Deco XE75 Tri-Band WiFi 6E Mesh System (AXE5400)

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all right here is The Deco axe 5400 this is from tp-link which is a reputable brand of course this is a major product and they sent to me they wanted me check it out they were like oh man you know what you're talking about my glass right they were like how about we check it out [Music] nope I do have experience wanted to have experience with actual professional networking two previously had the Google Wi-Fi which I did not like and I even from the Google Wi-Fi to the nest Wi-Fi I also didn't like and then I upgraded to the ero mesh system which admittedly I've had no problems with but I always wanted the ladies and greatest and they said do you want to check it out and I was like of course you want to check it out let's take a look baby let's see what's inside the box I have a you know a family man I got a lot of devices in my house I have an older house built in the 60s so it's not a great I think for a Wi-Fi traffic I don't know what's in the walls probably a bunch of Dead Squirrels I've seen that prior to getting mesh networks I had a lot of problems with Wi-Fi the Google was hit or miss but again the hero has been pretty solid and we're looking to go to the next level here so this is the latest and greatest Wi-Fi 6E let's check them out very cool looking devices nice packaging tells you your steps turn off your modem plug in the modem in The Deco install that first then unplug your modem and then plug in your Deco so the devices themselves have a DC power port there's three different devices here on the back we have three ethernet ports which I like all three there's a little reset hole there on the bottom can you show some problems like that on the front it just says a little deco 6E logo it's white cylinder with a black top the design of your Wi-Fi is not always top of the mind with the mesh Network they will be spread throughout your house and it's usually harder to conceal these guys like I'm in my basement that's where my main setup is so it's no problem hiding my modem and my main router but the other two will be out in the house ones in my bedroom and one is in the living room so yeah they're gonna be spread throughout your house you want them looking nice you know they're going to be part of your Decor essentially and these nothing do look cool maybe that's an inspiration with The Deco name I don't know so it does speeds up to 5400 megabits per second I have gigabit Ethernet so it should be fun covers up to 7200 feet my house is not that big about 1600 square feet but again my house is almost a faraday cage Not By Design just happens work that way and thanks to 200 devices I do have a lot not that many but probably have 50 devices in here so that's the way I do it I have uh one in the basement which is like the center of the house one by the tele Vision which would be on the far right side of the house and then one of the bedroom which would be in the far left side of the house and then the main Hub will be in the basement here that would be nice I do like having extra ethernet ports because the e-rail only has two ethernet ports and I'm not mistaken the Google Wi-Fi I only had one port so with the each one having three ports down here I can have one going straight to my modem one going to a network switch and then one going directly to my main machines I get the full power to the where I want to be or if I wanted to run run through like a Raspberry Pi for like a pie hole or something like that no problem right and then upstairs I have a TV that's actually Amazon Fire TV that has ethernet port and an Xbox so both of those can run off this guy they only have one port to spare it could go with Nintendo switch bedroom I'll go to a Roku and just have an spare I guess but and yeah we're looking forward to checking this guy out the thing's gonna be nice so let me uh get some stuff set up here and we'll come back around all right so here's my razor blade 17 the 2022 model which does have Wi-Fi 6E and this is still connected to my e-row and let's just run a speed test here this is an my basement so this is probably the closest test I'll be doing to a router really not to Great speeds here I should have a gigabit service I am probably 20 feet from my hero now I am in the basement and there's a lot of stuff here I got Lights Camera Action Baby anyhow I got you know lots of electronic stuff down here there's three other humans in this house using the internet too so let's do a second test here I'm gonna test two other rooms in the house I'm not gonna do any tests directly next to the routers because that's not realistic right most of my devices are not directly next to the router so in the basement I have one and then I have another hero in my living room and I have one in my bedroom but I'm gonna test here in the basement of course and then I'll test in the living room but not next to it and I'm gonna test in my son's bedroom which is adjacent to my bedroom and so getting better speeds here we'll do a third test here and I'll probably be the end of this test so yeah about the same well better upload speed this time all right so I'm not bad but all right let me test other spots all right here's a picture in my living room you can see Santa Claus Sadie's coming to visit might not be able to do three tests here because I have a Great Dane wanting to knock my camera over so this is again probably 15 to 20 feet from the Evo router and this one's at terrible location it's inside my entertainment center so probably not the best airflow barely consistent speeds with what I'm getting downstairs all right we'll do one more test all right so there is our second speed test 257 355 again this is living room feel on the Euro Pro 6. all right here we are in my son's room the berry Lounge here purifier behind me there's a little Amazon Echo so essentially kind of the same story right somewhere around that 300 range and again from my house I should be getting a gigabit up and down with 18 T fiber all right there we go just two tests and let me go swap them out all right so here we are we're gonna connect these and this little steps here it tells you to download The Deco app first so let's go to the Play Store you can just scan it but I'm just gonna look for deco step one download