Class of Fall 2021 – Sunday 9:30am Ceremony

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how many mountains to get some confidence how many debates to earn some tailwind the years pass i'm still the same what will it take [Music] i ain't got a sweet tooth what is how many right turns hello i'm paula blanc i'm president of southern new hampshire university it's my pleasure to welcome you to this live stream event we've been waiting for a long time to do a commencement ceremony if you are one of our students watching today from any place in the world know how proud we are of you if you are a friend or a family member help that student get across the finish line understand how important your role has been we sometimes say it takes a village to raise a child we think it takes a village to get a graduate across the finish line let the commencement ceremonies begin graduates you have your whole lives ahead of you every single day is an opportunity to follow up on the extraordinary education you've received through snhu many of you have already lived through incredible sacrifices some of you will become writers designers and engineers but no matter what path you take be informed congratulations when you look back at the last year of your life i want you to reflect on how hard you've worked and i want you to know how proud we are of you hello graduates i'm dr jeff zarnick and on behalf of your incredible faculty advising and all the wonderful people here that supported you through your journey congratulations from all of us yes this is the first step it's not the last is it this is when the real work begins you've accumulated a great deal of knowledge you've stayed up late at night working hard developing those skills of grit perseverance and communication critical thinking and compassion so once again congratulations and best wishes to all of you oh my goodness look at that master agree i did it [Music] i got it today [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have a lot of respect and admiration for the coming graduates and i'm just that's just great job we all know how much time it takes to do the discussion board post and all the readings a great job on hard work and hopefully you'll find success congratulations you made it and keep going it doesn't stop take that same fire intensity to push you towards your next journey your next career and don't ever stop believing in yourself as you start to graduate you start to come to the end of your degree just think about the good work that you're going to do with it be humble don't you know don't forget where you come from don't forget what it was like when you were just starting out don't be afraid to reach back and help somebody else leverage the different resources that they need to be successful if you've accomplished something this great you're in a position to help somebody else to keep pushing towards your dreams sometimes we think that no one sees us as we're working hard but you never know who's watching you from the shadows and you're inspiring them so as we continue to push towards our goals we're helping others without even knowing it i keep looking at it and i'm nervous i'm excited because i know i work really hard for it and it's finally here it's right here i didn't batch my remarks graphic design i mean jesus christ i did it once i opened it it was real and i walked through the finish line i got it it's a fabulous feeling to have [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi everyone this is paul leblanc president of the university and i just want to offer my hearty congratulations to all of our graduates it's um been an extraordinary year it's not the year you or we banked on i think it's a testimony to your grit and resilience that you are graduating now and this year was challenging for you and for everybody concerned but it will be in some ways the year that you remember best and it's easy to say yeah because it's such a terrible year but in fact it will be the year you remember best because it was a year in which you overcame so much and and you achieved so much so on behalf of the whole snhu community know that we couldn't be more proud we couldn't be happier for you and we welcome you into the snhu alumni family [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] moving from the right side [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm good morning and welcome i am dr danny tangway and i have the pleasure of introducing our first group of graduates today with the faculty and graduates of southern new hampshire university's college for america programs please rise if you are able president leblanc i am pleased to introduce the newest graduates of southern new hampshire university's college for america programs our graduates have acquired the knowledge skills professional dispositions and competencies they need to succeed in their careers these graduates will enter a more complex dynamic interconnected and demanding environment than the graduates before them through their studies at snhu and their real world experiences they are prepared to exceed in the highly challenging environments that await them these graduates transition from being yesterday students to being today's professionals and tomorrow's leaders additionally please allow me to thank the many faculty associate deans advisors and staff who have contributed to the success of these learners your work will have lifelong positive impact on these graduates lives congratulations to the newest snhu college for america general studies program graduates please be seated good morning i'm dr kimberly blanchette with the faculty and graduates of southern new hampshire university's global campus business programs please rise president leblanc i am pleased to introduce the newest graduates of southern new hampshire university's global campus business programs our business graduates will enter the business world prepared with academic degrees expertise and experience in an impressive array of disciplines and specializations our business graduates will enter more complex dynamic interconnected and technology driven organizations than the graduates before them through their studies at southern new hampshire university their real world experiences they are prepared to succeed in the highly challenging business environments that await them at this time allow me to thank the many faculty associate deans academic advisors and staff who have contributed to the success of our business program students your work will have lifelong impact on the lives of these graduates thank you congratulations to the newest graduates of southern new hampshire university's global campus business programs congrats please be seated good morning i'm dr michelle hill with the graduates of southern new hampshire university's clinical mental health counseling program please rise if you are able [Applause] president leblanc distinguished guests faculty and administration families colleagues friends and advisors please join me in welcoming the graduates of southern new hampshire university's graduate program in counseling the mission of the masters in clinical mental health counseling is to empower new generations of counselors by transforming the lives of our students and through them the clients and communities that they serve today the faculty and staff of the