Spotting FAKE Morgan Silver Dollars

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When I see apes posting their stacks, insisting that nobody can be trusted, I always wonder how they test their coins and bars? How do you know that your 100 oz silver bar is not a silver plated bar made of some other metal? Most of what I see posted are not certified bars, so you will have to test them somehow. Or do you blindly trust the online seller?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Shrike2021 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Pop into your local who has an XRF machine. Instant test, even through plastic protectors. We're not in the dark ages any more. Verifying the exact purity, quantity and composition of metals is pretty trivial nowadays.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Mscox_au 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody welcome back to another silver seeker video guys and today we are talking about fake Morgan Silver Dollars in front of me guys I have two piles I have one pile of real Morgan Silver Dollars and one pile of fakes what I'm going to do is give you a little self-test so I'm going to cling them together and then I'm going to let you give yourself a second to decide which ones real and which one's fake just by the sound of the coins so what I'll do is I'll pick these up I'm going to put them really close to the microphone you can't see me on camera but that's what I'm doing right for the microphone then it start clinging these together so here we go okay that's the first pile here is the second pile right in front of the microphone already now we'll do it on camera so you can see what I'm doing here and the other pot and finally we'll do the whole banging test and we'll drop one as well so well alright so give yourself a second think about it tell me tell yourself which file is real which cause fake if you guess this pile guys that you are correct that is the pile of fake Morgan Silver Dollars I have five of them here in front of me that I have in my collection when I do say collection I I mean I keep them in this bag that's marked fakes I don't keep them mixed in with my real dollars because I don't want people to think that I collect fake dollars in with my sets I don't so what we're going to do is go through a couple of detection methods and kind of weed these out and see how quickly we can weed out the fake ones so let's start with first test is a magnet so the reason a magnet is a really good test is because if a coin is magnetic it's definitely not real there's no need to do any further testing okay if it's not magnetic that doesn't mean it is real it just means that it's not magnetic but it's it's one quick way to just weed out some coins because if it's magnetic it's fake period and the story don't need to worry about it here are five Morgan's that we know are real you can see I'm touching the magnet each one of them and it's not doing anything just right over now we'll run this magnet across these fakes and see if we get anything whoa first one there just yanked it right up to the court nope nope yup our weight is both magnetic I don't think they are that one is this one is that magnet was so strong that it actually picked the other coin up and - I'm saying I wonder how far we can go almost almost so anyway these two are magnetic you make a magnetic video spinner with Morgan fake Morgan's and do it like this right so you take a strong magnet put them side to side then you can kind of shakin and they spin like a fidget right you fidgety grommeted all day so anyway that weeds two of them are real quick so we have three remaining in our fake pilots tag or real looms up second test we can do is wait so a Morgan Silver Dollar generally weighs twenty six point eight grams if it's uncirculated heavily circulated coins can lose as much as a gram to a gram and a half unless they are still worn flat that you can't even read the date in which case that's a significant difference we're going to use our scale here we're going to hit tare and I'm going to show you so we'll take this 21 Morgan here which is basically uncirculated at best it's an au alright worst if denied you but it's just a common date 21 Morgan let's throw it on the scale see what we get and twenty six point seven grand so basically what it's supposed to be that could have went either way twenty six point eight twenty six point seven will take just to show you as an example a worn one so this one has a significant amount of wear to you can see in the camera here if we look at under the scope real fast in the corner we're not going to blow it up but you can see you know a significant amount of flattening and the hair and all the details kind of being worn together if you look on the back the Eagle is basically worn completely flat feathers are flat throw this on the scale 26.2 grams so it's lost about point six grams okay so there you have it even worn like that it's only lost 0.6 grams of the coin so you imagine when it has significant wear can go a little bit heavier but it's not going to be horrible now let's take this one this is a 1878 CC supposedly let's throw it on a scale and see what it weighs it has about roughly the same wear of the 99 worn one that they just showed you and we have twenty four point eight grams obviously way under weight there's no way that this is amount of wear would take off two full grams so going back we have this is an 1883 s this one is an au so this one should be like twenty six point six twenty six point five note 25 grams bum not real and then last but not least we have an eighteen eighty CC about the same Warriors at ninety nine twenty four point nine grams rough not even close just to show you guys these two magnetic ones because the metal is so much lighter check this up nineteen point eight and twenty so the two that were magnetic were with a much less dense and less dense metal so you know they've horribly failed to test but these three they just failed there was no way that the amount of where the Tonys coins passes that test on top of that they also passed the sound test so these have failed two of the three tests that we put to them so we can soundly say that these are fake coins that being said let's look at a couple of other things since we do have this here coin camera that we use X Silver seeker so we're going to take this eighty-three we're going to throw it onto the scope let's go ahead and switch over to the coin cameras key screen get it nice and big on your screen here and let's start taking a look at it so what do we see on this coin that makes us think if it passed all the other tests it is fake first off look at the letters you can see that the letters are definitely not super sharp if you look at the top of the eye top of the B top of you I mean these are not sharp at all oh if you look at right here on the cap here let me get a pointer trying to use this your pen as a pointer look here at the back of the cap right there see how it looks like when they poured the metal because this is like a poured mole and wanted that dot too but you can see how it the metal spilled out