St Mary Mazzarello - House of Happiness

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my your sister's looking for you on my mine will you answer please coming now yeah there we go tell me who's eaten the cottage cheese [Music] look the patina those are violets they're hiding sordid they sure are small but we discovered them how's your day been good thanks good let's go mane let's go and say good night to the stars are we going to bed what did God do before he created the world what do you think huh it was contemplating himself and loving himself he was just fine by himself because his see mine God is not alone he's a bit like me you your mama and fille Qing it too we love each other no God is like this God loves always this is what he was doing before he created the world and now comes number one now let's what is the commandment that's most important I love your Lord your God with all your soul with all your mind and with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself the winner is mine of the farmhouses I ask you to say a little prayer for the Pope you know he left Roman took refuge at gate I know these things are too big for you to understand but you must always remember to pray for him all right we must plant our selves deeply rooted in God that's right mine plant ourselves deeply rooted in God Papa it's as if we're like a tree and God is the earth where the tree is rooted is that right hmm Papa tomorrow is my first holy communion I can't get Jesus out of my mind it's time for sleep now under the covers come on goodnight after tomorrow it will always be like this I'll imagine that Jesus has entered me through the sacred host or that it's Jesus whom I will receive how I do want to please our Jesus every day a little more we know all about it mmm let's have a minute of Prayer [Music] [Music] [Music] in nomine Patri fili spiritus sancti a Chiquita Atlanta God acts as any garnishment you are my god yes my sure has good taste and she always wants to prove her worth but I don't want to get her hopes up too much no but she already has the other day she said to petra nila i tell you that new bodice must suit me must look good on me not on my mama don't tell her I told you please no come on panache c'mon easy are too confining my little mine needs to broaden her horizons to meet other people but don't worry I'll look after [Music] shoes look shoes for men and women for gentlemen and for little ladies do you like them yes [Music] [Music] yes they sure are nice I wish I had like these don't worry better [Music] you know the other day I saw quite a few animals passing by which one I saw ducks and horses too [Music] [Music] when Papa bought them for me I thought that I had gone to heaven but now [Music] Don pets Torino is right it's more wonderful being within seeming to be it certainly is [Music] if you continue like this I won't be able to find men to work in the vineyards do you know what they say that girl works too hard we can't keep up with her aren't you happy papa you're just like your mother impetuous and impatient I'm also like you aren't I yes you have good sense and you know what you want but whenever you judge someone or something what does the priest always say you have to temper it with humility with tenderness and kindness otherwise if someone contradicts me I get all red like hot coals and even my lips quiver or else I get such a serious look on my face and then I just ran off and what does the priest say dumped history no doesn't let me get away with anything he has examples that are right on the mark he chats with everyone he meets he does he explains the gospel everywhere in the streets in the homes and obviously in church you should always listen to him because he's a man of God you know he studied at Genoa he can certainly teach you many things listen to him they're girls who have made a vow of virginity for one year and I know one who even did it for two years I don't understand why one has to ask permission to take a vow of virginity and I don't understand why you should for any amount of time I have already taken it forever I don't think I'm wrong about this so then why for a year or even two years with God love is much simpler and I chose God forever from morning till night I do everything with him and for him I do everything for love everything [Music] [Music] shouldn't you be sleeping as well you should be asleep yourself go to bed don't worry about me filly chena go to bed I'll finish this off and be right in sleep so that tomorrow morning we can wake up early and go to Mass and you I'll finish here so tomorrow and we return for Nasus I've already done my part and Papa can start working mine may I ask you a question ask me you help mom in the kitchen with the laundry you help pop in the vineyard you teach me and the little wants to do the housework because you always do the heavier work and so what it's just that why are you doing all of this you pray why how may we open the treasures of Paradise if we don't pray 9 how many keys do you need to open the treasures of paradise no it's prayer that's my treasure not the things I do now good night filly Gina [Music] what time it is that way you won't notice that we're afraid what time is it it's three hours past midnight what are you doing out of this time of night we're on our way to church but this hour it'll give us more time to pray [Music] did you remember that time when it snowed when they open the doors of the church and we couldn't even lift our shoes from the ground we could hardly move off these board that time when I was so soaked by the rain that I couldn't let myself be seen by the priest I