Spraying in the Mud!

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good morning we're uh we're waiting for Grandpa to get here we're down to Burger King you guys check this out so we got we've got Ryan down here and we're at our Berkey Farm dad is on his way with the sprayer in fact he's almost here but we got here a little earlier and we're waste we're wasting we're killing some time waiting for him up in our old haymo [Music] so when I was a kid we used to build a lot of straw a lot like bills in one day I don't know if we ever did six thousand in one day but we did uh 15 20 000 a year usually small square bales and we used to stack all of this up we had this uh conveyor come across here uh we actually used to have when I was a kid there was another mile on the other side I will help you bud don't worry and we had another conveyor that went across there's a door over there that it came in and stuff and and we would stack all of this almost to the peak or at least to the platforms up there with uh straw and then we bought that New Holland bail stacker that we had that we put in that big overhead door and then we could just flip them up in here we didn't have to hand stack them that was really nice but I have still used this uh dad was up here the other day and noticed that um we have a bunch of leaks in our roof and it's dripping and it's rotting our floor and that's a problem so there's a pretty good chance we might put new steel on this roof or at least the one slope here this winter or summer I mean sometimes so I was just checking it out showing Rylan what we used to do up here 's prayer there he comes all right should we go down you're gonna wave to Grandpa from up here yeah wait for him to pull in we'll see which way he comes he might go around the barn oh yeah he's gonna go around no he's not as tall as this no oh just leave it do not throw it down because you don't just need to start chucking stuff out the door here is he gonna get out what are you gonna tell him yeah you got to yell it to him from up here why because yeah he comes he's getting out now you gotta wait yeah wave to him Grandpa [Laughter] he doesn't know where you're at yeah what are you gonna tell him okay let's go down let's shut the door and go down this is this is not good happy birthday thank you laughs we have to decide if it's dry enough to spray this is the wettest spot in the whole Farm I mean you're gonna make an imprint well I've already got an imprint yeah right there that's the wet spot actually it's not bad Hill right and it's a growing crop and it was dry we gotta get it straight twice we got to put nitrogen on to make it green and grow and we've got to put some herbicide on to kill these dandelions he's gonna do it it's all loading the spray we're just putting 800 gallons in we're going to spray this field in two pills you can't do it all in one anyway so might as well split it even rather than a heavy one and a light one and we're putting in some water we actually got water in ATS some sulfur mixed into there and then 28 in the back tank uh we need um five gallons an acre out of this one 15 gallon sneaker out of that one so all loaded up I'm sure rylan's gonna ride with him maybe I'll try and jump in and ride here rolling too [Music] guy post there you should be fine we'll watch from here and uh then when he's empty you can come back and load up finish his field we'll load up again go to the next stuff and then maybe we'll take the truck to the field on the next one so we're not running back and forth down the road because I imagine he's gonna get a little mud [Music] he should uh flush the boom he was spraying Bean herbicide before this and rinse the sprayer and everything but sometimes after it sets for a couple of days you want to um uh rinse everything again look what I just found ah a not a good place for an open knife to just be laying but you know whatever [Music] Seafood runs it for a second in the driveway oh we gotta change nozzles oh yeah yeah he's got we got to flip all the nozzles so with the 28 on uh wheat we want stream jet nozzles not the broad hands or whatever because uh you want to keep as much of it off the wheat as possible so it doesn't burn it we had an extra ah It's gotta go I don't know why I straighten this out tips yeah I wouldn't worry too much about it so you might want to flush it in the driveway here rinse it boom okay we're gonna come back in three weeks and there's gonna be streaks in our wheat here it's fine sprayer has a boom height automatic adjustment system it's got five sensors on it that like a sonar or something that senses the ground and automatically adjusts it to keep it at a even height relatively even height [Music] so he's just getting everything set up and ready to go he's going to get his computer set up might take him a minute there he goes [Music] there's the mud that's that's the wet spot right there well while he sprays Phil's got a couple of empty boxes there's four of them here there's two outside I think that I might as well uh break those down this is the Beast of a forklift that we are trying to replace I mean it works it's functional and we don't use it a ton down here but it's not super handy it's um come on it is too uh big and cumbersome for most of what we do and it's lacks power which I think it's the transmission slipping more than anything but um it doesn't always like to go and we've started to have a little more trouble with it so I think we're trying to find something more suitable for our needs come on why won't those bolts go in there and it doesn't have side shift which makes this very difficult yeah we don't have great light in here but it's a old Yale GP 80. 