Spring 2021 Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony

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[Music] um [Music] foreign [Music] our platform guest should be following dr clark as he walked past the scoreboard all platform guests should be following dr clark commencement will start in 10 minutes [Music] commencement will be started shortly we ask that all persons please move to your designated location and prepare for the commencement exercise for spring 2021 on behalf of president glenda glover and administration faculty and staff we're delighted that you decided to join us congratulations to the graduates of [Music] 2021 [Music] foreign [Music] food [Music] foreign [Music] do all designated persons should be in your respective location commencement is about to begin [Music] so yes here we go [Music] ladies and gentlemen dr michael harris interim provost and vice president for academic affairs the 2021 spring commission exercise will start now good morning thank you dr johnson ladies and gentlemen welcome to the tennessee state university annual spring 2021 commencement ceremony we're delighted to have you here we welcome you with open arms and we hope you enjoy and have a wonderful morning with us here today our presiding officer over the ceremony is our president dr glenda baskin-glover we begin now the academic professional this opens up our 2021 commencement ceremony we request the audience to remain seated during the entire academic procession do as you see the academic procession is proceeding towards the stage the university wins this sample directed by dr mcdonald is playing amazing music [Music] now entering are the danes who are and the president's cabinet who will take their place on the stage right followed by the faculty this is the faculty banner [Music] the faculty have turned in one direction president's cabinet and deans are on the platform [Music] now we will have the colleges the graduates starting to enter through the procession each college will be led by a marshal the marshall is a student with the highest grade point average in the college [Music] please join me in welcoming the students [Music] [Music] the colleges are entering by alphabetical order so you can try to identify your loved [Music] ones [Music] so [Music] first of course is the college of agriculture first banner towards the [Music] platform the college of education the college of agriculture is just here the banner is coming towards the platform followed by the college of business and the college of education it's fine to cheer on the graduates on my left side the banner of the college of business on my right side approaching the platform the college of business and here are the banners by the marshals coming towards the platform for the highest gpa next the banner that is in the middle of the path is the college of education [Music] college of education banner is in front of the platform followed by the college of engineering please welcome them [Music] so [Music] so [Music] right behind the college of engineering is the college of health sciences please welcome them [Music] now the banner of the college of engineering is for coming forward towards the platform and health sciences right behind [Music] once again let's hear it for the college of health sciences [Music] so [Music] do [Music] as the students of health sciences are being seated you can see the following banner that is join me in welcoming the college of life and physical sciences [Music] [Music] i ask all in attendance please be reminded of face masks that are required the president and the university went to great effort to have this event and one of the regulation is we ask you to have your face masks on please torturing the platform is the college of liberal arts please welcome the banner college of liberal arts [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] let's once again welcome the college of liberal arts in the college of life and physical sciences final college to enter is the college of public service please welcome them [Music] so in the background you can see the flag of the different countries of our graduating students let's give a warm welcome to all of the students from around the world that enter that graduated tennessee state university [Music] and here is the banner of the college of public service coming towards the platform carried by the students with the highest gpa [Music] welcome [Music] so [Music] ladies and gentlemen students faculty staff dear guests please join me as you can see the next banner is the banner of the president tennessee state university's eighth president dr glendon oscar glover is coming towards the platform she is accompanied with our guest speaker mr mark mariel let's applaud and welcome both of them [Music] the banner of the president accompanied by mr morale is carried by our chief marshal dr miller [Music] please join me one more time in welcoming the president and our speaker [Music] the beautiful morning we continue with our ceremony [Music] thank you very much next we are going to have posting of the colors by the tennessee state university air force rotc the tiger battalion that will be followed and at that point i will ask although each and every one of you please to stand as the tennessee state university wind assemble performs the star and bengal banner followed by lift every voice and sing directed by dr mcdonald i ask that you remain standing during these performances presentation of colors please just a reminder that you are required to wear your face mask please put your face mask on immediately please this is a requirement by cda by cdc standards [Music] um [Music] from [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] next the wind assemble will be playing for us lift every voice and sing [Music] so please join me in thanking the university wind assemble led by dr reginald mcdonald what an amazing performance pleased