Spray Rendering — Is it a DIY job?

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[Music] hello I'm Roger Bisby from the skill Builder Channel and in this video I'm going to try for the first time ever spraying on Silicon render now I've done it by trowel I did take on what I consider it'll be quite a large job for me on my own foolishly and it didn't really work out for me because I got a dry joint there so it's bugging me so the guys at ewi Pro said why don't you try spraying you numpty so here I am I'm back with the expert here Paul and he has sprayed for a long time haven't you Paul uh over 10 years with this type of this machine okay right so he knows a bit more about it than I do so he's going to guide me for it but he's going to let me do the work because you don't like working do you no no no no foreign so one of the things with spray equipment is you've got to clean it you know and nobody likes cleaning it so they've got a clever trick here they line the hopper with a bit of plastic that saves a bit of cleaning but there's still a bit more to do which we'll show you in the end we're going to put the mix into the hopper and we've got the Silicon render from ewi store now when you get this it's basically a lot of minerals if you like grains one and a half mil this is and it's suspended in a silicone paint if you like but it settles obviously so what you've got to do is you've got to get a good old mix five minutes of mixing at least five minutes of mixing with a power whisk to get it all the solids back into suspension if you like then sticky in the machine now you said to me don't scrape out the tub what's the point um there is a danger if there's been stored in the sun around the outside it forms a bit of a crust I know that one yeah and if you put that crust in the machine it will block up the nozzle and you'll be forever cleaning it out this nozzle by the way will just look like these are one and a half mil grains aren't they so doesn't that tend to block them anyway no not at all because it's a compressor this isn't an airless spray this no no this is a proper Prime machine so people can buy these they can't hire them from you but they can hire them from other places yeah they can hire them from CES higher okay all right so if you're just learning but quite honestly having done it by trowel if this works I ain't never going back to that I'm just going to spray all day long um sanding The material through the pipe is on low speed yeah but it's most important that you watch the pressure gauge the pressure gauge will tell you if you've got a blockage oh okay so what happens the pressure gauge goes up to what uh 10 bar 10 bucks so so what's that running at operating at the moment naught which is good no but what would it normally just go around two bar yeah maximum Yeah so basically with this spray plant you've got to have first of all a Transformer five KVA yes yeah biggie then you've got to have a compressor yes and then you've got to have the spray plant itself yes and the hoses and the hoses yeah yeah comes standard with an eight meter but you can put an extra 10 meter on to give you that little bit more distance as you can see we're going to be running two pipes today so what we do first is get it through on the first pipe because if you're ever going to get a blockage it's normally at the knuckle [Music] there we go we've got the first bit through now you will have noticed it's a very sunny day today and it's due to get quite warm so I wouldn't even attempt doing this on a trowel on a day like today and it's windy as well but apparently when you're spraying doesn't matter because even if you've decided that you wanted to put a day joint you've had enough the next day you could go back and just blow it in so it's very forgiving in that way which obviously doing it with a trowel even when you've got two or three people is hard work in the warm weather so what I've done here is I've reversed the machine just to take the pressure out the pipe so when I clean the end I've not got a product continually coming out so I can fit the gun so when you say the end you're going to clean this end yes what with water just a bit of water yeah okay [Music] just to explain to you about spraying yeah it's most important that this is your on off switch now yeah so that's in the off position all right that's an open position that's your on position okay but it's important that it goes all the way down all the way and then when you want to shut off it's all the way when you're spraying you always start off in a bucket okay because your first bit will come out will be a Splat got it okay you want a nice even texture yeah same again when you're finished and you want to shut off it's into a bucket yeah yeah so you haven't got that Splat yeah I'm quite nervous actually oh yeah yeah don't be nervous it's so simple for you right so I'm going to start it just just want to step back a little bit like I must also add very important to have safety glasses off yeah because you do get Stones blowing back okay so it can keep all the way on bring it to the walls you want to be [Applause] about 300 waste in the world okay and that's a circular motion you're doing there do you [Applause] know yeah why not showing up to a reveal I'm straying past the reveal got it because if you stop there you get a heavy Builder I know yeah yeah you want a nice even coat across so always go past your bead okay right I'm just going to sprinkle that with a second coat I would yeah yeah and then uh you'll you'll see the effect I've got no milk into the bucket the wall and if you notice my second coat I'm slightly further back okay so don't always move on to the right person yeah so you keep it moving all the time all the time keep it moving