of the mold to create that that's horrible but let's compare it real fast run and pull this one under just to show you real fast look how sharp that is okay look at the tops of the letters how sharp they are huge difference compared compared to the one we were looking at so that's it that's a big one I mean that right there this is fake what else can we see on this coin that kind of points to it's fake well look at the eighth and 1883 the first day you see these pit marks here and right here as well those were probably made the same thing like a bubble popping in the mold because the mold bit and poor 100% accurately and look at the lips it looks like she has some sort of local you know list I don't know what's going on there but that's obviously not something that's natural to the coin there's a really big bubble pop right there and this coin stake all over the place that right there that could definitely just be a coin hit so we can't call that one out I mean you can see the general just jaggedness of everything though this is a really bad fake this crack right here next to the s going into the oh that's on the normal die crack that looks like a like a break in the coin as it cooled as the metal was cooling the crack right there just something else to look at so that one right there I mean that's horrible so let's go on to this 1880 see see now the biggest thing that's going to stand out to you looking at this 18 IGCC is the scratches there's like a copper color coming out from under them that's not toning you can actually see that that the color on top was scratched away and that's like a coppery color coming out that would not happen on a real silver dollar so this one right here is horrible you can see right here there's another mold bubble burst there at the ear here at the chin look at the eight you see that eight right there I'd love the pen tip horrible under the P same thing with the tops of the letters let's flip it over to the back the CC isn't sharp at all same discoloration with the scratching of the colors off the top of the coin this is a bad fake I'll look right here look at that ass ugly so there's another really like prime example of right there Oh fake dollars I mean this is this is a really big fake Oh over here the whole mold just screwed up look at this the crack in the wings and all that so yep this is obviously a very very bad fake look at the ear you can actually it looks like it's rust down there is like it's rusting moving on to the final fake that we didn't see under the magnet or that we didn't catch with the magnet this one has some toning to it like it's actually silver so this could be a coin silver you can see like pit holes you can see a lot of like non sharp detail edges kind of like what we talked about in the first coin this one's a much better fake but it's still fake this one's actually quite a bit better actually this one you have to be vigilant on see what we can find all right here we go so here in the star that crack there that's not a normal Dyer that is a mold pot so like a bubble that foreign wonder the mold was being poured these cracks in the coin right here same thing that's from the mold poor oh yeah here we go this one fell apart real quick when we started finding those we just had to look for a second okay flip it over to the back Oh game over look at that see that right there no way that forms on a real coin this I don't even think this is coin silver they obviously weren't wore it down quite a bit so people would think it's just a one coin oh right here that's gross yeah the back of this coin fails insult you don't have to look very hard instant fail on the reverse of this coin quickly let's look at one of the two magnetic ones just to look oh yeah these are horrible looks like it's rusting down in that pool right there it's like pot metal it looks like it's actually rusting into crevices see that being right there that's really rough that's that could be from a hit though if you look in the hair you can see this down there it looks like it's rusting a little bit that's rust that's rust right there right there and right there that's actually rust so anyway that's that's a perfect example of stuff you want to be wary of so we know for a fact with these point five coins are fake now why did they fake these so this here is an 84 s these are eggs there's actually a lot of 84 s is made but uncirculated which this one is closest like an au and uncirculated like M s 60 of these goes for like 800 bucks if you get like m/s 63 nup it's well into the four digits this is a 78 cccc s are very commonly faked so it's you know there's a good reason this one was a fake you have an eighteen ADCC same thing 1880 CC is a CC and C C's are faked quite often so there's another fake for you 83 s same as the 84 s even though they're common if you get them uncirculated and this one is really close to being uncirculated as far as the details obviously it's a fake but you get what I'm saying this coin is worth hundreds of dollars in uncirculated condition even though it's super common now this one this is a perfect example of the fact that they do make fake common dollars this is an 1881 s nothing special about it even uncirculated this coin doesn't go to super high it's just a fake coin so they you know this one is one of the magnetic ones I believe signed up oh yeah and why do they think this going probably just to sell it is you know 20 or $25 common silver coin they probably probably cost them less than a dollar to make it once the molds made you can pump these out for super cheap so that's why guys so anyway we will leave you at that thank you for watching hopefully this gave you some information on things to look out for when you're out buying your coins so you don't spot fakes get yourself a loop I recommend using like a powerful loop this one here that I use is like a 30 power at 35 power very very powerful loop to keep with you in your briefcase that you're going out make sure you get yourself a really strong magnet like a neon magnet get yourself a scale and be vigilant don't don't buy a coin if you're not 100% sure you know that it's real because you don't want to end up wasting a bunch of money and chance to giving your money backs pretty slim if you buy it in like a reputable coin shop you can probably get your money back if you buy like on eBay you're going to have trouble sometimes if you buy a yard sale or in a flea market you're really going to get screwed because you'll never get your money back on notice so anyway guys thank you for joining thank you for watching silver seeker make sure you subscribe hit that bell so you get all of our updates check out our website cool stacks calm where we'll probably post them pictures of these to give you an example and we will talk to you in the very next video thanks
Channel: Silver Seeker
Views: 241,331
Rating: 4.8237777 out of 5
Keywords: Silver, Gold, Coins, Rare, Value, Worth, Money, Precious Metal, Fake, Morgan, Dollar, eBay, Yard Sale, Flea Market, Pot Metal, Poured, Mold
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2017
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