SFU Convocation June 2024 - Ceremony F (Closed Captioned)

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[Music] go for [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Music] the e [Music] [Music] [Music] spe [Applause] spe I [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] should spe [Music] for for [Music] know e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what e [Music] spe e [Music] you you're e [Music] spe for [Music] s for [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] that e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e EX e e did e really e e e friends convocation June 2024 will begin shortly for your enjoyment and safety during the ceremony please listen to a few important announcements as a courtesy to all our graduates and guests please remain seated and keep the aisleways clear for the duration of the ceremony this is required by fire regulation in the case of an emergency evacuation follow the directions of event Personnel to the assembly point which is located down the stairs behind you on the track and field please proceed slowly and carefully those with accessibility needs should proceed to the Halburn center located Northeast of convocation Mall today's ceremony schedule and program book can be found online please use your smartphone and scan the QR code with your camera app to view the information there is a water fountain there is a water station near the fountain just outside of convocation mall at the back in consideration of other guests we ask that you refrain from conversation during the ceremony and please put cell phones on silent and for those near and AAR we encourage you to share your photos and messages on social media using hash my SFU grad friends the ceremony is about to begin please turn your attention to the screens [Music] now I'm pleased to introduce the graduating class of June 2024 [Applause] [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] for [Music] smile [Music] [Music] for [Music] for for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] in [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] friends if you able please rise for the platform party Li [Music] I I I [Music] [Music] I oh [Music] he [Music] oh my gosh where I [Music] hey he hey hey I oh [Music] of [Music] I may [Music] I hey he hey I [Music] King [Music] I [Music] I hey he hey [Music] i [Music] i i oh [Applause] boy chop more chop you guys can all have a seat thank you up SCH up am the school out to the Hope po Chase 1906 England one Chancellor the president faculty of science faculty of Health Science toal to seats we just give thanks to the Creator for this beautiful day and a great arrival for each and every one of you the parents of these wonderful students here of this beautiful home of SFU thanking you for the work the years that you've completed to get to today and a good journey for each and every one of you tomorrow for what you may have in store for you talking with a Dean earlier he says I wanted you to take over a class this afternoon I said sure I said how many students he said oh there'll be a good number of students but I said oh look at them all I didn't expect this big of a class but I forgotten my attendance sheet because the teacher for in sick and said won't be able to make it and Mrs Jones is going to be coming in with me to help teach the class so I thank her for that so we just going to try to get through the attendance starting from this side of the room so if I call your name I ask you just to wave Albert I guess he's not here I don't see an Albert here but thanking each and every one of you once again we'll see [Applause] him good afternoon everyone welcome to the home of the First Nation people sish mus and it's an honor to be here with you today to celebrate this wonderful day it's great for you to witness what is taking place a quick prayer and we'll continue our service great spirit thank you for bringing us together just guide each and every one of us in the path that we're on take care of our families at home our elders and our children I ask great spirit just to bless each and every one of you it's so great to be here with You All My [Applause] Relations thank you for sharing that warm welcome Elder Margaret Elder Margaret is our guest of honor today and will be conferred an honorary doctorate of laws this afternoon on behalf of all of us gathered here I'd like to take a moment to pay my respects to Elders past and present thank you also to our cultural representatives from the Squam ocean canoe family for welcoming us and getting us started in a good way please join me in thanking them and of course no ceremony would be complete at Simon Fraser University without the world famous SFU pipe band piping us in please join me in thanking the pipe B I now invite Olympia toasta who is a fourth year student from The Faculty of communication art and Technology to lead us in the singing of O Canada for those of you in convocation mall and online please rise if you are able for the singing of our national anthem Oh Canada our home and native land true Paton love in all of us commment with glowing Hearts we see the rise the true nor strong and free from far and wide Oh Canada we stand on God for thee God keep our land glorious and free oh can we stand on guard for thee Oh Canada we stand on guard for Thee thank you Olympia please be seated and now I declare June convocation assembled for the granting of degrees today's program book which includes the ceremony schedule and the listing of graduates can be found online please use the QR code to follow along Madame President members of the Board of Governors and Senate faculty honored guests graduat friends and fam my name is tamarra rumman and I am the chancellor of Simon Fraser University we are delighted and honored to have you join us for convocation in attendance today are a number of distinguished guests in the audience and on the platform including members of Senate vice presidents Deans and faculty I'd like to acknowledge SFU Board of Governors member Daniel lesnoff who is joining us today [Applause] as well board chair ameritus Chris saten Lewis is with us today is there you are