Spread WiFi Across Your Home With Wifi 6E

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so i had a friend reach out talking to me about some different wi-fi issues that he has had in his home um one of the issues is his tv just isn't working even though he has two wi-fi points in his home um he'll have the tvb buffering all the time the second issue is they built this outdoor office right here and they want to be able to use it as an office and have the tv in there and a gaming console and play games and have the internet but the internet out here is not really great so in today's video i'm going to show you how we can update the wi-fi in his home to have a stronger signal whether he's inside or all the way out here so let's start by checking out what kind of speeds we're getting inside the shed okay so for this test we are connected over wi-fi and here we are on fast.com and we can see the current speed so it's about 10 11 megabits per second now that's definitely not enough to be able to run a whole shed of wi-fi with tvs and office computers and other things like that so a few options that we have now the the first thing that he could do is he could run an ethernet cable from where the modem is all the way out here into the shed so that's going to take a bit of work we're going to need to hide the cable we're also going to need to dig some trenches to run conduit for that and so on so today while that would be my number one recommended solution the first thing we're going to do is see if wi-fi is able to do that and if it just can't we could run ethernet into here and put a router inside the shed so that we have a much stronger signal so there you can see final test 7.7 megabits per second which is barely enough to like watch a youtube video so we're going to see if we can get that improved by the end of this video let's talk about some different options of wi-fi that we're going to use today so tp-link did reach out to show off two of their new deco systems now last year i checked out the deco x20 which was really awesome so these are some latest and greatest models with some enhanced features so first off here we have the deco ax 3000 or the deco x55 so this kills dead zones it works with up to 150 devices and you can have speeds of up to 3 000 megabits per second with this um it's ai driven so it's automatically going to help um decide what your devices need to connect to and which frequency and all that and then it uses the deco app to get set up now this covers up to 6500 square feet so it has the three different points and so great if you have four to six bedrooms now over here with the axe 50 400 or the deco xe 75 it's very similar but one thing is this has tri band so it's able to work off three frequencies so here you can see over there it has wi-fi 6e the latest wi-fi standard and here is just the wi-fi 6. it has speeds up to 5 400 megabits per second it has a range of 5 500 square feet and you can connect up to 200 devices so just a little more power in these over here so here you can see on the side some of the differences this one works with up to 150 devices this has the 200 devices now one thing i like about both of these is they do have three gigaports per unit so some other uh newer mesh systems i use only have two so one in out and one in but these have three so that means you don't need to have a network switch at the point you can simply plug in your game console your computer right into this to have a little bit higher speed if you don't want to connect them over wi-fi and then lastly i really like how this will work with all deco systems so currently my friend is using an older deco system so we could still use that to extend the range of wi-fi in his home even if we choose to just use the two points here now the biggest difference between these two is this one has dual band so that means it is sending the 2.4 gigahertz network from one point to the next and the five gigahertz network from one point to the next where over here with the wi-fi 6e set it's going to send the 2.4 gigahertz the 5 gigahertz as well as the new 6 gigahertz signal from one point to the other so the big focus on today's video is we're going to send the internet from one part of the house to the other part so with this that would work but we want to make sure we're sending the fastest speeds from one to the other so we can get all the way outside without any issues so today i'm choosing to use this system where it's going to be sending that six gigahertz network outside so i know that's a lot of talking but the benefit of using this one over the other system is it's going to be able to send a stronger wi-fi connection speed from one point to the next so if you're looking to move wi-fi from one out of your house to the other this is definitely going to be the best one to go with now one of my other favorite parts with the deco system is how many extra features you get through the app so this is going to help you seamlessly connect to your different devices it has tp-link home shield which is premium security it has network protection some really cool parental controls quality of service so if you have any issues you can report them and some comprehensive data reports for that so enough talking let's go ahead and go set up the new deco xe 75. inside here is where the internet comes in the home this is the fiber box or the modem and then here is his wi-fi point so one thing i'm going to do is i'm going to test what type of wi-fi speeds are we getting next to the router so here i'm just going to refresh this and there you can see we're getting quite a bit better at 78 but he is actually paying for 250 megabits per second down and 250 megabits per second up now sometimes it's actually limited by the type of wi-fi you have so this wi-fi point may not be able to produce up to a gigabit per second so um next thing is we're going to try plugging directly in to the router to see what we get so i'm just going to plug an ethernet cable here then i'm going to use my anker usbc hub to be able to connect it to my tablet here just give that a second there it has connected and let's hit refresh so plug directly in again we're not getting the full 250 so let's remove the router and plug directly in to the modem all right so now we're plugged directly into the modem into my hub and here let's do a refresh and there we go we're getting the full speed which he's paying for so now we know what speeds we're getting directly from the modem so let's go ahead upgrade the system see if we're getting the same so here is our deco 6e point on the back here you can see that we do have the three ports and then the power and then this cool little top right there so both points are the same and then inside here we do have two power cables and one ethernet cable with a set of instructions so to get this set up we need to download the deco app available on apple as well as android devices we're going to turn on the modem then plug in the modem to the deco and then finish the setup in the app so the cable is going from the modem directly into one of the points i'm going to unplug the old system so here we're going to head into the deco app and then at the top we're going to select the plus and then we're going to choose the model that we have which is the xe 75 so here it's saying power off the modem plug in the devices all right everything is plugged in the internet is stable and the deco is pulsing blue which means it's ready for setup so now it's going to pop up on what devices you want to set up now it's giving us some names here if you do look on the bottom of the device you'll be able to find the name so this is 4e70 so let's click on that and this is going to be the main one so we're going to add this to the study all right we're going to keep those default settings all right now we're going to create the wi-fi network now i highly recommend choosing the same name and password that your old network was this will allow all your old devices to just reconnect and you don't have to reset them now it is going through and creating that network it has