SCRAPED RENDER good money but hard work

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okay anyone want to guess what's on the agenda for today there you go k-run for breakfast he's a good laugh big mud pie okay today we're going to be k-rounding this little orangeery so we've got found these bi-fold doors to do little wall in some little nibs show them there okay and we've got this little water bill here and up there so not a massive job but all the same a little bit time consuming just because it doesn't matter how big the job is you still gotta leave this stuff for about six hours in the summer to go off if it's winter time it could be up to like you know 12 16 hours you know it's gonna dry out so anyway look at this this is the uh well that's about the consistency I like to use it okay you don't want it running you're only as sort of wettest finish in fact I'd even say that is a little bit wet but we're just like this stand for the minute so that'll probably thicken up a little bit usually he recommends to knock it off again but in fact edit this without color because I'm smoking I just made care and thicken it up a bit okay so that's what the consistency I like it sort of how you'd mix drywall adhesive you know you don't want it too wet because you've got to build up to the beads now what you want to do is when you put this stuff on you're coming out throughout the thickness of the bee that's where it's gonna be finished to but you're gonna scrape it back so you actually need to be able to pass the beads scrape it back to the beach just so let's get started now what I'm going to do is I'm going to try and tell you everything that's going through my mind when I'm doing this job well not every don't end up in jail so I'll just tell you that the bits about Plastering has come from your mind first off let me put this wall on I'm gonna work in bands coming down now most of the time when you've done like Sam's Mount renders you'll put the top off the wall on and then you drop down put the bottom off the wall on but with this if this starts to dry a little bit and then you go into it again so if I put this top half on it takes me longer it takes me a little while to band across it takes me a lot longer to put the top eye off the wall on so so what happens is the stuff starts to dry out and when I put the bottom half of the water I've got a joint line oh I know this this is a tiny little job I mean it's not like a full Gable on a house but even still you know it's better to use the same principles all the time so I'll put a nice little small band across the top another little band and I'll just work your way down in bands and if you notice as well these windows profiles stick out and I've beaded round them I've put stop beads around them just because there's certain parts of the profile doesn't meet the cell so there'd be a little bit where the render breaks out so I'll just be done on the same around the doors if there's any movement I'm not going to get any cracks on that front foam so anyway let's get started enough of me gapping let's get cracking what was it the king said A Little Less Conversation a little more action please now I always hand apply all um K Rend and molecu surrender the actual term for all of this type of REM that is Monaco's render which actually means one coat render in French but um it's not actually one coat because he owes us what a base coat of mesh so it should it's it's two coats now she'll be dual coat dual couch render but anyway let's not get into the technicalities of the the sales gimmicks that they come up with oh to get the thickness of K Band as well you do it in two passes so I'll put a bit of a pass on and then I'll put another pass over the top of it so that needs to firm up a little bit to be able to put another pass on to get the thickness allow them to work a little bit here for you guys because usually kidding wouldn't be filming this he'd just be passing me handboards that are loaded up but because we're only doing a little turtle man when we're doing four houses you probably wouldn't have a chance to see this because he wouldn't have five minutes for yourself the film he'd have to just be permanently mixing and running around like I had this chicken that was this huge gray you're getting a bit of free advertising off me here so it's only because they give me free clothing you know whenever they go in there I always get them for the promotional stuff get me free t-shirts and me free hats in fact all my daughters before they all become like you know they all grow up and as I've all fancy gear they all have huge gray 90s yeah I'll probably get shouted out for telling you that now though so just keep that between us online okay so now that's the first band in the top now this can have a second pass in a minute but what I'm going to do is you work it like this I'm gonna pull that band in and I'm gonna put another little band in and second pass that one yeah and then I'll put another band in a second past that one and another band and second pass that one so you'll see that you'll see what I mean now before I put the second pass on I'll just put another quick band in here I always squash it into the beads as well pushing it and pressing it into them beads so you don't get any little air pockets in there pushing the stuff onto the wall make sure it's well pushed in again into the beads now if you're doing bigger areas or you're the beginner Maybe cover the windows up I haven't covered it because by the time I'll put this on give me give it a quick wipe with a cloth on it to clean so but if you're doing a massive area and the strut's going to stay on there for a long time potentially considered common law you know I have to say stuff like that because you wouldn't believe the amount of people thought come at me in the comments you haven't covered the windows up you're a cowboy Oh my God give me a break man I know what I'm doing though I haven't just started last week don't worry about the windows if I thought it was a problem would have covered them you're filming me yeah come on man let's put the second pass on the first band now catching this what you don't want to do is leave that too long so it starts with a skin on it so it should still be nice and wet we'll just firm up a little bit just so it'll take the weight of another pass and this one you want to try and get this so it's out in front of all your beads when you work