Spring 2024 Convocation - Toronto Campus - St. Clair College @ Acumen

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spe spe so for for spe m good afternoon everybody how are you everything good air conditioning is on this is the place to be uh want to welcome thank you for each one of you who have helped these people get to where they are today the journey has ended with education to a degree so thank you if you've been a friend a relative someone who has been there for them uh we appreciate um what you've done and an amazing day today that uh this is their day so thank you thank you and thank you want to tell you that uh uh for anyone that's not here you want to let them know it's being live streamed at stclair c.ca on the YouTube or Ace acan uh on YouTube uh so if someone at home or doesn't want to leave their cold office or cold house because of the warmth tell them to watch it wake somebody up in another country wake them up and tell them to put on YouTube how about that anyways we're glad you're here thank you for what you've done it's going to be a great day to celebrate these wonderful graduates okay are you ready why don't you do some Applause and they can hear it they're all standing out there so they know somebody's here all right that's what they want to hear okay we're going to get going in a couple [Applause] minutes for e e e you for speech for speech spe foree for e when spe you spe for spe IND [Music] e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] for for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good afternoon everyone and welcome to the seventh session of the 57th annual convocation ceremony of St Clair College of Applied Arts and Technology my name is Sarah mcdermit I'm the associate director of quality assurance and compliance at asakim Academy and it's my pleasure to act as Master of Ceremonies for today's program out of deep respect for indigenous peoples in Canada St Clair college and Ace Acumen Academy recognizes and acknowledges that our properties are on the traditional territories of many nations including the wendat people the annab the hodon conf Confederacy the mate and the missas of the Credit First Nation we also recognize the contributions and enduring presence of all First Nations matei and Inuit people in Ontario and the rest of Canada would you please rise if able to join in the singing of O Canada performed by Angelica decastro oh can our home and native land true P love in all of us come God keep a land glorious and free Oh Canada we stand on God for thee Oh Canada we stand on God for the [Applause] thank you Angelica please be seated I would like to acknowledge and thank today's Piper Dan McDonald before we begin the formal part of the ceremony I would like to make a few announcements we're pleased to advise you that we are live streaming this session at stclair col.caf uh we ask that you please set your cell phones to silent if you haven't already for the duration of the ceremony guests are asked to please remain seated during the graduation and we also ask graduates to stay in your seat until the ceremony is complete I will now introduce the members of the Board of Governors who are with us today and I would ask that they remain standing if able until after the members of The College administration are also introduced Gan pinado board chair aidio Sovereign past chair and John parent I would also like to introduce the members of The College administration Michael salvaji President John Fairley senior Vice president Communications advancement and external Affairs and executive director of foundation Julie vamik registar Ruth Susanna chair zelman School of Information Technology and Sham Sharma SRC manager Ace Acumen operations I would also like to introduce the members of Ace Acumen Academy's Administration John Woo president and CEO Millie Lee vice president Amit Jane vice president Dr Patty France strategic adviser for ASAC human Academy Amit ball director student services and campus operations at the Miss Saga campus Francisco ver associate chair academics of Miss Saga campus and I would like to introduce and acknowledge the amazing faculty who are here today from as acument Academy who have contributed to your [Applause] success I would now like to call upon St Clair college President Michael sylvi to provide opening remarks thank you Sarah and good afternoon everyone on behalf of the college's Administration and the entire family of St Clair College in a aiman it is my pleasure to welcome you to this convocation ceremony to acknowledge the many parents family members and friends who have joined us as guests in person and viewing our live stream broadcast and of course to congratulate the graduating class of 2024 as some of you may know this is my first convocation group of sessions at as St Clair College's president having just moved into this position just a few weeks ago but by virtue of the previous positions that I have held at the college for much of my career I have always been on stage during convocation and actually I have been in the background of your college lives since its Inception in my previous role at St Clair colleges register it was my office that received and processed your original application to St Clair college that sent you an acceptance letter in a welcoming package of literature that and I'm also so sorry for this also sent you the bills for your tuition and fees but at the same time I also oversaw the financial aid and scholarship packages to help offset those expenses related to your postsecondary education it was also the register's office that received all the marks from your professors and generated your midterm reviews end of semester grades and just a few weeks ago your final official transcripts it is my rubber stamp that officially confirmed that you have indeed successfully completed all your programs curriculum in that you are entitled to be here today to be awarded