Dianna George counselor for the musam nation Dr Steve hold cross outstanding alumni award recipient and of course our SFU alumni Legacy parents and families you're a good audience I think this is going to go well thank you for joining us today on the traditional unseated and continuously occupied territories of the Squamish slay musam and quium peoples I give that land acknowledgement to recognize the rights that indigenous peoples have to the land we are currently on and to recognize the obligations I have and the university has as a visitor on these lands every convocation here at Simon Fraser University starts with singing drumming and a traditional welcome the traditional songs you heard today are used to establish and signify the start of something important the start of ceremony so in the ways of our first nation's host the welcome acknowledgements and song solidify today's importance and its event as ceremony thank you to Elder Margaret and to each host nation for allowing us to conduct this ceremony and for welcoming us to their shared territories today on the shared territory in which this campus sits there are two indigenous languages that have historically been spoken haminim and squ Alish we're privileged to gather on what is now known in English as bernabe Mountain but which was first known aslon by the Squamish people which means where the Arbutus spk gets peeled in the spring on Salto is a slth place named for bernabe mountain for many years indigenous languages were outlawed by the government as part of an effort to assimilate indigenous peoples in Canada I speak these languages at important events like today's ceremony to contribute to their revitalization and to enhance our collective learning I also want to acknowledge that we gather today at a difficult time in the world we have all been anxiously watching world events and the news that follows I know that students and the SFU community care deeply about our world and we have different perspectives on global issues we expect to see some expression of P these perspectives during today's ceremony and in fact individual Expressions have often been a part of our convocation ceremonies this is what makes a healthy university community the ability to hold different perspectives and yet come together at important times like this together in celebration today is a special day for each of our graduates and for the friends and families who have gathered here in support of them if you wish to express your views during the ceremony I ask that you do so keeping this in mind well let me welcome everyone to convocation 2024 I think I learned today that you are the biggest convoca class of these convocation these spring convocation events 676 graduates here assembled in convocation mall today being chancelor is a fantastic job I get to represent the university and community and around the world but I have to say convocation is my favorite part it's hard not to feel optimistic hopeful about the future when I see all of the potential in the gradu here looking at up at me as we move through the ceremony today I want you to remember gradu that everything that you see around you from the decorations to the platform party to our robes and our funny hats to the chairs have all been assembled for one reason and that is to celebrate and recognize you and the work that you undertook to get here today's is the beginning of a new Journey for you as it was for me the first time I graduated I won't ask you to guess how long ago but at that time I remember feeling a bit anxious uh about the future my degree even though I pursued a career in business and finance was in history one of the most important things I learned in history is that human history is created by people that may sound obvious of course history is created by people but I think that sometimes we forget this that can mean an individual uh act by someone makes a decision changes the course of human history but frankly that's very rare most often all across the world across every culture we see that it takes takes groups of dedicated people working together over time to create positive change this is an uncertain time for the world as we all know there's many many significant challenges that we collectively face both at home and abroad but I want to remind you that nothing is inevitable the future is not just something that passively happens to us while we're busy going about our daily lives it's actually something that we create together history shows us this after these convocation ceremonies there will be more than 200,000 SFU alumni out in the world that's an inspiring number more than enough I think to make positive change so please enjoy today's convocation ceremony whether it's your first or maybe your second or third be truly present as a gift to yourself and your fellow graduat stay engaged dare I say stay to the end pay attention soak it all in this will be a moment that you'll reflect on for years to come I promise you that but as you leave I encourage you to think about the inclusive and sustainable future we want to to create and what your role can be in doing that together with others it will take many of the skills that got you to this place through your degree skills that you developed and honed here at Simon Fraser University it will take discipline commitment and courage to get there but I have every confidence that you can do it particularly if you do it together on behalf of everyone at Simon Fraser University faculty staff alumni all those gathered here today let me be the first to officially congratulate you the class of 2024 on your fine achievement I can't wait to see what you do next congratulations I now call upon the president of our University Dr Joy Johnson to share her words Dr Johnson thank you Madame Chancellor honored guests gradu it is a privilege to stand before you today on the traditional territories of our host Nations I want to say welcome I want to say welcome to the parents to the spouses to the grandparents to the aunts and uncles to the friends and loved ones who are celebrating with us today and of course the biggest welcome of all to our graduants whether you're joining