one more time please be seated this is the day the lord has made we have chosen to rejoice and be glad in it this is commencement day at tennessee state university good morning class of 2021 [Applause] good morning family friends and the tsu tiger family welcome to the spring 2021 commencement ceremony at tennessee state university on behalf of the faculty and the students and the staff at tennessee state university it is my distinct honor and privilege to extend heartfelt congratulations i applaud you for reaching this extraordinary milestone some of you finished in three years some of you are a bit more comprehensive and it took a little longer it doesn't matter how long it took whether it was six semesters or six years you are here today among those who are graduating because the race has never been given to the swift neither is it given to the strong but to him but to her who endure to the end we honor your sacrifices because you have endured you've overcome obstacles you have multiplied your talents you have increased your resources you have prayed and you have stayed you are anointed and you are equipped you have boldly soared to heights you have never experienced today is the only stepping stone and we should honor this moment as we move into our new lives lives where we serve others you've sacrificed time with your families you've worked long hours you've lost sleep you've postponed vacations you've even neglected some of you have neglected friends and for this honor so today we salute you today we honor you for having reached this significant moment for tomorrow you step into the advanced tsu world as as a new servant a servant leader that you have been trained to be that you've been called to be and today we pray you will go forth and become one of the plans i have for you declares the lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future that future is now that hope is now so may the neighbors respect you trouble neglect you the angels protect you and the world expect you now at this time i'd like for all the graduates to stand and applaud the family and friends who were instrumental in assisting you with your quest for academic excellence and for being a part of this major accomplishment in your life thank you you may be seated we're going to now call on dean stevenson and reverend frank stevens and do our invocation will you pause with me in prayer god we pause to say thank you for your grace your love your kindness thank you god for this day you're so amazing lord even though this has been a different year we thank you that you've never changed thank you god for our student leaders who did amazing thank you god for dominique davidson thank you for mariah rose and natan smith god thank you for tori sims thank you for our student leaders who are instrumental in making tennessee state university great even in the midst of a pandemic now lord we want to thank you that we made it through one more zoom class god we thank you that even though times were hard and barely made it through the exit exam and finally got that final in we thank you that we're here today you've been kind to us and we love you we praise you and it's your name we pray amen thank you dean stevenson we will now have a musical selection by the university of wind ensemble under the direction of dr reginald mcdonald uh [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] so [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] we can do better than that let's show the students our appreciation thank you dr mcdonald in the wind ensemble good morning at this time we'd like to recognize all of our special guests and that will be all of you however we would like to identify a few extra special guests with members of the tennessee state university retirement club please stand if you retired from the university please stand elected officials would you please stand family and friends of our speaker for today would you please stand all of you are a big part of the tennessee state university family and we're grateful for your continued support thank you so much for your presence and have a great day and now we will move on to introduce our guest speaker for that it is my distinguished honor and pleasure to present miss morgan cage ms cage will introduce our speaker she is among those graduating with the highest academic honor and is one of the recipients of the spring 2021 university academic excellence please welcome miss gage mr mark morial who has been described as one of the few national leaders to possess street smarts and board room savvy is the current president and ceo of the national urban league the nation's largest historic civil rights and urban advocacy organization morial has been widely recognized as one of the most effective and accomplished servant leaders in the nation as well as one of america's leading voices on civil rights social justice and economic opportunity as president and ceo of the national urban league since 2003 he has been the primary catalyst for an era of change a transformation for the 108 year old civil rights organization his energetic and skilled leadership has expanded the league's network around an empowerment agenda which is redefining civil rights in the 21st century with a renewed emphasis on closing the persistent economic gaps that divide americans he has secured the bbb nonprofit certification which has established the nuo as a leading national non-profit and the coveted four-star rating from charity navigator which has placed the nul in the top 10 percent of all u.s charities for adhering to good governance and other best practices as well as executing its mission in a fiscally responsible way under his stewardship the league launched a historic 100 million dollar five-year jobs rebuild america educate employ and power initiative in 2013 a solutions based comprehensive approach to the nation's employment and education crisis that brings together