with I should say rewarded with a slair college certificate diploma or degree I held another position at the college for the past few years as the vice president academic so again I was involved in your education behind the scenes watching over your shoulder and watching out for you by ensuring that your curriculum was up toate to the standards and demands of your chosen vocation by ensuring that your classrooms were comfortable and your Labs clinics and workshops were well equipped with state-of-the-art devices and software also by ensuring real world placements and other work integrated learning opportunities and most importantly by providing you with exceptional faculty members and support teams steeped in the knowledge and practical professional experience that you will need and now possess to be successful in my new position as president I've just moved from one office office to another one but you you have your whole life laid out in front of you taking the first step in what we hope and what we know will be a rewarding and fulfilling career you are now thoroughly prepared for that thanks to our efforts to teach and most importantly your desire to learn you are more than ready for everything that awaits you in the short short and long term and not just because you have mastered your specific academic subject matter but also because in doing that you have learned how to learn how to self-educate how to conduct research how to search out viable answers and practical Solutions how to problem solve with self initiative and through collaboration and teamwork you should also know and perhaps feel reassured that your college is always here for you in fact you really will never leave completely leave us you are within minutes of joining a proud and accomplished family of approximately 140,000 plus alumni who have been draped with the gold and green during the college's almost six Decades of existence the Alumni Association will be providing you with information today about the special services and activities provided to you as grads because you're still very much now and always treasured members of saints Nation so we remain your Collegiate family but you have actual family too many of whom are with us today in the audience or viewing our live stream broadcast the parents the grandparents siblings spouses significant others and Friends who are with us today you should not only take pride in but also a degree of credit for your graduates achievement your encouragement your sacrifices your nudging your co-financing in many cases your love and support has made this day possible I know there will be dinners and parties and handshakes and hugs with family and friends later but I wonder if we all might give an expression of collective thanks right now I will ask the graduates to rise from their seats graduates please rise please look around and try to make eye contact with your loved ones in the audience or look into one of the video cameras if your family is watching the live stream and give them the Ovation they so richly deserve [Applause] thank you graduates you may resume your seats graduates I suppose that was the final time during this Academic Year that any St Clair College official will give you an assignment I'm pleased to share that you have all passed now we are now we are approaching our formal presentation I look forward to being Center Stage to offer you a final handshake in my most heartfelt congratulations to the newest full-fledged officially graduated Bound for Success members of saints Nation thank [Applause] you thank you president salvaji pinado chair from the Board of Governors will now deliver greetings from the board good afternoon president salvaji guests faculty and most importantly the exceptional graduates of St Clair college at Ace Acumen Academy today as we stand on the threshold of a new chapter in your lives it is with immense pride and joy that I address you on behalf of the Board of Governors your journey at ASAC human Academy has been nothing short of remarkable and as you prepare to take the next step I am filled with confidence knowing that you are equipped with the tools the knowledge and resilience to conquer any challenge that lies ahead at Sinkler College many of you are aware that some of our branding themes are start here go anywhere Saint strong and of course where our students rise above the ordinary these are not merely slogans they embody the spirit of our institution and the essence of your experience here from the first day that you stepped onto the ace Acumen campus you embarked on a journey of growth Discovery and transformation you have demonstrated the power of perseverance determination and hard work and today you stand as shining examples of what it means to be Saint strong as you hold your St cler College credential in your hands remember that it is more than just a piece of paper it is a symbol of your dedication your passion and the countless hours of effort you have invested in shaping your future since our establishment in 1967 St Clair college has been a beacon of excellence in education nurturing over 140,000 alumni who have gone on to achieve greatness in their respective Fields today you join this esteemed community of Trailblazers innovators and leaders who have left an indelible mark on the world as you embark on this new Journey remember you are never alone you carry with you the support guidance and wisdom of those who have come before you and together we are Saint strong as you navigate the highs and lows of your career remember that true strength lies not only in your accomplishments but also in your ability to uplift others to make a difference and to leave the world a better place than you found it I would be remiss if I did not thank asak human Academy faculty and staff for playing a significant role in each graduate's Journey so thank you congratulations class of 2024 may your futures be filled with