up to soffits and stuff on these cells it's very hard to put it on thick by pulling down that's what I always tend to do put it on the Tomy Trail just working like that you can get a quite a bit of a good bit of thick and something like that well it's sagging off see that's what you'll watch out for we're gonna show them this thing these are the bits that you're watching out for jump up on the trestles so we can see right I'll show you where you're looking see here see this see that sagging away from the wall that's what you can't have so foreign about this job so I'm working outside on this um like odd injury stroke Conservatory build for the the wind the firmer do work for but inside the house is being renovated and there was another two plasterers in there Jeff and Mark older fellas you know in the 60s they were absolutely spot on the old boys at Ace okay now can you see the clear distinction first pass second pass see the line the line I'm leaving the lines visible so I know where I need to be next so the next thing we want to do now is put another pass in here I bought another pass in here and I'll put the second pass on this another pass in and a second pass this is just a way of working down the wall without giving it chance to to really go off and get a skin on it which will leave you a big horrible nasty junk line in the wall a ghost land they call it because it's a different color foreign there you go look at that look at the legs on him I'm still hobbling around on me flipping bad knee hey but it's getting better though so for any of you guys that follow me the lag is starting to feel a heck of a lot better so I know it seems like I'm faffing around a lot going over and over it but I'm flattening it in I'm flattening it as much as I can so I can see if there's any little Hollows or misses anywhere I can fill them out once you can start scraping down if there's a hollow or a mess there's nothing you can do to fix it that's it okay so can you see how this system's working now you can see where the first passes in the second pass again the next band coming down is here now let's just say for instance you were on a big big Gable right we're doing a in a full house and you've got the thick side wall ideally one man can look after about four or five meters doing it this way if he gets more than four or five meters for one man to hand the play it like using this band system then you'd probably um gonna start getting ghost lines so what you'll think is to help you work out any men you need if you've got the Gable of a house so yeah and it's 12 inches long more work if you've got the Gable of the house and it's like 12 meters long you need a man every four meters you know I'd have three man on the scaffolding each of their own section doing the bands dropping down the wall looking after their four meter their four meter panel down the wall you know and then that way then it's it can get chaotic otherwise if you try and do it other ways I just find this so simple and you get a perfect job every time always check underneath you win the sales these are prone I haven't looked yet prone for having little misses and holes and bits for I don't remember the bit of shows up there but it fell away it always happens on the Windows also I always check under there make sure it's uh fine here because this side will only take four bags to put it on and if you didn't know it's it's roughly one bag per square meter of krenz so four bags is enough to basically get this on now if it wasn't if this was a bigger wall you need more than one bucket because the you need the lad you need somebody mixing for you another bucket because when that runs out you haven't really got time to be stood waiting for five or ten minutes whilst he mixes another one lets it stand knocks it up and up you haven't got time for that so you need you need two continuous mixing all the time will do this one bucket will do this and then we'll move around and then it'll move around we'll be all right for time okay notice what I'm doing here now come here see these these little bits here that have dropped down I'm gonna putting this on if I leave the easily get a skin on them when we scrape it off we'll have all little white spots all along the bead to make sure take all those off first and then when you're putting your first class in double class speeds are notorious for having air bubbles in them and gaps when you scoop off having holes so make sure you push the stuff down so it fills out any little air pockets the last thing you want to do is start scraping and uncover a little hole because you can hear the trowel touch the bead to just make sure it's filled out properly you definitely want to make sure you're out in front oh what I like to do now once it's on this should just give it a nice little press over with the Derby now you don't really it's not like when you're using some cement and you can rule it off and take it off and move it in you know to manipulate the stuff as such this is more so you're not going to take any off you can literally just squish it into the wall and push it around a little bit I just like to get it all nice and flat and one uniform sort of texture across the surface so that when a scraper can see where he's scraping where it doesn't now this is a serrated Derby [Music] and people say this gets rid of the air bubbles um but it doesn't okay if there's an air pocket if there's an air pocket in the Wall come here if there's an air pocket in the wall and a little bubble [Music] my phone never stops with work in fact if if you want to know how to get your phone just ringing non-stop with work then click on the link in the description and uh join the little group I'll show you how to leverage social media marketing I'll show you as a leverage Google all sorts of different things salesmanship techniques everything just click on the link in the description if you want to learn how to make your phone ring Non-Stop and message on stopper work now going back to what we're saying if there's an air pocket it'll be between the base coat and the surface it'll be it'll be behind all this so these little serrations will not release that air okay these so 80 Derbies don't stop me getting air pockets if you if you've got an air if you burst of your trowel and trowel press over at the heart of the trial but I'll show you that in a minute foreign I'm glad this has happened we've got a little air bubble here