federal government business and non-profit resources to create economic opportunity in 50 cities across the country through the urban league affiliate network his creativity has led to initiatives such as the urban youth empowerment program to assist young adults in securing sustainable jobs and entrepreneurship centers in 10 cities to help the growth of small businesses also morial helped create the urban empowerment fund which led to urban impact businesses and helped create the league's new market tax creates ages which has resulted in one billion dollars in community investments via urban impact businesses including minority business through both debt and equity investments as mayor of new orleans morial was a popular chief executive with a broad multi-racial coalition who led new orleans's 1990 renaissance and left with a 70 percent approval rating a graduate of the university of pennsylvania with a degree in economics and african american studies he also holds a law degree from the georgetown law center in washington d.c as well as numerous honorary degrees including xavier university and howard university please welcome mr mark morial good morning let me take this opportunity and ask you to give your classmate morgan cage a round of applause thank you morgan to dr glenda glover the esteemed distinguished and talented president of this university to the members of the board of trustees to the provost and members of the faculty to the staff of this great university to all of the parents and grandparents and aunts and uncles and family members who are here but especially to each and every one of you members of the class of 2021 i say greetings good morning and congratulations now dr glover began and it bears worth repeating this is the day the lord has made and let us be glad and rejoice in it rejoice this day class of 2021 you are here you have made it i need to hear you i need to hear you i need to hear you i need to hear you now i promise that i'm going to be a brief brother and then a seated brother but it is at this moment before i share with you some thoughts that i want to take each of you back in history because history always what teaches valuable lessons for the future in 1912 this university was born it was born in the crucible of the age of segregation it was born at a time when our forefathers and four mothers were escaping from the throes of the ku klux klan they were escaping from the pandemic of lynching which was sweeping the south if they lived in the 1870s 1880s and 1890s they may have had a chance to vote a chance to hold public office a chance to own property and then in the late 1890s the supreme court came along and made segregation legal in this nation for the sons and daughters of enslaved ancestors that represented a great return betrayal but in that crucible 1912 no facebook no twitter no snapchat no instagram no airplane no bentley no honda no cell phone no popeyes chicken sandwich no paved sidewalks no roads to walk on this university tennessee state university was born and in those times just imagine the courage it took the determination it took for them to aspire as the sons and daughters grandsons and granddaughters of our enslaved ancestors that they would get a college education you can't imagine i can't imagine we can't imagine the challenges and difficulties of those days and that entire generation faced with this betrayal they didn't cower they didn't become fearful they didn't quit and they didn't stop they created great historically black colleges and universities they created the naacp and the organization i'm proud to lead the national urban league and they created the alphas the kappas the omegas the akas the deltas zeta 5 beta and all the rest they created organizations of black doctors and nurses and lawyers and they were determined to strive against those difficult times what does that have to do with today well in 2020 the year just ended our lives were upended by an invisible virus an enemy we couldn't see we couldn't touch but it could see us it could touch us it could infect us and it did kill us and our lives were upended by nine minutes and 29 seconds with the knee on the neck of our brother now martyr george floyd in minneapolis nine minutes and 29 seconds that will live in history and in infamy as it struck it ignited and it lit a new flame of activism a new flame of directed anger a new flame which said that as far as we may have come we will not and cannot stand our brothers and sisters being killed on the streets of any major american city and we witnessed just a few weeks ago i had the privilege and opportunity to travel to minneapolis and stand in a ballroom with the family and extended family of george floyd like you despite the fact that we saw that tape created by that courageous young girl now young woman we saw that courageous tape we saw all that evidence we still in that ballroom wondered if justice would be denied yet once again yet at that moment and in that moment in that moment for once in that moment justice was served and accountability was initiated as derek chovan was found guilty on all three counts by a courageous jury in minneapolis minnesota [Applause] now there's a question your generation in this class like no other class has withstood classes on zooms loss of jobs wearing of mass family members and friends may be fighting on ventilators for their lives your class has overcome this invisible virus and the challenge of those nine minutes and 29 seconds but there's a simple question what will you do as intelligent brilliant beautiful 2021 graduates will you celebrate and become spectators will you become observers or watchers or will you or will you sees the time and sees the moment so let me share with you what i want to ask you class of 2021 to commit to nine minutes and 29 seconds each day one hour per week four hours per month 36 hours in a year will you commit to be a new soldier a new