Staline vs Truman : Aux origines de la Guerre Froide

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Friday, April 13, 1945, America is petrified. Franklin Roosevelt, the president of the United States, has just died while World War II is still not finished. Roosevelt was the great peacemaker. more than anyone else, he embodied the hope of seeing rebuild the world on a better basis. As the crowd watches silently pass the funeral procession, the whole planet a question arises. Without Roosevelt, Westerners and Soviets will they be able to get along? And to build a lasting peace? April 12, 1945, Washington, at the White House. Three hours after Roosevelt's death, Harry Truman becomes the new president of the United States. He enters the scene in a world in chaos. In this month of April 1945, America is still at war against Hitler and against the Japanese. To simplify nothing, it's only been three months since Truman is vice president. And nothing predestined it really to become the new president of the United States. He is a former seller of Missouri shirts and ties. He launched in late politics and was elected senator for the the first time ten years ago. If Roosevelt chose him as vice-president, it's not for his skills. He took it for considerations totally electoral, while thinking that he was useless, which is done a lot in the United States. When we choose the vice-president, it is not necessarily for his intelligence, because it is often him who will bring votes places we need. Within a day, the old trader from Missouri therefore finds himself propelled to the head of the world's leading power. He himself is flabbergasted and does not hide it. On the front page of the press, journalists tell what Truman entrusted to them. Guys, if you pray, pray for me. I don't know if a boot of hay has already fallen on you, but when they told me what happened yesterday, I had the impression that the moon, the stars and all the planets fell on me. Still, the grandson of President Truman, remembers that his grandfather never tried to pretend to be the man for the job. He wasn't prepared for any of this. He said "there must be a million people more qualified than me to perform this function. It fell on me so i will do everything what it takes to be up to it". He was the kind of man to whom we gave a job and who did it. The task looks tough. We must rebuild the world of tomorrow and give it a solid foundation. But Truman has no knowledge of international politics. During the three months of his vice-presidency, Roosevelt never met him only twice face to face. Truman was made aware of nothing. I think my grandfather was wrong not to integrate it a little more. He was fully aware the degradation of his forces, but I think he didn't have enough energy to involve Truman in his decisions and pass the baton. Two months before dying, Roosevelt had met Stalin and Churchill at Yalta. It is there, in Crimea, that the big three laid the foundations for future peace. The agreements sealed were complex and full of ambiguities. Each of the allies having played its own part. Of all these discussions, Truman was kept out. It needs to update on all files. He's a pragmatist and a hard worker. So he goes on briefings with his advisors. Will this hard work be enough? The little Missouri tie merchant will he be able to do the weight against the formidable Stalin? One month after arrival of Truman at the head of the White House, the Allies win the war in Europe. Across the continent, the peoples exult. In London, in front of Buckingham Palace, a human tide came to cheer Winston Churchill. The British Prime Minister is celebrated as a hero. Yet despite this moment of euphoria, Churchill looks drawn. The smile on his lips has something forced. In his memoirs he writes: Weary, exhausted, impoverished but still fearless and now triumphant. We knew a moment that touched the sublime. However, few hearts were to be more devoured by worry than mine. what can be so serious to hold such a moment? The problem for Churchill is called Stalin. Now that the war is won in Europe, the Briton is convinced that Stalin will take advantage of it to establish communist regimes wherever he can. Already, unlike to the commitments made in Yalta, the Soviet leader installed a communist regime in Romania. Poland, six non-Communist ministers entered the government, but they have every day a little less power. Stalin wanted all of Europe becomes communist. It was by ideology, but it was also because it was a man with an emperor mentality, a dictator with an emperor mentality. The British Prime Minister then tries to warn Truman. The brand new American president does not want to know anything. For now, Truman has set a course to respect commitments made by Roosevelt. He is not willing to hear anything against its communist ally. Churchill can only hope that Truman opens his eyes by himself. The opportunity will soon be given to him. July 16, 1945, Berlin Airport. The plane of the American President just landed. Truman goes to Europe to participate in a peace conference. On this occasion, he will finally