8 000 pound capacity it's just big frame it's heavy it's slow it's cumbersome it's LP powered which is not great but it's fine um anyway it might be for sale in the near future if we find something to replace it with [Music] well that box isn't empty what the heck all right I don't know what the deal is there okay I got those boxes folded the ones that we could anyway let's go climb up on the grain bin and take some aerial shots without a drone [Applause] oh yeah so this is the second shot of nitrogen you can see um what got missed the first time from up here see the light green yellow streaks there oh wonder if he's out yeah he's gonna fold up okay anyway you see this light area right here can you see how it's a little darker green there clearly our um suction control settings are off a little bit getting a little bit of overlap and a little bit of mess not terrible but it is something we should change the sweet for the most part looks pretty good down here it's just a little bit yellow which is why we're hitting it with the second shot of nitrogen early we backed off on how much nitrogen we put on with the first shot because it was that week when it was 80 degrees it was hot we were worried about losing it volatilization risk and so we put Less on then we're putting more on now better weather for putting a nitrogen on anyway because we're getting uh cooler and it's gonna rain it's supposed to rain again tomorrow we'll wash it right in so anyway we have to do that Wheat Field over there as well done here he is loaded up again going back to the field I uh tweaked the turn on turn off settings of just a little bit in the monitor so that um hopefully we can eliminate some of that overlap and Skip there but it's closed it's not a big deal so uh we've got a little bit of fertilizer left on here here's the issue right so we have a tank inside the barn I'll show you that in a minute it's got 2 500 gallons of 28 in it that we are going to use here we have to use this water on here because it's got some ATS Blended in it at the right ratio so we need that and um rather than switching hoses and having to Pump from one tank to another and back and forth and our uh when the sprayer taken from some from in there and then some off here we're gonna fill this tank and then we're going to use this truck to Tender to him so he's going to finish spraying this field here now and then he's going to load up again here go to the next Farm but that building site over there we can actually uh back the truck in there and load over there so we're gonna fill this up that's what I'm trying to tell you we're going to fill it from the tank in the barn and uh use that to uh tender to him instead of him coming back here to film here's our setup we've got our pump we're pumping it on we're coming out of this tank this tank is full of 28002 and that's what we're spending on a week we should drain it in fact the tank is leaning away from us which is not good um I think we won't get it all out of there but we'll do what we can loading again he's got this first field done so he's gonna head on down the road I had this tank full um it turns out that so we're using a nitrogen stabilizer in this right we're using this contain advanced [Music] this stuff and uh you use a quart and a half of this per ton anyway I I put it I just dumped it in the bulk tank at the right rate so that it was um so it was in there rather than having to uh measure it out every time because you're not using a full two and a half gallon jug every time you're filling the sprayer up so it's a lot of measuring I can't get that kid to come with me I tried getting him to go with me back to the farm but nope won't do it so they're going to spray another load we've got to go fill our 28 tank up one more time we need handcuffs yeah all right well um let's see we got that tank inside emptied I took it back over there dad refilled again it is almost one o'clock we're gonna go get some lunch we haven't had any food yet and it's Dad's birthday and we're not in a hurry so we're gonna go have a nice late lunch here and uh we'll come back he's got two more loads to spray and then we'll be done all right nope didn't think that was gonna last we'll wait for them he's loaded up so we just got one more fill here and then uh we'll be good dad's telling me why he wants the skinny tires on the sprayer [Music] last one right eat skinny ones instead of big white challenge right he's got tram lines trenches last load we're on the last bill he's got to do the field across the road but when we were here the first time he had a little extra so he sprayed like 20 acres of it the second time already so it's