Bernadette (1988) - Movie In English Con Subtítulos En Español

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shortly before she died bernadette said whatever is said about me the simplest will be the best this has been taken from recorded history nothing has been invented ah i told you not to get too tired it's my friend mama i'm feeling better already no i don't want you to exert yourself you know what the doctor said ready to move on bernadette is exhausted tell her to stop no mama no bernadette i forbid you to push him climb up with just that we're going downhill now no i want to help you so you're moving again francois yes duran we were a bit crowded at the reeves won't you come in and have a glass of water thank you but we're expected besides we're almost there let's go a bit crowded did you hear that they were thrown out they're always penniless poor wretched people with four children you know where they found shelter the old hail in one cell for the six of them can you imagine good heavens too bad subaru was a fine miller [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes come on in the door isn't locked come on in you'll see it's not too large but things will work out are you still here i told you to clear out before nine o'clock don't pay any attention to them these cheeky spaniards are like flies the more you chase them away the more they seem to return but this one is the last do come in please do come in our father which art in heaven bless us in these thy gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through jesus christ our lord i'm in eat slowly children and dunk your bread deep in the broth john mary has already eaten all his bread too bad for him if he can't behave why isn't there any mush corn is much too expensive in three months time the price has increased from 13 to 27 franks but tomorrow when i start at the bakery we'll have wheat flour and white bread do you think you'll get the work in the past i was his favorite miller in the past no jean-marie that's bernadette's portion you have no right to eat her bread especially whole wheat bread just a small piece mama i'm not very hungry your mother said no [Music] so [Music] uh what are you doing there you're eating candle wax now you've gone crazy is that so bad you know oh you should be ashamed of yourself inside the church you've offended the lord i'm hungry you know no that's yours i've eaten my portion truly truly eat slowly children slowly you know you're becoming quite a big girl you're joking antoine [Music] don't fill the glasses so full you shouldn't be more than this you understand yes actually when you've washed the glasses put the boiler on the stove and darn the linen don't forget to feed the children at noon you can eat with them tonight you can take your parents a piece of lard four pieces of sugar and a bottle of wine and tell louise to lock up the bottle you know your father we don't have any locks at home well you know what i mean [Music] are you taking this home no it's for the old mother brown i was gonna say five of you could hardly get tipsy on this [Music] drink a balloon it'll make you feel good all over don't worry my benedict i have not stolen their sack of flour and they will surely acknowledge it they must have made a mistake if you've done nothing they can do nothing to you we'll see about the sack of flour as for the plank your father has openly admitted to that what plank the one that was in the courtyard behind the dung heap i thought we could use it to make a fire we're going to compare these boot prints with those of the thieves go back inside my child you mustn't catch cold come here what are you chewing food do you want to go to prison with a wipe that's no excuse you could come down with a colic yeah noon ready is peppa coming out soon the mayor said friday at what time that he didn't say he only said friday [Applause] [Music] [Music] where's bernadette she's in battles she wasn't at all well after you left she was choking coughing all the time so with my sister we decided to send her to her foster mother at least there she'll get some fresh air and eat her phil yes you were right and you how are you i'm all right amazon growth decided to drop the charges he agreed that it was not me who stole the psycho flower hear that children your father never stole anything and you louise how did you manage everything very well i do laundry for two more people and mama will have work during the harvest ah [Music] [Laughter] i'll send you their love you've seen my parents only your father he said to me that if you see bernadette kiss her for me is that all he said he also said that times are bad and that bernadette should stay in batos has he got any work he has a job at the has not stables i must go farewell same thing blanco your little one what have you done with it logo look saint joseph saint seven return him to me he's so little jesus and mary my little blanco [Music] oh you naughty little rascal poor little thing [Music] i believe in jesus christ his only son our lord who was conceived by the holy ghost born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate repeat born of the virgin mary suffered under punch oh you're just too dumb you'll never be able to make your first communion mary if only i could learn how to read i wouldn't have to bother anyone father poemian and lloyd promised to teach me well then what are you waiting for go back to lord i'm doing my best but you don't remember anything i'm sleeping maureen hail mary you know and also our father but you always make mistakes and i believe in god i believe in god is so long tomorrow is thursday maybe i could ask the priest here and the sheep sheep also eats on thursdays don't forget to do the dishes have you understood yes who composes the holy trinity no not everyone at once you the father good you the son good you the holy ghost good and how many gods are there three give me that back give it back give me that back all right out three gods i ask you father i'd like to speak with you bernadette i would be happy to teach you the great mysteries of our religion but i'm leaving bartress on sunday after mass you're leaving yes far away very far away to normandy i've asked monsignor lawrence to allow me to retreat into a monastery you should go back to lourdes there you can learn to read and then you can make your first communion if you like i'll write to father comeyon thank you father you're not familiar with the holy scriptures that's true father what i