created now it's asking to connect to that network and it is connected so select done the deco is now set up so here it's talking about the home pro shield so we can go in and learn more about all these features later and you can also check out my x20 video where i cover a lot of these so after just a minute it automatically connected the other deco there you can see the light is now green and to see that both of those are working properly all we need to do is tap on internet up here you can see that we have the study and then here we have our other deco and we can actually tap on it and let's go ahead and give it a name we're going to add this one to the kitchen for now so select save and now we have both of our points so let's go ahead and move the kitchen and then we'll do a speed test and here we're going to put it in the kitchen because it's closest to the office shed all right the network is now set up and installed so now let's go ahead and test the speed from our tablet again um first thing i'm going to do is make sure we are reconnected over wi-fi now sometimes even though you have the same network name it just doesn't properly connect so you might need to go through the process forget and reconnect to the network okay we are now connected so let's go ahead and do a new speed test and there you can see that even over wi-fi i am not connected over ethernet i am getting that speed that he is paying for 250 megabits per second down now i can click right here and it does give me the upload speed right here which with fiber it should be the same speed so let's see what that is and there we go 240 megabits per second upload which is perfect so most people are going to be downloading but having a great upload speed is nice as well so that works here one thing i would recommend is putting the wi-fi point a little bit higher just that's recommended to have a better line of sight to the other rooms moving it out of any corner areas or anything and then let's go ahead and check out if it's working in the office all right we are back out in the shed let's go ahead and run a new speed test with the new wi-fi 6e system installed so there you can see or maybe you can't but now you should be able to see we're getting a 160 megabits per second down out here in the shed prior to installing the new system we were getting 10 and that's just definitely not enough but 160 megabits per second should be enough to be able to do whatever you want to do out here whether it be streaming netflix gaming or so on and let's go ahead and check the upload speed out here and it's showing around 70 megabits per second now on my tablet so this is the galaxy tab s7 plus it is connected over wi-fi six so it's showing a little six up at the top so a new device is able to get you a better speed all right so we're gonna hit refresh and here we're still getting about 140 to 150 megabits per second now one other option that i have is i could actually pull the point out here and see if it's going to give me a stronger signal out into this room so we're going to do that they don't have power in here yet but we're going to do this extension cord to see if that gives us more speed as well so here i'm going to pull the kitchen point out of the house and plug it in out here and then i'm going to sit it as close to a window as i can to kind of get the best connection possible we're just going to let that boot up and connect it is green so that means we are connected let's go ahead and run a speed test so after moving the point out here the signal to the other point just quite isn't strong enough it's not even giving me uh one at this point so even though it shows that it is connected over a wi-fi six it's not able to give me a very strong connection it looks like it is working so it's really important that you have your points spaced out appropriately if they are too far i would recommend getting another point to add in between them so if i still had a point in the kitchen and i put another point out here i could definitely get those full speeds that i was getting so i think um for his situation we can just keep the point inside in the kitchen window and then it will be able to broadcast enough wi-fi to be used out here without any issues and that's the the best situation that we could have so there you can see it gave us the zero failed test so the next step is adding more points so i could keep this point in the kitchen and then i could take some of these other points that i have adding one here i could add one upstairs so there's a better blanket of wi-fi over the entire home um because if they're too spread out you're gonna run into this problem where it's just not giving you enough internet even though it's saying it's gonna work um you there is a limitation on how far away they can go so now let me show you how you could add a third point or fourth point to the system if you want to expand the mesh connection in your home now if there are any dead zones over time he could take his old system because it is a deco system and add it into his network so the first thing i'm going to do is i need to reset this and there is a little reset button down here on the bottom so what i'm going to do is i'm going to press that in for i think around 15 seconds once it turns solid yellow it's then going to go through the reset process then in the app we're going to select the plus at the top here we're going to select decos and then here we're going to choose which one we have this is actually the w2400 and here it's saying how many floors do you have so it's going to give you a recommendation on where to put them so here when it's pulsing blue it is ready to set up if it's not doing that you can go through the steps at the bottom but we're going to say it is pulsing now it's going to look for the deco and there it has been found we're going to give it a name and i'm done for now so now back on the home screen we can see all the different devices that have now connected to the network so these all automatically jump back on and uh yeah everything is working properly so now that we have the point installed we can tap on the internet and there you can see all the points we now have in the home so i can put this upstairs in a room or somewhere maybe they're not getting quite as good of wi-fi now if we go back here to the main page just some other things about the app here it's showing me all the different devices i have connected to this wi-fi network and then you can even see what device is using the internet right now you can go over here to different locations you might have and so on and i did a full tutorial of all these other settings on my previous video so make sure you go and check that out but like i mentioned in the beginning there are really a ton of different settings that you have here so i can definitely say we were very successful in fixing the wi-fi issues that he was having in his home as well as here in his new office shed and that was done with the tp-link deco xc75 wi-fi 60 system i think i said that right i'm really impressed with what the system can do and seeing those fast speeds out here is really awesome now i am using wi-fi 6 and wi-fi 6e devices so if he is still not getting the speeds he want he may need to upgrade some of his devices to be able to do that now the question is do you think he'll build one of these for me since i fixed his wi-fi we'll see if you have any further questions please let me know in the comments below and if you want to check out this system i'll leave a link with a discount code in the description below thank you so much for watching we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Tech With Brett
Views: 75,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech With Brett, wifi 6e, wifi 6 vs 6e, TP Link Deco XE75, Setting up Deco router, Why are my Wifi speed low, Upgrade home wifi, Getting Wifi Outside, Home Office Wifi, Get the Wifi speeds I pay for
Id: hZ5r3eJuWZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 45sec (1005 seconds)
Published: Sat May 07 2022
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