How to fix a network-related or instance-specific error connecting to SQL Server

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Hello everyone welcome to this quick tutorial on how you can try and fix the network related or instance specific error. This is a error that quite frequently occurs when services are trying to connect to a database and are unable to due to some kind of network error. The error itself is quite generic so we're gonna go through a couple of the steps you can take to try and fix the issue. To start we'll take a look at our services. Now the first thing you want to make sure is that the services that are currently trying to connect to your database are stopped just to make sure that they're not conflicting with anything so in our case that would be both the Lansweeper service we were stopping that's and also we have a web service that is connecting to our database so we're stopping our ISS Express service as well then next we're gonna take a look at our SQL Server services making sure that they are running and that they are actually configured to start automatically so that would be the SQL Server service that's right here we can see that it is running it is set to automatic which is good and then also the SQL Server browser which is currently disabled so we'll start by actually enabling that so that startup type let's put it to automatic hit apply and ok and then just to make sure that it's also running at the moment we'll start it as well there we go so next up we're gonna take a look at our database itself so I'm going to close the services and fire up SQL Server management studio so we'll connect to our SQL Server instance and then we're gonna take a look at the settings and then we're gonna take a look at security and what we want to make sure is that our server authentication mode is set to the bottom one which is SQL Server and windows authentication mode and then after this just to be sure we're going to restart the instance we're going to right click and click on restart. Next up if if the service or the web service is on a different machine and you need to allow remote connection to the instance make sure that remote connection is allowed so that will be again in the properties then you go to connection and then at the bottom here under remote server connections make sure that allow remote connections to the server is checked and then again it's okay to enter that value next up we'll need to open the SQL Server Configuration Manager easiest way to do this is just to go to your Start bar hit run never hit the Run button and then what we want to enter is this command that you'll see on screen. The number at the at the end here the 14 will be based on the SQL Server version that you have as you can see here at the top our SQL Server version is 14 so that's also why the command itself is SQLservermanager14.msc So now we have this open two things we want to take a look at is named pipes and tcp/ip. I'm gonna make sure that both of them are enabled so we're going to enable named pipes here first hit OK following that we're gonna take a look at the properties of tcp/ip and just make sure that here under the IP addresses that they're all enabled so active yes unable to yes in here oh is one that's active yes and able to no so make sure that that one is enabled and then here again yes yes ok that seems fine make sure to apply yes and hit okay then we're gonna move to SQL Server services and then make sure that we're gonna restart our SQL Server real quick so right-click it and hit restart and that will restart the services then next up it's best to check if SQL Server traffic is allowed through your firewall so be sure to double check if TCP port 1433 is allowed through your firewall and that's the most used port for SQL Server and sending traffic to other sources then once you've done that you can head over to the lansweeper folder where we'll go into the tools folder and that's where you'll find the config editor what you want to make sure to do is verify that your data source is identical to your SQL Server instance name so here we see it's localhost which is not identical to our Tst-w10 name that we have right here and so we're actually going to adjust that so that it is identical there we go and hit save and then make sure the hits just save conflicts and restart the service okay so now that our services have restarted I'm gonna click OK we can close this and now your Lansweeper should be connected back to your database and you can continue to scan your network as usual. Thank you for watching this quick how-to on how to fix your instance error if you want to find out more about Lansweeper take a look at the following videos.
Channel: Lansweeper
Views: 169,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sqlcmd Error, Network-related or instance-specific error, sql server network related instance specific error, sql server network error, instance specific error sql server, network-related error sql server, instance-specific error, sql server network path not specified, lansweeper sql server, how to solve a network-related or instance-specific error, sql server is configured to allow remote connections, sql server allow remote connections, sql server remote connection
Id: p8FB0nymyns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 57sec (357 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2019
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