warrior a new activist in this new fight for social justice and civil rights in this country will you stand up and spend nine minutes and 29 seconds each day you can spend it on facebook you can spend it on twitter but will that message be about passing the george floyd justice and policing act in the congress of the united states will it be saying to states like georgia we will not stand silent while you suppress our votes will it be that you reach back back here to tennessee state university back to your high school and inspire one other young person and serve as a role model and as a guide for them will you spend 9 minutes and 29 seconds protecting democracy or building a nation without racism and poverty and division can you commit to nine minutes in 29 seconds you walk from tennessee state as teachers as engineers as agricultural experts as people moving into the health industry you walk from this university on the shoulders of those of 1912. you walk from this university as one of only some folks who get an opportunity to earn a college degree you walk from this university with your brain prepared your brain is trained and i want you to walk from this university with your heart tuned tuned to be a person who will be active in the work and the fight that we have ahead tennessee state university god has given us a memorable beautiful day all of your parents and grandparents are here they're here to say we love you and we support you they're here and i know you've sacrificed but no one has sacrificed as they've sacrificed they've given up they've strived and at times they have put up with you too but what they've done is they have said i want you to stand on my shoulders and live a life better than the life that i have had a chance to live and now class of 2021 it's your turn it is your turn to say the same thing will you commit nine minutes and 29 seconds each day to make a difference will you commit nine minutes and 29 seconds because that's the time that george floyd suffered needlessly and lost his life will you commit class of 2021 will you commit will you commit i don't hear you class of 2021 will you commit so i end today i end today by saying that we all stand on the shoulders of others but i am today saying that as you leave tennessee state university your shoulders are strong your brain is trained let your heart be tuned to make a difference in your life in the lives of others tennessee state congratulations may your work go on may this cause endure may our dreams continue to live god bless you god bless you god bless you [Applause] thank you president mario well um i feel like those the two disciples remember when they had had an encounter with the savior and didn't know who he was and they said did not our hearts burn within as he talked to us thank you again what a celebration we've had with our speakers for our students this is the first time we've had a husband and wife for couple as our speakers for commencement so this is not just any any ordinary couple this is a power couple michelle miller moriel if you don't know many of you have watched her she is a weekend news anchor for cbs in new york and she is powerful dynamite has invited me to be on her show mr mark maria president and ceo of the national urban league what a tremendous organization so much for so many so we're just indeed honored to have this power couple with us today her message was so inspiring last night to the graduate school yesterday evening and now you just heard president maria speaking to the undergraduates and all of us here so let's join us in another round of applause for both of them [Applause] president maria will you join me back up here for a moment thank you thank you for that thought provoking message it was it was simply absolutely excellent so we thank you for inspiring our students inspiring the faculty the staff and the alumni and family and friends thank you so much please accept this plaque as a token of our appreciation to you today thank you back up to all three of us together with the flags give us fix get a picture thank you thank you next we will have our student academic excellence award president glover it is an honor for me to present the recipients of the university's academic excellence award which is presented to the students who are graduating with the highest honors summa laude hold the highest grade point average among their peers the spring 2021 recipients are and join me in welcoming them please come forward miss morgan cage college of business management [Applause] miss jade stills college of business finance please come forward miss rima taylor college of business finance miss valsia colvin college of education psychology here she comes mr bryce reed college of health sciences public health miss taylor woodward college of liberal arts political science mr colin ruth college of liberal arts political science miss maria rhodes college of liberal arts political science and last but not least miss sarah gaber college of life and physical sciences biochemistry have all the recipients join us here please also graduating today our students from the universities honors college they are distinguished by the college's honor court president glover i present to you thank you provost harris what is this is the first time in our recent history that we have nine students who are graduating with a 4.0 gpa meet them let's applaud them [Applause] so due to your extraordinary performance graduating with the highest honors summa laude and with the highest grade point averages within your graduating class it is indeed an honor for me to present you with the university student academic excellence award congratulations and best wishes as you continue your career and educational aspirations ladies and gentlemen give them another round of applause as i as i give all of them their pen of honor right all right [Music] uh hello hey congratulations again can we get a picture