do know i know well can you explain to me what is the holy trinity the father the son and the holy ghost the father the son of course but what is the holy ghost it is called holy because it is the source of all holiness and ghost because it comes from the father and the son and is the source of all life and love do you understand it's a dove it is also the symbol of purity and the holiness of the father and son and so the holy trinity is one god in three persons you know nothing but you understand [Music] everything poor little thing do you really think she'll be back on monday she said that to make us happy but i have a feeling she has left forever we'll have to pay a shipping the one who does not believe in god is an is an a a is an a a major this the one who does not believe it do you all have calls no sister it's her she gave us tobacco the sniff you have tobacco who gave you that dr doso for my asthma keep it to yourself not everyone has asthma thank the lord the one who does not believe in god is an atheist i hear you want to make your first communion father adair wrote me and had very nice things to say about you i've entered you in a preparatory catechism class thank you father thank you there baby for the love of god stop coughing wake everybody up your father must get up early to go look for work i can't help it mama it's as if i'm being ripped apart here i know darling i wish i could take your illness away from you you should have stayed in barclays you must go back there no no i want to make my first communion the priest promised me you see i'm already feeling better so so sounds like you girls are having fun we're all to fetch the wood you should go by that way there's plenty of wood over there bernadette will go there mr lafitte would be displeased if you found out tell him i gave you permission oh no we shouldn't but what is the one thing mr lafitte doesn't lack he has more trees than a dog has fleas what are you doing i'm dressing the millstone dressing it i'm giving it a new line so that it will function better with a hammer this is a pickaxe are these its teeth yes no it's an old stone but they still chew the my father never did that oh she just didn't see him but your father always realigned his stones it was a fine miller your father good luck antoine why don't you go over to lafitte's no problem at all you know no it's really not possible thank you antoine [Applause] [Music] hi samson look over there lots of phone and driftwood help me throw some rocks into the water so i can cross over you only have to do like we did smile doesn't want her to she's a fresh she'll catch cold that's why she's wearing stockings you want me to carry on my back no you're too small maybe you could balloon if you would we have no time just pick up what you find over there the basket [Applause] sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look at this do you see that she's as white as a ghost it's a cold bernadette maybe she's dead if she were dead should have collapsed hey bernadette is he stupid you could come and give us a hand instead of saying your prayers we're not in church [Applause] why make such a fuss the water isn't cold at all you're not putting on your stockings bernadette warms herself by saying her prayers [Applause] didn't you see anything see what all ice is you haven't gathered anything give me that [Music] hurry up [Music] she hasn't her asthma anymore what did you see tell me what did you see you saw nothing i saw what just me i promise not to tell anyone what about me just the two of us i'm willing to tell you but i don't want anything set at home because ma will scold me cross my heart and hope to die i saw a woman dressed in white with a blue sash and a yellow rose on each foot you're trying to scare us i'd so much like to see her again she's so beautiful liar liar believe me it's true i saw her i couldn't even make the sign of the cross then she showed me that i could it's daydream she saw nothing at all alexeen gave me eight bits for the basket of bones which is one big loaf of bread can i have a piece now no not until you explain to me what you saw at massabiel juice hey that's eating enough now will you tell me what you saw i saw something white oh [Applause] i saw her as i'm seeing you now a beautiful young woman poor me what did i do to deserve this ma she had such a beautiful face be quiet you saw a white stone that's all oh no i want so much to see her again i forbid you to return there children happy days we eat again are you pleased pleased you're a good man superhero do you wish to confess no what do you want then to speak to you alone i'm listening i saw something right that had the form of a lady where at the pig's grotto is that going to be enough oh yes father it'll do for two days and this is for the doctor your emil should take care of himself and regain all his strength i'll never be able to oh no don't mention it [Music] i am intruding please excuse me they told me that you were here i need to talk to you no problem but i must still drop by the pk's farm uh little marijuana is not well we can talk on the way see you soon halloween i shall ask dr dazu to come by and have a look at me i don't know how you manage you have nothing and you give everything away i'm enriched by everything i give you what to do there is no end to it after la salette but aram garrison now ruled as a visionary listen father i hardly know this little subahu girl but i warn you poverty is not always a guarantee of a pure soul it was that sudden rush of wind that impressed me remember the acts of the apostles and pentecost and the tongues of fire that sat upon each of them yes they were all filled with the holy ghost and began to speak other languages admirable i agree but that is the bible and your protege is a little girl from louisv like all the others who mistook a mountain breeze for a sinking spirit nothing to make such a fuss about well this is it i'll leave you here a word of advice father don't get too worked up about this matter [Music] [Music] it's disgraceful an insult to our lord and to our holy church what influence hey you come here a minute so it's you who goes to masabile if you return to that place you will be locked up you hear me locked up louise don't leave without seeing me of course madame do you think she'll do it she'll do it she needs work badly let's see 75 song teams for the laundry 25 zone teams for the quality of the work oh yes yes yes and 25 some teams for your kindness thank you madam