Sr. Ann Shields - Hope in a Time of War - 2018 St John Bosco Conference

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well before I get serious when I taught I was serious but before I begin the talk today I just wanted to share one anecdote with you it seemed to amuse many people and so I thought I would pass it on in 1975 I was one of the people that father Michael Scanlon invited to come here as he began his tenure as president of Franciscan and we were very small at that point but he invited a number of us here to support by prayer and by ideas and by our work with young people just a helpful support as he began his tenure and so I came and what he actually said to us I will now make public he said I can give you I'll give you free room and board I'll give you ten dollars a week that's all I can afford and my superior said yes go and there were about 16 people that responded to that we were in Thomas More Tommy Moore building which was vacant at the time I think there was something like 51 students living on campus there were a number of commuters but 51 living on campus so it was it was quite a quite a time and one of the things that happened was father Michael began the conferences very soon after his coming and I don't know if he intended it or not but it certainly did shine a spotlight on the University of Stephenville over the years so he began these these conferences and the first conference had just ended the first conference was a priest conference it had just ended 1975 and father Michael he was starting to talk about another conference that he should do for youth and there was a priest who was a Franciscan friar here who I had known in high school and so he knew me very well and he came to me one day and he said I just I can't figure this out why would he take on another conference when we just got this conference off the ground we have so much work to do and he wasn't it wasn't like he was bitter or anything he was just puzzled why would he take on another conference there wasn't a big staff there wasn't a staff it was just us and he said what what is he thinking and I said well I I kind of think I would trust his instincts right now I know he's praying a lot and he said yeah I do too and I said well I trust his instinct and this priest looked me in the eye and remember he had known me from high school they looked me straight in the eye and he said I will believe that this is from God if a Boy Scout Troop from Japan shows up at the Youth Conference next year I'll believe it then and he kind of stomped off I mean he was it was friendly but he just made his statement so I just kind of tucked that in the back of my mind so the following June I was one of the people standing at the and when you come up the hill they're standing there to greet people as they reached the top of the hill and I looked I looked down the hill and there was a Boy Scout Troop from Japan literally I believe they were from Tokyo they had a long banner and their Boy Scout uniforms on and they had a big banner they were carrying and I took one look at it and they were just coming up the hill but I took one look at it and I ran I ran to the monastery and I got this priest and I said father you have to come you have to come now right now because things were moving and he said what and I said just come so I brought him down the hill there and they were just coming up it was perfect they were just coming up over the hill and he looked and he said did you have anything to do and I said no but God did so I saw God's sense of humor to me I think that I learned especially from that experience that God has a great sense of humor and I am delighted to know that what I want to speak to you about this afternoon I want to speak to you about hope hope in a time of war and I'm going to come at it from a couple of different angles but I think you'll be able to see how it all fits I don't think any of us doubts how difficult things are right now we have a whole generation as we know not the entire generation but a whole age span that is almost wholesale leaving the church and in these statistics that we have seen and I'm sure you have seen many of them but the statistics indicate to us by the Kara Institute at Georgetown University they said the Catholic population in the United States has gone along with the general population of the country in recent years more Catholics however are leaving the church than ever before and more so than any other Christian denomination of all major denominations Catholicism has experienced the greatest net losses as a result of affiliation changes and then they go on to say the percentage of of youth that have left the church we know these things but I just thought I would line up some of the statistics here for us because it is for us essential to see the battle that we're in and at the moment and I don't have state to say this at the moment Satan I think thinks he's winning he hasn't contended with you well maybe he has personally but in this issue I want to put out a challenge to you to be willing to fight you've had to fight a lot of battles in your life I'm sure but be willing to fight this particular battle for the salvation of a generation they have a lot to give us many of them but many of their peers seem to be lost from 2000 to 2010 one archdiocese a major archdiocese in this country reported the following infant baptism declined 42.4% adult baptisms declined 51.2% Catholic marriages declined 45.3% and those seeking full commitment with the church dropped 43.6% we're in a war and there's a war on a lot of levels we all know this and I don't need to repeat it all that we're experiencing in our country right now the divisions turmoil the unrest the confusion the lack of accurate reporting balanced and slanted news articles that don't give us the true picture we're facing a very difficult time and the question is what are we to do where is our hope our hope is in God yes absolutely but how do we find that hope how do we Kindle it into a fire that is undaunted that no matter what happens we're not going to back down we're gonna fight for this generation and the generations to come by prayer by personal sacrifice by faithfulness to God by our intercession we're kind of fight and God will never be outdone in generosity when we give him all we have he in turn will give us everything we need I'm sure that there