meet his allies and make up your own mind about them. The discussions must take place in Potsdam, a few kilometers from Berlin. To get there, Truman crosses the former capital of the Reich. Berlin is nothing more than a field of ruins. Only a few rare passers-by wander, haggard. This spectacle of desolation upsets Truman and will push him to want to help Germany to rise again. That evening, in his diary, he writes: I had never seen a show more distressing or more distressing. We saw old men, old women, young women taking you to nowhere what they could and what was left of their possessions. The conference opens the following day, July 17. Here at Schloss Cecilienhof, this is the only time that Stalin, Truman and Churchill will all meet together. As Truman expected, Churchill, he seems charming. As for Stalin, his advisers constantly repeat that we can trust him. However, very quickly the new president take the measure of the man with whom he will have to negotiate. I can deal with Stalin. he is honest but smart as the devil. For his part, Stalin, distrusts Truman at all. For him, he remains a small Missouri shopkeeper. Stalin has little information about him because, as he played no role, his spies didn't really tell him about him and what had told him had let him foresee that it was someone of no importance, of slack and that we were going to be able make him accept anything. But when Truman says no, it means no. Because against all odds, despite his lack of experience, the american president knows how to be firm. It is by no means impressed by Stalin. Question of character no doubt, but not only. Truman feels in a strong position because he is waiting for information who could make him the most powerful man on the planet. At the same time, in the United States, an event top secret is in preparation. As he negotiates, the american president eagerly awaiting news. On the second day of negotiations, finally, he receives a telegram in coded language. The doctor comes to come back enthusiastic and confident about the fact that the little boy is as strong as its big brother. The light in her eyes is visible from here at High Hold and I could have heard her cries from here to my farm. This little boy in question, Little Boy is the atomic bomb. Since four years, in the greatest secrecy, the best scientists on the planet, are working to develop what seems to be the absolute weapon. Operation code name: Trinity. The first atomic test of the story is a total success. The power of the explosion is equivalent to 21 kilotons of TNT. Never such power of devastation has been achieved. Only one weapon now has the power to annihilate all of humanity. After some hesitation, Truman ends up warning Stalin. This is bad news, of course. It means that now Soviet Union will be in a situation of inferiority. Everyone was watching Stalin's reaction. And Stalin, who is a very good actor, says: "Oh, do you have a powerful bomb?" "I congratulate you and I hope that you will use it against Japan". Stalin was he really ignorant? Despite protective measures drastic measures taken by the Americans, the Russians managed to introduce spies on the base of Los Alamos where the atomic bomb was made. Among them, Klaus Fuchs. This German physicist fled Nazism. Fuchs is also a spy in the pay of the Soviets, because he is a convinced communist. For two years, the scientist delivers to the Russians all plans of the American bomb. With this information, the Soviets began to develop their own nuclear weapon. Despite this, on July 24, when Stalin learns than the bomb American is now at the point, he gets nervous. Stalin hates nothing as long as feeling vulnerable. He summoned the people who were in Potsdam, and he asked to transmit to scientists and to all those who worked on the atomic project, that he wanted us to speed up as much as possible creation of the Soviet atomic bomb. This bomb will become an obsession with Stalin. Until he has its own atomic weapon, the Generalissimo will not feel in confidence with the Americans. Relations with Truman will then begin to seize up. Potsdam also goes be the scene of another explosion. In the middle of the conference, Churchill leaves the negotiating table to go to London where he must wait for the results of the elections. As a convinced democrat, British Prime Minister challenged his mandate. Since weeks, while he is in the countryside, he is acclaimed throughout England. But on the morning of the elections, at dawn, the Brit has a bad feeling. I woke up suddenly as if had planted me a dagger knife and I felt almost physical pain. The power to shape the future would be denied me. Churchill's intuition was correct. To everyone's amazement, he is not re-elected. To the hero of war, the British prefer a new man. Labor leader Clement Attlee. After his victory, Attlee slides into the chair, still hot, from Churchill. Around the table, everyone feels like a casting mistake. Clement Attlee is someone which looks really insignificant. Churchill said "a sheep in sheep's clothing". Or an empty car stops outside Downing Street and Major Attlee descends