please [Music] please a round of applause for all the recipients and our presidents so i hope you all saw that sororities were represented well dr sigma theta thank you who says you can't be in a sorority and do serve and and do well in your class congratulations again also it is my esteemed pleasure to acknowledge and pay tribute to the students who have graduated from the university of honors program in addition to students who are graduating academic honors first university hours program would you stand please if you're graduating in the university of honors program i'll give you a round of applause please [Applause] stand this is our honors college that we established uh just a few years ago that made it a college level so we thank you so much for your hard work what you've done for your four years here you may be seated and now those who graduated academic honors let me start first with those who were graduating lauder 325-349 would you stand i want you to be joined by those who are graduating magna kumar which is three five zero three seven four where you stand [Applause] and the summa laude who have grant who graduated 375 to 4.0 will you stand and raise your hands also so you can stand out amen thank you so much the universe now all honest students please stay if you have a 3.0 above please stand if you finish with 3.0 or above i want you to stand because yes someone said it takes time when you recognize all the honors students but this is a graduation we recognize those who have excelled also yes you're graduating and we're so proud of you but when you've done that extra to get that extra honor we want to make sure you receive your just due so thank you very much thank you president glover i ask the faculty please stand and be recognized for all your hard work ladies and gentlemen the faculty of tennessee state university thank you thank you we have a someone we do not recognize we want to recognize any college presidents who are in the audience would you stand please thank you i see dr cheryl green who was a uh under on the faculties on the staff here at tsu who's now the president of governor state university in chicago heads off to you dr cher green that's harris thank you president lover on behalf of the faculty president glover the deans and the the department heads the candidates for the university's annual spring 2021 commencement ceremony will now be presented to you for your consideration of degree faculty please be seated president glover i present dr chandra reddy dean of the college of agriculture with the candidates for the bachelor of science degree in the college of agriculture majoring in agricultural sciences and family and consumer sciences please stand president glor on behalf of the college of agriculture it's my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of science degree and they are presented to you now for consideration of the degree thank you dean ready president glover i present dr millicent lowndes jackson dean of the college of business who will present candidates from that college for degrees will candidates for the bachelor of business administration degree in the college of business please stand president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of business it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of business administration degree they are presented to you now for the degree thank you dean laos jackson president glover i present dr jerry haynes dean of the college of education who will present candidates from that college for degrees will the candidates will the candidates for the bachelor of science degree in the college of education please stand [Music] president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of education it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend the these candidates for the bachelor of science degree and they are presented to you now for the degree thank you dean haynes president glover i present dr keith hargrove dean of the college of engineering who will present candidates from that college for degree were the candidates for the bachelor of science degree in the college of engineering please stand president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of engineering it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of science degree and they are presented to you now for the degree thank you dean hargrove president glover i present dr ron barreto dean of the college of health sciences who presents candidates from that college for degrees will the candidates for the bachelor of science and associate of applied science degrees in the college of health sciences please [Applause] stand president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of health sciences it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of science and associate of applied science degrees and they are presented to you now for the degrees thank you dean rado president glover i present dr samantha morgan curtis dean of the college of liberal arts who will present candidates from that college for degrees will the candidates for the bachelor of arts bachelor of interdisciplinary studies bachelor of professional studies and the bachelor of science degrees in the college of liberal arts please [Applause] stand president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of liberal arts it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of arts bachelor of interdisciplinary studies bachelor of professional studies and the bachelor of science degrees and they are presented to you now for the degrees thank you dean morgan curtis president glover i present dr nolan mcmurray dean of the college of life and physical sciences who will present candidates from that college for degrees will the candidates for the bachelor of science degrees in the college of life and physical sciences please stand [Music] [Applause] president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of