had to sit far away from his confessional Jesus when I'm here in church it's always summer I think about you constantly I live everything with you and I do it with so much love always you are like the water of the stream in the valley like the water of the river no just like a bunch of grapes attached to the vine I cling to you for a while now after dinner Maine disappears who knows what she's up to that girl to be honest they all disappear you know even the little ones let's go look for him Jesus is there in the tabernacle of the church and we're keeping him company try and repeat after me Jesus you are the source of everything Jesus Jesus you're like a Sun that never sets Jesus Jesus you are the true God and the one true man Jesus Angelina meccano has returned from Genoa dump history no Center to study to become a teacher everybody says that she'll be the one to teach the girls apparently she told her cousins but she wants to become an in-house nun not only hurts there are others who want to become in-house nuns they have already talked to dump is Cedeno and he agrees I would just love to be part of that group if I may have your attention we are here to celebrate the birth of the Association but first of all to thank don't miss Torino for the important role that it gives us women in the life of the parish today begins the association of the daughters of Mary Immaculate there are five of you from the eldest to the youngest you will be the leaven among the people of morganissa eleven with your example always and when it's needed with your words as well and you will live fully the values of the gospel she will be your guide the path you are to follow will be hers she will be the exemple with you my tender and only bridegroom I will be Wed it's you I wish to love and I will need everything for you I want to live by those who already towards your everlasting love there we go only you do I want to laugh for you I leave everything [Music] with you my tender an only bridegroom I will be Wed come on put the jewels where they belong I'll run ahead and let the fire [Music] [Music] [Music] wait wait [Music] all our savings oh mama no there's no need to curse there poor wretches they're worse often we are rather let's say a prayer that God touches and changes their heart wouldn't it be better if we went to live in the village what if something terrible had happened to any of us bring everything up here yes put those in there Jesus I can no longer see from here but I'm just a few steps away from you I haven't stopped since this morning and I went a quarter of an hour without thinking of you never again a quarter of an hour without thinking of you [Music] mama I'm going to see the priest do you need anything no but try not to be late soon it will be dark so you're in mone Z how's your family coping pop by my older brothers have to go everyday to the belphin Aska sometimes mama does as well the little ones are happy MSA then you must you ask you know I'm happy to live close by to the church I don't miss my little window mine I wanted to talk to you in the village there are some severe cases nobody outside of the afflicted families knows anything about this we must all pray together the French troops returning from the war have passed not too far from where we are and they may have left us with something far more serious than we're able to imagine now don't piss Torino what it might to prepare for you must tell me please I can't tell you anymore mine you're to stay calm I can always rely on you I'm certain but rather God can always rely on you don't forget that I'm scared people are dying they say that it's typhoid fever [Music] my my a please hurry the priest is at our house he's talking with Papa you realize how contagious this is don't you sending my in to care for our relatives with typhoid no oh no father it's impossible how can I take care of the house all alone and the children as well and the vineyards I can't stop everything mine works as hard as three laborers put together listen I can't send my ena but if she really wants to go I have no objection I'll go papa mama I'll go those people do need me [Music] my my [Music] [Music] [Music] they have all recovered and soon you'll be well again too [Music] dumb pasterino would you please bring me everyday the Eucharist we should have told them no but you had to insist well what are you saying they just think what a nice gift it would be if I were to die a martyr by love I can't bear the thought of not having her here anymore this house seems so empty I used to say to her please slow down my she's my first child will she get better and if so how much pop I don't say that certainly she will get better let's pray let's pray just like she did [Music] [Music] holy mary has looked after you and has left you with us so that no one in our house cries Jesus I can no longer get up at dawn I can no longer to the heavy work come to mass in the early morning if you give me a little more life please let all this be forgotten I am happy just to be remembered by you in the spring will my strength return [Music] life returns everything is reborn but not my strength I mine of the farmhouses mine stronger than her father's laborers God what do you want from me help me to understand give me a sign show me the way if I knew how to work as a dressmaker just think of all the girls I could rally together how I could help them I could keep them off the streets from danger and I could bring them closer to you Mary [Music] what's happening what is it that I'm seeing [Music] you entrust them to me my i'ma speak to you but straight away not here that well I think I understand