from it. A modest man and who has good reason to be, etc. And there, Stalin is totally baffled because he was convinced that Churchill had done everything needed to rig the elections. Because for Stalin, that's what every politician does who is worthy of his position. Facing an Attlee a little lost and a little clumsy, Stalin takes matters into his own hands. He is the last of the three giants of Yalta. Now, with Attlee, Great Britain is on the bench. The world only matters two superpowers the United States and the Soviet Union. Truman and Stalin meet face to face. Very quickly, the disagreements that exist between the two men will harden and transform in real opposition. Five days after Potsdam, Truman makes a decision which will have serious consequences. The United States will use the atomic bomb against Japan. Tension with Stalin will immediately go up a notch. August 6, 1945, in the early hours of the morning, American bomber Enola Gay flies to the Japanese archipelago. At 8:15 a.m., Little Boy is dropped on Hiroshima. A gigantic mushroom atomic rises above the city. Temperature on the ground reaches 4,000 degrees. 70,000 people are killed instantly. The city is one desert of ashes and dust. Three days later, August 9, it is Nagasaki's turn to be bombarded. The whole world is in shock. For Stalin, the atomic bomb is a provocation. He is convinced that Truman trying to impress her. He doesn't understand that America dropped its bombs while on August 8, as she had undertaken, the Soviet Union had entered the war against Japan alongside the United States. For us, the message sent by the United States was clearly that the use of the atomic bomb against Japan was not meant to win a quick victory against the Japanese, but to scare the Soviet Union in order to be able to dictate American conditions. Clearly, Truman wanted end the war as soon as possible and save American lives. But it is also clearly a message sent to Stalin. 'Cause Truman means to let him know that now he is the master of the game. Since then, Stalin wants to know by what margin of maneuver he has against Truman, so he will test it. In Yalta, Stalin had been promised territories in exchange of his entry into the war against Japan. Sakhalin Island, the Kuriles, from Irene and Port Arthur, and a railway line in Manchuria. But Stalin now asks, in addition, to occupy the island of Hokkaido. In a telegram sent to Truman, the generalissimo explains. " Russian public opinion would appreciate that our troops" " receive an occupation zone in part of the archipelago". "She would be gravely offended otherwise ". "I hope that my modest requests will be satisfied". Then he changes his mind and adds in a handwritten way. “Will meet no objection”. The American president is pissed off. His answer is straightforward. It's no. And that's all. Grandfather was expecting people that they are upright and honest. He was like that and waited in return that people be honest and frank with him. When he discovered that was not the case and that Stalin tried to take advantage of him, he started to negotiate with him in a much harsher way. Stalin also decided to move up a gear. He will push his advantage in Europe. Rigged elections, coup de force. wherever he can, Stalin imposes communist regimes. Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Bulgaria are about to fall in the Soviet purse. This creeping Stalinization of Europe worries Truman. But the American president is still hesitant about what to do. The telegram that lands on his desk February 22, 1946, will change everything. His author, George Kennan, just a diplomat then stationed in Moscow. Kennan had time to observe Stalin's operation. He understood that he wanted take over Eastern Europe and he is convinced that the only way to stop it is to be firm. In a long telegram sent to Washington, it describes the mode of Soviet operation. The Kremlin has a neurotic attitude in world affairs, which comes to him from his Russian instinct constant insecurity. Russians are waterproof to the logic of reason and very sensitive to the logic of force. Kennan explains that he is useless to try to reassure Stalin In any event, Stalin cannot be reassured, does not want to be reassured since it allows him to justify the dictatorship. But on the other hand, stand firm against Stalin because he understands the balance of power and as soon as the Westerners are firm, Stalin is ready to step down. Kennan's analysis confirms everything intuitively the American president. From then on, the change of foot is total. Truman breaks up former advisers to Roosevelt, considered too soft on of the Soviet Union, and promotes new men. In the aftermath, Kennan is called to the White House as a special adviser. There remains a difficulty for Truman, make the public understand American this turnaround. The operation looks delicate because in the eyes of the Americans, Stalin is the great ally. The one who allowed to win the war against Hitler. The press never ceased to present him as a hero. They underwent four years war propaganda who shows them Stalin as the friend of