life and physical sciences it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of science degrees and they are presented to you now for the degrees thank you dean mcmurray president glover i present dr elizabeth williams dean of the college of public service who will present candidates from that college for degrees will the candidates for the bachelor of science degrees and the college of public service please stand president glover on behalf of the faculty of the college of public service it is my distinct pleasure and honor to recommend these candidates for the bachelor of science degree and they are presented to you now for the degree thank you dean williams will our candidates please stand with a bachelor's degree candice please rise with the names and faculty please rise the authority vested in me by the state of tennessee through the tennessee state university board of trustees i confer upon you the degree for which you've been recommended with all the rights privileges and responsibilities there unto appertaining to signify acceptance of this honor the undergraduate candidates will now move your tassels from the right side to the left [Applause] congratulations [Applause] we're going to now call you to the stage for presentation of degrees [Music] okay [Music] and now for the college of business double major summa laude braxton kennedy simpson [Music] [Music] i had him stop for a moment because there's one person who's graduating and we don't want this to be any more emotion it already is but we have to mention this person christian abercrombie christian went through so much extraordinary obstacles dean stevenson you got to take over on the football field christian was injured and was not expected to live but today he is graduating and god is good and we celebrate his life [Applause] thank you and to the family to christians family and friends we also celebrate you and we celebrate all of you we thought we had to make a special mention now rather than a chance to get your name called twice let's start all over and now for the college of agriculture braxton kennedy simpson double major suma kulati achillea koreana sumlin magna laude kristen alisa day magna laude and that's what it is brianna swanegan braxton was our student trustees let's give her another round of applause [Applause] jokeria mcdonald my kia garrett bacteria garage wayman louis mcneil suma cumlati jacob zachary rawls magna laude kayla diana carney i love you mom frederick garlington ashland celeste wary latte [Music] felicity girly [Applause] kaylee bray ellis magna laude cynthia cole and sona donaldson jasmine henderson atlanta marie story magna laude brianna celeste crockett summer laude haley lauren bryant roy suma kuladi kayla helms kumlari zimzim siraj [Music] taylor inman king tierra renee mcrae darien turner alyssa hobbes [Music] kevin anderson lottie destiny armani pennington summa laude taran larkin warren quentin bolden jayla bison laude [Music] drake kennedy miller cumlati adriana demetria martin lottie [Music] jacqueline janae johnson reniscia beauford javada joyce partridge cumlati monica nicole belle lewis summa laude proshay rozar [Applause] benjamin johnson is second kobe ray williams magna laude rima taylor summa cumlati jermaine dexter adams jennifer floria summa laude morgan taylor cage suma kublade [Applause] nathan cole denisha janae reeves [Music] ernest treon lewis magna laude [Music] camisha jayana esau magna laude ayanna cheyenne easton laude chris shawn d richards tydesia renee driver summer laude tamara dowell magna laude jerry this mukesh natalie marie cooper magna laude porsche coffee summa laude [Music] isabella robbins christian goodson magna laude maya beatrice howard [Music] [Applause] nikita tara barcas [Music] [Applause] asian nicole taylor summa laude [Music] jericho janae miller deja [Music] aspen cheyenne gorman laude joy don mckay johnson diamond janae jackson ian christiana huffman magna laude joshua horn magna laude shakira kiyoshi hiles jasmine green patricia and morris the host of saturday cbs this morning michelle miller give it up everybody soldier martin shania jashari shaw alexis clark brandy nicole booker taylor nickerson [Music] [Applause] rodney jovan washington adriana gonzalez carl leonard fisher laude malik ford de jour nesbitt taylor and roberts laude kelsey skye jones magna laude kai phillip shearer lottie jeremy elise parker laude brandon proctor jayden osborne brandon jones kevontae askew leslie morgan magna laude bradford beard magna laude um xavier beard [Music] lawrence agreed miles sales harlan groves [Music] alexis frazier kiara moore laude [Music] felicia odin alicia victoria terrell kiera lynn j lofton courtney deanne jackson deandra montague magna laude caitlyn thomas christopher jordan woodard cumlati ravion ramirez wade raven sierra warren moussa tran magna laude sarah thornton magna laude kitoya powell alexis hollins demarco morgan magna laude mina ramsey ramsey magna laude brown patrick jones maya nettles cumlati [Music] caitlyn ambrose laude [Music] alexis mcfadden double major summa laude kevin freeman mina ramsay ramsey again magna laude chelsea lenay mcquiston cumlarde hannah brennan cumlati markia brown [Music] diamond law summa laude tara meeks milan rankins jayla gabrielle brazil [Music] secret brown double major jamie batts alexandria jacqueline denise ross sumacumlade sean lindsey jennifer rivera magna laude gabrielle kathleen kershaw magna laude double major monica galindo tarya dineen langston magna laude leslie yvonne mallory big emory angelique whitehead sydney greer lotte china richards magna laude [Music] chyna richard magna laude jasmine blaylock summer laude alexis elizabeth hess summa laude [Music] tatiana reynolds ayanna clemente magna laude thank you congratulations mohammed robbie and now we are in the college of engineering all right here we go eric lee quin ginzay jasmine conway laude william mcwaters deja