Deco tp-link Deco I guess that's it let's install it give it a shot I'll open you know you can accept some stuff I'm like create an account I guess I had to log into the app let's begin and then I have there you go xc75 items I need to turn off my modem I'm not gonna show that on camera because it's a huge mess over here I'm just gonna straight up unplug the power unplug my modem I am also going to now unplug the e-row that I previously had connected I was leaving for some reason don't have a modem you don't need to do that but I do have a modem so I will do that now I need to plug in my devices I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter which one I think they're all same kind of brain power I don't love if not a detachable cord here but I'll take it I guess I'll say I plugged in The Deco and I need to plug in the ethernet port so there's a green light on My Deco all right so now The Deco was flashing blue solid yellow light pulsing blue Deco is ready for setup we got Bobby over here in case we need some help all right let's know my location all right it's not connecting now we're connecting there we go it says connected we're gonna make this the custom amazing into basement studio all right now we're connecting all right and next here's a little tip for you maybe not the most secure process I guess it varies depending how scary here she is or your stuff is already but if you just reuse the same SSID and password all your devices should magically reconnect all right so now I just need to plug these other units they should automatically be connected I'll move them but I'm just going to plug them in here just for the visual course all right so now let me plug this guy in and I'll plug them in yeah so it looks good so I can see my basement's online so this guy went connected the main one on the side here so it's green this one's still blue flashing let me go back here all right so here we are we're gonna launch The Deco app again I had a firmware update so I was able to update my devices so I haven't done anything I use the same username and password we'll see if the Razer will connect automatically I use the same SSID and password I had to power cycle my printer it didn't recognize it right away and it looks like it did connect automatically I'm not going to count this as the real speed test but I'm just checking to make sure it's actually connected to this one all right so with this connected and it's getting much better speeds I still haven't gone through all the settings on this app here so I don't know that I want to count that necessarily yet but so far I mean I do like that better speeds well look here you can see all your routers so I named the basement one while I was setting it up and then on the devices themselves there is a name and number on the bottom of it this Deco 38 3850 is my bedroom one so I do like that you can see your devices on here I don't know why it shows my razor blade twice Deco 3850 there we go I can change the name to bedroom and we'll save it all right so that works better and then I'll change this one to living room so let's look at the app right there's the servers you can subscribe to I'm not gonna do that just yet I can do a smart home service if you want to control more smart stuff but I don't see any reason to mess with that just yet parental controls so I I don't need this anymore because my children are grown but this is a great service I think I've used this on other devices before and it's always been nice like you know when I had kids that were still school age you could set them up there's no reason my son should be on the internet if he's in middle school or grade school he doesn't need to be on the internet at midnight right he's supposed to be in bed at that time frame himself would set the internet time control awfully also I've used it before you know you can just turn their advice off the internet so you know if someone's getting online you can be like all right if you don't behave I'ma shut off your device oh there you go you can set up a guest Network so I can turn on the guest Network you can make it whatever you want so let's just I'll make a taco 2016. how about that time just names it your name and guessed well you can change that I guess right yeah so you can change that I like that but I'll just leave it the same one all right and then you can have a block list right if you want to block a device that's pretty good you can run some reports you won't see them I haven't had any reason to yet just opened it Deco lab I'll give you some extra features like Wi-Fi assistant I'm gonna say hint that Wi-Fi plug Wi-Fi that's nice oh it does have WPS that's interesting so you could turn WPS on or off for toys that's pretty neat I like that like a software version WPS the internet connection you can set it to ignore pings which is nice you can turn on IPv6 if you want they can do enable key OS if you want it can change the priority of your devices that's interesting Advanced operation mode you might get router so there's a lot of settings in there to look at connection alerts not like this right so you can get an alert when new devices connect so you know if someone comes over here and connects to my network I would like to know about it right and you can make it not let you know when a known devices like so my son comes every day I don't need his alert I mean I could do it like if you want to know what time like I work in the basement a lot of times I keep the door closed I have meetings if I want to turn on my alerts I can know every day my son comes home that'll be nice I'm not gonna do it be good use it but new device alerts is nice because that way I would know before my kids gave out my password or someone got on my account and somehow you know gone on my network I will let that I could see when brand new device is connected and I can be like I can change the LEDs you know LED off times like at night time I can turn the LEDs off that way if you don't want to see them one of them is my bedroom if I don't want to see that light at night it can turn off at 10 pm and come back on 7am it's a nice little touch you can update the system I've already updated once tells me I'm currently up to date and again this is my main device and say I'm doing some important stuff which is what I always do of course it's