little children and the best ally of the United States through which we will win the war. This propaganda succeeded perfectly. Stalin is also very popular in the United States. The American president then has an idea. He will use of the former British Prime Minister and let him announce the bad news himself. Churchill cums of considerable prestige. No one will dare doubt his word. And then, former British Prime Minister will surely be delighted to come to the United States. Since his defeat in the elections, he goes through a period of deep depression. This March 5, 1946, the whole little town of Fulton, Missouri, took out the flags for welcome the former Prime Minister. It is sunny. Truman, who welcomed Churchill into his stronghold, is all smiles. The American president knows that the Briton about to drop a bomb, but it will keep well to say that he knew. A few minutes later, at Fulton University, Churchill giving a speech who will paralyze the audience and shake the whole world. From stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has fallen on the mainland. The speech of the iron curtain causes an uproar Americans are shocked. Stalin, their great friend. It was strategic pretty clever of Truman to let Churchill speak and use this expression iron curtain, because it showed also to American opinion and world opinion that this turnaround American politics Wasn't just Truman's doing or a few isolated advisers, but that a personality as important as Churchill was going in the direction of the American president. Soon, Americans who admired Stalin will consider it like a dangerous tyrant. In the USSR, Fulton's speech pass for once dagger in the back. Stalin is furious. Intellectuals and those close to the Kremlin are headwind against Churchill. Churchill was the enemy juror of our country. He was the leader most anti-Soviet West of the world. He spent his whole life doing blows to the Soviet Union. Now, European countries are forced to choose sides, that of communism or capitalism. In this race to share the world, Stalin is one step ahead. He has already got his hands on Eastern European countries and gaining ground in the West. In France and Italy, communist ministers entered the government. How far will Stalin extend his sphere of influence? Revolutionary France of 1792. The question haunts Truman and the American president understood that in this showdown which opposes it to the Soviets, he had against him an adversary of weight which is poverty. Almost two years after the end of The Second World War, Europe still has not recovered. The Old Continent is on the verge of chaos. Truman is well aware that this misery makes the bed of communism. But before acting, he needs to have a clear view of the situation. At the beginning of 1947, Truman Dispatch in EuropeMike Mansfield. This senator from Montana is tasked with assessing the situation. His report is frightening. In all the countries visited, there are obvious cases of malnutrition, tuberculosis and diseases. In Italy, the majority of the population remains thanks to daily rations of bread ranging from 75 to 125 grams. She hardly eats anything else. After reading this report, Truman acquires a conviction. If he does not come to the aid of the Europeans, he will leave the field open to Stalin on the continent. Truman then decides of a rescue plan for Europe entrusted to General George Marshall, the new US Secretary of State. Raw materials, machine tools, tons of material are transported on the other side of the Atlantic. Behind its generous aspect, the marshall plan is also vital for the United States, who need to revive their economy. It was also a way to revive American trade. 'Cause you can't to be rich all alone in the world, you must have partners who are wealthy. Therefore, if the United States, who had profited from the war, could not trade with other countries because other countries could not afford to buy that meant that the wealth of the United States would decline. The Marshall Plan is also a weapon policy designed to destabilize Stalin, because American aid is offered to all European countries, including Eastern countries. And of course, Eastern countries which are under the tutelage of the Soviet Union also need it a lot. Czechoslovakia, Poland, to whom the Marshall plan is proposed. But what will prevail? It is ideological mistrust. The Marshall Plan was perceived like the map enslavement of Western Europe by the American imperialists. All of this was unacceptable to Stalin. Eastern countries tempted by American aid are called upon to fall into line. Sixteen countries in total enter into the Marshall Plan. All West. France, the United Kingdom and Italy are the biggest beneficiaries. In mid-1947, the curtain of Churchill became a reality A city will pay the price new power relations between Westerners and Soviets. Berlin. The German capital is located right in the heart of the Soviet occupation zone. But the city itself is busy by the four allied powers, United States, Britain, France and USSR. Together, all must surrender Germany on its feet. But the allies are not agree on