really my dear louise i would like you to ask your little benedict to take me with her to massabee but i forbid her to return there it's no good for her madame she's in very poor health louise your little pen bernadette is a genuine visionary visionary even if she alone can see it she sees it and what does she see i'll find out if bernadette is lying we will know it immediately my daughter never lies precisely no one will know slow down i can't keep up with you god will punish you if you've been telling tales help me be careful madam don't slip [Applause] oh [Applause] there she is quick the paper then ask her to write her name [Music] that's good but i did ask her she started to laugh ask the lady if our presence is unpleasant for her [Music] she said no that she may stay [Music] so she said it is not necessary for me to write down what i have to tell you is that all she also said would you do me the favor of returning here for 15 days she said would you do me the favor and then she said i cannot promise that you'll be happy in this life but you will be in the next the holy virgin has appeared to a young girl in the lord no that's what we read in a top newspaper that's what a paper dares to print to in the second half of the 19th century that paper has only picked up on my article in leviton two days ago but i added that there is no supernatural happening which cannot be explained scientifically today yeah doctor what do you think of these hallucinations the young subaru girl is having nothing indicates that the child is hallucinating even if she believes that she is seeing something and that she is hearing someone that is in no way a sign of cerebral derangement it's one of the characteristics of hysteria and the diagnosis should never be made before an examination i would like to look into this much closer well if you don't mind doctor i'd really like to come you want to get mixed up in this nonsense you a civil servant one can be a tax collector and also a sensitive sorry sir thank you officer gentlemen the danger is greater than we thought right now there are hundreds of people at the grotto what does the imperial prosecutor think well i'm a judge and i ask myself to whose advantage is it in our time nothing is done without a political motive and the holy virgin appears to the daughter of a simple laborer it is a political act for whose prophet the church which is to say the clergy which is to say the royalists the visions of massable undoubtedly benefit the bourbons and their hopes of restoration exactly i know several republican priests [Music] oh what a beautiful picture when the holy virgin sees the way you look right now she will no longer say that you won't have happiness in this world only virgin i never said she was the holy virgin this little one is wonderful don't you think antoinette you'd say she died out all her life good wine can never hurt you my child yes i know madam wine is good for asthma my mother gives it to me from time to time good night my child tomorrow after mass we'll go together to the grotto hmm [Music] again my daughter's not here she won't be coming home tonight i'm sorry please give her this anyway on behalf of celeste la barro from gasol no no i mustn't you must not give us anything why didn't you accept the basket there were eggs and chestnuts that's enough bernadette wouldn't want it she's eating it without me madame yay gives me two washes a week i can't refuse her and since bernadette eats with her we have more at our table let us pray children let us praise the lord our father who art thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our day bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against [Music] us [Music] so [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Applause] penance [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if i have understood you you are blaming me for my lack of comprehension i'm considered harsh doctrinaire and strict i know my dear opponent i know how you feel about this girl you were an immediate believer and you father sir you are being pestered by your parishioners who want to publicize these visions am i right above all they must be comforted in their faith and their faith tells them that the visions are real and you dear friend you didn't hesitate and you were the only one to join the crowd of the faithful at the grotto few had seen as i saw the transfiguration of the child while she was conversing with the holy virgin the holy virgin nothing less than that and what's more she converses and what does she say this fine holy virgin penance penance my friends i'm responsible for this parish you are my vicars and i have complete confidence in you but we must be very cautious in examining these events if this is some kind of a trick and we fall into the trap the entire church will be discredited now either this child is having hallucinations or we must admit the presence of the supernatural the church was born from miracles it grew because of miracles our cassock represents humility right now everything is very mixed up piety devotion exaltation hysteria we must clear up these muddy waters what did you say what did you ask her is it true she's a tennis penance yes that's true and when you kiss the ground the lady asked me to she said pray to god to convert the sinners let me through are you bernadette suberu yes sir you're to come with me yes sir whoever you like foreign i'm not afraid they put me in they'll let me out you're through making faces [Music] now there's no business for you here go home so it seems you see the holy virgin i never said she was a holy virgin oh well then you saw nothing oh yes i definitely saw something and what did you see something white something or someone it had the shape of a girl everywhere in town they say that she is the holy virgin even the newspaper has printed it and this young woman is she pretty oh yes pretty like uh like they don't even come close may i by all means my friend and the nuns did you talk to the sisters to the mother superior and to the sister who teaches his sewing and what did they say that i had a dream well you see you had a dream no i was wide awake you thought you had seen something but i saw her several times i couldn't make a mistake every time and yes your imagination was working overtime you said that the first time no one else saw anything not your sister nor your friend balloon i can't explain it but i'm positive that i saw the lady bernadette listen everyone is laughing at you