now that the Lord wants the two of us to take care of the girls in modernizing actually mother Mary wants it Holy Mary the two of us did she tell you this yes in a certain sense you did tell me you're not strong you can't work in the vineyards and I - after the illness can't do it anymore yet both of us care very much for many of the girls in modernism isn't that so yes of course but what will we tell them I've given it some thought don't you think but if so we could actually succeed you want to learn to be a dressmaker we want to learn dressmakers Christian yes yes maybe you're right but promise me we will only super women promise listen carefully we will learn to sew to keep the girls away from harm's way to better themselves to bring them closer to Jesus and to love him but how do we care for them and how do we feed them all we will live off of our work just look at those two everyone's talking about them they're not working in the fields but are learning to sew and from a man no less can you believe it or do they think they are do you know what some of the daughters of the back here I've heard the group doesn't want them around anymore those two do what they want they think they're better than the rest the dressmaker is moving away and leaving her work too soon we'll have our very own workroom Angela McCann you made me a promise maybe she could rent a room to us Mayim maybe it's just an idea of mine but it seems to me that some of the daughters of the evacuator jealous of you of me but why is that they say that you're too enterprising and you only want to be successful I only want to get the girls a helping hand that's all I want to do [Music] [Music] go to mind she'll teach you how to soul margarita take this cloth [Music] ah [Music] oh yeah they love baby she uh what have you done - identical sleeves there isn't enough cloth to make another well then let's take the cloth from the front and instead of that when we can use another piece of it but what will the lady do with a dress that has two different halves then she can cover it with an apron there's not enough space in here we're too close together that's why I made a mistake no it's still the same house where the ones weren't growing a number when you get bigger you take your things and you go someplace else [Music] these two rooms are yours I'm happy you're here Thank You mr. Botha goodbye little lucky ones petronella doing it all for herself our very own workroom what will the other daughters of the Immaculate say we're doing it for the girls they have been entrusted to us girls don't forget every stitch you make is an act of God's love by working we show him our love by being a little wider we can work liked more and now let's get back to work [Laughter] [Music] [Music] and you tennis [Music] that's very nice yes I heard that you look after girls here these are my two daughters I'd like them to stay with you my wife died a few days ago I work in the trade fairs I have no one to leave them with we take care of the girls during the day only nobody's ever slept here you entrust them to me come on in come on don't be afraid go on go on say hello children from today on our workroom has become a real home why don't you come with me I'll prepare a bed I don't know how but I will I want to live here with you too you already have a family and I'm waiting for you but this is a home too you said so yourself I want to live here with you Rosie now I'll speak with your father I'm hungry [Music] [Music] [Music] or yes but not in our heart [Music] [Laughter] I love the things they love how beautiful they are shining with joy they will shine even brighter closer to you our Lady Mary I wanted to talk to you you have a right to know I've just come back from Turin where I met with Don Bosco I'm happy to say that I too am a solution but you won't leave us will you and Martinez and yes well I had wanted to stay in Turin and be nearer to him but Don Bosco told me he has big dreams very big and said nothing more about it big dreams that's all he really said but he gave me something for you a medal of Mary Help of Christians one for you petronella and another for you mine he blessed them himself [Music] he said you should keep praying as well but above all to continue your good work for the girls as much as possible I asked if he would come to Morgan AZ he accepted the invitation but the girls have asked me sometimes I can stay over and sleep with them at night what do you think they would be happy I could tell them goodnight as if I were their mama but what about Petra Neela yes but I'd like to take care of them as well well your home is here with us remember that it's nice would you do for those girls but remember that you belong here with us well we might different find what I wanted but I'll keep trying we have to be patient aren't Maya and petronella coming it's our meeting today it's better if they don't come their heads are elsewhere it's all because of my she's too bizarre for us and she's dragging peritoneal down with boilin are we ready to start the meeting girls come in you asked to see me there's something wrong isn't there sir don't mind look I I don't know how to say it but it can't go on like this there's a lot of talk and what they're saying isn't very nice of the Daughters of the Immaculate you already knew but it's not just them everybody in town is saying that you would be in control I want to be in control I just want the girls to learn a trade so that they don't lose themselves lose hope don't mr. Reno you know how much I care for them I know I know of course I know I'm afraid you're going to have to take some time off at least