Six Flags St. Louis Tour & Review - April 2023

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greetings everyone we're back in Action today we are at Six Flags St Louis in Eureka Missouri and we're gonna check out what there is to do here it's a little bit rainy and thunderstorming right now so most attractions are going to be closed to start the day but I'm hoping there's at least enough a break to get on these wooden roller coasters they've got three wooden coasters here which is quite a bit especially for a Six Flags park so at the very least we're gonna try to do that and then whatever else we can explore in the park and have time for [Music] since all the rides are closed right now due to the weather might as well go ahead and use one of my meal credits JB's Sports Bar and Grill here has a few beers on Tab not a ton but they also have other drink varieties as well and I am going to get one because I tried to get a free water like I normally do and I was told it was going to cost six dollars so I might as well pay 12 bucks for a beer and enjoy it I did get a pulled pork sandwich and it is in the top five worst pulled pork sandwiches I've had in my life I might actually go back to chicken at least I had this cute dog to sit with that lunch we've got a clearing in the weather for this afternoon so let's go ride some rides first up we have the boss this is a CCI wooden coaster not to be confused with GCI it's CCI custom coasters International it's pretty Zippy it has some tighter Corners than you're used to on wooden coasters and uh while it's certainly not smooth I mean it's a wooden coaster it is certainly bearable it doesn't rattle you around so much that you feel like you need a visit to the emergency room after riding overall it's faster than it appears from the queue as well I definitely give this Rod a good rating recommend it plus CCI was only in business for about a decade or so so there are only a couple dozen of these coasters out there so hop on I also need a shout out the ride operations team Europa they were fantastic it was just a couple of guys and they were going as fast as they could considering the one train operations the one train did make the line move very slowly but that's not at all due to the ride operators they really pulled their wheels fun factor I should say maybe not so fun fact there used to be one final Helix here but it no longer exists this here is the future home to the Park's new kid family coaster coming called rookie racer made by big coma and here we see the track all laid out it looks like they dug out you know potentially the area where this coaster track is going to be placed it's really not a big coaster at all nothing to get too excited about but certainly good for good for the families and it's never a bad when a park adds a coaster Supergirl is the modern take on the classic Enterprise ride a railroad here is not open but it definitely meanders throughout the park and I bet it would be a great beautiful ride when it is open pandemonium is the parse Dura slower spinning roller coaster this is a fairly compact model most of the ride is uh this corner you see here as well as kind of what's contained up there definitely a fun ride to take a spin on Bugs Bunny National Park is a kids themed area with some actually half decent themed Looney Tunes kids rides at woman whip is the Park's newest flat ride fun time booster spinning arm with seats on both ends that face both directions that'll whoop you around and flip you this isn't the ride for someone who's afraid of heights but despite the fun one in another ride you don't see everywhere be aware this is not a high capacity attraction so the weights are pretty long it's not busy today and look at that one almost two hours and then also the ride does close early because of the long Waits so expect to wait a long time if you're gonna ride this we're about to ride Screaming Eagle apparently the crew here is friendly clean fast safe and service so let's see if they live up to their name the Screaming Eagle is the parks PTC Philadelphia toboggan company wooden roller coaster this is a slightly more modern PTC by that I mean uh it was made in the 70s so it's it's got a little more hype a little more speed than some of the real wolf ones that being said I could still use a little TLC the operator mentions it's 47 years old this year they apparently just celebrated its birthday in Grand fashion so that's cool so it's definitely a fun ride worth a trip and not the most rattly thing ever so I give it a thumbs up the crew was a cow the two ladies up here were very friendly clean fast safe and service even checked our restraints twice because someone had an issue so they really nailed all the cows so good job to This Crew again running one train but this one's a little faster because there's no fast pass here Six Flags St Louis does have a water park Hurricane Harbor not yet open for the season but here are the dates for 2023. over here is the home of Thunder River the parks River Rapids ride I do like on specific attractions how they mention when the attraction will app actually be opening up that's how you get all your Rapids of course Six Flags couldn't resist A Larson Looper Boomerang is the Park's big coma Boomerang coaster forward and then through this whole course backwards pretty common ride here at Six Flags this one's kind of cool though because the Cobra roll here goes over the Midway Six Flags St Louis has not one but two of these covered archways here that are covered in Vines plants Etc obviously not that pretty this early in the spring but definitely a good place to cool off because not only