Stable Diffusion Fix Hands With ControlNet and Inpainting (Easy Method)

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have you ever generated an image that looks stunning but then notice the hands just don't look right in today's tutorial I'm going to walk you through a quick and easy method to fix deformed hands in existing AI generated images watch this video till the end because I have a trick to share with you that will ensure you never face this issue again in your future AI generated images trust me you will want to miss this before we start if you're new here don't forget to hit that subscribe button and let's aim for 200 likes to beat the algorithm let's get [Music] started first things first you need to install DW open pose it's an enhanced version of the open pose processor that really stps up your game you can easily install it from the extension tab using this GitHub link when the extension is installed remember to restart your web UI after afterwards so it pops up in the processor drop- down menu in your control net window Okay so we've got this image generated with the Epic realism checkpoint it looks fantastic but the hands aren't quite right don't worry we can fix that first reopen the checkpoint model you used for the original image now head over to the inpainting section and load your image we need to mask not just the hand but also a small small area around it next for the settings I'm going to increase the mask padding just a bit for better blending keep the image Dimensions the same as your original image for the sampling method we're using the DPM plus plus SD caras and don't forget a high CFG setting of 0.9 next up bring your image into control net this is where we use DW open pose click the preview button you'll notice that DW open pose cleverly fixes the hand positioning also make sure to select control net is more important for this step don't forget to write in the positive prompt to describe only the masked area in the image for our case a woman's hand on a wooden table and now let's generate the image and see the result take a look at our first generation the hand is looking so much better already we've managed to get rid of That Awkward deformation which is fantastic but we can still take it up a notch especially with the nails to make them look more natural for this fine- tuning you can use your preferred image editing software I'm going to use Photoshop here's a little tip use a brush tool with a tiny one pixel size this lets you get really detailed and fix those Nails as precisely as [Music] possible once we're happy with the touchup the next step is to upscale the image this is what's going to make it truly stunning here here our final result we've successfully fixed the hand issue and it looks way better than the original now let's move on to how you can prevent getting bad hands in your AI generated images right from the start this image was generated using the prompt a photo of a beautiful girl holding a Christmas gift box in a snowy alley I absolutely loved the image and thought it would make the perfect thumbnail but there was one issue the hand they were oddly deformed and there was even an extra finger so let me show you how to prevent this from happening right from the start first load your image into the control net window we'll use DW open pose and download the Open pose preview image this is where Photoshop comes in handy we can fine-tune the open pose hand gestures for even more Precision I'm going to adjust the thumbs to ensure they don't look too long and also slightly reduce the size of the fingers next I'm changing the image size to a square dimension of 1024x 1024 pixels back in control net load your open pose it's crucial to set the processor to none and select only the open pose model for the dimensions I'm using 512x 512 with a high rest fix with these adjustments when you generate your images you'll get nice natural looking hands no extra fingers or weird deformations and that's the secret to creating amazing images without major hand issues right from the start that's it for today I wish you all a very happy new year as always if you want to support the Channel please hit that like button subscribe and share this video with your friends see you [Music] soon [Music]
Channel: Aiconomist
Views: 19,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stable diffusion, stable diffusion tutorial, ai art, stable diffusion ai, automatic1111, controlnet, openpose, ai art generator, fix hands stable diffusion, automatic1111 controlnet, controlnet hands, get better hands with stable diffusion, clunky hands
Id: ikicWPlb1CI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 25 2023
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