until things calm down and where am I supposed to do this you will go to valve Alaska someone will help petronella with the girls I promise you I know this is a great sacrifice for you it's as if Jesus himself were asking [Music] in the silence of this farmhouse in its memories I choose you looking through my little window I choose you in this storm that makes me suffer I choose you I miss the girls I don't understand what has happened oh Jesus heart of my heart give me strength I choose you because you have chosen me [Music] [Music] [Music] laughing sound [Music] [Music] so you passed the needle from here to there and from there to here it's mustard I brought my name back and from now on I'll be sleeping here with you as well and I also bring great news wonderful news for the whole village in a month's time Don Bosco will come to mourn AZ with his boys understand to the feast of Our Lady with this boy how will we manage where will we put them on manages somehow it helped me prepare my house for them in Borgo Alto [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at it he's a saint [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thanks to everyone in more Nazy [Applause] [Music] I bless you I bless your land and your families may God protect you and make you happy I pray for you but you also must pray for me and the boys who live in the Silesian houses pray for don't pester II know who is doing so much for more amazing may God bless all of you and good night [Applause] my how bold you were to get in the front row in the midst of all those children you seemed spellbound It was as if Don Bosco could read into my heart I've waited so long to hear his words you know don't busk was a saint my heart tells me so and now I know that's what holiness is always being very happy [Music] just like we do with our girls Don pastarino says that they too have the oratory on Sundays while during the week they teach a trade to the boys and we don't seem to be any different like to tell you something I have all this land around the house here in Borgo Alto and it's here that I would like to build the boarding school the school which I had spoken to you about this place is so beautiful ask for helping hand from the people of Moore Daisy and you build it a boarding school here mornay's it is a good idea get straight to work and when it is ready I will come to inaugurate it while I look after the Basilica for our mother help of Christians and Sharon you built a boarding school for our children [Music] I've met a small group of young girls in more nazy they do everything that we do at the Oratory Sunday Mass catechism games they have fun during the week they teach the girls from the villager trade and so will they've asked for my permission to live in a group if they're able to support themselves some time ago Donna Lemoine told me I should be doing the same for the girls that I'm also doing for the boys oratories schools and what was your answer that we would eventually have sisters but it would take some time and then I saw those brave girls I was very impressed and they made me stop and think what I had seen and heard a more amazing is exactly what we are doing here in Turin well now I know for certain that it is God's will that we're also to look after girls I've entertained your views which are most positive and it's officially written here may 1871 and this date will remain for historical purposes for the congregation that I'm hoping to found I have the approval of the Pope and as far as the practical aspect I propose that this institution takes its route in the house that dom pasterino is currently finishing in more nazy thank you for leaving us the house it's spacious the girls are increasing in number and the work is as well I moved quite willingly to go out though so that I could easily follow the construction is there something wrong I just received this letter from Don Bosco and it's only right that I shared with you don't pester you know I intend to allocate the boarding school that you were building in monet's II no longer for the boys but to the girls the new sisters will be called the daughters of Mary Help of Christians like our Lady of the basilica we're constructing here in Turin this basilica is a monument of stone whereas they will be a monument that lives for the help of Christians follow carefully those who obey even in the little thing is that they are not offended by the Corrections received and fortified with joy these are the sisters that Mary Help of Christians wants just think when it becomes known in the village everyone is expecting a boarding school for boys they'll feel like they've been tricked they may didn't think it's your fault I will have to explain but you will have to be strong there's some firms here take them all bury me all right let's see how we're doing now then 24 DNA from the silk they result from the clothes that we made 46 laid it all together this month that comes to 70 Lily it isn't much but it is enough to live on I have to go and ask for work on Commission I think dresses to make we need to become more autonomous the girls have brought us polenta flour potatoes and even kindling between what we do for work and what they give us in exchange for teaching for the moment we seem to be self-sufficient they still care for us in the village but when we transfer to the boarding school that was meant for the boys I really don't know you don't have to worry shortly we'll have to make a decision that's important Dumbo's who knows what he's doing I'm cold I do I'm glad that you're here please I've gathered you here today because at this point you must decide