us by live stream or here in convocation mall I really want to tell you you are incredible I know how many of you many of you graduating with your undergraduate degree might not have experienced your high school graduation or experienced it online and many of you started your University Journey at a time when classes were fully remote so I have to say it is so good so good to look out and see you today here in person you did it no matter how many convocations ceremonies I attend and I have been told that number is about 80 now this never gets get old and that's because I know convocation represents something more than just getting a piece of paper or crossing the stage it represents hard work late nights hours spent studying and procrastinating or both it represents the relationships that you've built the relationships with faculty and staff and with each other friendships that can last a lifetime and it also represents a commitment that I hope we've instilled in each of of you during your time here here to build a more inclusive and sustainable future for everyone one of our core priorities at SFU is to engage in global challenges when I think about this priority I think about how SFU brings people from diverse backgrounds and countries together with a multitude of lived experiences to learn from and work with each other I think about the incredible work our researchers are doing to fight climate change just yesterday the Times Higher Education announced that Simon Fraser University is ranked number one in Canada for their work on climate change and number three in the world and this is due in large part to the work of our faculty of Health Science and science so congratulations our researchers are addressing other Global challenges as well looking to strengthen democracies and to Pro improve health outcomes and of course I know our students are so much a part of that Journey last year I was lucky enough to travel to visit our partners the aacon university and thanks to our partnership with Aku SFU students are participating in field schools at field schools at the Arusha climate and Environmental Research Center it's an amazing center it's located on 4,000 Acres of ecologically important land in Tanzania during that trip I met students who are immersed in New Perspectives on sustainability learning from indigenous experience es of the Messi people and also partnering with researchers at Aku really together looking to advance Environmental Research it really inspired me to see SFU students making an impact in such a tangible way and of course you don't have to go all the way to Tanzania to see this happening SFU students are leaning into Global challenges across every faculty and discipline today we're celebrating students who've completed programs in the faculty of Health Sciences and the faculty of science during my time as a health scientist and researcher I saw firsthand how work in in the discipline intersected with global challenges including the fight for gender Equity as we continue to Grapple with the long-term effects of the pandemic the need to develop sustainable fuel sources and decarbonize our society the rise of scientific information and popular culture and so much more I know that you will use this skills you learned at SFU in service of building a more inclusive and sustainable future I want to especially recognize all of you who participated in the co-op program during your time at SFU Co-op is about gaining valuable work experience of course but it's also about working with our communities and supporting them I know that the faculty of Health Science and the faculty of science students have completed terms at environment and climate change Canada Fraser Health BC cancer agency and the Canadian statistical Sciences Institute and so much more you have done incredible work work that's made an impact in BC Canada and the world you inspire me you truly do and so very soon each of you will be officially admitted to your degrees you will cross the stage and move on to a new chapter of your life and you will have the opportunity as our Chancellor said to think about the future to think about how you can help create it and so as you do I want to remind you you once again that you have the skills you need you have a community of alumni faculty and staff to support you and from where I'm standing the future does look bright no matter where you go from here please please know that everyone on this stage every single person in the audience every faculty and staff member who helped you along the way is so very proud of you and always will be from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of everyone here at Simon Fraser University I want to say thank you and congratulations Madame Chancellor it's now my honor to invite Jody to who's graduating today with the Bachelor of Science and Health Sciences for her graduate address jod was awarded the undergraduate Scholars entrance scholarship with distinction discovered she discovered a passion for research early early on and in the Warren research group and Ford lab she collaborated collaborated with industry leaders to develop a novel tool for Imaging collagen her work is was recognized with anord from the biophysical Society of Canada jod tutor's peers teaches piano and has played on the provincial and National netball teams she plans to attend medical school this fall please join me in welcoming Jody good afternoon thank you for the introduction it is an honor to be here welcome to all faculty families friends and fellow graduates Today We Gather on the traditional territories of the musam SE tooth and Squamish Nations to celebrate a tremendous achievement University graduation to be honest I didn't know if I would be here today two months ago I was unsure of whether or not I should graduate I was thinking of taking more courses maybe doing a minor in computer science and even went as far as applying for a study abroad as a deadline to apply for graduation approached I needed to make a decision and fast Looking Back Now my dilemma stemmed from me being scared to face uncertainty the structure of school was familiar graduating meant leaving this security