Springtime in the Park! | Hersheypark Vlog April 29, 2023

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good morning everyone and welcome to Hershey's Chocolate World and Hershey Park right next door um I haven't been here since December so it's really nice to be back uh we are here for uh another uh School coaster Club event for uh teal college and um it's just it's really exciting to be back at this uh uh amazing amusement park so but like we're here at Chocolate World first Hershey Park isn't open to the public yet uh that opens in about an hour um so we're gonna spend the first part of the day here at Chocolate World this year is actually chocolate world's 50th Anniversary as you can see with the sign uh right next to me there so um it's been here for a while and um uh it's there's a lot of exciting things that's going on for the anniversary so let's go inside and uh try to have some fun as part of the 50th anniversary celebration for Chocolate World they have one of the uh former tour Rod vehicles on display that lasts from 1998 to 2016. so here it is and it's really it's pretty cool that they have this on display for uh this big year for Hershey's chocolate so I actually remember this too before it was renovated in 2016. I gotta say that I think I like the 2015. I I like the former version better before it was renovated into what it is today all right here we go again on to the Hershey's chocolate factory tour ready for some cows yeah let's go let's go hi where are we going on a tour of chocolate yes on the tour of chocolate hi uh sing along what are you doing hey everyone welcome aboard the Hershey's chocolate factory tour for your safety please remain seated with your hands and feet inside the vehicle at all times we're on our way to the Hershey Chocolate Factory your guy will meet you at the entrance see you inside thank you Mr Hershey hello cow hey folks Welcome to our dairy farm foreign thank you Christina sit down and that's a cacao pod our cocoa experts by beans from very easy bologna Milling machines with ground cocoa Meats into unsweetened chocolate cocoa mix have been ground down like this for thousands of years Milling machines generate lots of heat through intense pressure and friction the grinding turns coconuts into the Smooth Dark liquid who made milk and dark chocolate our first thing that she will squeeze the unsweetened chocolate into discs of cocoa powder known as Hershey's cocoa all of that fresh delicious Hershey's chocolate goodness is finally ready to be packaged I like Hershey's milk chocolate and special dog bars foreign this is brand new as well they brought back the original uh Hershey's chocolate World theme song to The Ride I'm happy this song is back [Music] now the big new attraction coming to Chocolate World this year is going to be right here this is where the uh the old um this is where the uh the former 4D toddler movie used to be and that closed in 2022 it is now being replaced by what is called uh Hershey's great candy Expedition so it will be it will be basically like a new 4D movie where uh uh where guests actually get to explore different imagination um uh imagination lands of different Hershey candies and uh it'll be taking place on right right the guests will be riding on a special candy train so but as I mentioned it is not open yet and there's no entrance yet either however this does look like a really exciting addition to um to Hershey's chocolate wood so can't wait for it to open once again as part of the 50th anniversary celebration for Hershey's Chocolate World one of the big things that they're doing this year to uh celebrate the event is that every so often they are bringing in a new uh chocolate made sculptures into the building and putting them out on view for the public so and right now what we have in front of us is a sculpture of the exterior of chocolate world and right on top of that is the 50th Anniversary logo that is pretty cool I have actually never done this attraction before I don't really know exactly what it is but it's some sort of theater show um yeah maybe one of these days I'll get to try but not today it costs 28 dollars to do apparently so um maybe another time but I'll try it out eventually when I when I have the chance all right we're now leaving Chocolate World so bye bye Chocolate World I'll see you uh probably sometime this summer while I work here but now we're going to uh the reason why we're actually here Hershey Park although Charlie world was fun cat did you like the cows from the original rut not the original but the the former version I would say now good let's have fun looks like it's gonna be a busy day the crowd is really starting to pick up however at the same time the gates have not open yet they open at 11 so in a few minutes it is uh 10 56 10 57 right now uh so our plan is that we're gonna start at the back of the park uh and Fahrenheit will be hopefully be our first uh ride of the day all right we're inside the park we're heading straight to Fahrenheit mark this is your second time here what are you guys looking forward to crushing my thighs crushing your thighs oh yeah and maybe maybe maybe I don't my own crap there I'm excited for you too amen okay here we go on to Fahrenheit Mark yep Fahrenheit I'm so excited I love this ride so much [Music] thank you [Music] all right so Mark wrote Fahrenheit for the first time pretty awesome I love the horses the inversions and that airtime definitely was great pretty smooth for a 16 year old coaster yep love it yeah it's awesome all right here we are running storm Runner the intimate accelerator