah same thing that happens here happens and America happens everywhere well just get over it yeah oh that's a way we've worked hard for our land and let's just get over it I was like this is basically it you've got land I want I'm gonna tell you to get off if you don't get off we're just gonna burn your house down be news down and we'll leave somebody alive and then tell your great korean kids to get over there they one of us you can try stand but if you come to my house I know what you're up to you shouldn't tell me your plans like this actually what it is and then they're making it legal yeah so that's legal they made it legal in those days and it's happened all over the world with First Nation people yeah and you know this colonization and everything like that but like you know we're fighting for the right it's not like we own the land only that's you're actually depriving us of part of who we are mmm we're protecting their land and they want to develop but this land is never like you know yep I mean just into a sorry comprehend again quickly just sinter I don't he's one of my favorite world leaders she's a top-notch girl if you were gonna have a conversation with her what would you what would you say to her I actually had a conversation cuz I beat it do you know that the most amazing thing like I wish we messaged each other on Instagram no way and I remember saying that I just didn't think because I'm a little bit of a do brain look I just just say what I say yeah and I see it man thank you so much for being the I'm the Prime Minister and the mother to our country and such times like you know when everything happened with the Muslim people in Christchurch and I was like man you're gangster blood you know saying this instigated oh thank you so much I don't think I've ever been called a gangster beefy and I was like yo you're gangster like in but I saw in and I'm mrs. she houses like look I can I couldn't even fathom or understand or begin to understand what it's like to be Prime Minister because this is our issue here and we want you to listen in here but you have the issues of the whole nation and the nations like so of course it's not just that simple but I said the people would it be encouraged just to see your face even if you didn't have a solution and anyway we did this event and she beelined me she saw me and she went through and she goes she goes oh hi Stan how are you how did you help everything like this and it's guys I just want to let you know that we are making progress in that we're still off you know and she said to me I was like what do you do tell me for but I was like yeah problem honest Latoya yes Cindy yes okay okay bye now do better now but like so I guess so we can take em this is that you are Bros with Jacinta I mean nothing you know boast about it upper homies they may be rude but something you mentioned just in there I mean she of course had to deal with the aftermath of the horrific Christchurch shooting I've that you're donating a lot of your money from all the streaming fans yeah so I did it like the only way I know how to respond and for it to make any sense or even do anything is like I know how to do it a music I'm more articulate and music my words get away with me when I'm speaking and when I'm like live like this but I have time to think and not react and I was like man what a perfect opportunity to bring hope love peace and healing and this and then give that money back so that I did a EP called Faith Hope Love I think there's cool they won and but all the proceeds I wanted like I said to my team my manager and my I was like you know obviously these all the actual things that I can't I have no control of they go to this blah blah blah but I all of mine is gonna go to to Christchurch because this is the thing we might we raised all this money when we did the concert over thee but people think I yep they're like literally people were going oh but isn't millions a few million dollars enough for them I was like imagine being in a migrant coming over from fleeing from war and you're a woman and you have never worked you've never driven your husband and is now cooled and you're left with three kids and you've never known anything you've never done a hit ahead of resume you've never had a job you've never driven now you're having to be the father and the mother and step into roles you've never this don't just happened just a couple million dollars spread between all these families but this is an ongoing thing like you know for the kids for the uniforms for food for jars for getting the licenses like this is it's so much more deep than it so I'm like I might make $2 but this just two dollars a little bit more I mean you ain't gonna get nothing with $2 but like I had to do something like I have the platform I this platform that what of like Who am I to not use my platform to actually help people out that I have to but that's actually what I feel like I need to do yep so yeah that's that's what the EP was yeah and I mean it is incredible watching the effect that your music has on people I'm not sure if you saw the footage but there was a you're doing a performance and in the front row there was a mother doing sign language to her deaf daughter did you see that so my that was my mate who was filming it yeah there was my best mate because he I flew him down and he showed me goes bro look at this I honestly I cried because I've seen a lot of things I've experienced a lot of things and she that he said they she signed the whole concert even me speaking and I was like even my music goes beyond hearing that is freaking gangster yeah honestly I was so honored like I was so beautiful yeah and and like the the lyrics were that I think that she that she was signing at one point we're just like so beautiful and it looked like that she was telling her daughter how much you know she loved her