counseling program at snhu are proud to present these graduates who have by their hard work and perseverance demonstrated that they are ready to take the next step in their journeys that they are well prepared to have a positive impact on the lives of others and who are grounded in an ethical practice that promotes unconditional positive regard and cultural humility towards themselves and towards others as described by our counseling faculty these graduates have been resilient through a global pandemic and so many challenges in the world working in your communities as interns while also working full-time as mental health has discussed more openly more than ever the world needs your gifts and talents as healers we appreciate all of your hard work and dedication as you have accomplished something amazing please join me in welcoming the newest graduates of snhu's graduate counseling program congratulations [Applause] please be seated good morning i'm dr pam varho with the faculty and graduates of snhu's health professions program please rise if you are able [Music] [Applause] president leblanc i am pleased to introduce the newest graduates of southern new hampshire's university's health professions programs our health profession graduates will enter the health care industry prepared with academic degrees expertise and experience in an oppressive way array of disciplines and specialized our graduates have acquired the knowledge skills professional dispositions and competencies they will need to succeed in their careers these graduates will enter a more complex dynamic interconnected and demanding environment than the graduates before them through their studies at snhu and their real world experiences they are prepared to succeed in the highly challenging environments that await them these graduates transition from being yesterday students to be in today's professionals and tomorrow's leaders in the health care field additionally please allow me to thank the many faculty associate deans advisors and staff who have contributed to the success of these learners your work will have lifelong positive impact on the lives of these graduates congratulations to the newest graduates of snhu's health professions programs please be seated [Applause] good morning my name is dr peggy moriarty-litz with the faculty and graduates of southern new hampshire universities nursing programs please rise if able [Applause] president leblanc i would like to introduce to you the newest member of southern new hampshire university's nursing programs our students will enter the health care field prepared with academic degrees and experience and quality and safety initiatives using evidence-based practice in order to care for the diverse needs of our communities these graduates have demonstrated the knowledge skills attitudes and professional competencies required to be successful in their careers they will enter a highly complex healthcare environment in the evolving leadership roles that will await them 2020 and 2021 have been declared the year of the nurse and nurses are more important than ever i would like to take a moment to thank the nursing faculty associate deans and directors clinical placement staff and advisors who have supported these graduates throughout their academic journey your support will make a difference in the success of these graduates career thank you very much and congratulations to the newest members of snhu's nursing programs please be seated good morning everyone my name is dr jennifer batchelor senior vice president at a snhu it is my great pleasure to welcome all of the families friends faculty staff and of course our graduates who are with us here today or watching via live stream we're all very excited to finally be able to celebrate our first fall commencement i would like to now ask every everyone if you are able to please rise for the singing of our national anthem sung this morning by jessica caldwell director of academic advising at snhu oh say can you see by the dawn's early light [Music] what so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming who's brought stripes and bright stars through the perilous [Music] we watched were so gallantly streaming [Music] bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh say does that star spangled [Music] and home of love praise [Applause] good morning everyone i think we can do better than that this is a celebration good morning everyone i'm paula blanc i'm the president of the university you've probably figured that out if you're owning tv i've been treated in your living room but the bling also gives it away um and i have to tell you we are so so happy to be doing this again in person we had promised everyone we would do graduation we finally were able to do this this is the fourth of the weekend we started friday night we did two yesterday we messed all of those up this one's going to be perfect don't tell the other people who said that we love a full audience i think one of the things that i just struck by as i was walking around and watching all of you gathering today a chance to be outside and at so many graduations in america what we see are really young people surrounded by parents and grandparents and circles of elders and today what we saw really so often was graduates holding babies and grandparents holding grandchildren and whole families and communities gathering in celebration so i want you to take a moment to see if you can find your family and your friends on the islands but let's thank them wave to them give them a hoot give them a round of applause one of my favorite moments so far this weekend was on friday night we got a graduate right in the front row and i got to meet his little daughter who i think was probably two or three and even though there were a lot of people and it's pretty loud in here when he walked up what you heard through the whole arena was go daddy go daddy go daddy and one of the joys of this is the sound of children i don't know how you all do it right in this audience we have people who are parents they're working full time they're in the military they're veterans they're taking care of the elderly and then you had a pandemic and some of you even found time to have a baby so i don't know where that extra space came in but but there are lots of babies in the audience and if they're if they're crying a little bit or fussing or just shouting and gleefully when you walk up i think that's a sound of happiness in my book we'll take that all day long i'm really pleased this is um how many of you how many of you in new hampshire for the first time in your life a lot of people where have you been this is a really cool place oh you've been online i'd say um so just a word about manchester cause it's a city that i've come to love it's not where i grew up but it's a place i've been here for now some time this is a city that was founded on the ancestral homes of the abenaki nation something we don't recognize enough and then it became a major industrial city one of the largest in the world it was named after manchester england in the late 1800s these mills were full making shoes and textiles clothing and people came from around the world people we need they needed mill workers so they sent recruiting agents to europe to canada they brought in greeks they brought in lebanese they brought in people