already done we don't need to put any more nitrogen on there if we do the wheat is likely to go down uh and we'll have a little test strip there so that's fine so he's gonna load up for everything that he needs we'll have a little left on the truck we're gonna take that back to Waldron we'll throw it in the uh with the corn planter stuff at some point we're using the same stuff uh we'll put the corn planters so anyway yeah that went well here had the Sun's shining and it's not that cold like our corn is growing today I mean the sprayer's a little muddy but it's not horrible it's not horrible he uh yeah it's worse from the dust from the oil spill the other day or the oil leak all out from there from that so yeah I mean whatever it'll be fine the sprayer needs washed after we get done with nitrogen anyway so yeah it's fine okay we are done here I'm gonna take my pickup back to the farm Michael Jack is here nope truck back there anyway so he's helping to shuttle stuff around a little bit so uh take the pickup back to the farm and park it Jack's gonna bring me over here to get the truck and then we're gonna take that truck and head back to the farm Ryland is riding with Grandpa they're gonna finish spraying and when they're done spraying they're going to uh take my pickup back home and leave the sprayer here because we're not done spraying here we're just done putting nitrogen on the wheat here we all have to spray all of the wheat again with the herbicide which um we probably could do today but we're gonna let it we're gonna let it rain and soak the nitrogen in and then spray the herbicide sometime later this week we also have to spray all of the corn stalks and the bean ground the stuff that's getting planted two beans are already planted two beans and um it's a little too muddy for that so it's gonna be a little while anyway we had a good day got all the nitrogen put on the wheat here that's that's good forgot we got to get this shuttle off of here those are the bean chemicals we're gonna need them here so we're not gonna take them back in the truck there we go now we're ready to go we're back park the truck out there um it's windy the sun's kind of on and off out it's not it's not sunny but it's the sun's coming through the clouds a little bit and every now and then you get a break and some bright sunshine it's drying the ground out on top a little bit so we ended up with just over half inch of rain here yesterday but it's starting to Haze over on top we might be able to walk out in it enough to go see if that first planted corn is starting to peek through the ground or not so I think we're gonna go try that the back so let me to dry enough time to check our corn we're probably not going to go very far out in Northfield because it is still muddy but uh maybe first stuff we planted is right back here behind the building sold start down oh yeah it's starting to dry off on top look at that awesome all right well it's just starting to dry off on top we'll stay in the dry dirt as much as possible but once we get up the hill here mostly dry on top not mud sticking to our shoes so that's good right yeah I brought the thermometer we'll see what uh yep you can but let's get up here on the a little bit higher ground and we'll dig some seeds and we'll see how close it is to coming up oh it's so nice and soft yet not crusted at all so we don't have to worry about that yeah I try to do it once well let me find one first okay it's right there I saw it I break it no it's right there just we've got the growing Point that's right there see if I can pry them out of there oh roots coming way out the bottom there this corn is growing still white tissue it's healthy and that's what I can take it right here it's kind of sitting there like that so it's you know the roots going down this is starting to come up it's got a long ways to go like that seat was upside down yeah very good it's got a little ways to go yet we just need some heat just need some heat there's no seeds there bud that's a tire track over there see if you can find one we'll give that some time yet there's another one that one's got a longer shoot which is I mean it's good but it's not because you want these all to come out of the ground evenly at the same time um I broke that one so it's okay what happens if they don't well the ones that come up later are kind of behind all year and they won't put as big a ear on there's no way that we're 64 degrees aren't we I mean that's that's not shallow it says sweat now I can't believe we're 64 degrees seems really warm I need to calibrate my thermometer I don't know I'll take that though oh look at this this is awesome okay see that big root going down down towards my palm that is the radical root that's the first root that comes out of the the seed and it kind of uh is is what brings the initial moisture and stuff into the plant and then we've got the I'm going to call it the shoot I'm sure there's a proper name for it but that's what's growing up towards the surface right here and then you see those two little Roots right there I believe oh I could be wrong those are one of two things they're either the first nodal Roots which I would be