Spreading Topsoil On The Runway

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that dirt looked familiar [Applause] no it's black dirt no don't degrade out nice for this runway one load 19 more to go alrighty so I've got all the grass stripped off everything pretty well rough green and I got to finish from about that little window over we've got two loads of topsail I've got Tim spreading that out it's a little bit wet but it's 97 degrees and there's a good breeze I don't think it'll take too long to dry out out here so I'm gonna work on the main runway over there getting that graded out and that window pushed over and kind of fill in all the little voids and I'll just keep on working my way down and over so everything is graded out now we go up here and help him grade out this top so Lee's getting spread out I'll slick it up let it dry a little bit and grade it out a little bit more tomorrow you can definitely tell where I'm putting the Topsail ice-cream that night and day difference but uh Tim's spreading it out for me coming up here with the grater plating it out it's a little bit wet but I'm just putting down a couple inches so it won't take long to dry out at six inches of rain kind of got a little bit wet in that pile but it'll dry out it's 97 degrees out here with full sun's up it won't take long I'll let him get that knocked down and I can just win through this dirt right out and across but hey if this won't grow grass I don't know what will [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so go that dirt spread out where the Sun can kind of get on it and draw it out a little bit I'll just keep when rolling it over I'm letting out the six loads and we're doing 20 starting chaining everything this morning I brought the tractor with the landscape break on the back hopefully we and right through something that topsoil and kind of stirred around it should dry out pretty good out here in the sunshine today Timms of they're spreading load out and I got my homemade drag their friend of mine made me out of that old mini excavator track and that should kind of once a grade everything out with the motor grader and should be able to run over with that and I should break it up just enough where the grass seed should take at least that's the hopes at least so let me get this unloaded so the rake is working pretty good break this stuff up a little bit give a little sunshine honor today and I run over it a couple more times with the grader and drag it I think it'll be good to go it'll dry up pretty good with the little fingers right there breaking around open the dirty window so you can see up [Music] [Music] more dirt oh this is drying out pretty nice that's the stuff from this morning it's still kind of wet but everything I raked I've just run over with the grater and you can tell how nice is grating out some will make one more pass on the end and put the drag behind the tractor and run over it and this should be good for this end see how well it did dragged out [Music] [Applause] let's do a little dragon and see how well it works I haven't never drugged in top so before that we'll see how it is break the rake oh so that's a good time fantastic job especially like these blondes right here on the edges blending the Topsail in with the grass I'll run right down it and it should just blend it right in the head to the runway a little dirt out there throw that in there but out for with it even on the grass that ain't bad let's make another long pass here dragged out all the tyre for it's caught on the professor [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the clouds are rolling in not really looking forward to that hopefully that bring too much rain Tim's on the tractor breaking it with the rape you kind of break it up a little bit get some air to it so it dries out everything else I've done is is worked out good so let it do that as you can tell the winds blowing just let it break just rake it out let it dry a little bit grate it out break it one more time but up here everything I did I'm pretty much done from halfway over I'm happy with the way all that looks but you can tell how much you can see the lightness in it I'm starting to dry out he just got wet from that big rain we had a couple of weeks ago we got like six inches of rain and it just it's so been there a lot more than I thought it would but only being a couple inches deep thick here it dries out fairly nice so that's pretty much what it's gonna look like right there when it's done I'm drunk and dragged over this one more time probably run over that over there as well just keep drying out you can see how much lighter it gets once it dries but the good news is it'll hold moisture so that once the grass gets growing hopefully it'll soak up enough moisture where it won't have to be watered every day [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is a problem the rain got here yeah just trying to knock it down go home [Music] yeah ain't gonna be a Hollywood order for an awesome a gap to be able to do much more [Music] I'm done oh I'm just reading mud now just had all this rake out to dry too making the problem or so much for today catch you next week thank God it only rained for 10 minutes it was about to get dry [Music] lord of mercy let me go out the wash that he keeps treading mud well I'm gonna say that's it for today I don't have to worry about that Oh Monday [Music] well that big pile the top sold is just mere a few loads and left now figure that screening about I had about 28 or 30 and hold off 21 and I think so that's the eight loads I left needed for another project so that should work out just right then perfect I love it when a plan comes together
Channel: letsdig18
Views: 127,498
Rating: 4.9459915 out of 5
Keywords: motor, grader, grading, runway, airport, skid, steer, compact, track, loader, takeuchi, TL12, dump, truck, kenworth, T880, quad, kioti, tractor, drag, dragging, land, leveler, leveling, custom, attachment, homemade, bulldozer, dozer, topsoil, dirt, heavy, construction, equipment
Id: V88YY7lRjs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2020
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