and being propelled into real life where so much is unknown I was holding on to this comfort blanket but in order to grow I needed to let it go every graduate here has made that first choice and for that bravery we should be proud of ourselves as we continue to figure out what's next one thing for certain is that we'll make make many more choices how will we know which choices are good and which ones are bad well we won't and we'll never know unless we try whether that means applying for the job or grad school or booking that flight we'll have to find the courage and take the leap sometimes it'll work out and that's awesome congratulations sometimes it won't and that's all right too we'll learn from the experience Shake It Off and try again or try something new no matter what you choose to do whether that means becoming a scientist a filmmaker an engineer or anything in between I know you have the tools to succeed because you are resilient graduation from University is so much more than taking tests and passing classes we have students here who are caregivers and students who have left their homes and traveled across countries to be here we also have students who work multiple jobs to support themselves and their families yet on top of everything each and every one of us continue to show up and advocate for our education that tenacity will carry us far also in our toolkits is our amazing support Network this includes our families who often believed in us more than we did ourselves instilling in us the confidence that we can do anything our good friends listened to our rants made us laugh and stood steadfast by our sides through all the ups and downs our mentors not only gave us advice but their character inspired us and showed us the kind of people we want to be so to all families friends and mentors we appreciate you there's a saying that I like if you can't beat fear just do it scared for me that was applying for graduation and also to medical school played with feelings of not being good enough I almost didn't even fry I'm very glad that I did because now I have the opportunity to pursue a career of my dreams often we are our biggest barriers but we can't let doubt guide our choices in the future let's face uncertainty head on we're capable resilient and have what it takes to do whatever we desire there are so many exciting things in store so be brave take action and the rest will follow thank you [Applause] thank you so much Jody for those inspiring words as part of convocation in addition to conferring degrees on our graduates the university also confers honorary degrees degrees are awarded to distinguished individuals in recognition of their scholarly scientific or artistic achievement or in recognition of exceptional contribution to the public good through professional or philanthropic activity their achievements celebrate our University's values and serve as an inspiration for all of us Simon Fraser University's honorary degree is the highest honor presented by the university to present the honorary degree candidate Elder Margaret Rose George I'm pleased to welcome Ron Johnson Ron is a member of the Squamish nation and is an alumnist he is the director for the office for Aboriginal peoples and as an Aboriginal educator he believes education is a transformative change agent that raises levels of awareness understanding and empowerment for Aboriginal people please join me in welcoming Ron to the podium [Applause] Madame Chancellor it is my honor to present Elder Margaret George the inaugural Elder and Residence at sfu's office for Aboriginal people and the indigenous Student Center and a community leader who has touched the hearts and lives of many at SFU Elder Margaret was born in scowell First Nations and raised in Ruby Creek by her grandparents she attended Indian Day School on her reserve and later graduated from the University of British Columbia with a degree in anthropology and English she has also earned academic achievements from langera college the Nia Valley Institute of tech technology and the Justice Institute of British Columbia Elder Margaret has a long history of community service she is founding is a founding member of the Native education College served on the board of Vancouver Aboriginal friendship Center society and as president of the circle of eagles Society she was a community in community service worker for over 20 years in the downtown east side helping to lift up and Empower indigenous people in one of the most marginalized SE segments and impoverished communities in the country in 20 excuse me in 2017 she was recognized with the Gertie Garen award Visionary award for her many years of service as an esteemed Elder at various educational institutions including Simon Fraser University nicolea Valley in Institute of Technology and the native education College yet many of us here today know her best for her impact at SFU on Elder Margaret's first day meeting President Emeritus Andrew pet she was asked to walk behind him as they entered the event and she refused she was asked to walk behind him entering the event and she told him quote if we if we're going to be working as a team we need to walk together so so they did during her 23 years of service at SFU Elder Margaret demonstrated what it looks like to walk the past toward reconciliation together she served on the sfu's Aboriginal reconciliation Council guided and mentored countless indigenous students and opened hundreds of SFU events in a good way her work has been foundational to sfu's Journey towards upholding Truth and Reconciliation in all we do Madam Chancellor Elder Margaret has spent her whole life in the service of community and she has given so much to us at SFU it is now time to give her something in return with great joy I ask that you now confer upon Elder Margaret George the degree of doctor of laws honorous cus excuse ready Margaret Rose George by by virtue of the authority vested in me and in the Senate of this University I hereby admit you with great pleasure to the degree of doctor of laws honorous Kaza congratulations Margaret Rose George will be hooded by Dr dilson rasier Provost and vice president academic Tom n