from scotland who had technical skills around the mills they brought in young single women from quebec who would live in all women's homes and they were seamstresses in the textile factories and it's a city that's built on immigration and it's built on the collective talents and creativity and wisdom of people who came from all corners of the world in this graduating class all 50 states are represented 71 nations are represented [Applause] i venture to say that every political persuasion is represented in this room every faith tradition is represented in this room and when we did the pledge of allegiance i was struck by the fact that this country is in a challenging time we know that and we've been through this horror called the pandemic but in today in this morning ceremony we come together as a community of learners all graduations are celebrations of your academic achievement this is something bigger you did this in one of the most difficult periods of this country is faced we did it when we had the uncertainty early in the pandemic we were washing down groceries and we didn't know if they had to stay out in the garage for a couple of days before we could bring them in we remember we thought it was going to be a couple of weeks we we had all of our workforce go remote i'm so proud of our advisors and our admissions people and our faculty who didn't miss a beat in working with you um but that was a we thought we'll do this for a couple of weeks and we'll be able to go back and of course weeks turned into months and now we're moving on two years and i like to think that we're finally coming out of this but that you did this during this time i was talking to lori santos the psychologist very famous one from yale who has a wonderful podcast called the happiness lab you have free time now do you have your degree so you can listen to podcasts um in the happiness lab she talks about all the challenges and difficulties that this graduating class has had and how will make this probably the most bonded proud graduating class to ever come out of snhu someday when you're talking to your grandchildren about your college degree you'll recall that you did it in this time and you will recall that it was special and it is indeed special so i know you've seen the ad where i say stand up if you're there stand up if you're that but i think you actually other classes should stand up just because who you are you did something mate stand up because you're the best graduating class in america today thank you so i talked about your friends and your family and your community because you know better than me that no one gets here alone right when you're doing work and someone else has to take care of a kid make a meal buy you some time whatever it was you had all the support and help and people rooting for you but that included tons of people that you've never met here at snhu so that's the platform party to stand because they represent our academic teams our advisors whiny learners here representing our board of trustees please stand up and please join me at thanking them and the whole community [Applause] thank you all of those folks who are getting your hoods on right and all the people are volunteering to get you seated they volunteer they come in on their weekend to be with you and it's not hard duty in other words we ask and everyone puts their hand up because we love our students we love what you've done and they want to be part of your celebration your success um so i want to um we have a lot of fun ahead of us and it starts with our student speaker yolanda cox she's uh she's wonderful we got to spend a little bit of time behind stage and student speakers are actually chosen through a university committee every class has one it's a selection process and it's an honor to be the person who gets to speak to you and for you so please join me in inviting yolanda cox to the podium [Applause] good morning president leblanc dinkwick distinguished deans board of trustees staff faculty friends and my fellow graduates as a member of the 2021 graduating class it brings me great pleasure to stand with you as we hold our light high for our tribes to find us we all recognize that we wanted more and coming to snhu was the best decision for us well because look at us we're here right now we have succeeded now if you were anything like me you talk to your friends your family your co-workers you talk to anybody that you could to figure out is this the right thing to do then you sat down and decided yes is my answer you opened the computer you completed the application you hit submit because you said it's time for me to level up and southern new hampshire university is the school for me to do it now wait a minute it wasn't an easy journey we all know that i'm sure there were some weeks where you had everything turned in right on time or long before yeah then there were other times on a thursday at 11 58 pm you were typing that last bit of your discussion post and you hit submit and you probably woke up with the computer in your lap see the beauty of snhu programming is that it's open to all of us those who work full time those of you who raise children and build brands all while staying connected to your family and your friends we wear many hats but we were committed to the process that would take us to the next level you see we knew if we finished the race our tribe would be ready for us see what you didn't realize that they were rooting for you the whole time they were excited when you were posting your grades they sent you virtual hugs they hit like on your post they hit hearts when you went live they knew your yes to hit submit would be the process to deliver something special to them but ultimately it would unlock the greater that was inside of you so as we stand here side by side let's make sure we tell those who are on the way to snhu that the decision to press submit is one that will change their lives and the lives around them we will tell them with one collective voice that they can succeed as long as they stay the course and remember the reason that they said yes in the beginning was because of this moment we are experiencing right here my fellow graduates we made it [Applause] now it is time for us to show up and shine thank you after chuckle at the question of discussion boards not all of you loved your discussion boards i know but yesterday i got to meet two people two students were graduating well one was graduating one will graduate next year who met on a discussion board fell in love and are married now and we don't even charge extra for that so if that happened thank you orlando at each of our ceremonies we choose someone who exemplifies our mission to award an honor to whom we will award an honorary doctorate and they serve as our commencement speaker though we wish i have to tell you before i introduce the speaker this is of a little ambivalence i grew up in the boston area as a boston celtics fan and this guy was the bane of my existence well wait till you hear who's speaking so we're actually honored because after his basketball career um our speaker kareem abdul-jabbar who is our 2021 honorary degree recipient has gone on he a he deserves our respect and we should honor him for what he did in basketball but what he's done afterwards has been remarkable for those of you who may not know kareem