ST Louis Style Rib Comparison (Butcher Paper Vs Foil)

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[Music] how are you doing today YouTube DC from DC grills back with another cooking video and today we'll be making makan smoked st. louis-style spareribs on the BBQ grill so we're going to do a little something different today as I showed you in the past you know how we do these ribs it's the three to one method so that's three hours of hitting them with smoke two hours of wrapping them and one hour after taking the wrap off and letting them hard enough on the grill the difference that we're gonna do today is we're gonna do a comparison since we have two slabs of ribs I want to test out the difference between foil that will wrap one slab of ribs for two hours and what I just picked up from Amazon it's butcher paper that's what we'll wrap up the second slab so what I'm heard from some other reviewers is that there is a big difference and the difference is supposed to be that oil stains the ribs where butcher paper helps maintain that bark that you've developed for the first three hours so looking forward to seeing a difference I always use foil so this is a first for me so we'll get a chance to figure this out learn it all together okay real fast I'll show you some of the ingredients we'll be using for the ribs one will be the parkade butter another will be honey and we will get it with brown sugar I'll take you down to the cutting board I'll show you the ropes we'll be using as well hey I want to thank you for joining me as always we can figure out what's going on here today let's see what's gonna be the best thing for these st. louis-style ribs let's get cooking okay YouTube let's start the marinade so as you can see what I'm doing now is removing the silver skin from the back of both of these ribs so again silver skin is that tough skin up under the bottom of the ribs that do no good for nothing smoke can't penetrate so we just get rid of that so next we hit both sides with the AP rub and mustard okay from there these ribs will sit in the refrigerator for 10 to 12 hours next thing you see will be tomorrow when we start doing the final rule before they hit the grill okay YouTube it's time to hit it with the rub this is day two and all we're doing now is hitting it with the rub from GQ barbecue so I'm gonna go heavy on both sides of these ribs and the plan is to let them sit and get up to room temperature while we head out next and get our grill set up so as you can see that's what we're doing we are going heavy with the rub on both sides then these ribs ribs will just sit here and I'll get up to room temperature I'm looking forward to this cook you know when we put it on the grill they will stay on there for 3 hours then 2 hours then 1 hour it is to three to one method that we'll discuss throughout the cook hey thanks again for joining me let's get cooking okay YouTube let's check out the grill setup so what I have is a fire cubes that I have lit in the center we're going to use six chunks of pecan for this cook today so this is our low and slow setup where once the cube ash is over it will come out slowly start touching that wood and adding that smoke flavor for the first three hours of the cook so that's our setup stay tuned for the next step okay YouTube time to add the ribs so as you can see our group reached 250 degrees and now we're gonna go ahead and add the ribs so this will be the first three hours of the cook so as part of the 321 method we first hit it three hours with smoke then we wrapped them for two hours and at that time we will wrap them in the foil with one rack and the butcher paper with the next rack so I'm showing you now how we're getting them prepped up for the three hours next thing you'll see is the cutting board where we're getting the wraps together and we'll do some discussion and when we get to that point thanks for staying with me okay YouTube let's wrap the ribs so what we're going to do is wrap one rack with foil paper so what I'm doing is adding the ingredients that you're going to see which will be the brown sugar we will also add honey and then hit it with the park' butter spread that's for the bottom of the ribs same thing for the top brown sugar back with honey and the park' now we're wrap these ribs up really good and get them set to the side so next step will be doing the exact same thing with the butcher paper [Music] [Music] okay YouTube time to get them tender so what we have now is the next process of the three to one where they will stay wrapped for two hours for tenderness and after that we'll only have one hour to go we will unwrap the ribs let them sit on the grill and start saucing them up so let's check this out okay you too one hour to go so what I'm doing now is removing the ribs from the grill we're going to go ahead and take the foil off the one rack add it back to the grill and we'll do the exact same thing to the butcher paper one will remove the butcher paper from that rack add it to the grill so now we only have the one hour to go I'll let him sit here for about 30 minutes and then we'll start saucing them up hey stay with me okay YouTube let's sauce it up check out the ball and that came off the one on the left those ribs are so tender so what I'm doing is I flipped them over I'm adding the sauce to the backside of the ribs and from there all I'm gonna do is let them sit for 15 minutes so that's what's going on behind the scenes now so they're being a sauce they sit for 15 now I flip them over we're gonna do the same to the other side sauce up the top of the ribs and let them sit for another 15 minutes so as you can see this cook is coming along well we are pretty much done I mean they've rested for 30 now they've been sauced 15 on one side 15 on the other so next step will be pulling these off and getting ready to go to the cutting board okay YouTube they are finally done so what I'm gonna do now is take the one to the left which if you remember if that is the one that was wrapped in foil and we'll take the one on the right that was wrapped in butcher paper we'll get them inside and get set up for the official taste tester who will be my wife stay tuned okay YouTube which is which so we're gonna get the answers to that now before I call my wife down to do the pretty much blind taste test so she doesn't know which one is which but as you can see the bark are awesome on both of them the one I'm pointing to on the left is a butcher paper the one on the right is the foil so you can see they both look amazing there may be more bark on the butcher paper on the left but hey we'll let her come down and tell us which one is best and that'll be the official taste it can't wait to see which one she chooses okay you two we are back we have my official taste tester my wife of 27 years my high school sweetheart and she is going to help us figure out which one is the best ribs the ones wrapped in butcher paper or the ones wrapped in foil how are you doing honey um well okay you ready to taste these ribs yes nothing I like better than taste testing okay let's check it out I'm gonna put the camera down and let you grab one so the viewers can see that hold on please I'm gonna put it down so they can watch you grab one and taste it then we'll grab the other one so let me put the camera down first okay grab whichever one you want try this okay now you are tasting for texture and flavor so you taste it down one okay and then you're gonna taste the other one okay you can taste that see what you think so these again are the st. louis-style ribs so you gotta grab the other one now okay and that is going so what YouTube and myself everyone else around the world wants to know is can you tell a difference if you can then I will put it back down and you let me know which one has the best flavor and texture you have to pick one that's what we're going to go off of I'm gonna put it down and you point to the one you think is best okay I'm gonna have to be honest okay as far as texture and tenderness they're both equal and I have to be honest to say that they both taste great I'm having a hard time making a decision and I'm being honest I'm trying to figure out I may have to try again let me try on the left one more time I think she's just enjoying these ribs you too okay that's the one on her left now the one on our right what can I get it definitely let me see you just tell me which one you can point to it right here you know why which one right here there's more flavor there's a lot there's more flavor as far as tenderness and a good rib that they're both great but after the second taste test in between the both of them this one has more flavor clearly has more flavor awesome I want to thank you for your testing this is my taste tester again and guess what she picked you too she picked the butcher paper so butcher paper thumbs up for butcher paper may be the way to go going forward I want to thank you as always for joining D ski grills if you like what you see please subscribe to my channel and as always at D ski grills grilling is not a pastime it's a passion see you again thanks you too [Music]
Channel: Dski Grillz
Views: 9,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smoked Ribs, Grilled Ribs, Pecan Smoked Ribs, Rib Cook, BBQ Ribs, ST Louis Style Ribs, Butcher Paper vs Foil, Best Rib Cook, Rib Taste Test, Weber Summit Charcoal Grill, Weber, Low and Slow Ribs, Awesome Rib Cook, 3-2-1 Rib Method
Id: 3lqA-H2L0bA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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