SPREAD in Canva for Children's Book (KDP)

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hi my name is Heather and today I'm going to show you how to create a spread for your KDP children's book in canva [Music] I'm in canva right now and the first thing I need to do is create a design but I need to know what size it's going to be so I'm going to go to the Amazon Help page set trim size bleed and margins and I'm just going to scroll down to where it says examples of page size with and without bleed and I'll click on that and if you watched the video right before this one where we did a single page in canva it's almost the same but the difference is we're just going to duplicate the page width to get a new width for example if I want to do a book that's 8.25 by 8.25 inches I'm going to find the page sizes bleed on the right so it's going to be 8.375 wide by eight and a half High the one difference is that I'm just going to multiply this by two because it's essentially going to be two pages one right next to another so the width is going to be the width of two pages not one so we're just going to take this number 8.375 and multiply by 2. and the result is 16.75 so this is going to be the width of our spread and then the height is going to be the same as the height of a page which is eight and a half now we can go back to canva and we'll create a new design and I'm going to do custom size and then for the width I'm going to do 16.75 the width that we just calculated and then the height is going to be eight and a half oh yeah make sure you change this to inches though ah and now we're going to create a new design this is going to be the size of our spread first let's add our guides so I'm going to go to file view settings show rulers and guides just like we learned in our last video we're going to do our eighth of an inch guides for our trim size and then quarter inch guides for the safe Zone this is a half inch so we're going to go back and go to a quarter of an inch and that's our safe Zone and then half of that is going to be our trim size so the slice here all the way on the left is going to get trimmed and then you're going to want all of your artwork to be inside the innermost line and that way it'll be safe from getting trimmed off so I'll just go there's half and I'll go a quarter and then an eighth now we just want a guide that goes down the middle so if you pull a guide over towards the middle and then you'll see it'll snap right at the middle and now we know this is the left Page and the right page as you can see the pages are going to get trimmed off around the outside but the Inside Edge is not going to get trimmed so when we break this up into two separate pages to go into our PDF The Edge that's going to be the right Edge on this page right here is just going to go right to the edge it's not going to get trimmed and then this one it's going to go right to the edge and it's not going to get trimmed I hope that makes sense but hopefully it'll make more sense as we go along now I'm just going to drop in my artwork I'm going to go to file import files I'm going to click on that and here's my art I already had it the right size but if you didn't have it exactly the right size you could always make it bigger make it smaller you can do all kinds of layout ad stuff whatever just get everything how you like it and then after that you can add in the text the text we did in the last episode so I'm not going to go through it in super detail I'll just add it here quickly and if you want to see in more detail how to do it then go to the first video of this series now we're going to export this whole design so we're going to go to share and download unfortunately the jpeg download doesn't let you go above 80 for the quality which is nuts so I'll just use PNG then I will download now I'm going to go back to home and this is where all of my designs are and again if you didn't watch the first video then you'll definitely want to watch that because we have our file that we started with all of our pages so this is all the pages in my book I could add more of course I only went up to six we can go here and look at our layout and remember the first page is going to be all by itself so one and two aren't going to be next to each other two and three are going to be next to each other this page is going to be to the right of the spine we have 4 and then as I finish the book I would put something on page five because these would be next to each other so we have page six here and I'm going to add another page which will be seven so we're going to be doing six and seven for the spread so I'm going to go back to designing now I'm going to start on page six which is going to have the left side of the spread so I'm going to go file import files and I'm going to find that file that I just exported which is right here and I'm going to open we're going to drop that in and then remember we made it the exact perfect size so what we're going to do is make this the height of the artboard here and that's going to be the exact perfect size so if we put this here then it's going to get cut right here and then we're going to go down to the next page which is going to be on the right side and we're going to drop it in again or you can copy paste whichever you prefer and you just got to make sure the height is exactly the height of the page and it'll snap to the height so you should be able to get it exactly and then this one we're going to put right at the edge so you want to make sure the edge of the image goes right along the edge and then in the one above it the edge goes right along the edge here so it's going to go right up against the edge of the artboard now if we go over to our grid View then we can see these two next to each other and then you see how they perfectly align now if we go back to our design one other thing I just want to mention is yes we do have our guides here for the bleed but they really don't count for the Inside Edge on any of the pages so even for like this one lately Mouse has been feeling down these guides on the right don't really matter it's not going to get trimmed on the right because this is where the spine is going to be but I just had us make those guides on every page just to make it easier on you but just so you know yeah like this isn't going to get trimmed off along that same lines this side isn't going to get trimmed off because this is the left Page and this isn't going to get trimmed off because this is the right page so they're going to match up perfectly and then whenever we're completely done with everything or if you just want to test it along the way we can do share download pick PDF you probably heard this in the last video but you do need the paid version for CMYK so for now just do RGB and then once you get your printed copy in the mail if you think that it doesn't look good then switch to CMYK but just don't worry about it for now we're gonna do flatten I just like to do that because it's less error prone and also if someone were to get a hold of your PDF they can't pick it apart and like grab out just your art and use it so now we're going to do download and then that's going to be your PDF that you can upload to Amazon KDP that's all for this video and I hope this was helpful if you have any questions as always you can let me know in the comments or you can also email me at Heather heathercash.com thanks so much for watching bye
Channel: Heather Cash Art
Views: 7,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JisqfCzKeII
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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