Spyro's Hidden Gem of a Category | The Art of Speedrunning
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Hummeldon
Views: 185,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrun, speed run, speedrunning, world record, WR, analysis, platformer, art, playstation, any%, hum, hummeldon, speedrunner, skips, classic, spyro, spyro the dragon, history, leaderboard, progression, proxy, vortex, category, 120%, damage boost, spyro 1, ps1, gems, dragons, eggs, collectables, meme speedrun, meme, speedrun world record, spyro speedrun
Id: w-Tjn9J0tcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I am ridiculously happy to see this history put out there. You really did a great job with this!
An amazingly well put together video. Not only was the typical WR history format great, but this video also touches on topics I don't see discusses very often.
The arbitrariness of categories; the fact the even literal cheats are ok if the community agrees on it and is clear about it; the infamous Name Percent Shenanigans; the importance of inspiring others to run a category; the obsoleteness of records once a new trick is found; the fact that routers/glitch-hunters/etc are just as important as record holders.
All great points about the culture and the hobby you don't see in this much detail in other SpeedTube™ channels. Also don't think I've ever seen a WR history that ended with a final world record holder that happens to be a woman. The grind-montage at the end was pretty badass. Great stuff. This and the other couple good videos from the channel have convinced my to subscribe. Keep it up!
More like "YouTube's Hidden Gem of a Speedrun Channel". That was a masterclass in video production and presentation. You earned a sub from me!
Really well done video! I didn't know about this category and it was really enjoyable learning about it!
WillyWallglide maybe good at spyro but he's a total noob in comparison to DennisDoubleJump
I instantly subscribed to your channel. Great editing and very informative!
I’m a simple guy, I find a new speedrunning content creator and immediately inject their entire backlog into my brain.
This, along with your other videos were a great watch, looking forward to your next projects!
Also the quick turn transitions in your RE4 video - chef’s kiss - so damn clean
SummongSalt has some competition. The editing is superb
My main thought coming away from this was "I have too many thoughts to even know where to begin" but then u/Mayrink captured most of them. Obviously this was incredibly beautifully edited - I was stunned less than a minute in - and I imagine it's very accessible to people who don't know about Spyro or even much about speedrunning in general, and like Mayrink said in their comment, this did such an amazing job using the history of Vortex% as a framework to illustrate so many points about speedrunning communities. Really great stuff.
And as I've been chatting in Vortex streams lately, it's kind of surreal to start seeing someone I know make a video like this about people I've interacted with haha. My mediocre time is even on the leaderboard! I'm glad there's some focus here on the number of runners, too, since I've tended to have the mindset that even if my time isn't good, at least it shows a little more love for the game or category.
There is so much to dig into here, I already want to watch it again haha. You made so many excellent and positive points here and this was an absolute treat to watch to say the least