okay I can feel those little Stones coming back yeah this one's oddly enough it's not the paint is it it's only the stone that's lovely it's like you've done that before my friend [Applause] oh [Applause] oh it's hard because you protect those windows [Music] oh okay got it yeah now I've got to go again all right if this was scaffolded out I'd be turning onto the scaffold yeah yeah I love you the scaffolders then don't they [Music] get it [Music] [Applause] now I can steady thank you back there your children trying to do two bigger Rings yeah yeah okay all right yeah yeah well cheers I'll get there by the end of the day I'll be a quarter decent become a friend [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] do you know I spent ages putting this policy down and basking up to stop any stains on this deck in actual fact it's dry so as long as you don't wet it and it doesn't rain then it's not so bad I mean I'm not saying don't cover up because I think you should still mask everything up saves a lot of work but it's actually a lot more forgiving than I thought I keep using that same word for giving but it is forgiving and I think I've also been forgiven now for my little error up there because now we've sprayed it all over you can't even see where the join is so I'm very happy with it and if I have to do another job I'm definitely going to spray [Music] so if you've got some tired or shabby looking render maybe it's got a few patches in it you want to give it a facelift without hacking it off then I definitely recommend using the silica render sprayed on or trowed on and if you want more information on any of these products or anything to do with external wall insulation then get in touch with the ewi store they've got loads on their website telling you about all the products how to use them and if you don't see the information you want there they've got technical people to help you now the scaffold's been removed you get a clearer idea of the overall look of the building and I think you can see that it's really smart it up no end but there is just one final little touch and that is to put a mosaic render around the bottom around the plinth just below the damp proof course so if you're using this system it's always a good idea to stop it at The Damp proof course and ewi pro do recommend that below that you use the Mosaic the Mosaic is completely impervious to moisture and it's very similar to a resin bonded Drive instead of using a polyurethane resin they use an acrylic resin now I've never done this before either so let's see how I get on because I've never done this before poor Christmas that is his real name from ewi Pro Academy he's the training guy he's going to give me a quick demonstration on how to do it and then he's going to leave me alone I just say this at this point if you're gonna do any of this kind of work it's well worth signing up for a course at the ewi pro Academy they've got one down in Aylesbury they've got another one up in Bradford so you can go to those academies and you can get some hands-on experience and learn all the theory so with this it's slightly different to make for the air silicon render we're applying it still to the fitness of the stones that are in it but we're not then going to touch to it we're just trailing it flat so we don't have to rub it up no little plastic float now we're just going to Trail it flat so that all the stones are touching okay because where is it's gone all nice and white and milky yeah that dries clear so all that's left is the colored stones got it as long as the stones are touching that's all we need so the idea would I put that primer on yesterday yep which is an acrylic primer and you recommended that I had that tinted the same color as this so that if there is anywhere any slight gaps in the stones won't show so much I find it's best to use a small flexi trout because it doesn't drank the stones it'll flatten them and you can get those from ew I still you can all we're trying to do is make sure it's flat and there's no gaps in the stands that's great um there's no advantage in leaving it to go off slightly and then going back on it just do it as you go yeah I just do it as a go because you can as it starts to dry that resin becomes sticky quite sticky and you can drag the stones that's all so this has actually got a stones in it there's no actual color no it's other than the stone colored colored Quartz chippings in a acrylic binder okay an acrylic resin binder so that's where it goes with white and milky like that that will all dry clear and just leave the Gallant Stones so I will dry slightly darker than it [Music] [Applause] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] quick and easy job to do all I'd say one thing is the masking tape pull it off while the coating is still wet because if you leave it to dry it does start to try and pull away and you get a ragged top so it's like a lot of other things border masking tape as soon as you can as soon as you're done and you'll be fine now the great thing about this little Mosaic render if you like is that if there's a splash up which there will be from the deck rather than it's staining the bottom of the render and you're getting that horrible green you know algae there it will because it's waterproof it will just shed it and it looks smart for a lot longer [Music] thank you
Channel: Skill Builder
Views: 9,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rendering walls, rendering, spray render machine, spray render courses, spray render gun, spray render diy, spray render training, monocouche spray render, spray silicone render, spray thin coat render
Id: ni6CY8WsEtk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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