everyone is saying that you're lying that you're crazy isn't that right for your own good you must not return to the grotto i promise to go for the next 15 days but you have made a mistake be reasonable and do not go back again i promised to the police for bernadette hey men listen all of you they the rest and bernadette we must get her out of jail let's go i must tell francois her father must defend her he said kaznas i'll go i'll go with you just tell me who made you wonderful promises if you agreed to spin this yarn nobody you do better to admit it since i already know i'm only trying to find out if you're telling the truth i told the truth no you're lying if you'll admit that i'll work everything out quietly and nothing more will be said but if not you will be in serious trouble do as you wish sir how much money did madame media give you money she took you into our home and told you what to do she wanted me to stay with her but i went home so you're not even capable of keeping order go and get reinforcements use the back entrance she's in there locked up like a thief we must rescue her wait we must find out what's what so that we don't do anything illegal to sum up my name is bernadette tsubiru etc on the 11th of february the holy virgin appeared to me i did not see the holy virgin oh a 19 year old girl appeared no i said 16. to 17 years old if you like this young lady was wearing a blue dress with a white sash you've misunderstood you should write a white dress with a blue sash of this young woman as beautiful as madame paya saw had hair which fell down her back like a veil no sir you've changed everything i said more beautiful than all the ladies and i barely saw her hair but you did tell me all that no sir yes no liar everybody is running after you i never asked anyone to follow me then you'd like to show off before everybody no i'm tired so if you're tired just say you saw nothing but i did see something if you keep it up you'll all be arrested and brought to court bernie let's go [Applause] the police chief is wrong francois he has no right to question your daughter without your consent for the last time will you confess sir i told you the truth listen carefully i can arrange all this between us on one condition admit that you saw nothing sir the girl's father is here all right show him in subaru i'm glad to see you i was going to send for you bernadette you may leave subaru this fiction cannot go on you are attracting people to your house i know everything the little one herself is tired of all these people running after her she's fed up of being compelled to go out there but we tried to stop her subaru i'm willing to believe you but please don't send your daughter out there again you don't want to go back to prison do you sir all i want is to follow your orders it's true that my wife and i are tired of being harassed on account of our daughter we would prefer that bernadette doesn't return to mess of him perfect your word is good enough for me that girl is quite capable of defending herself she's sincere that's all it's obvious she's fabricating no one could fabricate such a tale in such a straightforward way my dear friend you'd make a very incompetent policeman [Applause] he was shaking and the tassel and his cap went to and fro ding ding these dreary incidents in lourdes demonstrate the material and spiritual inferiority to which the population of these southern provinces seem content and jonathan is not alone all the local newspapers are attacking us including the lava dome but i can't help it seeing this young girl has given me food for thought no i don't care ask them to wait after all if they've waited 45 years to get married they can wait another five minutes in this memo the prefect wants me to report what measures are being taken to put an end to these disturbances well after all i can't put the holy virgin in jail according to the law having supernatural visions is no crime even if the holy virgin is involved let me remind you that we could get rid of the subaru girl by establishing that she's play acting or she's insane bernadette subiru is absolutely sane as to play acting what i have seen in person rules out any possibility of faking you have only to see the child in her ecstasy to believe that she is utterly sincere i saw him at a michelle in theater in bordeaux she was superb but much less convincing than bernadette she's mad at rachel now i read your report doctor the business of the flame which didn't burn we've already seen that trick with magicians bernadette subiru is no magician she's a poor child perfectly genuine when i examined her hand after it had been in contact with the flame for two minutes there was absolutely no trace of a burn that's all very well but the future of our city is at stake i have done all that is possible to modernize this town and all my efforts are going up in smoke mr mayor oh yes i'm coming i agree that it is difficult to forbid visions but isn't there some some kind of action we can take gentlemen you know that the french empire has signed a treaty with the holy see article 9 states that the church cannot create new sanctuaries without the specific authorization of the imperial minister for cults i also am told that the parish priest responsible for lord is not terribly happy about the visions at the grotto that's true he has spoken about it from the pulpit gentlemen i ask you this question when the revelations of this little girl are known who is going to vote for the extension of the railroad are the new waterworks and the hotels for tourists from paris that is the real problem his honor the mayor do there's somebody waiting for you upstairs who is it you'll soon find out my name is bernadette subaru oh it's you of course what do you want father the lady of the grotto gave me a message for you for me what lady a very beautiful lady who speaks to me at massabill she's in a niche just above some wild primroses hmm do you know her name no father well didn't you ask her yes but she began to laugh the newspaper says that it is the holy virgin i never said that she was the holy virgin everyone believes it which amounts to the same thing all those who follow you out there i never asked anyone to follow me there what does she want your beautiful lady she said to me go tell the priest that they should build a chapel a chapel where at the grotto not a large one just a small chapel very simple do you have any money no father nor do i listen to me bernadette those who are so blindly