are a number of you here who have nieces and nephews grandchildren perhaps children but certainly grandchildren children that you have been godparents for many many turning away and the future of all that does not look very bright but here's what Pope Benedict said I'm sorry this is Gregory of Nyssa he said man is a reflection of the original beauty which is God man is a genuine reflection of the original beauty which is God everything God created was very good man was honored by God and placed above every other creature the sky was not made in God's image nor the moon nor the Sun nor the beauty of the stars no other things which appear in creation only you only you were made to be the image of nature that surpasses ever intellect likeness of incorruptible beauty mark of true divinity vessel of blessed life image of true light that when you look upon it you become what he is because through the reflected ray coming from your purity you imitate him who shines within you nothing that exists can measure up to your greatness that's gregory of nyssa do you do you understand really understand who you are do you understand that you honestly reflect the image and likeness of God that when God when people interact with you they should be drawn closer to God and that doesn't mean everything has to be a religious conversation it doesn't mean that at all but that your life is clear and that God can shine through you that honestly can happen and I'm gonna tell you a little story about myself that I I don't know why I'm telling you except it's such a clear a clear example and I was stunned by this and it's what helped me to know that it was real I was I've had a couple of experiences of this in Ann Arbor which is a pretty secular City and I this particular time I was going into a gas station and I was as usual frustrated because I had too many things to do and I had to get them done and this was holding me up and that was holding me up and so I was just mumbling and groaning to myself and I got to the door of the gas station to go in and pay the bill and they all the pumps were full places where everybody was out there but nobody was inside very interesting and I opened as I put my hand on the door I heard these words not audible so don't think I'm crazy but I heard these words in my head remember who you are okay I'm I'm your daughter I'm a spouse to your son I'm a temple of your Holy Spirit okay got it I opened the door and I went in and the counter was up this way and so I turned and not a soul was in the store just amazing every pump full outside nobody in the store so I I turned and I I walked up the aisle and this young man that I wasn't sure he was Middle Eastern and I wasn't sure if he was Chaldean which would make him a Catholic or whether he was a Muslim I didn't know and as I walk up toward the counter I'm about three-quarters of the way up to the counter and the Lord remember has just told me remember who you are and I'm walking up the counter and this young man leans over the counter and this is what he did oh are you who are you I was just stunned first what second you know and I I started to stumble because I thought is he is he Muslim or is he Chaldean what I don't know what I'm speaking into and I saw I just said to him while I my name is this and I I work for an organization called renewal ministries we do Catholic evangelism around the world and I'm the words are coming out do you know how you're just not sure am i getting across or not and he leaned across the counter and he said just right then he just stopped me and he said I want to make something out of my life - what did he see that would make me a stranger walking in there caused him to ask that question I'm not a saint ask anybody who lives with me I'm I'm not a saint but I wish to be and God takes the little that we are and he multiplies it the world needs to see the light that shines in the darkness I'm glad you're getting degrees I'm glad you're getting all the education that you're getting but for God's light to shine through you you simply need holiness of life simply holiness of life and repentance for your sin and he can work through you and he'll do it in his own way in his own time what you say is I'm available the light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it he loves you and because we're having such a decrease in people coming to church many did many denominations are experiencing this but Catholics are experiencing it more than any other because we're having that people are saying yeah who cares if there's something else I don't know I'm just gonna live this life the rest doesn't matter I live for today you bring the light into the darkness I know that sounds poetic but it's very real because God in His mercy chooses to work through less he didn't have to he could just come and do whatever he want but he chooses to work through us so how does that happen how do we become the light that shines in the darkness how does God work in us how do we become what gregory of nyssa says we're called to be first thing that I want to say to us is that we need to know God as our Father we need to know him as father whatever your relationship with your earthly father and we have a dearth of true fatherhood right now God wants to reveal himself as father to you and he wants you to be able to impart to others the faith that you have in your heavenly father he's calling you into a deeper personal relationship with him by the Holy Spirit to know God as father for you Abba daddy father Francis Martin who taught here many years ago he spoke I don't know how many languages one priest asked him one time here while we were preparing for our conference they this priest said to him father do the Bible memorized and he said I think so and father kind of joking said to him in the original language and he said yeah I think so he taught here for a while I don't know how many languages he spoke but he did and he knew it and he always said it's knowing the God the Father as Abba daddy protector Guardian defender do you know God the Father as that for you that he is your father that you can come to him as father no matter what your relationship with your earthly father do you know him as father ask the Holy Spirit help me to know God as my father helped me to know him help me to love him help me to draw near to him because God wants to be your father that's