can you see that all right that see there's a pocket of air behind the stuff now it doesn't matter if you go over that with a serrated Derby it stays there okay just burst it and let the air don't get rid of air pockets Okay so Randy there's always a thing right I was always taught to work when you're rendering the opposite way if you're right-handed the Stars at the right and work to the left and then obviously if you're left-handed the opposite way around so you're going you go in the opposite if the opposite way to skimming a wall if you're going to skim the wall and you're right-handed you start off at the top left you were to the top right and that's because when you're skimming the hail of the trowel the back of the trowel leaves a line and the toe covers it so if you haven't made a left you'd have loads of lines on your wall okay so that's why you go that way when you're skimming now when you're rendering they say start at the opposite side loads of thoughts say well why what's what's the point now ultimately look it does you're still doing a nice job but I'll show you the reason why I'm going to start at the right I'll show you I'll show you what the reason behind it is your first pass of stuff watch this now that goes on see the stuff Falls see if foreign you get stuff that falls off now if you're working right to left watch this now watch you start there the stuff's tying in tying in if I was starting that way and coming this way every time my trowel comes off the wall there's nothing to tie into and I'll lose a little bit now granted it's not a lot but by the time you've done I don't know 50 meters of K Rend then you'll have dropped maybe two or three bags on the floor whereas if you do it right to left you won't it's just about efficiency you can still do a lovely job you can still go the wrong way doesn't matter you'll still do a nice job of it no one's doubting your skills you'll just drop a little bit more that's the reason don't film it's good Kevin said you ready and we'll start filming just as I've run out of stuff and have to go back to the bucket so you can all enjoy looking at my ass when I bend over to get the gear all right oh sorry that wasn't very funny so you see first pass second pass I've dropped down the band now so I've put the the second pass in and drop down again second passing again I don't want to keep going on and on and on about it and it's not really super necessary to do it on little walls like this but I'm just trying to show you the principles because if you don't like I said before if you're on a big big wall then this will save you now you always want to go with the shortest distance as well so this is shorter that way and it is that way so it makes sense to me to put my bands coming down okay if this wall so it was the full length of the garden if it was like you know 40 foot long or something then it'll make sense to me bands that way instead because it's the shortest distance but all this is the whole thing about this is just trying to keep this wet where you join into that's all you're trying to do just keep that wet if that starts getting a skin on it then that's a game over you can have white lines all over your wall we've got the exciting little bits there's always a pain in the ass but you've got to try and get no job doesn't matter how simple to think the job is there's always a little bit to pay oh there we go oh it's not it's not so much hard it's just trying to get you know trying to get it on thick well thick you know down there when you can't go that way you can only go up and down but look look I only dropped a tiny little bit in all that stand back a bit just well close on a beat to me right we've left it now for about six hours the sun was on this and underneath this one render render carrier board so it pulls in quite fast sometimes you'll end up leaving this you'll need to leave it for like 12 hours 16 hours in the winter and what have you here and we're raising his eyebrows but anyway this is ready now and you know it's ready because when you touch it you're not leaving any imprints in it you know if you leave it too like the Hardy the more you let it go off the harder it is to scrape so you want it just hard enough so you can scrape it and get a nice job but you need it where you're not leaving really any indentations anything with your finger when you're I'm pressing that quite hard you know so High bar this gets things keep the camera on me sorry the phone rings non-stop right what I was saying to you was either this is gonna be a short one funny the longer one I had got damaged in the van but nothing's been came and absolutely nothing to do here he wasn't even there when he packed it away right it wasn't even there eyeball a little scraper floating nail float whatever you want to call them scratcher you want to use this to get the walls nice and flat this for all with little areas so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] coming closer well I want to be careful of here I don't want this oh to touch that window frame and scratch it so I'll bead it up next to it I'm just paying close attention so make sure that I just stay there [Music] so this is going to take a bit of time I'm gonna go with a whole wall of this and then any little awkward areas with that now not only I'm gonna rub it that way and we're also going to rub it that way because I want it dead flat both ways [Music] [Music] thank you we actually discovered that this bee it's just a millimeter or so in front of this so we're okay [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] make sure you do that use the eyeball especially on the leaf the fascia board because when you look down it you want your wall to be nice and flat with this so as long as that's nice and straight then [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right for anyone that was wondering as well why we beaded up here why we put a bead in here come running come running see this this plastic trim moves can you see that yeah it's gonna zoom in I can see that's why we didn't work up to this that's why I put beads on because ultimately that that we've got you know it'll crack so that would work right once you've finished one complete area I think she on this wall we've just done this now taking all day showing you once you've done one area like that before you move on to the next side just go over cite it look everywhere look for any little Miss if you've