that opened in 2004. fantastic intimate launch kisser and one of my favorite rides here absolutely so and there's nobody here in mind so uh let's just get right on we're doing front row I'm in it yeah that's all right welcome back that's all right now [Music] well that was stupid stupid [Music] [Applause] all right so we just took a quick ride on a mixed flavor by Jolly Rancher and got a front seat ride on uh Jolly Rancher remix that's still my favorite become a boomerang and now we're about to do a Trailblazer the um the era Mine Train as a matter of fact the only arrow coaster in the uh in the state of Pennsylvania so all right Trailblazer what'd you think Mark that was a simple error monitoring but I enjoyed it it was it was cute I see you in the background Professor Humphrey hello he's our chaperone for the trip on Waters we're all on radio pretty much well yeah I just guessed our I'm I'm Humanities but yeah Trailblazer a bit of a weekend where everybody train my personal yeah it's very smooth for an older narrow monitoring I love the Helix is this a little shorter weaker but it's all right I think my favorite is uh um Adventure Express personally um that our Carolina gold restaurant in my family yeah but it's still a good family coaster it's new credit at least 128 was yeah this one yeah yep all right we're going to lightning racer now storm on Earth quick review awesome intimate accelerator Beach tracks are by a mile yes great ride yes extra five seconds makes a difference your second accelerator it is yeah all right so that's our review on Sword Art all right unfortunately this way is blocked off so I can't really get a good footage of it uh as of where I'm standing right now however Wildcats Revenge as you can see right here is almost complete and this looks like an awesome RMC I seriously can't wait to ride it this year they just stopped it off last week and uh seems to me that the track work is almost completely done so um the the trains which is delivered on site and now they're going to start a few test runs heavily pretty soon so it's looking very very good we're about to race the lightning on lightning racer all right lightning racer which side do you prefer which side do I prefer yes for throws lightning County thunder thunder yeah I mean lightning racer is pretty great I just had a better experience on the lightning side but wonder if we want and on Lightning we lost his brother so Thunder Island shouldn't take each time just for winning you said you liked these uh two coasters more than a Thunderhead oh no I've slightly preferred under that I I was surprised this almost was as good as it not as good not not as good as that Mystic timber step definitely million times better than either I don't even dislike it later yeah well we got those two credits out of the way so congratulations thank you we each got a win our dueling coasters while Thunder usually wins uh so but yeah since my last visit here the whip here at Hershey Park has actually been removed it was removed during the off season this wasn't a great whip I'll be honest with you I've only been on it twice and I I really didn't care about it it had unlike Miss whips it had ratcheting lap bars where it's like the one I like Kennywood has like uh freely loose levels um and it was also it didn't go that fast it was also very very loud since the wheels on it ran on concrete compared to uh the wooden plank four four that uh webwriter right on so yeah if you're coming to Hershey Park this year uh the whip is no longer here we'll have to see what the space is going to be used for in the future all right so this right here is going to be the entrance to Wildcats revenge and actually uh we were able to go around a wild mouse over here and as you can see we got a bit of a better shot of all the construction that's going on um all that RMC track right there is being put down um just a little section left the main thing that they're working on right now is the the pre-lift section from as it comes out of the station so speaking which the station is also right here um it kind of looks like Pizza Hut to me so I think it's kind of funny and uh it looks like it's uh nearly complete so looks fantastic [Music] all right so we just had lunch and we are now going to use Zoo America this is a free zoo that is included in Hershey Park and I've done this in a while so uh I haven't done this since 2015 so it's yeah I'm really looking forward to doing this again so let's go inside take a look at this we have some flamingos in here uh doing their thing uh what else do we have honestly I'll be honest with you guys I don't remember any of this at all it's been it's been a really long time this ginormous tree in the middle what's this crabs [Music] yeah we got some crabs in there what is this [Music] uh I don't know what's in there but I've got a snake in here uh I don't see the snake oh there it is oh hello oh we got an owl over here hello Mr Owl how are you what's your favorite ride Hershey Park Skyrush minus yeah mine is also Skyrush get some more fishies in here and uh what is this over here oh this is this is an alligator the crocodile it's an alligator oh look at this big guy we'll look back on the bed he's ready to eat I know oh no [Music] thank you [Music] Pro dike [Music] one of my favorite animals what's over here ah what is this uh that is a I gotta say I don't know I love it you see the owl and what do we got up here we got elk up here Professor Humphrey we have elk oh no oh no yeah there's gears we don't realize how big they are um there's the elk he's just chilling right up there