shocked if those are notaries they might be what we call uh seminal Roots I'm gonna have to look this one up but those are more Roots starting there coming right out of the seed that's awesome I get that this has been in the ground for almost three weeks now right what day do we plant this April 12th today's the 29th 12 plus 7 is 19 19 plus 7 is 26 plus okay so three so that's uh 14 17 days or two and a half weeks in it's growing it's healthy it's good there's nothing wrong with this it's just growing slow we've got moisture we've got some some heat I mean heck my thermometer turned off 17 degrees 63. that's warm it's gonna grow rylan's finding worms I'm I am happy I'm happy and I'm not concerned wow all right that's good deal oh I'm happy I would love for it to be coming out of the ground right now we're not there yet but so what like this is we're good stop talking oh you want the birds to get the worm off your thing no that's a good worm we want to save that put him back in the ground yes put him back in the ground birdies come and eat it jeez E I feel better I feel better like I was getting nervous I am getting nervous because this stuff has taken a long time to come up but after digging it up and looking at it I feel good I'm really happy with our decisions to this point and the ground is still warm like I'm gonna get a different thermal I have another one of these we're gonna check but I we're in good shape there's a small part of me a small part very small that hopes it stays wet for the next three weeks so that I can say I told you so and I was right but I still have stuff to plant too so I don't really want that this thing's not lost but yeah it's good it's good all right [Music] clearly it wasn't the first planted Bean field I think maybe this was the second or third one this is the field Phil was in when the tractor started giving us some troubles we had that O-ring blown so uh we're just gonna look right here on these ends and see what we got I grabbed another one of these we'll see if they read the same you know they're still adjusting you gotta let them set for a little while so beans are a little different than corn uh corn is a monocot and it puts a it puts a shoot up that comes up to the surface right and beans are a dicot they actually push the seed up through the surface then the seed opens up and it becomes the first two leaves the cotyledons here we've got a double and two of them see them growing we've got nice white clean tissue you like that starting to get sort of a long Crook in their necks ah nothing that I'm terribly concerned about at this point but this part right here can get a little thin and it can snap the cotyledons off we don't want to see that yeah that's just muddy it's gonna see the bottom of that root sort of looks mushy but it's not it's just muddy and dirty wipe it off you can see it's still clean and white so that looks good you can see the uh the seed coat the tree treatment on there that's starting to peel off which is what we want once it's growing so um you know got a nice good long root on them they got a little ways to go to get up through the surface yet but again we're not crusted at all so is that it's right there right there you dug it up good job bud that's a big bat one yeah well they swell up when they absorb water and they start to grow they oh you dropped it they swell up and get bigger oh they're in good shape we just need some heat to get them up look at this okay so can you tell which one was sitting in the seed warehouse and which one is not then at least on the glitter coat 66 68 I mean that's not the same but it's not a huge difference there just went to 64. sure we've got them on relatively the same depth because that will change things now they read the same like our soil is not cold guys it's not that cold for as cold as it has been in the rain that we got must have been a pretty warm rain whatever that means to keep the soil temperature warm I'm so happy right now oh this is good yeah You're Gonna Want It how many flats 19 Flats of flowers Katie wants some yeah gotta plant them in our filter strips for the deer to eat or maybe the butterflies to live in I don't know but that's the rules oh all right guys that's gonna wrap it up for today there's more rain on the way I guess we'll see I feel so good right now like oh yes our early stuff looks good it looks good I'm happy the ground is warm I people don't realize how much the sunshine matters like the fact that we have Sun radiates down and it warms up the ground even when the air temperature is in the 40s or low 50s it's still warming that ground up so feel really good but anyway we're gonna go home see the family come back over here for uh birthday dinner tonight with my dad and uh we'll be back on Monday who knows what we'll be doing but we'll be back on Monday thanks for watching everybody like And subscribe questions and comments all that good stuff we'll see you on uh next week come on bye [Music]
Channel: Border View Farms
Views: 11,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gzdUQhg-9qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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