Day in the Life of a Priest Vlog

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[Music] so I began my day by running with this crew called All Heart running club we usually meet at Jeffrey Trail here over in Irvine and so I'm on my way to meet with them I usually meet with them at a park all right hey [Music] guys so we are in the middle of our run we did 3 miles in my mornings I usually get my exercise in because there's no other time to really do it and um motivated and Amplified we just finished our run we had just under about 7 miles and and so we're starting our day so we got ahrc the All Hearts running club and uh thank you [Music] guys someone might ask what do you do when you're driving soone may not ask but I'll tell you anyway I usually think about my schedule because if I don't think about my schedule right now I'll start thinking about it when I should be praying that way I can focus on my parishioners and Jesus when it comes to morning prayer and sometimes I don't think I also like listening to all these K-pop songs you feeling that I have no clue what this song is I don't know I don't know this soundtrack oh yeah I know this one this one's good I think this is IU this is also how I practice my Korean you know listen to these songs and try to figure out what they're saying and then I don't know like whatever your typical person does under driving you like replay scenarios in your mind and you're like did I say the right thing did I it's people stuff I usually keep my rosary right here in this little pocket check out that color it's like this nice like midnight blue seab breze green I don't know whatever Crayola Color you want to think of um that fits that description but it's pretty cool and uh it's made by my parishioners you can buy it at your local Our Lady of piece for $29.95 and um I'm just kidding it's not for sale it's so important to have a daily spiritual plan a plan of life doesn't matter if you're a priest or a lay person so I always begin my day regardless of what kind of noise I have before me to just sit in silence with Jesus is a total necessity I need to ask him I have to check in with him I have to ask you know how are you going to use me today to save Souls no days like yesterday is always different and then you know about a half hour before Mass I try to hear some confessions it's always sobering God reminds me that I'm nothing when I hear confessions I remember I'm a poor Sinner and yet God has given me this task to take care of his children I mean it really is a wild dream I remember in college one of my business Prof Professor telling me you know if you don't know what you're doing just fake it till you make it and I sometimes think about how dads when leading their families sometimes have no idea if they're making the best decisions and I confess sometimes I feel ill equipped for guiding Souls what if I say the wrong thing or if I make the wrong choice but every morning every morning the fact that I can celebrate Holy Eucharist Jesus reminds me that I'm not in charge by being in Union with him he will lead me some days are peaceful some days are not but no matter what happens it's all good it's my business manager and this is my daily cup of Korean medicinal gobbly goop not the best but it's good then come into my office pretend to do important things and um stay herited here till it's time to go home staring at moving pictures I'm just kidding let let's pretend to learn to read good AKA Zoolander surf and turf they have all words with these familiar sounds it's like Pak Pak it's like who makes this stuff up I admit I'm blessed you know to have this devout Legion of Mary chapter at my church we have over 100 members and midweek I get to check in with them and eat some really really good homecooked meals you know these ladies and uh the members are the real deal many look like ordinary parishioners but you know their personal apostate is constantly in the back of their minds how do I convert Souls at my business or how can I be more intentional to serve the poor how do I Inspire my children to turn to God in their daily life these are the ongoing thoughts of prayerful Souls they truly are joyful pun amen put up the park with the skateboard I skin it from a 9-year-old at my church I'm just kidding I do that but I am borrowing it let's see what this can [Music] do we're here at the park and um it's always good sometimes to decompress and not think too much about all the different tidbits and issues at church is a good way for me to just get away and chalk to [Applause] [Music] knock it's super cool I say had a father go for [Music] us all right so we just had a really good skate sesh it was cool we met a parishioner from St Edwards named Noah he just talked about his marriage with his wife Angela about a month and a half ago by my classmate father Joe but I just got a Sit call it's an emergency so I better head over to the hospital so we're going to head down to lagona Woods let's do this so fortunately it's not an emergency but it's good that we're here because they've been wanting for me to anoint you never really know what to expect with sit calls you know sometimes these are the most powerful moments of conversion sometimes you're like man why did the phone ring but I've learned early on you never take chances you always go promptly if possible and uh I'm then Amazed by some of these moments when there are tremendous tremendous conversions and uh these are sometimes perhaps those final moments in life and when you can save a soul in their last breath you know it's worth it the lack of sleep the minute you have to drop everything and leave a scene it's all worth it so yeah was a great annointing he had a hip surgery and he was in a lot of pain so he was very grateful now we get back to church do some prayer [Music] wow today is chesa we're doing um my grandfather's funeral anniversary so we are going to send him our respects and uh this is part of a Korean tradition so that's what we do once a year [Music] [Music] am you know I count my blessings with my family living here in the dases I get to catch up with them when I need and then I always come back home and review my today with Jesus examine my conscience and see how I could do better tomorrow then I get to bed because tomorrow I begin again and that my friends is a day in the life of a priest
Channel: OrangeDiocese
Views: 22,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qz6ZP9SZitM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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