SQL Server Error 40: Fixing "Named Pipes Provider, Error: 40" - Troubleshooting Guide

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[Music] / Famicom activism or technology today I show you how to remove error 40 catoca in SQL server could not open a connection connect to SQL server there is two ways to remove this error and you can see on the screen there are two ways you is username and instance name the second one is chart SQL services local here is your name is also known as computer name let's see how as far as you can see first of all I cannot connect to local is take time to give mirror as you can see air is gonna connect to local and the error is error 40 could not open a connection to SQL server click OK on it first of all let's do first chap that one is use computer name / Asians name now what is a computer name you go to system property here is a computer name there Khalsa ji close it then what is instance name instance name is say window are then type services dot M SC click ok here you need to find as well server as you can see as the server and which are in the bracket is Nona is just name SQL server bracket in chance name now let's try because C / SQL X yes Nana notice point instances / that is like s click connect as you can see connection is open but is not connector local [Music] is give mirror as you can see on the screen and it is could not open a connection to SQL Server click OK on it now first one is complete and second or discharge services as local now follow the steps wash Garuda [Music] it's like we know hard [Music] oh sorry here go to in your Start menu find SQL Server Configuration Manager click oh yes then go to as you can see here is some SQL Server contributing managers first click on SQL Server services which one is SQL Server SQL Express click on it I click on it further property slack building account and select as local system like ok then click yes [Music] as you can see Logan has local system [Music] then select SQL server network configuration and then go to protocols for SQL Express here you see name pipes as you can see in the error name by click on it right click on it and a value click OK heaven and tcp/ip slacked on it right click properties there you need to select yes go to IP address and then go to here that is IP all not IP 9 node knife in 8 go to IP all here you need to see write down nothing this text box and here you need to write down 1 4 3 3 click apply ok then again ok as you can see TCP IP also ever now ok now go to services again and SQL Server right click on it and then click restart as you can see history started then connect to local as you can dis check same because give me error now caution you guys why is give me I'll close it then close it again those go to ask a server again because service is restarted now you need to select local init bracket click connect as you can see local is connected thanks for watching this video friends [Music]
Channel: EasyMode Technologies
Views: 74,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SQL Server, Error 40, Named Pipes Provider, connection, troubleshooting, configuration, network connectivity, firewall, fix, microsoft sql server, sql server management studio, sql server tutorial
Id: jEBx4z3AxG4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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