abdul-jabbar was zambia's all-time leading score the celtics know that painfully a four-time award-winning magazine columnist of the year a six-time nba champion in the league's only six-time mvp after 50 years as an athlete and activist he offers his perspectives as a nationally recognized speaker who regularly appears on the lecture circuit currently currently he serves as chairman of his skyhook foundation whose mission is give kids a shot that can't be blocked by bringing educational stem opportunities to underserved communities through innovative outdoor environmental program he's a new york times best-selling author he has written 15 books including two recent memoirs becoming kareem for young readers and coach wooden me about his lifelong friendship with famed ucla coach john wooden he actually also wrote a season of veronica mars which i kind of marvel at where where did that come from uh before leaving office president barack obama awarded him the presidential medal of freedom the nation's highest civilian honor it's my great pleasure to award him with the degree of doctor of public service we sent him his degree on the west coast and he shared remarks with us please turn your attention to the screens congratulations graduates of southern new hampshire university it is my pleasure to be able to share this joyful day with you and your families as we celebrate all your hard work and sacrifices it's tradition at these kinds of pomp and circumstance ceremonies that school administrators bring out some older distinguished person like myself to dispense sage advice about where you go from here however whenever i'm asked for advice i remember one of my favorite scenes from the west side story when doc who runs a small soda shop where the jets street gang hangs out offers the boy some unsolicited advice he makes the classic mistake of saying what most ulsters say to young people when i was your age to which one of the jets sneers he was never my age he's right of course every generation grows up with unique circumstances with different pressures different experiences and different expectations what i went through when i was your age is not directly comparable to what you're going through right now part of your education was during a worldwide pandemic climate change is an immediate threat insurrectionists invaded the capitol building attempts were made to overturn a national election other generations haven't experienced anything like that yet even though those events are unique to your generation there are certain core values that we share across all generations these values are codified in the u.s constitution and it's up to every new generation to defend those values against the tank unfortunately the most dangerous attacks come from within our country from those who are misinformed or just hostile to the ideals of democracy the most important ideal that this country stands for is that every person regardless of race gender ethnic origin religion or gender identity deserves an equal opportunity to thrive we may disagree with how to make this a reality for everyone but we can't disagree that this is an existential goal of our country some people are content in agreeing this is our goal but then are unwilling to do anything to help make this a reality others will avoid responsibility by claiming we've already achieved this goal it's like hearing a knocking in your engine while driving and choosing to ignore it with the hopes it will go away well that knocking you're hearing is all the voices of the people who share the core value that everyone should have the same opportunities yet they aren't getting those opportunities due to flaws in our systems last year those voices were heard loud and clear during what the new york times estimated was the largest protest movement in the history of the united states between 15 and 26 million people took to the streets to support black lives matter as a result policing policies were changed personnel changes were made budgets were reallocated offensive statues were removed and the country as a whole was much better informed about the life and death challenges facing people of color unfortunately the country still has its share of wannabe phenoses who would like to snap their fingers and make part of the population disappear particularly the part that looks different worship's different love's different the way they are accomplishing this terrible feat of inhumanity is not through infinity stones but through legislation at least 19 states have enacted 33 laws to make voting harder especially for the poor and people of color redistricting in texas and other states has also deliberately disenfranchised many black voters this relentless campaign to disempower and silence isn't just race-based according to the human rights campaign 2021 has already become the worst year in recent history for lgbtq as an unprecedented number of states enact record-shattering anti-lgbtq legislation school children are having a curriculum rewritten to make sure they are less informed women are also facing the harshest anti-choice legislation in 60 years as those finger snappers attempt to return women to a traditional father knows best time of knowing her place when i was your age that's right i'm starting this part with those infamous words the difference is that i'm not advising you to be like me i'm pointing out how i too had to grapple with the major changes of becoming a meaningful member of society when i was 20 years old and attending ucla i was invited by jim brown a well-known activist hollywood actor and nfl athlete to join a group of black athletes in what became known as the cleveland summit we were tasked with deciding whether to support or condemn boxing heavyweight champion muhammad ali in his decision not to participate in the draft as a conscientious objector i was the youngest member of the group some had been in the military and did not look sympathetically on draft dodgers i felt overwhelmed by the responsibility who was i a kid just out of my teenage years deciding the fate of anything let alone one of the most famous black men in the world wasn't that best left up to older wiser people but there i was along with older wiser people listening to ali talk about his faith his unwillingness to kill and his willingness to give up his title lose millions of dollars and face years of imprisonment even when the government guaranteed he wouldn't have to go to vietnam that he would only do exhibition boxing he refused he wouldn't allow himself to be used as a poster boy to recruit others to do what he wouldn't do by the time we were done growing ali we all agreed that he was not just sincere but uncommonly courageous it was then that i knew that being an american didn't just mean that i got to grab all the benefits of the country while watching others get nothing it meant taking an active role in guiding it in helping steer it in the direction that the founders even with their faults intended us to go it has been said that eternal vigilance is the price of democracy if a garden is not constantly tended to it will become overgrown with weeds that choke off the vegetables without our act of vigilance our country's ideals of a paradise of equality will evolve into nothing more than a tax haven for the rich and powerful we will become the kind of country