Squarespace Tutorial [2020] SEO Where and How to Improve

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what's up everybody and in today's video we're talking all about SEO I'm Elizabeth Muller founder of Blum creative company a Squarespace design agency and the most common question I get from all my clients is how not only how but what is SEO and how do I apply into my website so in this video we're gonna break down all the pieces that it takes to put into your website for SEO and this is all organically so you don't have to spend any money and it is all quick and trackable things that you can action on your site today so we are going to walk through in a screen share all the different locations in your site that you can boost your SEO organically and show you how you can get the best results for your site we're excited to show you this because it is so easy to put the right steps or to cover the right steps to improve your SEO organically it's something that we all know we need but we all don't really know what that means and we don't want to become a technical expert because it's intimidating and it's not a good use of our time right so here are some quick things that you can do in action today to help improve your results and I'm going to show you how to track it too so first thing you have to have your site be live so under billing account billing make sure you have an upgraded plan I always say start those plants where space well let you know if you need to upgrade with any of the features you want to use then you want to make sure that your site is published and public you want to make sure that it is public so that Google can actually get in your site and start getting those results for you and then you want to make sure your domain is live so you can have the built in domain with Squarespace but you will get better results with an actual domain so the next step that you're going to take in your analytics panel search keywords you are going to connect this to a gmail address that you have or any any Google account and this will start pulling that it will allow Google to pull and search that data and then you will be able to start tracking your results here we have a different YouTube video where we go in-depth on the Google search keywords panel and how to read it and get the best information on in action in your blogs and keywords and all that so check out that video and that will give you more of a baseline to what information you can pull and how to use it so when we when we talk about setting up our site for success you want to make sure that you have a site title so under the header you want to come over here to site title and logo just because you have a logo does not mean you do not need to put a site title this is crucial and especially if your name represents a neat niche or anything like that Google wants to see that name there and then when you come over here you're in settings still you want to make sure that your business information is complete - so if you have a phone number if you have an email physical location is huge you want to make if you are a brick and mortar you want to make sure you're as visible as possible in that area for people that are in that area or going to that area looking for your specific service so you want to fill out this information you want to you want to put a map into your site so I put a map in here somewhere maybe we'll just do it again under edit you're gonna click that content bubble you're going to scroll down here to map make sure you put your physical location if you have multiple locations put them all in there and whatever design aesthetic you want to add it in having that map there as a physical location is going to help propel you in those search results now when it comes to page titles there's a couple of things here that I want you to focus on so when you click this cog or gear next to the title you have different options for naming your site just your URL slug everything so your page title this is what is going to show in Google so you want to make sure it's all encompassing for that page maybe add a keyword here that is going to represent the content in the page just a little more thoroughly because that is what is going to show in Google Navigation title that is what is going to show up in your navigation and you want to make sure that this is short and simple and your URL slug make sure that matches your navigation title or close to it so that when it does show at the top and the URL it makes the most sense so in this SEO tab this is what is going to show in Google so you want to make sure that this you just want to double-check this because here this is when I created the page this is from many edits ago you want to make sure this reflects in another all-encompassing so again kind of in line with this page title but you can also put it here as well and then a description so this automatically pulls from the page but I would recommend going to every page and making a one sentence quick description that's easily digestible and then when you come down here so store best practices you want to make sure again that the SEO tab is filled out here so you go into your item and under your SEO here this again this is your title so maybe if your shop is a certain niche or you know if it's right now custom face masks are huge so maybe you put custom face mask shop and then the type of face mask and then enter the description tell a little bit about it was generate interest so that way you can get those clicks and then if you are physical location you want to put your location in here as well which I can't seem to remember to file I'm sorry that is a blog feature so let's transition into blog because there are some things that you want to do with your blog blog especially because this is where you were going to use that keyword research and put the keyword in the title you're gonna put it in the content you were gonna make sure that these keywords you're not over doing it because that would be called stuffing