Stair Renovation Project

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I see you worked bottom to top, walking on the newly-applied construction adhesive on the way up. Did any of the adhesive hold, or are all of the caps creaky as hell?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thump3r 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love stairs like this, but damn are they slippery.

Looks great though

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MakeItRain34 📅︎︎ May 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
when I first moved into my house this is what the front entryway looked like since then however I had Lowe's come out and install new carpeting in the house including on these stairs I also painted the walls and built a new railing with O'Kane rails and wrought iron spindles the tile in this photo has also been removed and replaced with laminate flooring that will be a future video though the first part of this project started with removing the old carpet on the stairs [Music] once the carpet was removed it was time to get rid of the padding I went back with a scraper which is actually an ice scraper and used it to slide underneath the padding this helps to remove more staples than just by pulling it out by hate [Music] there was still a lot of staples left behind however and each one had to be pulled to make a nice smooth surface afterwards I swept up all the debris and then vacuum the stairs to make them nice and clean at least for now the next step was to bark and remove the nose off of each stair [Music] I used a circular saw to make each cut at first I wasn't too keen on using the circular saw because of the potential kickback but the first few steps I used a sawzall it took a lot longer so I switched to the circular saw [Music] [Music] we use the sawzall to cut in the middle of the nosing this allowed me to snap off each end [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this made the back of the stair nice and flush for the new riser the whiteboards on the side of the stairs were not looking too great so I decided to go back with some white paint and make them nice and bright I wanted to do this painting before I put the steps in because it would be a lot easier I didn't have to worry about getting paint on anything because I knew the base part of the stairs would be covered up [Music] by this time I was getting closer to installing the actual treads and risers which is the rewarding part of this project but first I had to install some screws into the stairs to make him stop creaking when he walk on them [Music] finally it was time to start measuring for all the treads and risers the stair measuring tool made the whole project a lot easier unfortunately you can't see the whole thing here but basically it has four knobs that you could tighten and loosen and there are paddles on each end you just stretch the tool out to fit the exact shape tighten all the knobs and the whole lock it in place you can then trace this shape onto your trailer riser to make for easy cutting [Music] this was my first project using a table saw I should have been using a push stick here so don't be like me [Music] the treads were marked the same way as the risers by using the stair measuring tool I then cut the treads with the miter saw each tread was cut to the correct depth placing the table saw all the treads and risers were checked for proper fitness prior to installation once they were cut to the right size I applied construction adhesive to the back and pushed them into place [Music] [Music] a few Brad nails helped to hold the chart in place while the construction adhesive dries and these Brad nails won't show because the riser that's going to be installed next we'll cover the month [Music] and put Brad nails in the top of each riser as well and those are covered up by the next trip after repeating the process over and over and over again it was finally starting to look like a finished product once I got to the landing things changed a bit the treads didn't apply here because they wouldn't take up the entire landing so instead I put in traditional laminate flooring this included a vapor barrier underneath you with the landing completed I could start on the rest of the stairs you and at long last it was finally complete [Music] you you [Music] I hope you enjoyed watching the video I have other projects in store and want to make videos for those as well thank you for watching [Music]
Channel: John's Renovations
Views: 48,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iQdc2JHnmt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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