the way forward. The priority for the Soviets is to get their war reparations, because the USSR is ruined. As provided for in the peace accords, the Russians compensate themselves in kind and dismantle German industry. Entire factories are cut up and brought to the Soviet Union to be lifted. Opposite, the Americans, them, rebuild. Like they promised with the Marshall Plan, the Americans gave to Germany 16 billion dollars. We on our side we gave nothing but we were unable to give anything. We couldn't compete. West, life gradually resumes while the eastern sector of Berlin remains abandoned. Americans would like to go further and undertake far-reaching reforms to revive the German economy. Stalin opposes it. He wants to maintain a status quo. What Stalin wants, it is, that there is a comparable level of misery on both sides of Berlin and that isolated West Berliners, end up falling under the influence of the East Germans. This capitalist enclave in the middle of a communist sea, what is east germany it is not bearable. To get out of the impasse, Westerners do not see only one solution: to merge their zones. This will cause no doubt Stalin's wrath. Until what point ? Generalissimo could it start a war? Before acting, Westerners need information. And that's why, there is only one way, spying. Only, at the start of the cold war, the american secret service are, so to speak, non-existent. It is, moreover, interesting to note that during the Second World War, in 1942, the Roosevelt administration created an intelligence service which is the OSS, and that this service intelligence ceases its activity at the end of World War II in 1945. So between 1945 and 1947, the United States has no service intelligence as such. In the summer of 1947, Truman decides to create a new intelligence agency which will soon be known worldwide: the CIA. Henry Hillenkoetter, a former admiral is named at its head. Hillenkoetter has the daunting task of recruiting and train spies in haste. The problem is that you have to find russian speaking spies and apart from the Russians themselves, there are not many people. For this former agent British secret service, this posed serious difficulties. The problem was knowing how far we could trust to someone who was Russian by birth in the case of important secrets. because we never had the guarantee that at the same time, he wouldn't work too at the same time for the Russians. Hillenkoetter then goes to the most urgent. In pragmatics, it's with the enemies from a few months ago that he is going to recruit his spies. Reinhardt Gehlen, a former nazi ex-intelligence chief in the East in the Wehrmacht, is recycled by the CIA. Gehlen knows very well the communist world. He will become the brain of American espionage in Germany. Through him, hundreds former Nazis join the CIA. Americans do not have the slightest state of mind. The only thing that matters to Truman, it is to block Stalin's way. The sky has changed. The cold war, the enemy, it was not Germany, it's the Soviet Union, limit, take people who are extremely anti-Communist. Of course, the former Nazis are necessarily very very anti-Communist. So here we are in complete realpolitik. Facing the CIA, Russian GRU secret service and KGB are also very active. They have a head start because their intelligence services exist since WWI. Berlin will become the capital of espionage. In the street, in administration, in the army, spies are hiding everywhere. All, whatever their side, have the same objective which is to decipher the opponent's plans to speed it up. Spying, it was a new style of warfare in which we didn't need a gun. We penetrated to the heart of the enemy's thought system. As Truman had asked them, Gehlen and his men seek to find out what would stalin's reaction be if Westerners were merging their area into Berlin. In the late spring of 1948, german spies finally think they have the answer. June 9, Hillenkoetter warns then Truman by telegram. According to the head of the CIA, if Westerners grouped together their area of occupation, this is how Stalin would react. The USSR will probably make sure to put sticks in the wheels of Westerners in Berlin and everywhere else where she can in Germany, but without resorting to force. It's the green light the Westerners were waiting. four days later Hillenkoetter's telegram, Americans, British and French create a new currency in their zone, the Deutsche Mark. For Stalin, this currency, symbol of capitalism, is a provocation. He has to score. Like German spies anticipated it, the Generalissimo then decides economic retaliation. On June 24, 1948, he cuts all the supply routes from West Berlin. The roads that connect Germany to West to West Berlin are blocked. two and a half million of Berliners are trapped. Without food, they won't be able to last long. In Washington, part of his staff pushes Truman to react with force. The American President choose another option. Supply Berlin by air. He didn't want to trigger another war with the Soviets. It was even the last thing he wanted. But he didn't want no longer appear weak and show that we