important stuff I can mark my stuff priority or I can tag it to a profile right so like like I said like when I was talking about blocking accounts I can tie all these profiles to my son's account and if he gets in trouble I could just block my whole son's profile and then all of his devices wouldn't connect like his phone his laptop isn't it'll switch I can block them off the internet or I can just always make sure my stuff is more priority than his stuff right probably pretty good oh yeah so there if I wanted to block it right if you want to click block right there you could yeah so I can see right now connected to my network it's my Z fold this is my printer my son's pixel 6 Pro I don't know why my blades in there twice that I don't understand but it is for some reason in the bedroom I can see it's probably an Amazon Echo someone's phone two roku's in the living room another Android in my ring camera so you can run a little Diagnostics on your network not password strength is strong port forwarding is disabled my get network is enabled but I can disable it when I needed and I will I'm going to turn it off right now and I'll turn it back on like I have people working in the house sometimes I'll let them be on the guest Network and that's what I'll do let's rescan yeah so I'm getting a good check here Channel congestion that's pretty neat little check Perfect all right that's good oh you can see all the devices in one list which is nice that tells me everything all at once I can see what's on the individual the bedroom Deco or the living room or the basement I'm used to being able to run a test on the device from here like in theory this main basement Deco is tied to my modem so I should be able to test it just so I can see just via Ethernet how fast the speed I'm getting directly to the device itself it doesn't seem like a way to do that let's get into our test now so remember we were getting obviously saying desk same camera right I'm gonna go ahead and run this test we'll do three tests back to back same distance from The Deco as it was previously yeah and we're getting way better speeds so again In fairness the e-row it was not 6E and this one is as you can tell by this gigantic 6E on the box but this is 16 that is impressed now I like that right so now we're getting some really good speeds not a lot better maybe even worse upload speeds but download blast we're getting Stellar I think it's a shorter ping I think before I was 17 milliseconds all right so again another top tier interesting that I'm not getting as good of upload speeds as I did before and let's do our third and final test at this location yeah so again not the best upload speeds but I don't know that's any worse than I was getting before so that's another reason I would like to see if uh that was a better speed on the other side let me test in other areas of the house all right so now we're back in the living room and let's we're gonna test still getting 700 down I don't know if it changed Echoes or not say these come to investigate all right let me kill the internet I just want to make sure now we have no internet connection to internet back on and we are connected all right so I don't know if that made it change or not maybe can you visit all right so you can see the approves they'll sell crush and download speeds we'll see if we get any better upload speeds or not yeah I mean still about the same nothing bad there right that's perfectly acceptable speeds more than acceptable really all right let me go ahead and move to another room all right back in my son's room which has the loud air purifier Amazon Echo and probably smells like farts a little speed test here so still better than I believe with the e-row it's not as good with The Deco in the other two rooms but you know obviously nothing to sneeze out there 6 58 over download this wi-fi is pretty good in about on par with the upload speeds I don't know why the upload speeds aren't much better throughout the house but they're not bad of course do one more and then we'll head back to the basement and then we'll be able to try this out to plug them through Ethernet shouldn't make a difference unless you get better speeds of course all right so again overall I believe better speeds let me get out here go back yeah this room that smells like farts all right so this point I've Had The Deco installed for about a week or two I've had no problems with my internet this is back in my basement same original setup let's just run a Wi-Fi test and we'll see where we're at so about the same I mean this is better I think than the hero would Echo was around the 700 mark IV well getting better upload speeds now all right so that first day we were getting pretty bad upload speeds but now we're getting maybe just settled in or I don't know it is late right now so no one else is online except me well I guess we're back home so again not bad speeds at all not Max potential but still pretty good overall I'm very happy with the products I don't have any qualms but we'll do a little wrap up here all right so here I am on my Dell XPS 9710 and I am tied to the dock and it is ethernet and that's going to The Deco directly right so let's a little speed test here all right so now we're getting closer to what I should be so I have gigabit internet here and so obviously this is not what it should quite the gigabit but it's pretty close ring I don't know why the upload's being so weird either I've ran this test about 800 times here in that way they go that's good score it's just looking funky I'm doing a lot here unless I've recorded it once so maybe that's part of the problem this is on my Samsung fold and I have the phone in the smaller version instead of the expanded screen because the app does get a little wonky here I don't know what these little top pieces here this little speed section in the middle here that's not how fast my network is how much traffic's running I did check with my contact at tp-link and they say there's not an option in the app to run a test which I wish you could speed test it directly from the main router because you can't so click on here you can see your Wi-Fi settings you know you can set your guest Network up you can see your password there you can share the course it's pretty standard stuff you can hide your Wi-Fi if you would like here you can