following you believe that it is the virgin mary i don't know if she's the virgin mary father but i see her imagine your grotto tell her to make it bloom in the middle of february that should be something to see i'll ask her father now get out i have more serious things to do did you come alone no father with my aunt castro where is she she's waiting for me outside madame castoro are you this poor little girl's aunt i regret that you are a member of a deceitful and trouble-making family a word of advice madam keep your niece at home and stop her from disturbing this town if not you will have to answer to me i told you he was a stubborn and crabby man you should have talked with father comey first if he doesn't want to believe me he doesn't have to i've passed on the message i must go back i forgot to mention about the procession father i forgot to tell you something the lady also asked that the people come to the grotto in a procession [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] oh so that's the one who sees the virgin i never believed in her visions ridiculous we could have slept another hour russia [Music] [Applause] what a pity tell me what made you do such things the lady told me to drink from the fountain and to wash myself i thought she meant the river but then she signaled me to dig under the rocks it wasn't easy you know to swallow that dirty water i didn't think i'd be able to and those weeds that you ate she told me to people think that you're crazy know the lady told me pray for the salvation of the sinners what's wrong with that girl i don't know she's not from lord where do you come from from luz i came on today's coach i wanted to say the saints but i'm afraid it's too late when i say see it's just a matter of speaking i can't bear the light i see a little bit at night like a cat what is your name eugenie and yours go with god eugenie and your name oh she is well please don't upset her one person at a time these are my little matilds beads i walked here from iberlot but i'm not a priest i have no right no no you mustn't thank you thank you very much take a deep breath i can see doctor i can see through this eye what are you saying have you gone mad i tell you i can see out of my bad eye eyes my friend that is not possible it's the water at massabel i washed my face in it and half an hour later i could see with this eye as well as with the other it wasn't you cured me doctor it was holy virgin give me a minute madame did you know i can see everything as i see you your green tie your gold ring even that little mole you have on your cheek can you read boy yet uh a little not too much well if you can read this i'll believe you uh buriette has an ammo amarosis which is incurable his left eye is useless i figured out all the letters good day doctor good day sergius what do you think of this dog was he let me please please quasi what are you doing she'll kill the child doctor the waters i see you know very well he can't be cured cuisine he's a dead boy no he's not dead he's not going to die no sergeant save him fuzzy morning star flowering with the spring roses haven for sinners mary mother of god pray for us hail mary full of grace dander and loving mother i am the immaculate conception of conception i am the immaculate conception i'm immaculate conception i'm the immaculate conception what are you saying i asked the lady who she was and she said i'm the immaculate conception but this lady cannot say such a thing you are deceiving yourself or you're deceiving me i've repeated it over and over do you know what immaculate conception means no father no one has ever talked to you about it no one think hard your confessor father pomien or father aider at bartres no father no one ever mother alexandrine rock or that silly madame oh no i'm sure about her i asked her about making the briar bloom i told her that you wanted it to flower she just smiled but didn't answer i felt that she was laughing at me immaculate do you know what that means something clean and conception come come along we'll clear this matter good day cuisine i've brought dr lacramp with me whom you already know don't you remember he's the one who took care of your little boy when he first fell ill two years ago i told him what i saw at the grotto and he and i would like to examine your child my son is cured he no longer needs any doctors julian come here a minute my lamb since yesterday he's been hopping about like a rabbit he thinks of nothing but food in the past he could hardly open his mouth this morning he drank a large glass of milk excuse me i have soup boiling on the stove there you are the fusions in cold water especially if repeated frequently can be very salutary in the treatment of aerodynamic disorders but in general they should not last more than a few minutes a quarter of an hour that woman held her dying child in that icy water for 15 minutes in april of 56 i diagnosed rickets in august high fever no reflexes progressive paralysis of the limbs i even wrote death might occur any minute three weeks ago the paralysis in his thigh was unchanged moreover the nerve endings were dead so so i don't get it all i know is that the child has never walked since he was born and a week ago he was so close to death that his uncle the carpenter had already made his little coffin and today while you saw the boy the holy virgin was absolved from the guilt of original sin the first minute of her existence in her mother's womb it was a special favor granted by god in recognition of his future son our lord jesus christ that is the immaculate conception do you understand not very well father of course it's difficult to understand even for the initiated but understand one thing the holy virgin cannot say i am the immaculate conception she could say at the most i am the immaculate virgin or i am immaculate mary but she cannot be at one in the same time the fruit and the tree i'd like to know how did she tell you that i am the immaculate conception bernadette in a few weeks you're going to make your first communion for the first time you're going to approach the holy altar you wouldn't lie to me would you i i would prefer that you own up and confess that you made a mistake that someone whispered these words to you i won't hold it against you i can't say that father it would be a lie well all right finish your milk i'm not thirsty anymore father the lady still wants her chapel she told me so again i will think about it i promise go with god bernadette and thank you