were not reacting. Because if you let the Soviets block Berlin afterwards, they would do the same elsewhere. I don't believe the idea of the airlift was his, but he accepted it because it made sense. Four days after the start of the blockade, huge american cargo planes and British fly over Berlin. In their entrails, tons of food and equipment and the famous CARE packages. These packages, packaged by the American NGO CARE, contain everything you need to survive. Bacon, margarine, powdered eggs, chocolate. The taste of America. What Stalin hadn't imagined at all, is that the Americans, the English and the united French people had the means maintain for 11 months a supply from West Berlin at the rate of 6,000 tons per day. That is to say, every day at Berlin's three airfields, there is a plane which lands every 30 seconds. For a year, Berliners will live at the speed of the planes who take turns day and night above their heads. Despite American aid, daily life remains difficult. To hold on, everyone manages. We see appear sowers in the city. Vegetables soon grow in the middle of the asphalt. To warm up too, it is system D. Americans do not send enough coal, so the Berliners take the wood where he finds it. The trees are uprooted. No more benches in the city still has boards. On the stairs, we exchange everything possible. Coats, bags, shoes. Berliners lack everything, but they hold up. Americans, too, are determined to hold on at all costs. And as Gehlen had foreseen, Stalin does not give the order to shoot down American planes. He wasn't ready for war because the Americans had the atomic bomb. The Soviet Union could not endure a new war while we had already had more than 20 million deaths during World War II. Understanding that he lost arm wrestling game, on May 12, 1949, Stalin lifts the blockade. All over West Berlin, it is an explosion of joy. For the communist leader, failure is bitter. Missouri's Little Shopkeeper made the man bend the most feared on the planet. In his memoirs, Truman rejoices. He knows that in the race which opposes him to Stalin, he has just scored a decisive point. The blockade had sharply returned the Germans against communism. Germany, who had waited passively to see to whom she would throw his destiny for the future, was now turning towards the cause of Western nations. It does exactly the opposite of what Stalin wanted who always wanted to sow discord between the allies. It seals reconciliation and friendship between the German people and the Americans, of course. They have become extremely popular. These are the men which allowed the survival of West Berlin. Fifteen days after the lifting of the blockade, Westerners create the Federal Republic of Germany. The Soviets retaliate with the German Democratic Republic. This time, yesterday's allies are officially become enemies. To the White House, Kennan is terrified. Visionary, he writes: "At the end of the day, our policy on the continent takes us to a situation where there are only three solutions: a Soviet collapse, a disintegration from our own position or a terrible war". This threat of a terrible war weighs a little more about the world every day. Stalin did not digest the snub of the blockade. He tries to take over. By dint of effort, he goes, once again, succeed in reversing the situation. On August 29, 1949, to the amazement of Westerners, the russians blow up an atomic bomb in Kazakhstan. Fuchs information and his comrades undercover at Los Alamos ended up bearing fruit. intelligence services Soviets helped us to accelerate the creation of the atomic bomb in the Soviet Union and they allowed us to save a lot of resources. Our scientists think the information received by our secret services allowed us to shorten the time of the creation of the bomb ten to five years. For Truman, the surprise is great. He never would have imagined that the Soviets, ruined by the war, take so little time to develop nuclear weapons. Stalin feels strong again. Soviet Union once again become the equal of the United States. The world enters the balance of terror. This cold war Raymond Aron summed it up very well saying it's an impossible war, impossible because it would be atomic, unlikely peace. Impossible war, improbable peace. Conflicts, in fact, will soon burst. But they will stay local and will be done by interposed powers. Because never blood between Americans and Soviets shall sink. At the risk of causing a general conflagration. It's in a small country, that very few Russians and Americans would be located on the map, that the first of these conflicts post second world war will break out. Korea. Since 1945, Korea, which belonged to Japan, is busy on both sides of the 38th parallel. To the south, the Americans. To the north, the Soviets. Since that time, Kim Il-sung, the North Korean communist leader, seeks to reunify his country. Many times, he asked Stalin for help. The Soviet has always refused. However, on January 12, 1950, the generalissimo changes his mind. Because of a very small sentence spoken by Dean Acheson, US Secretary of State, That day, in his speech on American