but it was like your lyrics in in some way as she was speaking you know through you you were speaking through her which was very very powerful stuff now people watching have sent in a bunch of q and a's so I'm gonna ask you some of those questions who are your picks for the ARIA Awards oh let's talk business oh to be honest I just I feel like we should just win every award just melvoy I'm her biggest fan like obviously my barrier but yeah I just I don't actually know who's nominated it to be honest just yes actually Best R&B album Jes best pop jazz country rock and roll rock G's electro dance everything jeez okay so that's good good good tip what is your perfect environment for you to make music [Music] just mmm perfect environment no expectation is just coming in having conversations having fun with the person first getting to know them and then it naturally happens mmm no expectation but low so that's a Kunal mostly but without physically you know are physically you gotta I gotta have Coke Zero coffee Oh coffee all day yes start with a coffee actually you know if it said five o'clock in the afternoon ten o'clock it might start with a coffee yeah double shot latte flat way flat window what do you do flat white sugars two sugars [Laughter] what does the perfect stand warp walker album sound like have you made it yet or is it something you are still about to put out I feel like all the songs are the latest songs that I've released as give and choose and then the songs I'm bout to release are gonna equate into an album has been the most perfect album for me that I've made thus far oh that was thus in the right way yeah that sounds like I'm saying bus sense but Shakespearian yeah so how important is diversity in the music industry and do you execute this in your music I think I am diversity in so many ways because I am everything they shouldn't butter butter is yeah I came and already having to work twice as hard as everybody else and I got told that because from the moment I started I mean even when I did Idol I was told literally this is what the our soul to whom I just these were the words you Polynesians think you can come in here and just sing but you're all lazy I'm saying I know but the thing is that was the best thing that ever happened to me because you know I was really I'm competitive I want to win everything in life like if we were going for the cup first I want a one yeah I want to drink the drink faster the everything but like so so who said that somebody but yeah so I I feel like everything that I do I'm very intentional from my video I don't know if you've seen any more video clips over the last three four years that's the ones that I've been directing coming up with everything editing I'm very intentional about like you know I could've wore a diamond necklace or diamond earrings but this is my culture this is my people why not represent them yeah and I'm the dog tooth tooth and that's a pig pig pig tax tasks that's vast we kind of talk anyway the state animals on me so it's all the big is no we don't you know we probably actually my papa ate that pig yeah and then you keep that saying it's very sweet [Laughter] I mean diversity embracing marry culture because all your clips you know features such an array of great Kiwi talent the dancers even like the the crew so that's something that's important to you yes really important because I growing up we never thought that we were kept like I literally wasn't taught that we were capable to do everything my dad said to me before I started singing you know get a real job singing ain't gonna get you anything yeah because he's used to working with his hands so he put his growing up and what he knows on me not knowing that this it can actually be a career yeah and we told you can only do one thing if you're gonna play rugby that's all you can do mmm don't try and be something else it's like just stuck in one lane but I was like man we can do everything so I get in anybody that has like me and from my people I want to use them I want to expose them to the world and say yo we did this yeah this was us and we can do it yeah really good because would you want to considering you that your strengths of music and but you have being branched out you've done some acting Mount Zion was really fun look at you know Kiwi culture is something like acting something you do again yeah well uh I've done I think I've done like six films now I was enough mean it was one of the biggest honors to be a part of am Turkish film I have for the world people people don't even know that it's me I was the demo hunter yeah I was a dumb dumb yes that that one the Poconos like stupid that's me yes with the big fake mustache see I was great yes because I'm so intelligent how I talk but I actually to be honest I think I like acting more than singing Wow near I love singing don't get me wrong yeah it's not that I don't love it I just enjoy playing other characters and not being myself yep I'm sick of myself even though in vain A's and I'm like well you do look very pretty yeah but I'm first look at me now look I'm Stan but I just wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed this interview I've not laughed this much about case in my entire life you are kicking goals that frighten center your new music is absolutely fantastic I just want to say thank you so much for coming into the build studio and telling us your story a big round of applause thank you for Stan Walker [Music]
Channel: BUILD Series SYD
Views: 74,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stan Walker, Singer, Songwriter, Cancer, tumour, Stomach Cancer, Australian Idol, Build Series Syd, Sydney, Build Series, Actor, Indigenous Land Rights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 44sec (2384 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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