for the message and having prepared your soul turn yourself toward meditation stop what is meditation bernadette it is composure to reflect on one's own conduct it is asking oneself why one makes errors and looking for ways to prevent making them very good continue sister excuse me for interrupting your class i need to talk to bernadette's where are we going to the infirmary dr valencia is waiting for you is it for my asthma no doubt but dr duso is looking after me dr zoo is an excellent doctor but he's not a specialist in respiratory diseases i'll leave you here come in come in my child gentlemen this is bernadette subiru this is dr lacrom and this is dr paris they're your friends they only wish you well sit down bernadette i'm feeling much better now i hardly cough at all do you have headaches at times no when did you have your last nervous breakdown i've never had one your health is rather poor is it not i eat and drink well and i sleep pretty well how much is seven times five thirty-five and 17 times 38 that you must have calculated already sir here touch this do you feel it a bump honestly i don't feel anything perhaps here a little bit underneath that's from when i fell down the stairs this protuberance is almost always found in cases of congenital alienation in psychiatry we call it informally the bump of if you see what i mean and so you see a lady in the grotto like i'm seeing you now why is it that you're the only one who can see her i don't know when one can see a lady who nobody else sees that is a sign of illness my child i don't see her anymore she's gone you can no longer say that i'm sick aren't you afraid when you see all those people around you at the grotto at the grotto i don't see anyone don't be afraid you will feel a little prick ouch did it hurt you yes if i did that to you you'd feel it too uh bernadette why don't you take a little walk we have things to discuss so why why don't you come back in 10 minutes you're not in class no promise in fact i have come to see the mother superior about you are you being punished no i was told to come back in 10 minutes who told you dr balanci and the other doctors what do they want with you to cure my asthma for that they rub my head as if they were looking for lights where are they i'm infirmary come with me we can't possibly lock up this child when we know she's not crazy the authorities want a certification of madness our domain is medicine not administration they already have a voluminous file on the mental health of this child come in good morning gentlemen this young lady tells me that you are considering a cure for her asthma i think that is an excellent initiative but may i remind you that her own doctor dr zeus has been treating her until now to tell the truth father we have been instructed to examine not only her physical health but also her mental health instructed by whom perfect mercy at whose request the imperial prosecutor under the law of june 30th 1838 which authorizes him to investigate all possible cases of mental disease and to lock them up in the event of a positive diagnosis is that right who is talking about internment it's simply a question of observation for the good of the sick person but bernadette is not sick come here look closely at this child gentlemen she's in perfect health apart from the asthma and i defy you to find even the slightest trace of mental disease we're not saying that but she is an unusually sensitive young girl it's possible that a ray of sunlight glancing off a niche in the rock gives the illusion of a human form are you a specialist in mental disease doctor professor with the academy of science in toulouse well professor i'm pleased to inform you that bernadette is of absolutely no interest to you we are acting in the name of the health authorities of this region the prefect wishes that miss super will be placed under observation gentlemen you have examined bernadette is she raving mad it's your menace to the public no one is talking about madness nor minister to the public well then please tell the honorable imperial prosecutor vidalta tour that bernadette will not enter a mental asylum he knows her as well as i do anyone who thinks she's crazy is mad himself or a rascal your 1838 law is aimed at violent people who are foaming at the mouth would you dare to invoke it if you do know that as of today this child is under my protection you can go to the police for help but tell them to be well armed for they will have to walk over my dead body first come my little crazy one and these gentlemen conclude listen to this my friend the illness which bernadette might have in no way threatens her health sounds like malia and it took three of them to write this and during all this time the grotto is becoming more and more crowded there's hardly any room for all the candles and ex-photos three separate spouts are pouring out 360 cubic feet of water a day there is even an altar how long before they start holding mass i am a good christian but we must quell this superstition in the name of religion itself attention by the order of the prefect of the parodies the mayor informs the population of lord that it is forbidden to everybody in whatever manner to visit the messiabile grotto to pray there or to take the water in whatever form gentlemen i have the honor to inform you that the miraculous power of the water from massabel has been discovered an analysis made by our friend piouson has revealed that this water has curative qualities indeed but faith has nothing to do with it all is in the components of the water itself it is rich in carbonates chloride silicate magnesium and phosphorus i have asked the illustrious professor philo an expert in hydrology to confirm this analysis but gentlemen we can already celebrate the water from the barriers which were put up by the grotto this morning you should have stopped them well that's what i tried to do mr man they didn't dare yeah were there a lot of them everybody was there all the quarry workers the slave miners the peasants nickel or the miller led the attack lord i'm not worthy that you should enter into my heart you will find in me only weakness and misery say only one word and my soul shall be healed [Music] [Music] bernadette is a girl born among our people she belongs to us the bourgeoisies persecuting her with the police with the prosecutor with the doctors and why not only because she has seen the holy virgin but because she's poor what they want is to forbid the poor access to the water