Stable Diffusion - How to Create Custom Styles in Fooocus

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So you've been using Fooocus for a little while.  You got a lot of different styles you may not even   realize you can actually add your own styles to  Fooocus, and that's what I'm going to show you   here: how to create your own custom styles. I  have a video that explains more about styles in   Fooocus, and I do recommend watching that to get  a better understanding of how everything works. The first thing to know is that Fooocus V2  is unlike all the other styles. It's created   based on your prompt, and when you go to  generate, it adds extra keywords to your   prompt. This is different from the other styles,  which are all preset so every time you use those,   it'll always add those exact same keywords to  your prompt. The easiest way to see that is   if we go in here and enable the metadata tab.  I have my images with the metadata embedded,   so when I drop it in here, I can see  all the prompts that have been added. Down at the bottom, we can see  we've added these three prompts.   The V2 prompt expansion added this,  and then the styles added these. Now,   it added these for the negative prompt, this  one here, and then this one here, because each   one of those styles has their own negative  prompts. The same thing with the full prompt,   we'll see that our actual prompt was just  that, and everything else was placed around   it. It's like a wrapper, and it wraps your  prompt with additional prompt information. Now, I'm going to show you how to create those.  The first thing you want to do to do this, and   you can do this with just a text editor, you're  not going to need any special skills. We want to   bring up our primary Fooocus folder. Once you go  into there, there's an SDXL Styles folder. We go   into there, and these are all your different  style files. You can have them all in one;   you can make different files for different  types of styles, that's entirely up to you. The easiest way to do this to get started is just  to take one of these and make a copy of it. So,   I'm going to take the Fooocus one, copy  that, paste it. I'm going to rename it,   and I'm just going to call this one 'custom_styles.json', and that's it. I'm going to   go ahead and open that, and you can open  this with whatever text editor or however   you want to use it. We're going to open  this with Notepad++. Looking in here,   you'll notice there's an awful lot of stuff in  here we're not going to use; we're going to reuse   and delete all these for the most part because  we don't need duplicates. We already have them. Look at the format, all these are in the  same format. You have your name first of   the actual style. We have our comma,  and then we have the negative prompt   if there's one. This one's only got the  negative prompt, the same with this one;   only has a negative prompt. This one has  positive and a negative prompt, and you   can have ones that just have the positive prompt.  It's entirely up to you how you want to do this. Let's go ahead and delete most of these because  we do not need those. We do want to make sure   we get rid of that last comma because if you  have multiples of these, you would want a comma   between them. Follow the format that's originally  in the original file. That's why it's easier just   to rename, copy, and rename one so you don't have  to type everything out and then mess something up. In this one, I'm just going to change the  name, let's say 'Custom Battlefield.' So now,   whenever I want a battlefield image, I don't  need to type in all the details of what I want.   In here, I'm going to leave the Cinematic still  in here. Then you'll notice this here says   '{prompt}' — that is the placeholder for where your  prompt is going to go that you type into the box.   We're going to leave that, and then everything  after this, we can go ahead and get rid of. Now, in here, I might want to put, well, what  do I want for Battlefield? We're going to do   explosions, smoke, fire, dirty, chaotic — yeah,  I think that'll do. And for our negative prompt,   I might not normally need something,  but just to show you how it works,   we're going to put 'uplifting' and 'peaceful'  — definitely not Battlefield things. Okay, so we have everything set up, we have  our last one without the comma. If we wanted   to create more, we'd put a comma, and then we  do the same thing again. You could create a   whole bunch in one sheet, one file, or you can  have different files depending on category if   you wanted to. We're going to go ahead and save  this, and we've got our custom Styles in here. Wait a second, it doesn't show up. Well,  of course not, because we have to restart   Fooocus now to get that to show up. So  let's go ahead and shut down Fooocus,   and we'll restart it. Okay, so if we go in,  we have our 'Custom Battlefield' listed,   but as you can see, we do not have a preview.  I'm going to show you how to do that in a moment;   that's pretty simple to do. I don't have an  image yet; we're going to have to create one. So let's go ahead, and we're going to do 'bird's  eye view tanks.' Now, I do want... okay, we get   1024 by 1024 for this. This one, I'm going to just  change it over to JPEG because that's the format   we're going to want for our sample image, although  you can do it with a PNG and just change the name,   that'll work as well. Let's go ahead and generate  and test to make sure that the custom style is   working. I'm going to disable these, enable  that one, and let's go ahead and generate. Okay, let's go ahead and stop this; I got  what I needed. We can now check to see if   this worked. So, let's open up our metadata  tab. I'm going to go find one of those images   and bring it in. Now if we look in here, down at  the bottom, we did definitely have it enabled. So,   as we can see up here, it added 'uplifting'  and 'peaceful' for the negative prompt, which   were added from there, so we know that worked  properly. And if we look at everything else,   it added the prompt 'bird's eye view tanks,'  and then it put the rest around it. So,   everything seems to be working  here; our custom style is all set. And if you wanted to add more, you could add  more to this; you could create another one,   leave the original ones alone, keep your  custom ones in their own files. So now that   we have that all set, we know that that  is working, we just need to now get our   image in there, and that's pretty simple to do.  So first, we want to go into our Fooocus folder   again, and in there, in the Styles folder, you'll  find the samples folder. So if we go into here,   you'll notice all of them are named by the style  name with any spaces replaced with underscores. So, I'm going to take that image I just  created, I'm going to drop it in here,   and it won't do anything yet; we need to actually  rename this. Since our... and we're going to   rename the whole thing because JPEG with the 'e'  in there, it won't recognize that, it's got to be   JPG for it to recognize it. So we're going to do  'custom_battlefield.jpg,' which was the name,   and then we're going to do JPG, and we're going  to yes, we want to change it. That's all set,   and now we didn't need to refresh it in  Fooocus for it to show up, there it is. So we now have our custom sample image, and you  can do that to change any of the other ones that   you want if you prefer to have a different image,  that's entirely up to you. And that's all there   is to creating your custom styles. You can also  look online; other people have styles they share,   and you can put those in that folder as well.  Do be a little careful if you grab one of the   very large files that might have hundreds  of styles because the next thing you know,   you may have this list so long that you can't  find what you're looking for even with the   search function. Hopefully, that should get you  going with your own custom styles in Fooocus,   and if you found the video helpful, please  consider hitting the like button or even   buying me a cup of electricity. If you want to  learn more about Fooocus, do check out some of   my other videos. Thanks for watching, and have  fun creating some of your own custom styles.
Channel: Kleebz Tech AI
Views: 2,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion tutorial, stable diffusion, stable diffusion secrets, fooocus tutorial, stable diffusion install, foocus, stable diffusion ai, stable diffusion xl, better images stable diffusion, fooocus settings, stable diffusion video, fooocus custom styles, fooocus styles, styles in fooocus, customize fooocus, fooocus ai tutorial, fooocus ai influencer, fooocus ai download, fooocus ai video
Id: gph2wKcbN04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2024
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