University registar and executive director student enrollment [Applause] w you need a e it is now with pleasure that I call on Dr Margaret George to deliver the convocation address okay so you go wow what a day I never thought that I would be standing cure I've been in education for 54 years and my thanks go to the Squamish Nation who had the first Native program I was one of their students and I thank their Elders for encouraging me to get a better education my grandparents and parents never had an education they never knew what they were signing when they were given papers so it's really important now that we're moving up changing I'm the first one in my family to go beyond grade 12 it was a struggle it was difficult once you had an education on the reserve you were sort of isolated because the old people didn't know the English language didn't know what you were talking about when I started my upgrading with Squamish Nation I never knew where I was going I only knew that I liked writing and I liked research I ended up working in the downtown east side helping people helping people right helping people understand what it is to sign a release I rental paper how to fill out a form to get their pension it was very emotional and it still is very emotional today and I raise my hands to each and every one of the students here to bring the education to your community and to your young members in your community we're not ask asking for much we're only asking that we be friends we be friends in education and Friends within Community as if you has helped me a great deal in learning how to be a stronger leader and to understand the difficulties of native people and other nationalities going through the education system and it's really important to always say a prayer when someone says I want to do this and you just say great spirit guide them nothing big just small there was one lady at Squamish Nation at lunchtime she would always say it doesn't doesn't matter where you go just get a higher education and I'd walk with her as she was doing the janitorial work and she'd say Don't Be Afraid don't be afraid to ask questions I might not have an education but I have a want for a higher education and the elders at Squamish thank them please just thank them at the next ceremony for guiding me and the rest of the family within our communityamish nation must scre in to say with you are all looking forward to better education for our children our grandchildren and work with them as as we go each day on My Relations [Applause] thank you so much um Dr George um we so appreciate the many many ways that you have served your community and our community um and really left an indelible Mark um um it's really been wonderful um personally for me to be mentored by you so thank you very very much Dr George is now an alumni of SFU and our alumni are very very important to us uh we take pride in our alumni and that's what you are all about to become so I'm delighted to invite Claire Wilson who received a master of arts and gender sexuality and women studies in 2021 to formally welcome the graduat [Applause] thank you President Johnson good afternoon to sfu's newest alumni and congratulations on your success today you officially join sfu's growing alumni community and we're thrilled to have you with us like this great institution you are graduating from SFU alumni are having an amazing impact right here in BC and around the world our community has more than 200,000 alumni that live in more than 10050 countries we bring passion creativity and hard work to all that we do we're committed to making a difference and building a more inclusive and sustainable future that we want to see for ourselves and generations to come so many of you here today chose to study in the faculty of science or the buy of Health Sciences because you have a passion for helping others keep that Spirit of compassion and generosity with you in all that you do as you cross the stage today be proud of your accomplishments and everything it took that has taken everything it has taken for you to be in this moment as alumni you now serve as ambassadors for SFU in your communities As you move forward you will inspire current and future students to follow their dreams to strive for excellence and to fulfill their own purpose in the world please stay connected to SFU for opportunities to learn grow and Thrive through local National and international events career resources Library services and many other value added benefits we want to stay connected and have the chance to celebrate your successes following today's ceremony we invite you to visit the alumni tent in the AQ Gardens to pick up your SFU alumni graduation pin keep this pin as a symbol of your incredible achievement and connection to SFU we look forward to seeing you there congratulations again and welcome to sfu's outstanding community of alumni thank you so much Claire so now the members of the graduating class will be presented to the chancellor to be admitted on mass to their degrees and so graduates here's the question are you [Applause] [Music] ready not bad I think the chancellor thinks you could do better are you ready much better so um will you please rise if you are able gradu Madame Chancellor I present to you those Scholars who have fulfilled the statutory requirements laid down by the Senate of this University and request that you confer upon them the degrees for which they are now recommended thank you madam president and so it is now my honor to uh confir prer the degrees uh upon you this is the official part where you move from student to graduate I'm often asked at this time if at the end people can throw their caps in the air like they do in the movies and things like that but as you can tell you probably wouldn't get it back here and it it's not doesn't really lend itself to that so instead we're going to invite you to partake in a tradition that is as old as the Caps and Gowns uh that you wear and you may have noticed that as undergraduates as students your tassels hang on the right of your cup it is only after the degrees have been conferred that you are permitted to wear it on the left as I do so after I confer