see your guest Network you can turn it on or off which is nice you know I can turn it on here or if I want to turn it off right so if I have someone coming over I want to turn on a canvas little middle section here like I said it tells you what I guess current traffic you can kind of look at the individual ones there's a living room here's the basement one you can tell what's all connected to them so that's pretty good it tells you the MAC address and IP address and stuff like that and signal strength of this main one you can just show it as a list or map view it seems like you should be a click right here and see like the actual network speed but I guess you can't here you can see how many clients are online currently someone might see folds while I'm recording on on there's a bunch of other stuff you can go in here and change names for example this is my Amazon Echo smart plug right and if I wanted to sign it to a family member I could create a profile and sign to them or I can change the name I can change the device type so it's an iot device I can change the thing because if I want to you can change the name to actually say Amazon plug and then save it right you know save it so you can change whatever you want right you can make a priority so that's pretty nice like say this was my computer or something like that and I wanted to give a priority over all the heathens in my house I could turn it on and make that go priority right like here's my laptop if I want to get my laptop priority you can oh so you can set your total bandwidth what you're you know getting from your provider so for me that would be a gigabit on both sides but I'm not gonna do this now I don't really need it there's not other people in my house to make it Priority ring Smart Homes if you want to turn home some smart home stuff though you can just add tp-link our Philips Hue devices currently and I do have Philips Hue I don't have it set up yet and plus I wouldn't control inhale that's not something I'm looking to do I mean you could set up so like I mean it's kind of cool you could set it up so when it recognizes like say it might recognizes my phone comes home it then turns on the Philips hue light which is pretty nice but I don't need that security does this weird little scan animation and then it tells you some stuff it tries to get you upgrades the other stuff which I'm not doing and it just tells you some something I really don't want to use this tab it's just it's no risk for me I don't know it's silly rental controls I don't use this anymore but when my children were younger like I said I did set this up to set their times that they were allowed on the Internet or just you know they were getting in trouble I could just turn all their devices off from a setting like this go to the more section there's Deco lab there's this little Wi-Fi assistant guy and it looks like you can run Wi-Fi you can do a test speed but it's not really testing it does this weird little game right so this is kind of neat but I really don't know what it's testing so like here the test is telling me that I did 136 megabits per second upload in 136 download that doesn't make any sense because if I go to the speed test I'm gonna get way faster than that okay I'm getting like 300 something and I've done this multiple times and it's always faster doing the regular speed test instead of that little test in the app so I don't really know what it is other than like a little game I don't think it's optimized correctly so yeah I normally get faster speeds than this I don't know why it's going so slow now this is kind of neat you can detect if there's cameras in here I don't know how it actually does it but in theory you should check if someone had like a rogue I guess it should look up a rogue access point maybe I don't know what the mechanics are here but if it works I guess it could be beneficial to you yeah so no cameras found scan for devices is just going to look for devices I don't know why you wanna how much different than other ones these are just tools that you can use and they could be beneficial they're kind of just like bonus points really they can run Wi-Fi Diagnostics to see how your Wi-Fi signals are I am quite literally three feet from the main Deco router so I would hope I'm getting pretty good test right here but we're still saying fair but I don't know if that's accurate either because my phone shows full bars on it right so so again we know from you know looking at the screen I just tested and on E3 I'm getting 906 megabits per second so I know that this test here is just testing I guess the phone but still not even accurate because I get faster tests so I don't know it's nice they offer these things but they're not quite accurate that's all in the lab section so you can go through a lot of this stuff I think I might show this for the WPS you can just turn on real quick which is nice you can do Network optimization uh oh this one I want to point out so the LEDs is nice you can turn them off and does work like I have one of these in my bedroom so for at 10 pm I can turn it off so it goes off automatically at night 10 pm it comes back on 7am next day I will say one complaint that I have is a delight on The Deco is like a bright green color instead of like on the Euros it was like a smooth kind of white color and it didn't stand out and it looks weird it doesn't blend in as well it's like a nice smooth white like would be anyhow there's a ton of stuff you can do this app I've had no problems with the servers it's been perfectly fine for me I'm getting better speeds that was getting through the e-roll I think that's probably because my hero was six and this is 6E but either way I'm glad to have it I appreciate they say it over I'm leaving in this is gonna be my everyday router from now on so at least until the next major upgrade I guess but for now I'm not going back to the hero I'm gonna keep this I don't like it it's been good for me all right that's it thanks for checking me out [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: 5after12
Views: 4,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Deco, eero, XE75, Tri-band, AXE5400, Wi-Fi mesh, Wifi 6E, TP-Link, TPLink
Id: bLa2Amz_wRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 01 2023
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