whether you want to be a nun Don Bosco wants to found an institute do you understand what that means it's a decision that's important and perhaps the decision of your life you must think about it those who do not choose will remain with their family and will continue to do good work in the village instead whoever raises their hand will then choose this path and will become part of the new Institute [Music] very well for those who choose to live with their family the superior is Angela makan yo it will be called the newer Celine's now you were to vote in complete freedom for the one who will be the superior of the new Institute please write the name on these sheets [Music] [Music] the new superior is Maria Delaney Kamat Sorrento I cannot accept this thank you but I'm not capable at this believe me I'm not capable of being the superior well then for the time being we'll call you vicar how's that you'll move into the new building at Bordeaux Alto transfer everything during the night I beg you the village is still quite upset about the entire episode stay close to me guide me I will follow you with you I'm not afraid Papa this has always been my house and you will always be my family in the hour of need I know I can knock on this door and I know it won't remain closed [Music] here we are in this new house that's so big think about it just today three girls have chosen Jesus and have asked me to become part of our family it's locked y'all get tired soon you won't be able to resist nobody won't send any more girl to the workroom you will go hungry the building was for the boys shame on you let's go inside the whole village is against us now this is another test of strength for the offer to Jesus mine and if the families won't send their daughters to our workroom anymore how are we going to feed the little ones if we don't have any work let's not be disheartened by the things they say if food becomes scarce then I'll go and ask for help from my family let's go inside we're here because we were asked by Don Bosco have you heard that Don Bosco arrived sooner than we had hoped no one expected him you staying only one day so the profession is tomorrow they will become nuns tomorrow can you imagine how thrilled they'll be and us too in fact they are now preparing the chapel as we speak I wonder where they will practice no she really well she could do the part of the bishop come with me my god what is it that you asked have you considered what this means [Music] among the small plants there is one that gives up the most perfume the spikenard for the spiked north to be able to give up her sweet scent it must be well trodden suffer with Jesus and for Jesus you are now part of a religious family that belongs to our lady the Institute will have a great future if you keep yourselves poor simple and mortified you are the living monument that gives thanks to our mother the living monument are the daughters of Mary Help of Christians [Music] let us become sane truly great Saints sister Maria Domenico mozzarella from now on you're to call her mother because she's been the first among you to have faced many difficulties you're to listen and to obey her for now she will be the Vicar because the one true superior of the house is our lady your lives shall continue just as before but now you are brides of Christ I beseech all of you to be happy don't you realize that busco that this is the house of happiness [Music] come in mother I'm very concerned the firewood is almost finished the cupboards are almost empty no one from the village is helping us the villagers are still against us as far as the villagers we must have patience and pray for their souls they will understand as for the firewood we shall go up to the hill to the woods of my mother and as for food we shall do as we have done in other occasions we'll all go collect chestnuts I'm afraid that some novices will not cope with the hardship and the poverty we must not be sisters in name only but in fact as well it is a divine grace for us poor peasant girls of Modena say to have become brides of Jesus and daughters of Mary Help of Christians the girls have never seen anyone dressed with such elegance I'm afraid they're very modest they don't know a word of French girls please come and greet our new French teacher Miss Amelia mooska good morning the poverty of the house is great but the joy that accompanies it is even greater here everything is done out of love you will learn from the smallest aspect up to the largest [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] can you tell me what time it is mother I'm sorry but I don't have a watch you may answer me that it is time to love the Lord it is time to love the Lord please take care of the girls with patience and infinite gentleness mother the suppori sisters have arrived where are they down in the garden then let's go thank you mother may I present my sisters welcome I wanted to be a nun with all my heart but I couldn't leave my sisters at home they've already lost their mother I've already told don bosco it's a joy to have you all here go ahead and you I have a little surprise for you shall we go morning morning good morning mother good morning Amelia I'd like to speak to you certainly I've been here for a while and I've watched carefully and I've observed attentively and what have you seen that the girls changed when they come in contact with your kindness Emma for example she was very ambitious and did nothing but open and close her trunk full of frivolous things and she didn't know how to pray now she's another person and also Maria Valente she was uninhibited at the beginning but not any more and