the degrees on you instead of throwing your caps in the air I invite you to move your tassels from right to left one last test for you to go through here right right to left in celebration of your significant achievement are you ready y by virtue of the authority vested in me and in the Senate of this University I hereby admit you class of 2024 to your various and several degrees congratulations please be seated the members of the graduating class here in convocation Mall will now be presented individually to the chancellor but first a few requests for those of you who are with us today family and friends we welcome you to applaud cheer and share the joy that you have for your graduate as they cross the stage but as a courtesy to others we ask that you remain seated until the conclusion of the ceremony today is a day for celebration graduates after you have crossed the states I invite our doctoral graduates to join our colleagues on the platform and to all other honored graduates and this is very important out of respect for your peers please return and remain in your seat at until the end of the ceremony now I get it it's a long ceremony but I all all want all of you to think about those individuals at that back row over there whose last name begin with a y or a zed and I want us to give them the same care and attention that we give the people whose names start with a so if uh for all of you if you can remain seated and return to your seats it really makes the celebration that much more special so now the moment we've all been waiting for the degrees in the faculty of science and health sciences will now be presented [Applause] Madame Chancellor the graduates of the degree of doctor of philosophy in the faculty of science will now be presented Dr Amy [Applause] sier Dr Amy is a recipient of the dean of Graduate Studies convocation medal for academic Excellence Amy joined Amy earned a joint PhD from SFU and National Taiwan University where she undertook award-winning research in paleoclimate reconstruction using proxies from geologic records she demonstrated new methodologies for evaluating how climate signals are preserved in geologic records and how sediment and carbon are dispersed in oceans she looks forward to conducting post-doctoral research at the University of Lozan Dr Emmanuel balugan supervised by Dr Steven [Music] hoft Dr Kate frasa supervised by Dr Steven [Applause] hoft Dr antonina kala orano supervised by Dr Glenn Williams Jones Dr venicius kavach cavoli azto supervised by Dr Christopher Kennedy [Applause] [Applause] Dr Christina Johnston supervised by Dr Christopher Kennedy Dr Michelle Chan supervised by doctors William Davidson and Benjamin [Applause] coup Dr Brenda Davidson supervised by Dr William archal Dr Adam deu supervised by Dr Stephanie Simmons Dr nroa eping Dona supervised by doors jeno Graham and Timothy Schwarz Dr pindu ratan supervised by Dr William mcne Dr Daisy U supervised by Dr William MC [Applause] Dr Cheryl Hudson supervised by Dr James McAn Dr CI ho supervised by Dr Sharon [Applause] Gorski Dr aula jinadu supervised by Dr Michael monigan [Applause] Dr Matthew Martin supervised by Dr krenov stoa starosta Dr Patrick Marhofer supervised by Dr James donellan Dr Ali MTAR jazzi supervised by Dr Malcolm kennet [Applause] Dr pman Niki supervised by doors jeno Graham and Richard lockart [Applause] Dr William Ruth supervised by Dr Richard lockart Dr Alexi Pauls supervisor by Dr Brian Gates [Applause] Dr snea Raleigh supervised by Dr Angela Brooks Wilson [Applause] Dr aim renyard supervised by Dr Gard [Music] grees Dr Joselyn Ross lindman supervised by Dr Diana Allen Dr Eric Young supervised by dren Gwen flowers [Applause] Dr Kyle Simpson supervised by Dr Thomas Clayton Dr ravichandra venara supervised by Dr Thomas clayon [Applause] Dr Cat tasim supervised by Dr Jim Matson and Dr Nicole Thomas supervised by Dr Ryan Moren [Applause] [Applause] Madame Chancellor the graduates of master's degrees in the faculty of Health Sciences will now be presented hanen amhas Suma anumolu Pera Arisa [Applause] vontes Maya AUM Cassie Beck lizza bonasia NAIT BR Natalie Chow Rebecca nensi Brian Frederick Ellis Lego Justin Michael Fernandez jman Gil navit [Music] Gil Harmon core greywall Sila Hansen Nicole Hinman anupama hiari alua toin is Isel KET Nicolas CIO Justine lowers Jessica lever emish Leta rho moo mlo Katherine McKenzie Mana mohamadi Miriam Mirad Nicholas NAU Kaa pallet Mia Shihan Liam Slade iser tanha Kenneth Jang Stephanie Cooper khabib [Applause] laal Madame Chancellor the graduates of master's degrees in the faculty of science will now be presented Isabella boria a new hurah Jeffrey lamb Andrew Miley Caitlyn Stenner Claire Gooding safe Ali nayani Ma abedi Cay Akerson n aali gurashish bua Alexander bonka inang Evan Chen J Benjamin cin Miranda Dennis Cena fakan s farzan jillena Anthony Jang Emma green Amy sier dixa jti janani Joshua kanaga nagam niil kapor Jacob keer Kimberly Coach huk hwan Lee wayi Sharon Lawson Tong way Lin shemma Malon Mesa Mina moeni Sarai monz Munos Alexander not sorry Paras poel kulan [Music] kesi Shirin riahi jinin Shan parsa Saji Naran takai Kang vong Reena Wang Parisa [Applause] yusfi Madame Chancellor the graduates of bachelor's degrees in the faculty of Health Sciences will now be presented Jody toao jod is the recipient of the dean convocation medal for academic Excellence at SFU jod was a member of the waran research group and a research assistant in the Ford lab where she collaborated with industry leaders to develop a novel tool for Imaging collagen her work has been presented at local and national conferences and has received several Awards including the biophysical Society of Canada she is excited to attend medical school this fall [Applause] Sarah [Music] Abdullah namari Ali Salma Ain Leah Baines Stephanie Joy baren Gabriella Bellini kalissa Beltran gari briu Ira buo Maya Shaheen Sarah Chow Mark Anthony Chang Jarrett Chong Ireland Clark Nora Riley Condon K de dilbit core danoa martinaa Rachel Goodman rjet gundara Selma hovic Liv Hansen Elana hus Lena ho Naomi Hofer Mary hang Abdullahi in mahad in NAD neat Kelsey Janda Alexandra yovich Tanisha Jal Noah katsuno gpit