what gives us confidence that's what gives us protection and God wants to impart that to us he wants to be your father and mine I was very blessed with a very good earthly father we didn't have much money it wasn't like he could give us the world and everything we wanted but he gave us himself it was a very good father and I'll give you one example of how good I knew that he was when I was about three years old and I was sleeping in my own little bed in my own little room and I was the first child I woke up in the middle of the night and I was terrified I didn't know why it was just dark and I couldn't see anybody and I wasn't used to waking up in the middle of the night so I jumped out of bed and I went over to my parents bedroom and they weren't there and that scared me even at three but for some reason I didn't call out for them I just went look and I came into the kitchen and in the kitchen I saw my father standing at one end of the kitchen and I saw a man next to him who was our neighbor standing there with a knife like a butcher knife in his hand and I saw my mother standing here with the wife of that man and she had her arm around her and this woman's arm was bleeding so I hid behind my mother's legs and she didn't even know I was there which was unusual but obviously the situation was so difficult they were neighbors of ours in their apartment complex and my father said Joe give me that knife Joe didn't budge now my dad waited a moment and he said Joe give me that knife nothing he waited a few more minutes and he said it again Joe give me that knife and Joe reached down and he started sobbing and he handed it over to my father about 30 years ago I went back home for a visit with remaining relatives in the area and I saw in the paper that that couple was celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary how did that happen because my father protected us and then he went to care for them my mother and my father became good mentors the man was terrified there was no money it was the war everything was very difficult I learned concretely what it was to have a father who protected to protect it we need to know all of us men and women but especially as women we need to know we're protected that's when we have the strength and the courage to step out to do what God is asking us to do you have a father who will protect you a father who will guard you guide you ask him ask him every day Papa what do you want however you want to speak to him but talk to him build a relationship with your father and what did the father do what did the father do for you and me he gave us his only beloved son His only Son he gave him to us knowing what we would do but he gave him to us that we might be saved forever we know this but what I want you to do is understand it personally that God in Christ died for you he didn't die for billions of people he died for you he knew you before you were formed in your mother's womb he knew you and loves you this world today our world at least the Western world we need to know we're loved honestly genuinely we're trying to make our way and make a name for ourselves and do this and do that and above all make as much money as we possibly can what do we really need we need a father who loves us we need a father who walks with us who gave us gifts who gave us gifts to use for the rest of his family for his children for us he loves you and he loves you with an everlasting love he do you know he knows you by name he has no limits like we do he knows you by name do you know he really does know the number of hairs on your head we don't we might try to guess but we don't know he knows you intimately and we just used those external images because the scripture mentions them but if he knows that kind of thing what does he know about us he knows our struggles he knows our triumphs he knows our Joy's he knows our fears bring everything to the Father come to me all who all you who labor and are heavily burdened come to me I will give you rest I'm sure that all of you in here are carrying burdens I'm sure of it we all are and you may be discouraged you may be fearful you may be anxious you may be angry you may be frustrated to the end of your rock sometimes come to me come to me bring it to me bring the need weight upon me I will show you I will teach you your savior his son the father's son he gave just gave him to us his only beloved son I've seen father's lose their only sons to lose any child is horrible any child but I've seen father's two fathers in particular lives their sons and it's it's the pain is inexpressible because it's your flesh and God the Father willingly gave his son for you not for the world for you he loves you you are infinitely valuable to God that's why my heart breaks and I see so many people leaving because I know they don't know and yes as a church we've made a lot of mistakes yes there's no doubt about that and for that we are culpable and for that we need to repent but it's also true that God's love has not been exterminated or extinguished for us he's there and he loves you I remember many years ago and this is one of those examples where you pull out of the storehouse both the old and the new and one one day a number of years ago I knew a family very well and they had a number of children two sons and I think three or four daughters and I had gone to visit them and they had a farm and I had gone to visit them one day and no one was home except their oldest son who was about 16 he's quite a guy he was sitting in this chair he said come on in come on in and sister and he got me something to drink and we just sat down to talk and we were talking about car racing my father was an auto mechanic so I got into all that kind of thing and so we were talking about racing cars and what was on the dock for that week and we were just having a great discussion and it was a lot of fun and and then right in the middle of it I had this sense of the Lord tell him to run after me how do you change a conversation from speeding cars to but a can do you notice the personal love listen to this listen to this I said to him Tim um I think God wants to say something to you and he was leaning back on his chair you know just on two legs and he's leaning back and I said that and the chair slammed down and he said God wants to say something to me and I said yes he does and he said what and I said God says