what else have you seen the sisters so bony all five of them you have welcomed them with your heart I have seen the unity and harmony that governs this house and I've seen you or stare with yourself but protective and maternal with us and you wanted to tell me this well yes I wanted to tell you that I want to stay here with you from now on would you accept me as a novice I will entrust you with the direction of the school end of the boarding school to me yes and now you may go Emelia I'd like to learn how to write I still don't know how the snow is falling on the hillsides of modern easy oh what a min really hand I have humility is good for everyone including me my handwriting is terribly undisciplined but I want to learn to write why is that because I have a rather big test to perform and I can't do that without knowing how to write well [Music] but you live like this I was looking for a convent no don't touch it not even the trunk because I'm leaving Katina you'll see how we live stay for at least a month trial period not even for one day aren't you here to be part of the religious order yes but I didn't imagine all of this I was hoping for convent what do you see here I see a lot of confusion that is true we are not perfect therefore we are humbled hopeful and joyful do you mind if I tell you something it's here where God wants you to be if you go away what will you say to our Lord [Music] [Music] since you were 10 years old I knew what stuff you were made of the secret of your work of your happiness is just one the love of God without holding back time passes and my seasons have been accompanied by the story of your life mine and by the history of the Institute that will continue to grow it's already growing come in am i disturbing you mother I know it's a moment of concern for you no please and your trunk it's in the dormitory are you happy now that you've said yes to God I'm here to tell you that I'm happy because this is indeed a convent but above all it's a home and it's a family very soon there will be other houses like this one thank you again mother I'll return to the courtyard the girls are waiting for me I wanted to tell you that a few days ago on the 8th of October the first sisters had left Malaysia for bertigo San Martino in order to open the Institute's second house they will bring with them the spirit of Martinez the spirit of poverty love and sacrifice loyalty to the holy rule and prayer that comes from the heart and always bound by acts of kindness [Music] we have already opened 8 houses and you're the first missionaries in a few days you will go to Genoa and from there you will embark together for Uruguay all the bell towers that you will see between here in Genoa will help you find the way no happiness in whatever occasion you find I recommend you love each other to forgive each other's mistakes but always with love and tenderness Don Bosco has called us to work among the girls throughout the world among the most needy [Music] [Music] I will leave my birthplace forever here is where I met you here is where you talk to me and I followed you [Music] I will leave modern easy to go to nice I have suffered many times the death of my younger sisters reminds me that our true home is in heaven I think about all of them you are here and I am here [Music] mama with a heavy heart I have left you in my siblings Papa is no longer with us I miss him very much but now he is even closer to us all come in we finished the carpet that you had started do you like it mother it's very beautiful you were also precise and clever to finish so quickly the builders have completed the work on the new music and art rooms and today we have welcomed another 15 new girls they're settling in on the first floor at the dormitory you have done well you look rather tired mother perhaps you should rest a little I would like to accompany the missionaries of the third expedition to the port of Genoa and then perhaps go to Marseilles and wait with them until the ship set sail mine the expedition doesn't leave until the 3rd of February and if you travel you may catch cold and with that cough of yours you must think of all the daughters you have but Rinella I don't have daughters but I have many sisters only and they're all very special to me in my heart but the missionaries will need me to accompany them there and then it is a right now sincere our mother's accompany the missionaries to Marseilles from where they have embarked and she isn't out sincere she has a high fever and unfortunately is not able to travel my dear sisters my missionaries all of you the distance that separates us is very great I had hoped to pay you a visit but an immense sea separates us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do not be too happy or too sad over anything in this world [Applause] for this life is too short the day will come when we will meet each other in heaven be loving and be amazed always what you teach through example remains I died as a bride of Jesus a daughter of Mary Help of Christians and Don Bosco I asked this grace for all of you whom I have loved very much and whom I now love even more Jesus you are my strength if they only knew you as I know you now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] easy [Music]
Channel: Salesian Sisters GBR
Views: 594,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StMaryMazzarello, fma, salesianlife, salesian, daughtersofmaryhelpofchristians, Mornese, SalesianSisters
Id: tsP0yIHzl_w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 32sec (6152 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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