carina flores summa laude hayyat omar janelle alexandria dotson [Music] lindy monet woodson laude miracle scott kobe monique jefferson magna laude brittany devon nicole willis magna laude [Music] rena ibrahim ahmed darrell cook rachean robertson daryl johnson magna laude micah alexander hoard summa laude and now for the college of health sciences myrna ibrahim sumakulari dina abdallah kennedy davis cumlate and now for the college of engineering kayla clanton laude diamond hawkins magna laude mario harney jamal hawkins [Music] willie lewis moore edric beauregard rebecca nguyen cumlati michael anya chibuki robert anthony thomas jr joshua broome jude sullivan summa laude neil sims jr danielle campos lewis faisal of man dwight terry and now for the college of engineering aeronautical and industrial technology tevin coates all right and now for the college of health sciences catherine schneider summa laude sami abdullah gudath laude michelle marcia about dali magna deandre carter tamiya boyce laude [Music] renae hannah summa laude material yusef laude [Music] magna laude ariel johnson ashley knox magna laude brittany dougherty laude abigail morgan king cumlaude victoria carol oakley summa laude erica jensen laude elizabeth gutierrez summa laude melanie palomo britney malone laude jalen alexandria williams laude jalen waters terrianna tanay hill sierra amari sanders laude brook april coleman magna laude jai a bell amber appear coopie taylor byers crump keely danelle mccurdy kayla elaine wilson moya brene albert magna laude he was saying um [Music] cleopatra roberta sean reid joy ruffin anna jokina greg summa laude anna j greg suma laude alexis victoria bray trayvon jamail kelly [Music] samuel cunningham williams [Music] lauren mckenzie lee [Music] mckayla denise edwards ichana jaycox javon jeanine dickerson dakota wilson laude antoinette muse davis adrian sims [Music] taylor gauze summa laude kiana pool [Music] sydney morehouse summa laude jordan abel laude deja marie campbell michaela leshay jackson kayla dominique redden kumlardi dela ferris anand abdul elizabeth larry elizabeth agor costa [Music] this well steer [Music] ashley i'm sorry nia ashley culate miriam barsoom cynthia renee jenkins morgan ray jackson magna laude bryce daniel magna laude lydia jones summa laude zach tyler hillis maya lindsey evans maya williams [Music] elena verges summa laude jaylen alisa bowen laude janelle nicole williams [Music] leslie williams smith jeannette patrice smith monisha swinger cumlati deja tillis cumlarde ariel garrison magna laude sydney paige everett mr tsu natan akim smith jacinta lanier janelle ray carswell alana charles cameron nicole goodman markel drain latrice stevenson kennedy taylor hayes mariah hill laude debriana douglas aaliyah jackson magna laude [Applause] area tierra dubose laude doreen hammond adria burkett cumlati jasmine wadley cummings brianna lashon green laude shelby nicole sellers summa laude tahani ali ashimari [Music] kiara chantal reed sean cortez mccauley jr al-malik tafoya more justin brown magna laude double major justin brown kristen cook mccaleb johnson magna laude imani robinson kevonda jackson brittany smith jayden wrightsell anthony carter cubloti marisa smith brianna mccullough harmony elise smith cublotte shauna ray shauna k abigail holding laude [Music] macy allison parsons brooke glenn laude andrew cunningham magna laude [Music] asia jaria anderson nakayla plant cr amid cameron copeland d'avion trotter kayla holder magna laude [Music] alicia hayes cheyenne haddad yusef yusef kumari kevin mitchell tiana tomlinson jaylon shalicia parker magna cumlati kiara perez laude jocelyn whitney barney magna laude cabria kirken cumlate lauren janae carruthers magna laude demaya granberry magna laude cabrilla golden magna laude and now for the college of liberal arts miss tsu mariah renee rhodes summa culate adriana messinger [Music] gloria daniels jayla bond [Music] christmas chloe burton laude [Music] elijah moore jordan day by day belle tamiya thomas christian abercrombie braylon baker jordan herbert cameron bryce durley [Music] anaya williams [Music] kayla reena matlock laude allison carmack cumlate haley mary schroeder magna laude alexis kirkland bryant mckayla thompson [Applause] ashanti mcclure summa laude [Music] brianna renee chapel magna laude marisha nisby ariel elise echoes summa laude hey foreign okay [Music] no nothing vanessa grace salazar magna laude nicholas sanders [Music] lyric kalia cunningham tamiya qudasia janae jalen allen griffin harry [Music] [Applause] michael wilson banner janae broadway tamika robinson alexia nicole milton [Music] [Applause] demarcus felton [Applause] [Music] sean beslin kevontae mcdowell [Music] kylan parker the montague mackenzie clay magna laude justice jones laude nadia fountain [Music] adrian bankston jalen gross laude donnie ramona mcdowell [Music] donny malone [Applause] michaela and nash laude ariana bailey miles jones archie cubelady jalen level maya jalen monique powell summa laude [Applause] joshua true heart magna laude justin edward gone kublani james green erica churchill cole andrea williams magna laude double major tatiana carter magna laude tara cullum fantasia edmondson deandre lynn dockery cameron brown cublotte jamari luster cumlati jade monet walker magna laude michaela angelica white cumlati jalen wilkes magna laude india nicole bush long summer laude sean levi watson brittany brooks laude [Music] sydney santa white summa laude angel inman brown keel jester raylan brooks autumn chambliss cassandra sanders [Music] alicia roshan jones magna laude michaela nicole davis ayanna jenkins magna laude shernice cauldron montavious ortez thomas [Music] justice brianna way summa laude hayley miller [Music] alyssa jackson summa laude dylan burnley the monica smith cumlati christian caprice williams magna laude [Music] alexis diamond haynes laude hey magna laude india kendrick magna laude zoe maleka thomas magna