to you outrun me win the race outrun me and I thought what does that mean and I just gave it to him two weeks later he said to me he was he was a good kid and he said to me okay it's a deal I'll run it in two weeks three weeks later he was on a fishing trip with his father for his 16th birthday and he got caught by a shifting current in Lake Michigan and he drowned and I saw the pain of the father and even today I still know that big and yet God the Father weeps for every one of his children you've walked away it's a death any weeps for that if you've got sons or daughters or nephews and nieces or God children who are in that trajectory at the moment you just pray because you are not alone God your father prays with you Jesus before the face of the father prays with you don't ever give up grain about the day before his funeral I was helping out the family in the kitchen and was washing dishes and I looked up and I he you can test me out I think I must sound mind and somebody I think but I clearly heard him call me by name and I I was washing dishes and I turned because he would always talk to me from this particular corner of the kitchen if I were visiting the family and I was helping out he'd be right there and so I just kind of automatically turned and there was nobody there that I could see but this is this is what I heard rejoice with me I've won the race and you can say oh yeah that you really made that one up I wasn't capable of coming up with anything like that at that point I've won the race isn't that what we want for our children and our grandchildren isn't that what we want for all those we teach all those we relate to pray pray pray the forces against them are great but they're not insurmountable and your prayer is one of the key pieces you play in addition to teaching in addition to encouraging in addition to men a month I was going to say monitoring I don't mentoring and all those things which you do do them but the most important thing you can do for them is to pray to pray that the desires of the world and the things that the world offers won't take them away from him pray for it pray for it every day you could do no better thing for the people you teach the young people you teach the older adults that you teach there's nothing more you can do for them nothing better I mean that you could do for them than to pray it's a battle it's a fierce battle and it's become a war right now and it's very easy in our families it's very easy to lose hope it just is I've given them everything I can I've done everything I can and they're still God and you grow weary and you grow discouraged it is a fierce battle it is a very fierce battle it's a battle for eternal life so I think that there's something in particular that the Lord wants us to do and it has to do with prayer let me give you one more example of what I mean here in Ann Arbor one day there was a windstorm while I was working here back in the 70s and early eighties there was a windstorm and after everything calmed down I was walking home I was about six blocks eight blocks from the University here I was walking home and when I turned the corner onto the street on which we lived it was a street that was lined for about six blocks with maple trees beautiful maple trees and every tree for six box had been uprooted in the storm the storm was strong but short but the one tree had hit the next tree had hit the next and I saw roots that were about this long and I thought I grew up around maple trees I've seen the roots on maple trees they're big these can't be maple trees I must be wrong I asked around and people said no they're maple trees I said why are the roots so small and nobody could tell me so about three months later I was speaking in Nebraska and so I raised the question I said here's my experience all you farmers out there tell me and this one man walked up and he said to me describe the leaf to me and I described the leaf he said yep that's a maple tree and I said he said show me the roots and I said they were about that deep so they were easily uprooted and nobody said he said sister that's a maple tree and the roots are very shallow because they didn't have to fight to find water water was easily accessible they had everything they needed they didn't have to go deep that's where we've been in some ways we have not had to fight the kind of battles that may be before us I've gone to country after country Eastern Europe the part of the East I don't name countries for obvious reasons sometimes but I've been in a number of countries and one of the things I see in them is a realization of how what a gift faith is and how hard they have to work to protect it and we in what is an affluent society generally speaking we don't have to look hard to find water it's easily accessible mass is right there we might have to drive a little while but it's it's not that bad we have more masses on Sunday we have this available that available we have to make some sacrifices but it isn't it isn't that hard just it goes against our wishes sometimes but they didn't have anything part of the eastern part of the world I was with a group of people who were we were having mass celebrated a priest was celebrating Mass for us one night and it was it was very very challenging because it was unlawful to do it and we were gathered in this little room and the priest was probably in his late 20s early thirties and right before the consecration or I'm sorry right after the consecration there was a pounding on the door and it was frightening and I thought well I'm gonna be sent out of the country and I won't get back but for these people it's gonna be a lot more difficult and it turned out to be a neighbor and the situation was resolved but what happened was when that knocking came to the door this priest who was by the way 30 years old and his name was Peter he stood up and he laid his body across the coffee table and covered the chalice and held the host he just stretched out on the coffee table and I looked at him and I thought this is real he's laying his life down it wasn't just an image he was laying this life down and after mass was over I went up to him and I said father I don't think I've ever been to a more beautiful mass than this and he said to me gladly will I give my life for the sake of the Eucharist gladly when I give my life just a simple statement he knew what the Eucharist