"I should have NEVER given you PERMISSION to do THIS"

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hey I don't mean to bother you are you do you own the house here yes okay my name is Justin I uh do uh lawn care and do you also own the property next door my ex-husband does your ex-husband does okay and uh what we do is uh me and my sons work with my lawn care company and we actually do free uh lawn like yard Transformations for the community you do it free we do yeah we um we have like a uh like a YouTube channel well if you want to yeah I don't have a problem with it okay that's he won't he won't okay good yeah like to ask permission and and make sure when people see us over there they don't think we're doing something fishy so okay okay thank you so we'll be over there for the better part of the day it was a pleasure to meet you you're too all right take care [Music] my ex-husband yes ma'am Hees all get out he said I did not have the right to tell you you could come over here and clean up hey this is Justin from the blessing boys and this overgrown yard caught our eye when we saw the classic cars that were buried underneath it so we stopped to talk to the neighbor to see who owned the property and she said her ex-husband did but he wouldn't have a problem if we cleaned it up well after we got two of the cars cleaned up I turned and saw her pull in the driveway and my heart dropped she let me know that her ex-husband actually had a big issue with it and wanted us off the property immediately this doesn't happen too often and we tried to make the best of it but this did create an opportunity for us to help her and it turned out to be a pretty good day so hang in there to the end of this video not only to see us get kicked off this property but the cool cars we uncovered and the great idea that saved the day so thanks so much for watching we always appreciate your support hey if you have a yard that you want to submit for a nomination go ahead to blessing boys.com it's linked down below now let's get right into this yard [Music] [Applause] I my on on [Music] h one two Flor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] keep [Music] [Music] he sh [Music] he [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes ma'am I call my ex-husband yes ma'am he does not want he doesn't want us over here he got how does I'll get out he said I did not have the right to tell you you could come over here and clean up that he was more than capable of cleaning his cell and I said but you're not doing it you hadn't done it he said didn't matter he didn't want it done okay all right um so sorry because yeah it's I told him I said it's huren to sell on my house the way it looks yeah he said no it's not your house is already sold oh uh so yeah I figured cuz I know there's there's uh new people coming in so I figured it would actually help them with uh not having such an eyesore but I know but he he's determined he said absolutely not he could not believe that I told you you could do it I told him I said he said there's a catch somewhere I said no there's no catch no said he appreciated it greatly but that you needed to go somewhere where they really needed him he didn't okay he's strange that's why we're no longer married yeah now if you want to do my yard you can but yeah well um maybe that's what we'll do we can we'll stop here um at least we've got some of these ni I was looking at I was like these are some neat old classic cars yeah he absolutely appreciated it but he did not want it done okay well I understand no I don't well yeah I know you're right I don't well I I think some people it it kind of throws them off when we when we tell them what we do because you know just the way the world is people sometimes expect there to be a catch um and that's a shame that people can't help each other yes and the only reason I called and told him is I was afraid he would come down here yeah and see you doing it and just really lose it yeah yeah I just can't imagine why he wouldn't but he said there was a catch he said I got things over there I said they're not going to bother your old jum no we won't bother any of the stuff just the just the [Music] grass all right I hate it cuz it's already looking better yeah is it I thought it was coming along good yeah it looks real good at least in the front but um okay well I mean I'll tell you what we're already here okay we'll just take our equipment over there and uh mow your property and and clean it up for you at least so we can can be a blessing to you still okay and and that's it thank you so muches that sound good yes it sounds wonderful okay are you are you going to be over there or are you going to have to go somewhere I'm going to be over there for a little while back and forth okay all right we'll do that thank you for letting me know okay thank you yes ma'am well that's uh not something that normally happens but that's only the second time we've ever run into that issue so as you heard um she you know gave us permission in the beginning and then communicated with her ex-husband what was going on on the property and he had a fit and doesn't want us to continue the job so there's nothing we can do um I do want to show you guys cuz it was really cool these we were kind of uncovering these classic cars so I do want to show you the cars maybe you guys are are better at identifying what type of car what year and stuff like that so I'll show you in just a second but after that we'll go over and we're going to we still want to be a blessing to her she was so kind and uh you know to to to to give us the info and and talk to us and stuff like that so we're going to go ahead and mow her property um as she's in transition of selling it and stuff like that but check out these cars maybe one of you guys I know some of you in the in the comments are are car people so you might be able to figure out what uh what brand car this is what year this is one of them that's not a classic car so that we won't worry about that we didn't get completely to uncover that but we did get to uncover this one over over here very cool looks a little bit similar to the other one but I'm not sure again let me know in the comments if you know what kind of cars these [Music] are cool all right well I thought it was pretty cool well we're going to head over to the other side of the yard uh and and help her out and then hopefully we'll get to talk to her when we're done and get a reaction from her so see you guys in just a minute [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] com [Music] all all [Music] oh [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] come [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey okay no problem thank you so much no problem awesome oh hey you don't you don't have to move you're okay I yeah you're good I I was just going to let you know okay okay I thank you so much no problem I am so sorry about that over there it's okay it's okay you do take donations right we don't expect them at all but if you yeah we'll we can we'll put them just put them into other yards that we do for people and people that we help so well I appreciate that I appreciate it too and our real estate agent does too I'll bet yep yeah I told her and she said oh my gosh she said jump on it jump on it thank y'all so much you did a wonderful job oh awesome I'm glad yeah we went got the whole back field mode and everything like that too so hopefully that'll give you some time you know before that'll grow back up and stuff so perfect awesome well was a pleasure to meet you guys than you yes absolutely hope everything goes well with the move okay I will all right perfect perfect take care [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music]
Channel: Blessing Boys
Views: 326,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn transformation, overgrown yard, insane overgrown yard, mowing transformation, mowing for free, the blessing boys, blessingboys, blesing boys, tall grass mowing, free cleanup, yard cleanup, blessing brothers, transformation
Id: ctaIfqLVdR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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