endless opportunities boundless success and unwavering strength to rise above the ordinary you are Saint strong and your journey has only just begun thank you [Applause] thank you Jean I would now like to reintroduce President Michael sylvi to acknowledge our award winners The Faculty academic award is designed to recognize the graduating student in each program who has best demonstrated academic Excellence the student leadership award recognizes the graduating student in each program who best combines academic achievement and Leadership the recipients of the faculty academic award and the recipients of the student leadership award will be acknowledged when their names are announced during the ceremony I would like to congratulate the recipients of these special Awards graduates convocation is the formal recognition of your achievements you have worked very hard so celebrate this accomplishment it is welld deserved there is one other group here today that also deserve to be recognized these are the remarkable dedicated faculty here at asakim who have contributed to your success graduates I would ask that you please join me in thanking your faculty for all their efforts to make this a reality for you thank you we have come to the formal part of our ceremony where the diplomas certificates and degrees will be awarded and become official documents of the college would the graduates please stand if able I would like to call upon President Michael vaji and registar Julie vamik to the podium Mr President it is my privilege to report to you that the candidates assembled here today have qualified in all respects for certificates and diplomas by successfully completing curriculum offered by several divisions of St Clair College they have been recommended by The Faculty to be awarded the these diplomas and certificates in recognition of their academic accomplishments by virtue of the authority vested in Me by The Board of Governors of St Clair College I do hereby confer on you your respective certificates diplomas and degrees with all the honors Privileges and responsibilities pertaining there to Mr President on behalf of the graduates not present today I request that you can further certificates and diplomas in absentia I so do congratulations again please be seated during the next part of the program we will present the graduates individually to the board of Governors and president silagi to receive congratulations while the first of our graduates are making their way to the stage I would like to tell you about the stole the stole has a long history within academics originating in 15th century Europe in the age of great artists Scholars and explorers of the Renaissance today the stole symbolizes recognition of an individual who is now prepared to assume a responsible and creative role in the community St Clair college graduates of one two or threee certificates or diplomas receive a custom stole that is draped over their shoulders to signify acceptance into the alumni community and denote achievement in academics the stole is specially designed for our graduates and celebrates the Traditions within St Clair college and Saints Nation I would now like to call upon John Woo president and CEO of Ace Acumen Academy members of the board of governor n recommendation of our teaching faculty it is my pleasure to present to you the graduates for diplomas certificates and degrees I have the honor to present the graduates in the computer systems technician networking program parur corations harprit cor harmanjit cor manprit sing [Applause] Kiran jit [Applause] corations [Music] garan jagrit cor man caml prit core nikil [Applause] nikil Aman prit sing conratulations makul baa receiving the faculty academic award kajel kajel congratulations M Cor congratulations congratulations Cal jit [Applause] corat parer [Applause] core simran Sharma congratulations simit Cor conratulations AIT cor congratulations navit cor Kush deep cor manprit Cor [Applause] sovin Sandu conat Mana jet sing congratulations love PR [Applause] sing gotam gotam congratulations congratulations Deepak Kumar conratulations conratulations Karen prit [Applause] corul navjot [Applause] cor siman siman anal deep sing [Applause] binder Sing tjit Sing Dil prit singul Aman prit sing congratulations aminda RoR ker Singh srul kirat pal Singh Joshua Joshua Rohit Ry [Applause] sahil sahil conratulations Sager Sager conat harsh [Applause] Gaba rinder car [Applause] Niha patan Kiran deep core Shivani [Applause] srat manprit Cor harprit [Applause] core schaa navjot K sandip cor Sami Sher [Applause] moit seni balinder sing Arun [Applause] sing isan bandari [Applause] harur sing jasmit sing jasit sing harinder sing congratulations sahil prit s [Applause] Jag deep singul prip Singh Suri moitra conratulations nav s conratulations AR prit sing Haren B Jan prit sing Teran prit sing gurwinder sing Akash Kumar kural Singh Bal J and deep cor congratulations prj cor Goldie Goldie [Applause] KL prit [Applause] cor KL prit cor Raman PR [Applause] cor seaj prit sing receiving the student leadership award rajit [Applause] Sing manprit [Applause] Sing Anan prit [Applause] sing Punit pal conratulations man of J singul navdeep [Applause] singul Lish Lish kaml PRI core [Applause] sukrit cor this concludes the graduates of the computer systems technation networking program I have the honor to present the graduates in the data analytics for business program MAA Gish vavala Ru Barat Kumar darji graduating with academic distinction komal komal SA chowri [Applause] Yan neck congratulation Mina [Applause] Bala Raman deep Cor [Applause] Kieran deep [Applause] core diksha Sherma akanga Sharma binder Kumari kajel kajel conratulations harprit [Applause] cor gurprit cor Kiran jit [Applause] cor Monica Monica receiving the faculty academic award kushal Sharma conratulations ikbal Singh Ashish Singh [Applause] Raad Abasi Singh carand receiving the student leadership