does it offer shade as you see there are fans under here too River King Mine Train is the Park's arrow mine train style coaster these are good for pretty much any person willing to ride a coaster they're definitely not too intense and they've got a high requirement of 42 inches ninja is the part's steel vacoma looping Corkscrew coaster yeah you heard me right I know what you're thinking that looks like an arrow and you're wrong but not entirely wrong this roller coaster was actually designed by aerodynamics and they started to build it but then they went bankrupt so big coma took it over so that's why it looks and feels like an arrow coaster would and as you can see it kind of rides like one two uh it is still a fun ride though it's a little smoother than the real old Arrow Corks And coasters there's a really fun head chopper moment with the lift chain trough that you go under there's also a really tight inversion or not sorry not inversion it's a really tight Helix here at the end so it's definitely a fun ride worth helping overboard hey help him out this is a joker themed pirate ship I'm not 100 sure but I'm gonna willing to say this might be the only Joker themed pirate ship that exists it's actually called The Joker ink if you want to be a Fisher I always like to point out these low sensory areas the park has this particular park has a low sensory room here at St Louis as well as some specific rider information in this same area for perspective we are sort of near the boss area up that way gift shops upon gift shops upon funnel cakes amusement park Staples Mr Freeze reverse blast is the Park's Premier rides launch coaster and this may look similar to the ride in Over Texas and it is except this one currently is launching me backwards they kind of flop so this one starts by launching backwards then launches you forward I know the question is which is better right my answer to that would be the reverse version because when you hit the top of that Spike there it gives you some great views and a little bit of Hang Time where you're kind of looking straight at the ground and out at the park especially if you sit towards the back of the train a ton of fun very forceful very intense and a great ride the log flume here is not open just yet but it does have a double drop so that's cool Justice League battle for Metropolis is an indoor Sally dark Rod shooter ride that has some great theming and is always worth the visit whenever a Six Flags park has one of these good for the whole family I did accidentally shoot Wonder Woman a couple times she's okay though man GCI makes some good coasters this here is American Thunder it is quick it's crazy it's got some wild thing turns plenty of air time it's not my favorite GCI of all of them out there but it's still lots of fun and certainly the smoothest wood coaster at the park minus a couple of jerky transitions look at the bacon on this corner they do all sorts of wacky stuff with their coasters I almost like to think of GCI as rmc's younger brother or cousin if you will definitely a great ride and we're hopping on and this was also the shortest line in the park by far because they are running two trains so the weight was less than five minutes love multiple train operations Batman the ride is the parks inverted b m roller coaster these are at a lot of Six Flags parks they're Speedy they're fun they're forceful I always hop on Colossus is the Park's colossus-sized ferris wheel takes you off about 180 feet gives you plenty of nice views overall Six Flags St Louis was a good Park they have plenty of trees which that's always a plus for me I enjoy parks with trees the park is built kind of into the Hillside and a lot of The Coasters follow the terrain and go through the woods at least a little bit so that's a very very fun the the highlights really ride wise were probably the American Thunder GCI wooden coaster as well as Mr Freeze reverse blast that was certainly fun team members here were also really friendly actually pretty much everyone had been interacting with lately uh here in St Louis or the St Louis area has seemed friendly so I don't know if that's just a Missouri thing or what you guys can let me know if you know any more about that uh Lowe's definitely there's an issue with serving food the food lines were ridiculous today the park itself was I would say light to moderate crowds at the heaviest and the the food lines had to be at least an hour I waited an hour and 15 minutes and that was before the lions got super long so hopefully they can figure that out but overall I would recommend coming to this park it might not be the first this Six Flags park that you need to hit if you're ever you know embarking on a big Six Flags Adventure however I would definitely recommend stopping by at some point if you can especially if you have a trip planned that might take you to the Missouri area I am actually heading to Oklahoma tomorrow to go to Frontier City so I know I haven't been posting too much lately however now uh parks are opening back up so we're gonna get back out there so you should be expecting another video soon thanks so much for watching ah I'm gonna get my free water [Applause] [Music] we got dinner in time just for this Wild Storm that's however the service issues emergency keeping everyone inside lots of hail thunder I like it
Channel: Up From Down Here
Views: 18,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Six Flags, Amusement Park, Theme Park, Travel, Roller Coaster, St Louis, Thunder, Lightning, Hail, Tornado
Id: wBkQsvzQNcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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