Stalking With AirTags | Tech News You Might Have Missed

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hi my name is james and this is tech news you might have missed okay it's probably tech news i might have missed if you've been living under a rock recently you probably have missed the major flaw in a widely used open source library log 4j this library is built by apache and it's used in java applications for logging hackers have found an exploit that's actually been around for quite a while and it's estimated they have launched probably well over 840 000 attacks at this point now these attacks will give hackers complete access over computers or servers now that image when you're installing java that says over 3 billion devices run java that's actually quite terrifying now and speaking of java jetbrains the creator of kotlin and intellij the java ide are releasing a new shiny text editor slash ide that could be a direct competitor to vs code it has the ability to be a very simple text editor then at a flip of a switch or press of a button you got yourself a fully fledged ide with the full power of intellij it supports quite a few languages right out of the box and there are more on the way and right now it's early access preview only i signed up to hopefully be able to preview and test it out and it looks like they've received so many uh requests that they've closed off except in any more applications as of now this looks promising and it does look pretty sweet but this smells like it might be software as a service kind of thing because it looks like it's going to use jetbrain servers to kind of use the intellij ide so we'll have to wait and see and this is sort of big news uh kind of flying under the radar but go is about to replace the empty interface with the any keyword this might be related to the generics about to hit golang in 1.18 but in any case this will probably a very welcome change to beginners looking through code and seeing this weird interface curly braces as an accepted parameter not understanding that means that accepts any type this will make it to be easier to understand that any can mean anything and it's looking like framework is making some huge waves right now over at dell they have a concept of sustainability and repel repairability in their laptops this move will allow users to replace any kind of inside parts in the laptop this is a great move because it's going to help reduce e-waste and the ability of right to repair but this sounds so familiar because framework is already doing this so thank you framework and things have been getting a little bit creepy over an apple with those air tags thieves are using air tags to track and steal vehicles they place air tags on high-end vehicles kind of somewhere in conspicuously where the driver may not see it they track the vehicle right to the owner's home and steal the vehicle right out of their driveway i guess pandora's box has been open on this technology because people have been stalking other people with air tags in the same way as stealing the vehicle these stalkers will plant the air tags on an unsuspecting person and then kind of track them and follow them that's just creepy fortunately apple has released an android app okay that sounded really weird this new android app developed by apple will allow android users to be able to kind of detect if there's an air tag kind of following them and getting really close and kind of creepy on them and if you love papa west by system 76 and raspberry pies well the chef is in the kitchen whipping up something tasty just for you introducing the pot pie almost sounds like pot pie but it's a special pop os edition made specifically for the raspberry pi 4. this is a tech preview and it looks to be aiming and building experience for arm platforms and according to nine to five linux everything just works and that's been my experience with pop os before not on a raspberry pi but just in general it's a pretty good and solid distro i guess outside of steam installs whoops alright thanks for watching be sure to tune in again in a couple weeks for more tech news that you might have missed or maybe i might have missed and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out and we'll see
Channel: NerdCademy
Views: 24
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech news, tech news update, apple airtags, apple airtags stalking, apple airtag tracking car, apple airtag track stolen car, apache log4j vulnerability, log4j exploit, apache log4j, jetbrains fleet, jetbrains, jetbrains fleed ide, jetbrains fleet text editor, golang interface, golang any keyword, golang news, dell copy framework, dell copies framework, dell sustainable laptop, dell repairable laptop, system76 raspberry pi 4, pop os raspberry pi 4
Id: J_HjFjRqRxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 7sec (247 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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