that we have brought a revolution to change this is not a rallying call to take to the streets with banners and slogans it is a rallying call to encourage you to become the best person you can be that includes following your dreams of a rewarding career loving family close friends outdoor barbecues patriots season tickets and whatever else you choose to desire but it also means actively defending the values that made your success possible so that everyone has the same opportunity to be successful someday when you turn to your children and say when i was your age and you know you will they'll still roll their eyes but they'll be rolling them in a world that is better than the one you inherited and when those eyes stop rolling they'll be looking at you with pride and admiration because you helped make it a better fairer more equal place than it has ever been before thank you and enjoy the journey [Applause] each year we recognize outstanding faculty members with our excellence in teaching awards these awards are especially meaningful as their cut they are nominated people are nominated by you by by students our 20 and 21 recipients were sent their award plaques at home and announced but we'd like to acknowledge them again today the 2020 excellence and teaching award recipients were dr audrey rogers rebecca libby karina hayward and joseph whitworth the 2021 excellence in teaching award recipients were dr jennifer mcginnis greg mchale dr eric jett lisa staley we also received thousands of student nominations to recognize an outstanding advisor and the significant impact they have on student success each year one deserving faculty advisor one deserving professional advisor and two academic advisors are awarded an excellence in advising award once again the recipients were have already received their awards but we'd like to recognize them here today the 2020 excellence in advising award recipients were nina fink micheline west megan lucier jeffrey hanlon joshua demul andrew pogozelski and the 21 excellence in advising award recipients were colleen bolton professor andrea bard ashley barker zachary dejesus haley mount and dana hark congratulations we know our advisors play a critical role in your success we want to acknowledge all of them and our faculty you know as large as we are in any given graduation i typically will read one or two maybe even three names of posthumous recipients of degrees folks who were that close to the finish line and who passed before they could be here to join us it is reflective of what we've been through as a nation and how many people how many americans have been lost that this list is very very long it was shocking to me when i opened the book originally so in what is otherwise a moment of amazing celebration and happiness i want to make sure that we take a moment because they are not loved no less than any of us and any of you by their families and their friends to read the names of our posthumous diploma recipients today they are ryan martin patrick fuller justin lowery jeffrey j mitchell kimberly berry david jensen brianna knight nancy massey zachary ovary caitlin vilcenor vanessa diaz anthony de johnson christine m abra heber sonja logan christopher pollard michelle renaud jacob dickerson dustin arthur kelleher alexander moore leslie may weber and howard tall take a moment of silence to remember them and all the people that you carry with you in your heart that aren't with you here today but are very much with you in spirit thank you so now let's get back to the celebration part which is giving you your diplomas and there's a little bit of housekeeping so the way this works and really we have to get better at this because yesterday's class they just couldn't follow these instructions we took a number of diplomas back actually we weren't sure um marshalls will sort of get you out of your row starting from the back so you guys in the front get comfortable um we will make your way you get to end the show and and they'll they'll bring you up starting with the back row you're going to hand your name card to a reader who will read your name now half the class yesterday froze at that moment with the prospect of coming up to get their diploma you don't have to pause don't wait to hear your name because if we do it really well your name gets read as you're getting your diploma and we'll take your photo if you're only if you're comfortable um you can take your mask off at that point so that you get a good photograph of you the photographers will take care of that you don't have to wait for a signal they're super good they'll take a second one if they didn't like the first one real quick and i will make sure no one leaves before they hear their name so just keep coming don't wait if you feel that little push in your back you froze um by the way see all these diplomas there are people who came up yesterday and decided to leave without theirs i handed to them and they handed it back and walked away like you want you earned this take it so take the diploma we've got a lot of them everyone here will get one we don't have to we don't have to share um and uh then there's the last part and the last part is that there's a little bit of actual legal language that has to be read and i'm going to invite dr batcher to come up here and read it and then i'm going to say some language that i'm supposed to say according to the court of new hampshire i didn't do this the first year i was president and don't tell anyone but there's a whole group of people who think they have an snhu degree that may not be the case we will not make that mistake for you today jennifer will the graduates please rise president leblanc the candidate standing before you have successfully completed the course of studies prescribed by the faculty of southern new hampshire university and have fulfilled all requirements for their chosen curricula now the league leads by the authority vested in me by the board of trustees of southern new hampshire university and by the general court of the state of new hampshire i hereby confer the degrees of international master of business administration master of arts master of business administration master of education and master of science bachelor of applied science bachelor of arts and bachelor of business administration and bachelor of science associate in arts and associate in science with all rights honors privileges pertaining thereto congratulations and please be seated we'll start [Applause] this uh requires almost a super human uh power for me not to want to shake your hands but i'm totally we're going to hand degrees and no handshaking so that's the other part i forgot to mention um but in the first degree the first person who gets her degree is yolanda because she's up here on stage with us so lucy wu paulette and fergus julio cesar suazo sean m napolitano fernandez jermaine peggy inara allison reed akala etienne peter ryan tufts melissa ann gonville [Music] tunisia balka soon associates with honors bridget etheridge may zacharias dagnachew lopez davis sharon ferreira doreen dutton summa laude shanice and chappelle crystal m morrell magna laude delvin into gary sam k george rachel marsh andrew manuel rebelo summa laude catherine r murphy summa laude that dao [Music] pamela andrel magna jared christopher stevens yes senia castellanos shanice griffith tourney