he's staring right at us he's ready to jump if we got some Eagles right here pretty awesome I like this dude it's very small but like honestly it's it's really cute and it's been uh it's been worth the time as well I feel like yeah I'm sad I haven't seen a fox you have to do the zoo when you come to Hershey Park for the first time then America was actually really nice yeah they didn't have any boxes that's maybe next time though maybe maybe the next time we come here they will have a box yeah all right we're on to our next roller coaster now what's your favorite animal okay Professor Humphrey how would you great how would you rate a Great Bear is it great it's really high it's it's awesome I think that might be my favorite of the ride so far I'm not sure I I would need to re excuse me I would need to repeat ride some of them was it a great bear a great great bear it was a great great great Bear all right it's time for the most intense roller coaster at Hershey Park right here and we're about to get in line for this Sky Rush [Applause] Skyrush Skyrush Sky Rush honestly what more could I say about that phenomenal roller history easily probably might be uh one of the top three most intense coasters I've ever been on always hold that thing to death and um I mean it's literally everything I mean uh the air time is incredible the laterals are just as incredible um the intensity on this ride does not stop at all it really doesn't want it um but and as you can tell I scream so much on it that I lost my voice so yeah that should uh give you an idea of what type of insanity Skyrush actually is so all right guys so I gave I just gave my own review on Skyrush Mark it's your turn freaking best coaster in PA second favorite intimate absolutely insane incredible I could do over and over it has it all it has it all what about you Christine intensity is high definitely a thrill seeker do not like the restraints okay that I agree with you they're a little restrictive they're restrictive no it's not that they are not safe to my standards all right well Mark has one more credit so let's go on oh all right whoa keep your arms all right we just had a ride on super duper looper um the Hershey's triple Tower and a few other things now uh we are on our way to the good old kandemonium b m hyper um and we're taking the little secret path underneath Skyrush to get there so it's a little shortcut and I'm looking forward to this because I I really like candymanium so [Music] entering the wonderfully colored queue of pandemonium right Mark remember last time we were here we marathoned uh this thing over and over again that was amazing well here yeah here we are [Music] on a Twain are you shooting me right now yes are you okay with that oh no so I got oh can you the new the triggers comment in the section below and make sure to smash that like button you heard the man [Music] all right so we just got the dry gold railroad we have about half an hour until the park closes and we're gonna try squeezing uh one more ride in Skyrush Mark yeah yeah so I then uh grab something to eat before we leave for the night so yep just uh anything's off of the bank I guess you'd say it's brain we're like speed walking the sky Rush [Music] all right and we just got off the Skyrush skin and uh we're probably gonna finish off the Night by eating at the 1906 Grill I have not had this yet but I've heard it's really good so let's go in and see how this food is like just like that that concludes today's visit to Hershey Park I had a really fantastic day guys like honestly it was so great for the 2023 because your season to get started again um I just yeah all these roller coasters at Hershey are absolutely great in the runway I mean some are obviously better than others but like they're all uh it's a very unique products or something to say um they have a great family because there's great um uh classic roller coasters uh very intense and it's really roller coasters and um yeah just just roller coasters and rides of all different kinds so that's one of the reasons why this is such a fantastic amusement park other things too I mean they have great food at this park um entertainment is pretty good um to America uh was it's a marquee attraction at the park as well although it wasn't open today uh the boardwalk yeah which is Hershey's water park is also a signature attraction we do while coming to Hershey as well so just a minute just to name a few things but overall I feel like this was a very successful day um it was great to rewrite most of these coasters again especially Skyrush I was so happy to get on that again I hadn't I um before today I had not ruined this since 2021 so uh yeah two years later we're back on Skyrush button won that ride I love this park in general and my love for this park makes me very excited to uh start working here over the summer so um if you're coming to Hershey Park this summer and if you see me working here um be sure to stop by and say hello because you may see me at some point um but that's gonna do it for this video um in conclusion that I just had a really uh fun and fantastic day so um thank you guys so much for watching and uh stay tuned for the next video do me a favor ride some roller coasters I mean the 2023 Kaiser season has started so uh why not get out there and ride some uh ride some rides so all right thank you guys see you in the next video foreign
Channel: Kennywood Krieger
Views: 2,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PCsdp2-JB6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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