Stages of Seminarian Formation

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hello and welcome to St minid my name is Deacon Eric wette and we're going to talk with all you guys today about how Seminary Life Works and what all the different stages are so let's meet up with some of the other [Music] [Music] guys [Music] hi everybody my name is Andre Netto uh I'm going to try to explain for you how the process to priesthood Works disclaimer a lot of this has been changing in the past year but we're going to do our best to get through this the way it works is if you already have a bachelor's degree you would then do What's called the propduct year which is just a year formation without really heavy academics kind of a simple year the next step is called the discipleship stage this is 2 years of philosophy studies so essentially you're adding credits to what you already had in your bachelor's and you're just really getting your undergraduate in philosophy after that you would move into the configuration stage which is 3 and 1/2 years of studies of theology this is the major part of seminar so everybody is doing this next is you get ordained a deacon and you go through what's called The Vocational synthesis stage so Eric wette is now in this stage and I'll be approaching that stage about a year or so after that you get to pre and you're stuck in that for life however if you don't have a bachelor's degree the way this works is say you R to enter right out of high school you go to four years of college Suiter then you'd go directly down into the configuration stage and you do 3 and 1/2 years the configuration stage the half year of vocational synthesis get or Dana Deacon and then straight to priesthood hope that makes sense any questions I don't know I still got a lot of questions too okay so let's check in on Gom now hey Gom can you tell us a little bit about this stage of formation that you're in this year yeah so uh second theology or second configuration as it's called now uh is a little bit more focused on academics uh than the other stages of formation but while other classes might be doing stuff like youth programs or teaching CCD second theology is mainly focused on hospital and hospice care work I'm actually assigned to a hospice care center uh down in Owensboro Kentucky and it's really great that we get to do this now because it's great preparation for the CPE that you know we're going to be studying uh this upcoming summer the seminarian pre in the library his natural habitat that's the dark part of the library we don't go there okay so what are you studying in second discipleship so I'm in my second year right now of philosophy and at the end of this year I'll be um receiving a masters in Catholic philosophical studies um which is preparing me to go on to study theology next year so the idea with the study of philosophy first is that in order to discuss theology you need have a certain understanding of um philosophical principles so for instance we talk about natural theology which is Arguments for God from Pure reason before we talk about um other forms of theology where it's coming from Revelation it's that whole idea of faith and reason you have to develop your reason and then incorporate faith and elevate it through faith we're laying the groundwork right now um for our future studies all of the bandic and images and by bandic and I mean literally St Benedict start getting down here that's when you get to America and then [Music] Nation so here at Seminary about every 2 weeks or so we meet with the spiritual director and in spiritual direction we talk with our spiritual director kind about our internal life how well our discernment to the priesthood is going what our prayer life looks like what's Jesus telling us in our prayer life and how we're growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus [Music] Christ I'm a first configuration seminarian here I just graduated at Our Lady of Providence Seminary this past May and they allowed me to go from preschool priest school to Big Boy preschool so now they give me the collar and everything and it's been really good here at St minat of course the location is very different but it's very good a much bigger community and a lot of different activities that we have on campus we have in-house gym that's bigger and better than the one in Providence we've got the uh unstable which is the bar on campus we have a library and so many other things and so many different opportunities in the house oh hello we just want to give a special shout out to Donna Smith for supplying us with all our candy and all our snacks to keep us nice and full throughout the day thank you next time [Music] and I think for the end I'll say like why don't you guys come on inside and I'll start walking this [Music] way with you yeah I'm rolling oh okay this is [Music] rolling
Channel: CatholicNH
Views: 2,470
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Id: 1S-raIOgyVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 28sec (388 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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