missed anywhere with that if there's any little little bit that hasn't been touched with that then you need to rub a bit more with this sort of if it's a bit of a hollow and go back into this and just make sure we've got every last little bit scraped it's vitally important if you miss a bit if you miss a tiny bit when that dries out you'll have a big white patch you'll have a big light patch on it so you've got to really go check it from different angles going down that side and look at it stand over this side and look at it because it you'll see the misses in from different angles the way the Sun Shines on it although there's no sunshine and now but that makes sense you've got to lock it from a few different ways just to make sure you've got can't emphasize that enough make sure you haven't missed a bit when you're scraping Kevin's just wiping down but look this is what I meant about see underneath the um the soffit see how straight the render is underneath there that's because you use the eyeball underneath it he's gone now where have you gone Karen let's go and see what he's doing let's go and see what he's up to oh there's me there he is you clean the windows around here lovely corn is nice and sharp okay it's on the cleaning duty is that lad clean up there look this is our secret weapon secret weapon for cleaning lad get as clean as you possibly can now any stubborn little stains and we've got scrub of a WD-40 oh this is where the bar comes in really handy as well when you've got wet internals with um with mono so [Music] you can work into the angle like that and then to finish the corner just use the edge of the barn don't push hard just very gently very gently run down and it'll finish the corner and scrape a bit of that as well and then all you have to do this side watch out for the washing line the new put that there and scrape it do exactly the same thing nice and gently into the corner ultimately doing internals with this is a lot easier trying to do internals with one of these is a bit of a nightmare just then you get right down into these little corners [Applause] should be really really jumping the last thing you want to do clip the corner of the bead and break a chunk of stuff out so just take your time in the corners ultimately when you stand back you want them to look perfect you know you don't want the corner all smashed up [Music] and I'm just doing like that on the angle [Applause] [Music] farty Walker bits foreign there we go Kevin's gonna clean up now um my favorite bit is Cayman does all the cleaning and I just use this [Music] [Applause] [Music] all this all this ground's getting done up here it's all getting re-landscapable we still clean up a bit anyway don't we okay still clean up don't we mates even though it's late and uh Kirk's desperate for the Pines that's it looks quite nice doesn't he not talking to you and talking to these guys on here yeah that'll do something like that that's how it should look when it's done that's how it should turn out damning this is the best part about it now if this ground was all stained if this wasn't getting re-landscaped we would have sheated all this off but all this ultimately is going to get dug out so sorry so you can see me all this is going to get doggo so it's not staying but if it was then we would have put this screen down and we would have put these OSB boards on top and um kept it all nice and clean you know if it was like a finished driveway or something so Kevin's packing up fair play he keeps the van nice and tired the whole point of getting this van will show that we could walk down up and down it that easy but he likes it to be you know the floor completely covered so I don't really care Tim has to go in and out not me oh what time is it ten to seven I definitely need a pint right before you go don't go anywhere just yet I mentioned earlier in the video about the phone ringing non-stop off the hook now do you know I'm one of them people me I've I've I really get into stuff like at the minute I really enjoy making YouTube videos and all the rest of it but one of my passions is social media advertising and Google advertising I want to talk about advertising I don't mean paid adverts so what I do is the way I generate all my work is word of mouth and I give the best service I possibly can customers love me you know I provide that much value that the they're not bothered so much about what I charge it's more you just want me to do the job now I can show you how to do all this for yourself not only that that's a little tiny bit of it the main bit I've literally figured out a formula to make social media work for me so the likes of Facebook show you things that you can do on Facebook that literally Make It Rain work okay and I don't mean just going on there posting I can do your you know your Plastering for you call this number no one's interested in them sort of posts there's a specific type of way that you advertise on social media that generates attention not only that Google the likes of getting yourself a Google listing so you get these companies phone you up saying we'll get you to number one on Google yeah don't pay them listen I can show you how to do this to yourself I'll I can teach you how to do it and it'll be free forever you'll you'll know how to do it yourself forever and it doesn't matter if you're a plasterer a multi-trade a build and a joint it doesn't make it this works for anybody as long as you're in the trade these methods work for anybody so I'm not trying to sell you nothing if if you're interested if you would like me to help you blow your business up like literally Make It Rain work and the more work you get obviously you can increase your prices and ah anyway you get the gist of it if you're interested the link is in the description click the little button that says more next to the title of this video just down here somewhere there's more it'll give you the description and in the description there's a link click on the link there's no hidden surprises if you want to jump in with a little group cost you 30 pound a month okay I know it's a hell of a lot of money but I'll help you enjoy it guys peace and love
Channel: On the trowel
Views: 7,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: P79vSLoVzO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 44sec (2204 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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