magna laude ali laudra saint julian tilke elsie elaine m canela romero summa laude gina marie franzelle summa heather michelle bradford summa laude gospel okay alina kodabakshian magna joseph anthony galliastro summa laude luis felipe vanegas zapata summa laude carolina claudia pierre mueller carolina hernandez martia dillon kelsey a kunkel nadia fontus summa laude powell tatiana marie de pantay francis o'lukan vincent o ewa joseph adam nicholas manolas laude ola sawayan mary adieri cassandra evelyn gent jasmine k mohari summa laude jenna adkins nation mohammed summa laude catherine elizabeth felix anita marie shannon summa laude tiffany amber tebow idea aziri angela alcott summa laude gina m olsen betsy meertho lubin genius summa laude alexandra acosta hannah karen rodriguez tanya wright aisle michael lewis selena ayala moran summa laude kiera parker associates with honors charles vincent sumacum laude jennifer hule natalie pacheco magna laude jovan thomas francine d wilson christian fanthouse magnum culade amanda marie goyette laude james morrissey summa laude brody gene cayo caroline i jer bellini summa laude geraline i gerbillini associates with highest honors jessica dormis kareem j fuller laude heather daisy natalie sheridan magna laude jason alexander b land stephanie boudreau summa laude caitlyn marie malone olivia joy patch magna laude teresa colon magna laude beatrice coach devin l mcewen summa laude tyler conley tierra dab summa laude ryan james buckley mariangela ferreira robert scott mongillo summa laude robert owusu akiyampin lila wadi ramkushen nicole marie andrews laude tracy duran emily parker jonathan urban isaac giroux summa laude angelina alexis nydia threat angelina madden magna laude james garnier matthew phillips laude rose gonzalez summa laude aleene mardarossian summa laude tyshia goldsberry caroline awa on wobor hannah cincata associates with honors our lease pontino bonnie j nyman tammy newsome summa laude voices in arboleda ramirez summa laude nicole dorsen johnson summa laude sheray d murray ellis devondre adams marlee marie carlene mon premier michelle dunn sumo laude mallory megan agahegian jacob mcvay roberta f mason franz pierre christopher jacob patton mary denise walker lindsay michelle machado laude mary juanite renee charles samia noor jose lauren renee welch bradley roland magna laude amelia dance megan ainslie harper nicholas stephen blessed rosenbloom connor c rents summa laude hannah a mcsweeney summa laude devin laughlin ramirez jr emily d silvestro summa laude nicola pc pierre rodney julian isabella c martinez morgan diane hatfield associates with highest honors lord cabiruca melanie chakas sumo laude brendan hare muriel and bailey [Music] sylvia willis magna laude catherine helen murray jessica chatrice clopton robinson ashley reagan jasmina katakovich raiden r alvarez cabrera marvin martinez doris diaz laude adam fogarty de angela patrice forbes hillary elaine lester sarah thomas kimberly bailey erica hill summa laude joanne marie lombardi summa laude rachel cray summa laude tina adelina lynch magna laude zachary j fairy tadrick douglas sharida grossett jolene stetz summa laude hakeem townsend amy lenora thompson summa laude nicholas grogan associates with highest honors robin l pallies laude hardik patel kimberly lenfest summa laude yeti lender misha nadia fields charlie rose april scanian summa laude harley rose bennett adesola adelacon nancy lynch muntinta danielle jordan urban ski summa laude patrick muy gai gataway magna laude chelsea e canonico jimmy lee glowden magna laude antonio williams krista marie maureen reidberg isabella mayo summa laude lemuel e soto summa laude kelsey nicole shea laude richard r russo jessica l lovelace amanda rosario christopher de anda ervis meaty emma kate whitcomb jennifer l tuttle summa laude sarah beth maynard spahn courtney stone stephanie nicole carroll lisanda camacho sullivan summa laude kelsey h min laura therese stout summa laude anissa del centeo priceless michelle johnson yahaira flats stacy martin raymond azza onicon casey pridham miranda n porter magna laude anastasia lynn mcgrath lane nias michael a valenti laude natalie alvarez brown thomas marola summa laude nicole mendieta lisa and perrault magna laude zolban s a joma joelle nicole greenhill briana therese nunes leila mcveigh summa laude seth michael sweeble over summa laude ashton derrick brown laude doris jane mccullough ona bakowski adedayo abiyose otokiti joseph michael doria magnum laude f bernal alyssa lawrence nicole dufour danielle d kavanaugh summa laude jessica castro summa laude claire and gene barrow leah grace lawrence magna laude michelle d boucher e milligan elizanette marie davila roman laude lynn taylor sarat sack magna laude wanisha rachel marie davidson valeria de los angeles rosales aaron breslin [Music] lucille barry magna laude stephanie abbott laude jordan monique hampton christian doll crystal nicole james magna laude daniel j amato the third fabio martens david johnson jr magna laude lydia kadungo perry laude shantae lynn clark marie kong ronda morrill brittany noel klein summa laude naisha dunkley chase andrew thomas adele de weaver johnson paul richard kerr junior constantino cephenius magna laude jesse snow erica ward lizette ay sirois laude daniel sean sullivan jr skyler olivia munson yolanda and jones magna laude stephanie duncan busola obayomi jennifer ingwid ortiz summa laude christian ishmael walker stacy l farland summa laude [Music] christian ann emery summa laude caroline collins stephanie l schwaldgen summa laude anthony richardson nisserine rachel m letourneau laude maya rachel pourier yakira levi kristen and single jamesia cheryl robinson magna laude jordana c lima summa laude roxanna choza summa laude linette pina lindsay margaret degnan marcy christine vaduro lori collins ashley michael summa laude nicole leslie summa laude casey lock esther flores montoya alyssa sanderson magna laude michael carosa summa laude diaz associates with high honors [Music] agnes love scott kezia christina faria magna laude nicole bride foreign benjamin molyneux summa laude brandon michael moore crystal lee lewis alyssa danielle stein associates with honors jane scheidler summa laude ashley mullen summa laude brittany francine mischer summa laude diana acevedo aaron ann kelly alicia rivera renaissance joseph rosemary bosby ashley and courier magna laude katie joe donahue summa laude sean strickland delaney janine o'hearn summa laude courtney schaefer syed movesve martha leveren howell janelle marie bennett magna laude noel victoria rizzo laude larry d rivera andreas j damascus summa laude yasmin sanchez matthew anthony haybus sharina nicole bryant maria mendez kehongi martha jokey laude kayla lee holden summa laude brianna diamond hayley diane duguay linda covery bell summa laude stephen charles braithwaite magna laude michelle pennington amber britt and marie elizabeth campbell laude dion joseph teasdale magna laude brian alvin gardner kimberly s hunter summa laude christine brio summa laude deandra lee burke costa robert m richard summa laude courtney lynette cleaver the jairus brittany bolton melody p williams willie lee wingfield iii magna laude christina lynn balenti laude joey elliott spraguens john furya bernadette chirokas summa laude nicole r bowen summa laude crystal hall associates with honors kathleen