laude isaiah baby diesha dowdy [Music] michaela mclaren tyler johnson [Music] the essence elizabeth smiley [Music] cameron terrell johnson harold lewis galloway summa latte [Music] chandler justin sullivan [Music] brooklyn gleaves green khadijah islam muhammad garrett ross magna laude london mccall sakia hernandez matson double major summa cumlati kiana christina johnson summa laude [Music] habiba chivoir ladi robert maddox magna laude caleb roberts summa laude [Music] [Music] laude [Music] all right denise dennison life [Music] is working right now mccarr carol salette dinah yusri assad claire kamal award laude marina sergios magna laude sally not shed magna laude jacquel alexis mays summa laude kimberly laporte magna [Music] tyree leandre pitts [Music] clieger browning ashley nicole evan [Music] shania page ferguson summa cumlati felucia elijah micah kristen perkins magna laude marielle liggin laude [Music] jasmine mary jackson summer laude [Music] devin smith summa laude trey gibson devin smith summa laude trey gibson joshua brown amber tyra baker destiny mays chiara lanie smith winter lauren sanderlin laude keanu lashay robinson summa laude christian elena bond jonathan jenkins laude clark jensen massik cumlati ariel williams summa [Music] shayla elaine bond carson alyssa brown magna laude laude shannon griffin briandra johnson laude aya giovanni johnson destiny denise coleman laude kenneth harrison summa laude jamarion howell powell magna laude christine at the noir [Music] thank you [Applause] oh i guess i want to ask if india nicole bush long could come to the podium she's a 4.0 and we fail to include her name so brave with us when we give her her honor india please come forward join us in welcoming her to the podium [Applause] [Applause] thank you it's never too late to do what's right so we have the marshals we want to ask all the student marxists to stand each for each each college we are the highest gpas to serve our student marshals we just stand so we can recognize you [Applause] all right so we've now come down to the end well one more thing two things the alumni induction ceremony we're going to call upon our internet our national president of the tsu alumni association mr charles galbraith the common minister the alumni i will ask that all alumni of tennessee state university please stand today we stand with the power of thousands of alumni representing a true tiger dynasty i assure you that the golden sunshine spreads far beyond this land and across this globe i assure you that as you journey past john a mayor boulevard that golden sunshine gets brighter good morning to everyone to dr glover brother mark morial faculty staff alumni family friends and to the triumphant class of 2021. it is my honor to serve as the 26th national president of the tennessee state university national alumni association tiger graduates remain standing see the oath in your program raise your right hand repeat after me i hereby fervently pledge my lifelong loyalty service and financial support to my alma mater in appreciation for the opportunities afforded me at tennessee state university i pledged to maintain active membership in the national alumni association to encourage others to attend tennessee state university and to become a part of a global society of notable alumni who promote excellence as a way of life i further pledge to exemplify the high ideals of my alma mater and to continue to hold fast to the university's motto think work answer [Applause] congratulations graduates to receive your graduation gift from the national alumni association you will be able to go to our website at www.tsualumnionline.org there you will be able to activate one free year of membership to the national alumni association thank you and god's blessings to each and every one of you we've come to the end i want to thank the commencement committee all the marshals thank you so much the cabinet faculty staff alumni administrative council and all who played a part in this ceremony today so will everyone please stand for the singing of one stanza of the alma mater and then upon completion we would ask will be for you to be seated for the benediction and the recession the benediction will be performed be done by dr napoleon harris thank you [Music] so [Music] circumstances shall we pray gracious and caring god we thank praise and applaud you for the bearment and the celebration on today and now great god we ask that you would incline your ear towards us and extend your merciful hand of grace towards our graduates as we impart these parting blessings we ask god that you will give them the wisdom to make wise choices and the hunger for justice peace and righteousness lord give them the spiritual dexterity to be comfortable with being uncomfortable as they venture out into the greener pastures of understanding in life lord give them with the ambitious audacity to believe that they can and will make a difference in this world around them lord as these amazing students go forth in the world may they do so with unmatched integrity so that everywhere their feet try they'll do themselves and their community good may they go out in confidence knowing that the god of love never takes a day off nor do you call in sick may they go out with the courage to live their best lives knowing that nothing is impossible to those who believe and finally may they go out with confidence and trailblazing faith knowing that the god who began a great work in them will surely see it through to fruition lord please bless the graduating class of 2021 and most certainly bless the illustrious tennessee state university amen [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Tennessee State University
Views: 62,317
Rating: 4.8756475 out of 5
Id: -evqjdtne0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 45sec (10245 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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