award Ram tjit [Applause] cor nilam [Applause] p s of Singh conratulations nittan niten gurak singul gep sing Tanaya manhas [Applause] Jan prit sing abishek Sharma love PR [Applause] sing vinder sing congratulations maninder sing congratulations manprit sing simmer [Applause] cor nikil Sherma am [Applause] Singh Rajan [Music] Rajan manat Sing maninder [Applause] Sing Harman sing [Applause] yuj [Applause] sing this concludes the graduates of the data analytics of Business program I have the honor to present the graduates in the Human Resources management program anul Sha [Applause] Karan [Applause] Karan harjas sing nav cor varaj sukman deep Cor conratulations jaran deep cor jasprit cor congratulations arender sing manprit manprit [Applause] Arun prit sing Raj singul navdeep cor hardip cor kushit Verma [Applause] kaml prit cor ganali [Applause] ganali navdeep cor congratulations prianka Rana shanjit cor sahil mutreja gurprit cor Zenia Zenia [Applause] NAIT cor lingan graduating with academic distinction also receiving the student leadership award kashish [Applause] kashish Raman prit par cor DEA DEA har harsh mandip Cor diksha diksha [Applause] gurprit cor amand deep [Applause] cor pan prit [Applause] cor mjo receiving the faculty academic award Aman kurar prit Singh Ruchi [Applause] RI Sim siman Ruby [Applause] Ruby Aman prit cor harot cor manprit sing Simon jot Singh navit [Applause] cor Rahul sahotra heam deep sing congatulations shivangi seal mahinder sing sorav s sandip Cor anurada Rani Raji kapor Nishant ABI anmol [Applause] s Nishant manhas [Applause] KES KES nittin panotra priia priia himman Sharma conratulations love [Applause] prar chir [Music] kakar congratulations jaran sing git sing [Applause] beer singul harprit sing Harman PR Singh bogal navdeep [Applause] navul Dy Sharma congratulations Deepa Deepa Deepak [Applause] here Vanita Davy Kenny [Applause] sah Rishi Raj sing Parvin Kumari pretty pretty congratulations dixa dixa dinder Cor congratulation conat aneli [Applause] Angeli Aman Aman Karen beer sing conratulations kit cor vipan Kumar manprit singul conratulations gurprit sing conratulations Rana [Applause] Rana Kiran Jor meak [Applause] prit this concludes the graduates of the human resources management program [Applause] this concludes the conferring of diplomas and certificates at this time I would like to reintroduce shubam Sharma to speak on behalf of the St Clair College Alumni Association thank you sir president silagi guests and the graduating class of 2024 today marks a significant milestone in your lives as you sit here like I did a few years ago in your graduation gowns I know you may be anxious of what lies ahead but remember this moment a moment shared with fellow students faculty and loved ones on behalf of Sinclair College alumini Association I extend a warm welcome to our newest members you are now part of a family of over 140,000 alumini a family that spans Industries organizations communities and generations together we are Saint strong United by our shared experience and commitment to Excellence as you step into the world beyond our campuses know that you are not alone the alumini association is here to support you every step of the way whether it's through networking events professional development opportunities or simply connecting with fellow graduates we are dedicated to helping you succeed one of many ways we stay connected is through our new alumini Perks app this powerful tool keeps you informed about events dinners contests discounts and promotions from various vendors and attractions and let's and let's not forget about B air Direct Insurance providing peace of mind as you navigate the uncertainty of life after graduation be sure to download our alumini app and follow the Sinclair College alumini Association on our social media platform to stay up to date on College news and other alumini happenings but beyond the perks and privileges remember the deeper significance of being part of the community you are building your career on a foundation laid by thousand uh laid by those who came who came before you each of them who have made their mark on the world in countless ways now it's your turn to write the next chapter of our shared Legacy as you go forth from this place carry with you the lessons learned the friends Forge and and the dreams that fuel your ambition embrace the challenges celebrate the victories and never forget the values instilled in you during your time at stclair College congratulation class of 2024 welcome to the stclair college alumini family thank [Applause] you thank you sham at this time I would like to reintroduce John Fairley senior vice president Communications advancement and external Affairs and executive director of Foundations could the audience please rise if able please join me in this closing reflection together we ask that all of our graduates be filled with joy and peace may they have success and happiness throughout the years may they bring honor and wisdom to their own lives their families their communities and to our country and may they be filled with a desire to learn new things throughout their lives we ask this according to the terms of our individual Faith please be seated this concludes the seventh session of the 57th annual convocation of St Clair College we ask the audience please remain seated until the faculty and graduates have left the theater graduates guests family and staff please enjoy today's reception sponsored by your Alumni Association immediately following the ceremony congratulations class of [Applause] [Music] 2024 for [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] get down what e for
Channel: Ace Acumen Academy
Views: 1,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: MrM8iQi0XlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 40sec (4840 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2024
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