which could cure them so that they may sell it and fill their pockets we won't let them do it [Applause] fix bayonets let's go oh i have orders to shoot stop this antoine you ass can't you say they'll open fire what are you risking your necks for water water that can be found everywhere in these mountains it's bernadette we're fighting for we have the right to pray to the holy version in the grotto the water from the spring healed me and it has cured others when this water runs red with your blood it will not be healing anyone go home go back to work if you compel these men to open fire on you they will repent for the rest of their lives and they will have killed bernadette is that what you want the holy virgin has asked for a chapel to be built here and it will be done i herewith take the pledge before you no one will stop me antoine you're a good man that'll be 500 francs 500 pranks that's the law i never carry money oh what's going on here madame cannot pay the fine in that case take her to the police station and to whom do i have the honor of speaking jacob chief of police admiral guar's wife governess to his imperial highness prince louis napoleon so the little prince is quite ill her majesty's counting very much on the water from lord to cure her son would you refuse this last chance to the emperor's son the law is the law [Applause] oh good evening oh the empress isn't patiently waiting for you how is the little imperial highness oh he's not well oh at last how is he i'm beside myself for the last two days he's been running a fever and he has a terrible cough madame here is the water from azabel may the lord be blessed quickly bruh a glass and a handkerchief marvelous brewer it has only been three days since you left and you're back already i was able to get the first train out of tab almost 70 miles in six hours it's fabulous you're sure this water is from the grotto i myself feel the bottle thank you your cigarette oh sorry his face is still very flushed don't you think is he coughing a lot yes but after he drinks this i'm sure that he'll be much better what is it water what kind of water water from you should have asked my advice melanie louis given the urgency of the situation i have the right to try everything the baby has dystheria and a membrane infection every day hundreds of people have been cured by this water people will laugh at us i'm a liberal don't forget that since the beginning of these happenings at lord my government has taken the position of opponents my liberal friends are going to scream bloody murder when they learn that i treat my son with water from massabel open immediately to the public the grotto situated to the west of lourdes the order of the 8th of june 1858 is cancelled signed napoleon the third emperor of france the cowardly [Music] fishy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so come in are you all alone my parents have gone with the procession justin is looking after me i hear you are sick the usual thing maybe a little worse this time when i hear all these people no don't try to get up the lady was right when she said i wouldn't be happy down here ah but just wait until you get up there what a revenge surrounded by angels i have good news for you monsignor lawrence has decided to appoint a commission to investigate your case and i'm to be part of it what do they want to know oh they're going to ask exactly what happened at the grotto again i've already told it not everything there are things which are only for me the lady said so the holy virgin the chapel she requested of you will be built work is to begin soon we owe that to you me i've done nothing i just passed on the message would you like to join the sisters at the hospice i'd love to i'm very tired and all this noise but the sisters would never take me i'm too poor and i'm not good for anything except to be sick as soon as you're feeling better you will be admitted as a postulant with the sisters it's been arranged with mother alexandrine rock my parents i can't leave them i love them too much my mother needs me to help with my two brothers i have managed to rent the grand mill on the laptop for them they can live there and your father can work at his trade your mother will not have to go out to work thank you father i've done nothing it's simply another miracle from the holy virgin are you proud that you've had the privilege of seeing the holy virgin oh no i'm only her servant but why you so uneducated and so poor perhaps that's why if the holy virgin had found someone poorer than me she might have chosen her the holy virgin apparently confided some secrets to you what are they if i tell you they'll no longer be secrets tell us at least if these secrets concern the church or france all the pope no they have nothing to do with the church nor france nor the pope they concern only me would you tell them to the holy father if he asked you the lady told me not to tell them to any person the pope is a person he is the vicar of jesus christ that's true the pope is powerful on earth but the holy virgin is in heaven did the holy virgin tell you the hour you would die do you know the hour of your death [Music] would you like to rest for a moment my dear i can talk you are aware massive bl spring water has already miraculously healed sick people who were considered incurable by their doctors that i have been told but i haven't seen it for myself you have dropped this spring water how do you explain that it has not cured you perhaps the holy version wants me to suffer why perhaps i need to suffer why that only god knows did the holy virgin have a halo well you know a golden ring circling the head like the statue of saint sava in the church no father she stood only in a white light that shone before she'd appeared and stayed on a while after she'd gone it does not seem to be a very suitable suggestion by the holy virgin to ask you to eat weeds everyone eats salad the story about the weeds is a bit difficult to believe my i haven't been asked to make you believe it i've only been asked to tell you about it she was beautiful wasn't she oh yes much more than just beautiful what color were her eyes blue and her hair i didn't see it because of the veil how did the holy virgin stand when she wasn't saying her rosary don't move you moved again my knees hurt only three minutes without moving three minutes i'm not asking the impossible i'd like to see you in my place it's this thing on my back all right let's try again look hi higher as if you