core navit core navjot [Music] core Owen Kennedy McBride Madison Kio Don [Music] Kim Malcolm Co Ria clar yinying Lam Jen Leo Heather loano Elvin ma Sarah Jane ma Arman Singh Mahal akifa Malik Gloria Mayfield Isabelle Mendoza far Maran Manan M Chun Yin Michaela Novak Chloe okonta Kupa Patel David Penny Jean Olivier pit Harvin Road Samantha Ross swapit Singh sanotra AIT Saran Mariam SED jamaludin Jessica Sherwood Hala sablani Dej Singh Christian steings Christ Chris brillan Stewart Tron Khan Ling vo Alyssa West Claire Wilson Hanah Wu Cindy Yang kyong sik Yun Fatin Abdul Jalil soan ahed ahed NAD bisma Ali georan anaka tipa Atwal samin aaz [Music] claraa Beck priia Baines rabina Bain priia bansal musan bangu arjin barov Pro Bal Sheila bbec Harlen bisla Nicole bizovi Bianca Lisa santola Rashi [Music] chat Sarah ch Charmaine Chan Matthew Chang Haren Chima Yim Jong J huk Choy Sally Saun Chong Lee yandai Michelle D Johanna dezman Zer derza aene Cami Alicia didwell Britany Maria doero Jack Donaldson bario Sloan dery Natasha Edmonson Raymond Ang reenie English tarat [Music] andan Jason mango y arel Luis asera Chicago Fido tarim Fatima marrison Rose fipe Aran fuky nilar kosi Ryan Gilbert Samar Gil Ashley gelmore Robin Arley Aguilar Gonzalez Cyrus Goodwin Nova Grant sanid Gupta ruia hanif Zoya Haw Jenny hoe Katherine h mus jamu dianu Jindal Jared Jinx manm johal Ashley jukic Christina karova hanin kadura Rajan Kalia yasawi Kish Kush Chaplan Cara Zar Kum Huma bu Kaja ibraim khud leel harami sonho Kim Janelle [Music] kiski harat cor L Miranda lamb Brianna Larsson Jennifer Lee unyong Lim J sing Ling Rosanne [Music] Losa Andrew lunan Karen louu Holly palak Madan Amiri malare Brendan man meline meech ABI Manu minhas Dennis Khan Mushu Rand Nat Lisa N Melinda n car Julia Nick May [Music] OB Philip aot oswi Jay Patel Hong an Raza Muhammad naudin P Claudia perol abah rajandran Alise Ridley Jasmine Saul bavet Sandu tanir Sandu anaika s bavan s David Sher Amanda Scott Ashna Siti shifka Shafi manav shill harir sadu Imran Singh kunir Singh simran sing nimrit San far Angelina takachi takaichi L Yan Fiona Tang Kimia tavakoli sarin T tesi sarin hilu tesi Ronaldo Jonas Tomas Olivia Tomlinson Desiree Turnbull Tina van [Music] Ian Emanuel Victoria Julia Wang T Wong Kira Alana Ingram wild Sandra Wong Amanda ye m young Esra yis Chana Yip Sophie zapala Jasmine Zera noran zeri Jang IM and kinza [Applause] Zar Madam ch Cher the graduates of bachelor's degrees in the faculty of science will now be presented Grayson Rodney Davis Grayson Rodney Davis is the recipient of the dean's convocation medal for academic Excellence Grayson aspired to share his love for mathematics with others during his time at SFU he served four semesters as a cal connect peer mentor for the first year calculus students in introducing a new math and physics students to SFU as a hive welcome leader and was awarded two NC undergraduate student research Awards Grayson will attend New York University this fall to begin a PhD in [Applause] mathematics maharia a humam Abu [Music] jamus Imran Ahmed Dina [Applause] Ahmed Abdullah Akbar budur abasha Romina alame leonarda Alvarez Alysa Anderson Naomi Aragon Suarez aan Diller Singh Atwal Sadia ATK tasim hak aad Sophia Azo Isaac alilo bisa arjin Baines gurat bin simron Baja harre bamra juliia IO Bano Simon Basi Jaylen [Music] bath Maya Becker isan Betty Rachel boso kiden brhanu Robert burkowski bethl Brooke jet buler Marine Bishoff Jordan Bishoff allora Rose Bond Amil banani Daniel butcher tand BR Callum Brown Grace budson NN Hong bu cor bua Jordan Burgess SE Bon Patrick Gabriel Cacho Sabine Campo Alain t h Emily Lynn [Music] Castle Bill Chan Cameron Chan Dion Chan Matthew Chan Osman Chan fanda putri Chandra Elsa Chen anen Chen Andrew Chong Clarence Chong Matthew Chung Tiffany Cho Matthew Choy poit Chow Alita tin Wing Chu man Vivian Cho C Shirley Chong Daria kurlin Austin kotnik Anna Cruz Carlos kuas India deel relle de amilio Maya dahur [Music] Madison Dano Megan dzana sukman Das Sophie Davida Marina derer Dave Joe doell hariman danoa Jasmine Dylan M huget Dylan rajvir Dylan Tyler Dylan hekai ding nabila doctor jasen Dodd Hannah Donaldson Georgia Donaldson bario Anthony dong gab Singh dange Jasmine dange Christopher Douglas Kieran Duffy Jessica dange Ashna duta wad Muhammad Alat atum zali Escobar Roso Bruce Eugene Trinity Evans Kevin fabc gar faruki Abby Rebecca Fenelon fenan Alexander Forshaw Tara frata shun Gan G Megan Gardner [Music] hun Arian H ham zi nav Gill Milan Gerard jayen Gorman Marissa Gore Rachel Gowan himanish goyel Alexandra [Music] Greg K Kai W Katie hongju Mariam Hakimi McKenzie Hami Caitlyn Harding Chris harup Darby and Heenan oh wait Darby M Heenan sorry howan and then Kaylee Henry AA her Muran Hannah hden Jackson Hill dong Ming Ho Nicholas hoe Randy hoe William hoe Matthew Hobson Jayden hullman ganlin Juan Tracy hang kalista Eaton Nia oh sorry Jordan Jacobs Nia Jen jcar Ananda Indira jazen Terry Jong deir jida Brit Paul Singh johal Katherine Jones Burke jjx Christopher kawaji Cameron K sukman deep Singh Clair Megan Abigail k Braden Connor masayuki Kanai Kalin kanay jur kanir kand [Music] G bavana Kosik Lauren kak [Music] McKenna cor Abigail wetan Cana [Music] kandan Daniel Kim Kaye Kim nerice Kirkwood Jeremy Klein courney noler Simon coacher Olga KET Tyson condo Ashley Manisha Kumar Petra Kun Amy qu Rachel lefrance M Li C Ching Li Audrey Lao Crystal Lao kit Ming Karen Lao Walda La TIffany Lee Benjamin leham Brena Lee kumam song Lee Alexandra leor Andrew Lee arre car litter James Liggins Jing Ru Lim Thomas Lynn jishu Lyn Luke [Music] lenbach chloee Lindsay Louisa Tavarez Leah Le we Le one how Leo Kennedy loen Henry Louie junier Lou Elena Lucas Mata Lucas abinav maganti Christopher ma Kingsley ma Jovin mahil Jessica massof Victoria Maria [Music] malanov Harnet Molly barab man Michaela marcelis Roblin mikelin Matthew Bethany McCarthy Dylan McCarthy Tagan and McFarland Kyle K mcginness kashish MAA Cassandra merkins Nia Sophia kissell Mills Nicole mil Jasmin minala muham Muhammad Arian monfared gorit Moro Cecilia Mirad Danny Mich Reena moani James Mundy Adel negam Brogan newfeld huan Jennifer in chiong in Hannah in Wing in in t