so you could actually get penalized for using too many keywords or too many variations of it because you're over doing it so you want to use it in a very systematic way so in your title and then maybe the first line of your blog is talking about it a little bit further or hitting another keyword that's associated with it whatever the strategy is best practice here heading 1 and heading 2 is what Google scans for so make sure your biggest boldest points are clear and short and heading one and two and that's throughout your site when we come over here to SEO again may you are elaborating on the title just a little bit more so that it looks right up here looks like we're glitching a little bit and then your description as well so you're you may have an excerpt here that shows on your shop page but maybe it needs to be a little bit different for someone that isn't used I'm sorry from your blog page but maybe that needs to be a little bit different for someone that may not have ever seen your site before so you can play around with different ways to share your content for the familiarity of the different people that could find you have found you before just make sure making sure that you're catering to everyone so they have a full understanding under share and I'm sorry location again brick-and-mortar local business front put it here if you are servicing all the country I wouldn't but you could if you are trying to get more results in a certain area so that brings me to the content on your actual pages so if we go to our home page so again heading 1 heading 2 is what is pulled by Google so make sure you have the right keywords there make sure you're not overdoing it you want to make sure that you're writing your content so that's quick and actionable because the more engagement you get on your site the more boosting and results you're going to see in your SEO so if you are writing paragraphs and paragraphs of information no one's going to want to sit there and read it people are inherently lazy they're not going to want to consume all that information they want what they need and they want it quick and right away so if you like this would be perfect if you're describing a certain topic header that kind of summarizes it or alludes to it quick basic description about it and then something else that promotes a lot of great engagement on your site which will again boost your SEO is linking to other pages in your site so if people are in your site and they're clicking around your site and going to the different pages it you will be rewarded for that because it will be seen as a high engagement site you're producing so much information that people are going all over to consume it so you want to encourage links that's why in the home page I focus on that dynamic home page and again we have another video for that I'll put a link to it in the notes and breaking down what should go in the homepage and we kind of summarize each page with a link or a button to each page for more information and getting those clicks to those different pages or maybe linking to a blog article or a page with videos all of that is promoting engagement so you want to keep it as simple as possible for people to read so those big bold headlines that tell exactly what you're doing or quick summarizing sentences to keep people on your site longer and to continue with that engagement so we hit the blog we hit the shop let's talk about images image titles so if you click that pencil there here's your file name this looks terrible so sometimes when an image is loading or it's broken or something like that it's going to show the title so you want to make sure that this is a good descriptor of what the image is and how it pertains to your site again we're not over doing it or overloading it just quick so hike group you know it looks like a group of people and then maybe location something like that that pertains to the image so if it didn't load or if it's pulling up differently someone can still see and know exactly what how it pertains to your website so that is that pretty much wraps it up we we have how to set up your site how to have the proper names for your pages types of content to put in and images links all that good stuff so you do all these go go through the checklist and you'll be set up for getting great great results organically now paid ads is always going to be the best way to go because you're targeting the right demographic and maybe the right budget but as we're growing and scaling organically this is going to set you up for success I hope you got a ton of value in that walk through if you have any questions follow-up comments or anything that you'd like to see in an upcoming video please leave a comment below and make sure you smash that subscribe button so you don't miss any other boxers if you're a business and you need help if you're stuck that's what we're here for we're happy to serve you you can find our email below - all the links mentioned in the walkthrough are below as well and then as a special bonus for you all these steps I put into a download PDF for you so you can follow along and check the boxes as you go through your site so the link is below for that free download and thank you for being here we'll see on the next video I'm Elizabeth with bluem website design as Squarespace design agency
Channel: Bloom Creative Company, Squarespace Design
Views: 7,757
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Keywords: squarespace tutorial, squarespace, square space, square space tutorial, create a website with squarespace, how to do keyword list, seo keyword research, squarespace seo tips, squarespace seo tutorial, squarespace seo, improve squarespace seo, squarespace seo video, seo, squarespace seo keywords, squarespace seo settings, squarespace seo for beginners, top squarespace seo, search engine optimization, seo tips, squarespace website, how to build a website, build a website
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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