were seeing the virgin except that she's not there don't move bernadette please you are expected in the parlor again excuse me father you can continue this session a bit later i'm sure he will turn out masterpieces for us the model deserves it i was told that i'd be left in peace here it's not my fault that you are so popular with the people i'm being shown off like a circus freak i would much prefer a border who spent her time in her room meditating i don't know how to meditate don't look bored when they question you and don't refuse any gifts from the visitors it's not on its money you must accept it for our charitable work yes mother bless me sister please take it it comes from rome in exchange give me anything a pebble which you have touched a glance from the eyes which have seen the mother of christ you will see that i have done exactly what benedict has asked of me it's the holy virgin as described to me by her this is a masterpiece she never raised her head that high the holy virgin always looks toward heaven when i saw her she always looked down to me but you do find her beautiful yes but it's not the lady of massabeel well finally is this it or is it not this is it but it's not it she has a goiter thank you you can go back to your sewing thank you mother [Applause] [Music] enough enough monsignor lawrence has just published the conclusions of the commission he recognizes that bernadette subaru really saw the immaculate virgin in the masabi la grotto i realize monsignor you are most eager to meet the child but in case she should be tempted by some vain glory i suggest you wait for a favorable occasion that's her mother superior could i have a few minutes alone with bernadette of course monsignor bernie that's super move monsignor and now my child what will you do nothing what you mean nothing there are things to be accomplished down here in this life i'm with the sisters of course but momentarily i'd like to stay here that's easy to say you have been taken in temporarily by charity but you cannot stay here why because you are not a nun and it is indispensable to become one if you wish to continue this life perhaps you wish to enter into the world oh no then why don't you become a nun it's not possible i'd never be able to bring the dowry when we recognize a true vocation we welcome that person even without a dowry but i don't know anything i'm good for nothing i know very well that you were good for something what is that to peel carrots and there is another thing that you can do ring bells you see we'll find many uses for your abilities i'll think about it but i can't yet decide think about it very seriously [Music] 20 drops in the morning and in the evening and don't force me to come here and count them i realize that you are angry at not being able to attend the inauguration of the crypt but that is no reason to make yourself even sicker are you going to attend i don't have the time scoundrel i was hoping you'd tell me all about it a visitor for you father i can see no one i think you'll see her oh it's you don't stay too long who dressed you like that the sisters so no one would recognize me at the grotto and did anybody recognize you yes they even ripped my veil the soldiers had to protect me pull up a chair sit down how are you father not too well i was told that you're very tired tired yes but soon i will rest you know what bothers me is my bad temper i'm not sure that i'll go to the right place it's possible that they'll want to warm me up for a time in hell in any case before going up to heaven you must wait for me why so that i can open the door for you because you're sure you're going to heaven the holy virgin told me i'd be happy in the next world father i think i'm going to become a nun but i don't know yet which order i want to join everybody's giving me advice let them talk do you know how to read now yes even a small letter do you still make so many spelling mistakes not so many as before you can write to me then oh yes you're going to have your chapel [Music] you will come back to visit us never [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so is this tomorrow my little brother's well and father how much is your flower miller 10 bit and a crack tweet fine is it really pure white you're white and as fine as quarries the secret the pure vowel is the slow rhythm of the great star the fineness of the sifting and the heart of the miller well then i know that your flower is good you'd better believe it the baker's tell me so every morning though you've done it again you're giving us cake flowers but they buy it all right and they often leave a little something extra on the counter are you happy yes do you know that i have two pair of boots and the other day at church the ladies made a place for your mother they even wanted her to use a prayer stool which had a velvet cushion but she refused she was right the only laundry she does is for us have you seen her hands they aren't chapped anymore and when i look at her every night that she picks up her knitting father i'll never see you again it's not true no i will never see you again beside you you left us a long time ago you're there it's not the end of the world you'll come and visit me you know very well we can't i should have stopped you from going to the crowd [Music] so [Music] so here this is for you what is it a stone i found it in the grotto this morning i shall treasure it always now it is understood she will recount all the details in private and then it will never be talked about again never she's coming here she is step back quickly quickly that's bernadette yes i'm bernadette that's all [Music] here died on the 16th of april 1879 in her 36th year of age and the 12th year of her vocation sister marie bernard overcome by an illness which kept her more and more frequently in her white chapel and which left her crushed like a kernel of wheat she waited 12 years until the lady of massabel called her to her promised heaven the little shepherd is from bartras was sanctified on december 8th 1933 the day of the immaculate conception when her body was exhumed it was found to be intact and so it reposes in the chapel of the sisters of [Music] navair [Music] so so [Music] you
Channel: Classic Catholic Audiobooks
Views: 94,156
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Id: Oh66TlO-X1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 40sec (7000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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