n Electra nin Leo ni jacn nickel Jana nikolich samin NRI ho Kelly urri Oak Rio okamura Yuka Oki Numa CI okara Angela omrani Alan ainaa Martin Martinez Wesley pagunsan Steven pangestu Brian panon kierin joot parar Jan Park Mii Park Sant Patel Michael paard Laura paus Carter Perry Maya Caitlyn [Music] Pon marito Peri Charlotte penard Denise [Applause] picaron Peter polstra Jenna Prost pra borba Romina rahmani Alicia AR Ram Nova Cara Ramos anhad [Music] [Applause] radada Amy Elizabeth Rawlings [Music] lovein ready luchu Scott renegado Sarah rerto sahib Gavin [Music] rice Kira [Music] riger Ed [Applause] raldi par sagafi ronak salamat ravandi Bal sagani Vanessa Livia salano Jak canut Sandi balar Sandu manes cor Sandu Sav cor Sandu Navin s tender s Jenna sangera Lauren sori Adrien Shimmer Rachel Schulz Megan Scott Jaden second Elina celis FIA San J Catherine so Venita shakamuri sakshi Sharma Emily shanesy Muhammad shahada Rose Sheik bahawi Lucas Shin Brendan [Music] sham Shia smog meline Smith Mii Michelle song ISU sbva Eliza Sparks Paul [Music] specken Caitlyn spru Jason shubar [Music] Annette Stockman McKenzie Stern Jovan Olivier SoDo Nadin Salan Jim ven Sunder Rajan lenel Sur bua [Music] Tahari Sarah [Music] Tam Rachel Gail tan sometta Tandon Caleb ten Jason H TI jaraj tuana Natalie [Music] tosheva Christy Tong Leonardo tesus doang Chan Alan Turner Carson [Applause] Turner ingred vodka Deana valani Braden van [Applause] Goram Daniel Vas nimrit VI Christopher vinnick Natasha vek Christina Vu Stefan vukovich Liam waly Christina [Music] Walker Pline Jan wardo Jessica wski netet walayat Jordan Wong Sam [Music] Wong Sarah Wong Matthew Wood Mark Shu Vera Yang tun ya Sala yakub Samuel Yun Yun taii yoshioka Christine Yu Stephanie zabc J eding M Jova jov Timothy zentel [Applause] so we have a little bit more work to do together so I'd encourage everyone to take their seats the Gordon M shran gold medal is awarded each year to an outstanding student in any faculty who has completed the requirements for bachelor's degree during the preceding summer fall or spring semester the award is presented to the student who's maintained a High Scholastic standing during not fewer than six semesters at SFU and who by example has shown outstanding qualities of character unselfish Devotion to Simon Fraser University the medal is named after our founding Chancellor Dr Gordon M shum under whose leadership the University was built and who remained vigorously in invested in its welfare Sarah Chay is the recipient of this award and I ask her to join me on [Music] [Applause] stage the chancellor at SFU Sarah helped amplify the voices of equity deserving communities as a health peer educator and leader of the student health advisory committee she advocated for Equitable campus health services and designed health promotion campaigns she also developed a case-based learning curriculum on planetary health for medical education and collaborated with the BC cancer to defend an honors thesis on access to telea health for cancer patients on behalf of Simon Fraser University we congratulate Sarah on Her outstanding achievements and I invite the chancellor vuman to present the Gordon amran gold medal which he has done thank you very much what incredible achievements Madame Chancellor I'd now like to recognize the following graduates who have received prestigious medals this year but are unable to present today the governor General's gold medalist Dr Nicola malberry and Dean of Graduate Studies convocation meal medalist Dr Steven blabber and Dr Stephanie Mado on behalf of SFU we congratulate them on their outstanding achievements and now I just want to say this side did a little bit more on returning to their seats than this side but you know so I'm going to ask the graduates who are still with us to please rise I'm so honored that you're still here today uh and I want to congratulate each and every one of you the completion of a degree is an impressive achievement and I want to encourage your friends your family to communicate their hearty congratulations to you by whatever means and for those of you online and in the mall and on the platform please join me and applauding the June 2024 graduates and now I invite members of the graduating class to reciprocate by applauding your family friends faculty and staff and all of those who have helped you reach this goal wonderful you may be seated friends this completes the formal awarding of degrees some graduates recommended by senate for degrees today are unable to be present here in convocation mall and therefore their names have not been read out I now admit them to their appropriate degrees as shown in the program please join me in congratulating them in absentia before we depart I have a few thank yous to extend first of all to all of the many volunteers staff students faculty who gave their time to make sure that this was a special day that uh Was A ranik Clockwork pretty much I would say and so please join me in thanking uh all of the volunteers who made this event so special for each of you today honored graduates families and friends you're now invited to attend your faculty celebration reception event details can be found by scanning the QR code of course uh and it'll give you the directions to the appropriate department and faculty reception it is a glorious afternoon we invite you to continue the celebration this brings to a close the formal part of this afternoon's convocation please rise if you are able and remain standing in your places while the platform party recesses let me again extend my thanks to all of you for joining us here today convocation 2024 and of course a hearty congratulations to all the graduates who we celebrated with today congratulations all the best in the future I bid you all good afternoon [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] for
Channel: Simon Fraser University
Views: 1,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: SFU, Simon Fraser University, Canada, BC, university
Id: RHceXrHZ_4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 10sec (10210 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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