military ambitions, Acheson wrote: “Our defensive perimeter extends from the Aleutian Islands to Japan", " Passing by Ryukyu and the Philippines". He forgot Korea. It's stupidity not to do. There was Taiwan, Tokyo, there was the Philippines, there was everything, but he forgot Korea, it's not smart. It's curious for someone as savvy as Dean Acheson. Finally, he screwed up and it was taken by Stalin as an encouragement. And he said to himself that after all, Americans may have become soft again. Stalin then gave the green light to Kim Il-sung to take action. On June 25, 1950, at 4 a.m., the North Korean army crosses the 38th parallel. Truman on the weekend in his home in Missouri, is immediately notified. The American President does not have the shadow of a hesitation. We must respond with force. In his memoirs he recalls. If such a scenario were not prevented in Korea, it meant the start of a third world war. Because these are similar incidents who had provoked The Second World War. Americans did not expect to an attack in Korea. They have practically no troops there. North Koreans are progressing with disconcerting ease and take over Seoul in less than a week. Truman is extremely concerned. How will all of this end? The president writes to his wife. I hope I don't have to give the order to drop our terrible weapon. Truman won't need to use the atomic bomb, because he can count on a man, General MacArthur great hero of the war in the Pacific, he is in charge of administering Japan. He knows Asia well and he is an outstanding tactician. In a few months, MacArthur manages to resume advantage over the communists. In November 1950, Americans have almost fully invaded North Korea. They are close from the Chinese border The Cold War threatens to get very hot because since 1949, neighboring China has become communist. Mao then hurry 500,000 Chinese volunteers to help to his North Korean brothers. Here too, we notice, finally, Mao's caution in this conflict. That he doesn't want act as a state and that he uses this artifice chinese volunteers for, in a way, intervene informally. There is, of course, empirically, not theorized, mastery of the Cold War. Everyone advances but each make sure everything is under control so that the cold war don't become a general war, global and nuclear For Truman, this situation particularly tense for months is psychologically exhausting. In his diary he writes: what the hell to be the president of the most powerful nation on Earth! I would rather be the first in my village. The American President don't call the white house anymore other than "the white prison". In Korea, the conflict is bogged down and it is an event totally unexpected that will end the war. Stalin will disappear. March 1, 1953, Dacha of Kuntsevo, around Moscow. Stalin now lives here as a recluse. The man who does shake the whole planet locked himself in a paranoid delirium. He is afraid of being murdered. That night, when Stalin goes to bed, he drank a lot. In the night, he suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. For ten hours he is dying without anyone dares push open the door of his room. Everyone is too scared possible retaliation. He agonized alone. And all those who could have healed him, including his doctor, is in prison. He could have recovered. When the old acolytes arrive, the Khrushchevs, the Berias, the Voroshilovs, the Malenkovs and all those people they dare not do anything. Because it could be blamed on them, they bring in doctors, but the doctors are afraid. They don't even dare to make a diagnosis because the KGB is behind them. And he said to them: comrade be careful what you write and pay attention to what you discover. Lack of proper care. After four days of agony, on March 5, 1953, Joseph Stalin dies. As soon as the news was known, five million people flock to Moscow. All want to see the remains of the one who had the right of life and death over them for a quarter of a century. Many people who hated Stalin said: God be praised. He finally burst. Many others saw in him a kind of god and they were stunned by the fact that their god may be mortal. The third feeling that dominated and which was valid for everyone was "what will happen now?" The whole world is in shock. While Molotov and relatives of Stalin carry his coffin, everyone thinks next. In Moscow, London or Washington, peoples hope that the disappearance of the Soviet dictator put an end to the tensions. Expectations will soon be disappointed. Eight years of permanent conflict and lava between America and the Soviet Union have so shaped the world, that it is impossible to suddenly backtrack. The Cold War initiated by Stalin and Truman will continue to rule the world and to shake men for nearly 40 years.
Channel: imineo Documentaires
Views: 4,783,432
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Keywords: documentaire, reportage, ww2, seconde guerre mondiale, guerre mondiale, guerre froide, fascisme, nazisme, Alliés, yt:cc=on
Id: 4eYzmO1udt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 02 2022
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