was he knew it and he was ready to give his life I don't know that I'm ready I want to be I want to practice what I'm preaching but how real is my faith how real is your faith am I ready to die for what I believe I know that sounds dramatic but I think we really need to look at it our roots are shallow because we haven't had to fight for it it's easily accessible our roots haven't had to go deep just like the trees up there just a few blocks from here their roots didn't go deep because they had such easy access to water we have easy access God wants our roots to go down deep in him in him there is a beautiful how much more time do I have seven minutes okay all right I'll get it to you in seven minutes one of the things in fact probably the most important thing that we need to know has to do with our life prayer that's where it all begins that's where do I really believe when I come to pray do I honestly believe that Jesus is here that he is present and that when I pray I am heard do you remember the passage in mark the Gospel of Mark where it says that Jesus went up on a mountain to pray and then it says he called those he wanted to come and be with him and then it says and then he anointed them and he called them to be his disciple so it was a process there Jesus called them and if you the scriptures most of the translations just say Jesus called them to be with him and he appointed or and he called forth so and so and so and so but if you really look at the translation accurately at the translation what it says is he called them to be with him and then he called them to be his disciples he called them to be with him so my question to you and the most important question for you for your families and for all those you teach all those you deal with how close are you to the Lord are you with him or do you just reporting for duty pray for this person pray for that person pray for the other person got to go got to give this talk I'll handle this thank you God there are times when God will accept that but every day brothers and sisters every day before God's face give him time whatever the cost give him time every day pray for others pray for those you're teaching those who care for those you love yes absolutely read the scriptures read the scriptures daily the Living Word of God that's what has power to change you to transform you to give you the courage you need to give you the wisdom you need to give you the hope when you want to give up every day come before him he called them to be with him that means live with him live your life with him it's not prayer and then I go back to my normal life it's a particular expression of my life when I pray but it's all my life I give him everything read the scriptures daily repent of your sin when you fail don't hide it if you want to be light shining in the darkness and that's what God has called us to be light shining in the darkness if you want to be that as I hope and pray you do because we need light right now in the darkness of our world the stupidity I won't I'll be careful what I say but the stupidity of what's out there we should be able to see through we should be able to see through and I want to urge you come before the Lord and say teach me what to do here teach me what your priorities are for today teach me what I should focus on teach help me and ask the Holy Spirit walk with me walk with me accompany me do you know that God really wants to do that he wants to walk with you and you say I'm a sinner well who we all are we all are and go to confession as fast as you can because as I said at the beginning of the talk if you don't what happens is that your eyes become dimmer your ears become more stopped up you can't see and you can't hear as clearly as God wants you to see and wants you to hear he wants to reveal himself to you he loves you he loves you as though you were the only person in the on the face of the earth he can do that we can't but he can do that he loves you totally you don't in a sense have to take less love from him because he has to give it out to somebody else he has infinite love and it's all for you every bit of it but he needs us he needs each one of us to give him time every day with the scriptures I'll add in that you might want to take a look at or listen to my radio program food for the journey it's just 15 minutes a day it's the readings of the day and on Fridays I do the readings for the following Sunday it's just a 14 minute 30-second but people tell me all over the world that it's been very helpful to them so I want to bring it to your attention you just go to renewal ministries dot net renewal ministries dotnet click on radio my program is called food for the journey we keep five up at a time sometimes seven so you can catch up if you're behind or go ahead if you need to I want I want the word because it's the word that changed my life it was when I realized that the word was living that the word was active that the word had the power to change my life and it has I'm still in process very much in process but I want I want you to walk out of this conference saying okay okay Lord use me I want to be used by you and for that to happen you've got to draw very close to him so that he can impart to you the gifts that he wants you to have and may many many many souls be saved because you were willing to grow deeper so that those trees out there that had such shallow roots when the storms come for us your roots will be down very deep and you will stick with stand the storm very well that's what God has for us it's an analogy but I believe it's true he wants to use you he wants to save us to save the church we're all in difficulty right now in both faith and hope and love we're in difficulty so come as Jesus said come to me all you who labor and are heavily burdened that's us and I will give you rest he will give you himself and when he gives you himself you have all you need may he be glorified in you and through you for the honor of the Father amen don't bless you [Applause]
Channel: Steubenville Conferences
Views: 5,623
Rating: 4.8507462 out of 5
Keywords: Steubenville Conferences, Catholic, Franciscan University, Catholic Ministry, New Evangelization, Youth
Id: 7OvBcxDuO2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 11sec (3131 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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