baxter laude a dare elizabeth walker associates with highest honors alicia vasquez samson fowler maria e davenport valeria patricia vias yashin suroy sumacum laude hunter bradford newell zachary trujillo magna laude anitra lynn grossi summa laude heather parker jones summa laude candace telke christini j for guadalajara lynette whole minister summa laude dulce natalee carreno summa laude victoria k paul laude robin smith summa laude kaylee ryan gina grace laude jasmine yancy magna laude david cameler dawn b niles summa laude dominique j clark christina hose summa laude brian mark vanderveer summa laude christina marie mcquiggin kenneth w camille jr summa laude jessica jones vasquez george s lazar beverly rand megan j haslip laude eric vance katina m jenkins richard whittaker summa laude diane watson capers magna laude whitley cherry anthony antonio gray jeffrey elliott graham summa laude maria cole james kevin asher bailey rose lord summa laude elizabeth michelle catch mars summa laude rachel m mccallock summa laude catherine j amaya matthew gillespie santa summa laude nicole fox cole julian ross palace umafi christina jones associate with highest honors carmella marie sigala summa laude margaret bruce associates with highest honors zachary ty ledford associates with high honors courtney mary wyatt summa laude jennifer ridenour magna laude ryan d costello christopher davis silva kevin walker rebecca d hernandez magna laude brianna c durfee summa laude mccandy fizzame marta sanchez summa laude derrick gregory boyer matthew david lemoine summa laude tiffany greenwood summa laude christina lee sanders caitlyn arnold richie laude tiffany yanez magna laude sydney lord summa laude angelina deshawn pfeiffer julianne lebaron summa laude arthur mervine gregory james germany jonathan tucker amanda patterson jennifer louise cohen laude judy rocca jennifer mk libby summa laude jesus richard eugene hubbard iii summa laude vincent parisi tiffany marie bentley [Music] christina renee marshall timothy w donnelly t.o williams ebony renee martin jeannette laguerre fenelon summa laude stacy m calorie summa laude crystal stall summa laude april shem chuck summa laude andrea lynn griffis laude colleen marie crafty jessica g bartlein cache cook nicholas millich summa laude jamie bardeen mcconacol lydia renee bodwin magna laude katie walker rebecca albarino laude tess jordan slack silent james jennifer clark summa laude samantha gatski magna laude samira somali shantay trice nicole marie karen celisi beato corey kidd joy louise janelle laude alisa marie southall rachel jones summa laude michael anthony hernandez summa laude allison gail howton lina s gonzalez big young conte summa laude don ashanti henrietta nygoti megan ann swanson brittany lee clark magna laude andre l smith sansone summa laude trisha n thomas kristen elizabeth longinecker victoria nickerson david kerr hawkins laude marissa j beard kimberly kozaska associates with highest honors faith elizabeth nafranowitz mackenzie rose meeks emily roderick sharika majesty caglia morris mohammed al-zuwabi christopher bronchus summa laude stephen burkhardt [Music] victoria l tuttle magna laude erica linzeller laude marshada clarke janice cora magna laude ethan morgan jonathan stephen blackburn denise riker summa laude suzanne brownell summa laude alvaro danielle filardo jason bassager summa laude ashley burke amber lee harrington cory ann ziobro andre augusto silva gabrielle clark nola jean parmenter associates with highest honors michelle tortoretto graves algean r seals [Music] christina marie laguardia summa laude amanda elizabeth prophet michelle bigelow sydney julia sloane calandria lee sumacum laude samantha monica channel jessica l webb associates with high honors michelle wood summa laude gary leland trinary lonnie gray james sargent summa laude dawn hulsebus magna laude bolivar flores iii magna richard c whalen summa laude michael s lima crystal alexandra pete field matthew truitt summa laude deandra crocker summa laude matthew robert mccullough natalie culver turner chelsea nicole davis leslie arla lapointe summa laude barbara j reisinger allison gene pansecki jalen osmer tatiana a melbert summa laude aubry and satino magna laude megan pollock sarah catherine visconti kalyn e taraska gabrielle rogers summa laude elizabeth kane robert brian radcliffe summa lauren marie morency summa laude sarah walker summa laude christina lee wade sophia r lewis caprice pennington willis kayla moore little mathis harris jr jermaine tyrone kelly edgar elliot gonzalez patrick mccullough summa laude jacqueline k hamrick laude william d mccullar jr magna laude corinne lashay hixson danielle gomez valdez summa laude kiara danae kration ryan michael bolger summa laude amy louise reynolds anderson terry lou harris summa laude thomas scott salmon summa laude jennifer weemsloscom bodana fedon summa laude jennifer lynn vasquez alexandria waltz summa laude geneva denise hood camille olivia callahar jocelyn lynette neal courtney hayes mason summa laude renata a dudas luis enrique rosado jr megan m mays magna laude carissa rose bottos melissa martell summa laude cynthia ann kinahan laude tracy sylvester nancy patricia glasheen laura kalkin and garcia summa laude reagan price aliwine summa laude sonya richardson martino summa laude tasha main eubert de kendra lawanda turner kimberly rafaeli debrina k evans david o'keefe summa laude christopher george anthony walton summa laude joel christopher galley summa ryan housely summa laude david scott leclair kaylee dinuccio associates with highest honors christie rourke summa laude patricia bordeaux azlani august m levesque madur m devi curiel marie hammond michael r siwinski michael scott arsenau summa laude virginia lowry ellen anderson associates with highest honors stephanie mercedes joseph anessa salahovic erica muniz magna laude catherine marie johnson michelle potter laude nilsa yvette ramirez summa laude christina armin haley grooms summa laude joseph bunk chelsea saint george ryan ventura thieves carly motika laude william dunbar margaret loring summa laude brittany kayla duvall mondrice white tara gilbert laude daniel conlon aguilar summa laude nelson verdejo cassandra wilson summa laude scott hendren summa laude colin a wood junior victoria bon ventre edward cos attack bethany a sub glennis valerie moreno heath forehand laude samantha ost olivia oberlin summa laude christopher young sherry lynn lingle laude jamie l martin jonathan s mills summa laude danica marie s chua michael paul ardito joshua lafrance viviana casanova magna laude brittany marie schute samaya robinson stephanie m covington samantha f olin camille anastasia hagen robert michael cox serena mcdowell kimberly latrell leak kristen namet megan glancy smith summa laude tracy l skate summa laude [Music] mickinson demond apron a gonzalez laude christine marie sedelnick abby olson associates with high honors christie newell magna laude james m parks summa laude brittany beam karen marie hills summa laude equania stephanie and so far jason tope alicia francesca colori magna laude luisa s caswell laude monica christine goodletts a klitsky summa laude richard o'hara magna laude kenneth shane lawson summa laude manuela londono alvarez jasmine kirksey jessica diamond blank summa laude julian salinas summa laude quentin willis joshua garza raquel speigner [Music] michael w schultz magna laude salome brenda sue mcsammon omar hussain scott newton laude jeanette smith catherine o'neal magna laude caitlin d feifield tiffany gwynne amber barber amber b terry lauren ferschmann magna laude gracie hansbrough carroll brittany e frizzell natalie hodgin christine sylvain summa laude holly ann white summa laude kelly russell associates with highest honors katie mw summa laude steven matthew wells ii summa laude laurie and hogg michael dennis whitney summa laude robin pittinger associates with highest honors jennifer a aiken summa laude melissa van meeter samuel rem chuck summa laude stephen t watts magna laude melissa corey bead scott welsh isbell kendra blake magna laude christina salvador summa laude catherine albright jenkins summa laude ashley nicole perray jonathan ward douchette james giannelli caitlyn crairy laude sarah f huberty christina farrington summa laude lynn cruz summa laude brittany m longnecker magna laude altair christina anita blanchard summa laude connor frank mckenzie charlie wu summa laude alejandro luis perez iii denise gonzalez dale johnson summa laude nicholas merritt summa laude david zachary nicholson rooshoff summa laude shanae j hoyt summa laude karen l blanchard smith stacy elizabeth macy melinda kluge david hall jennifer claussen summa ashley marie parker shannon noyes associates with high honors caitlin weldon jennifer moore associates with highest honors rebecca billings summa laude kevin lillafield magna laude heaven coville laude katya echenyke sanchez magna laude jessica lynn selden associates with highest honors dominic hi lee betty pettit hannah elizabeth armstrong michael stevens associates with high honors robin seibert janine chatel merrell haley barrel delexius a walker caitlyn fay moore megan amber swanson gerald miller summa laude julianne dietrich laude michael harmon derosier candace castagna brittany ship teresa tarnowski summa laude rosa roberts laude joel daniel melissa gene groom matthew vonnberg jennifer brown laude megan l ramage samantha marie teft summa laude tiffany danielle boykins magna laude rose marie a robinson siobhan kimball kelly lauren keith keely perrin brenda peachy cluckston summa laude hope floyder summa laude alicia marie vitello summa laude crystal e coughlin thomas g fuller laude lucem rodriguez cesar javier summa laude liz frazier jennifer isaacson summa laude aaron michelle darlene weaver gloria alejandra kepler summa laude mindy shenya moiniki tracy lynn olivaria associates with highest honors natalie sophia baez lisa thomas laude donna marie dockham kelly cabral jonathan sturgill magna laude teresa olsen felicia p fitzpatrick summa laude latasha l martin dawn alexis hubbard sierra mclennan abate summa laude katrina d jordan quitman gerard hartzell nikki laura lore rossi laude crystal lynn west summa laude phaedra rollinson associates with high honors dakota hipburn colleen keynes summa laude kimberly a long britney clement janet l wood summa laude ria hendrix magna laude meredith k baker summa laude katina marks jacob kuntz laude chase brooks laude dinah robinson kathleen bennett stephanie gregory weight summa laude amanda teresa eckert that lisa q murkman laude adriana maria guy summa laude troy s merkman jeremy four associates with highest honors jeremy johnson associates with honors ryan bowden beatrice villanueva summa laude joy jan niemeyer william a kramer jr ebony harris magna laude kalina green summa laude ginger smith casey lee kane katie proper summa laude kate e lyons associate with highest honors jerome t strasser ii magna laude del vet bell associates with honors jennifer ann booth lindsey carson drews austin jennings erica harnoys tina beau magna laude holly and salvucci summa laude kevin dennis hey malama summa laude kyle d power magna laude kelly a bedard terry clark summa laude caitlyn nicole caitlin nicole bleesner celeste marie parish jennifer purifoy with a shout out to her special needs grandsons sandy and eli bami loves you summa laude heather baker theresa haynes samantha madison magna laude carissa pagel gretchen e calderon laude shelby hammett allison workman summa laude scottie lee talley jr michael tim franks laude sarah travari nicole l roper magna laude nicole givens associates with honors harnett core gill christina m mckay magna laude samuel william wilson jiminy megan thomas magna laude tracy paris summa laude jennifer diane mata summa laude andrea charmaine king kendra sadia white carla jorquez christine clevesy laude jerome eudict sumacum laude megan carey rosier stephen murphy summa laude susan annette parker smith amber nicole armstrong summa laude with the masters of science natalie alvarez brown associates with highest honors rebecca caesar robert rogers magna laude di lorenzo laude cameron douglas magna laude isabel shiapa rebecca whidden kristen ann thompson summa laude oh judith barringer jenkins summa laude jennifer chavez summa laude heidi m sparrow donovan barham hall lynn and fitzpatrick okay [Applause] i know you think it's time but i have to come up and get my first of all i hope you won't be offended and j.r is not wrong he's supposed to come next but i couldn't bear not coming up and say that was so much fun i think we should do it one more time you guys no no um we're incredibly proud of you and it's been a joyous occasion this has been a great crowd lots of noise which we love lots of joy in the house and now you get to hear from j.r who will finish up the program as a representative of our alumni association [Applause] congratulations to the newest graduates of southern new hampshire university [Applause] on behalf of the alumni board of directors i am honored to officially welcome you to the snhu alumni association [Applause] today more than 170 000 snhu alumni around the world congratulate you on your success and hope you will be an active part of our global snhu community at this time if you are one of our learners who has earned an associates or bachelor's degree i invite you to participate in the ceremonial tradition of moving your tassel from the right side of your cap to the left [Applause] as you go forth today always remember our university's motto summa optimakwe in english the greatest and the best and indeed you are congratulations [Applause] i want to thank the members of the new hampshire pipes and drums for playing during our commencement exercise and special thanks and special thanks to our commencement speaker kareem abdul-jabbar [Applause] the recessional will begin with a call of our bagpipers followed by the platform party faculty and then the graduates beginning with the front row please wait for the row in front of you before exiting in the center aisle and guests are asked to exit and meet their graduates outside thank you and congratulations [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] hey [Music] please [Music] [Music] please [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SNHU
Views: 28,747
Rating: 4.8435755 out of 5
Keywords: online colleges, online schools, online degrees, online degree programs, southern new hampshire university, online university, college, university, affordable online degrees
Id: p8BlYR_wfBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 0sec (8640 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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