SpongeBob vs Patrick: Every Time The BFFs Had A FIGHT! 💥 | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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[Music] Patrick I'm trying to be the nice guy here okay let's call this silly business off no way you started it your way [Music] thank you [Music] oh hello come on come on how you like them apples [Music] you'll never win did you hear me [Music] well put General we'll create a surprise military diversion and break through Enemy Lines what say you yes we shall running ourselves immediately How You Like Me Now I like you this much [Music] Patrick are you okay question is will you be [Music] Fair all fair in Love and War my friend slash enemy or should I say my friend enemy [Music] let's have some real fun oh what was that come on we gotta get out of here [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ew brain juice do you give up yet sorry Patrick but a filthy slob like you is no match for a clean-cut fellow like me your pants are falling down really I'll fix it [Music] that is fine you look good now you could use a makeover though look at those feet why what's wrong with it don't worry I'll take care of it oh my God no not a pedicure no no not that anything but that not nail polish you sick little monster face my morning breath [Music] use her could use some dental hygiene my teeth are fine thanks a little toothpaste and you'll have teeth like mine [Music] fresh taste pet evildoer you're a stinky stinky sea star I think you could use a shout out no blue look not deodorant my beautiful Pit stink it's gone the gloves are off now it's booger time bow booger Schmucker you don't even have a nose oh yeah [Music] run Mr Krabs traffic is digging for gold [Music] get any of Patrick's gold he's not digging for any gold I'm looking for I've got you now [Music] Patrick I thought [Applause] a Krabby Patty what are you gonna do eat it oh I'm not going to eat it no not Daddy socks that's right your precious baddies on mice now oh hopping hey I got myself back not by long Mr Sticky shorts you won't have your filth once I use this on you [Applause] good soup you in there I'll do it it's too late for that [Music] hey beautiful filth it's gone I'm squeaky clean good morning Patrick I'm not home right now please leave a message Patrick it's me SpongeBob it's my turn to play with the toy I can't go out I just washed my hair you don't have any come on out Patrick it's my turn you got any ID I have my milkshake dispenser operator's license [Music] which fit to me pal bye-bye now well I guess I had best be going I'm walking away here I go I'm gone now are you sure pretty sure [Music] hi Patrick time to share deceiver you didn't leave it all oh and you were washing your hair what was to see [Music] nice Dismount I'm working on well gotta go buster foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] one one [Music] [Applause] [Music] I hate them Patrick SpongeBob hi Daddy what in tarnation's going on with you two SpongeBob won't let me play with my toy Patrick won't share our toy what you need is a mediator y'all best sit down and work this out now the main problem in an argument is a lack of communication you can only resolve conflict when you understand each other so I want each of you to State what is most important to each of you right now oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] boy that mediator lady made some good points most definitely it takes understanding communication is key wow dude [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's all this record is about now it's our Krabby Patty toy Mr Krabs and Patrick gave it so that I couldn't play with it SpongeBob won't let me play with it only because [Music] [Music] yourselves if I gave each of you another toy would that make you happy yes well you're in luck you two seem so thrilled with the toy I had an entire case of a maid they've been selling they've had cakes that'll be 1350 each this time it's on me Patrick that's my money have you learned nothing about sharing [Music] hey Patrick hey SpongeBob sounds like you're hungry and boy am I I'm so hungry I could eat anything I could eat an entire sponge okay I was just gonna share my golden sponge cake with him it's got delicious cream filling too oh it's all true Patrick is going to eat me what should I do you gotta protect yourself what you need is a fort this mud replica of the Krusty Krab should protect me from that fiend Patrick [Music] must hide safe Patrick can't get me in here I don't need to go outside I have everything I need right here spatula [Music] buns [Music] crunchy [Applause] again [Music] I need some real food remember kid it's eat or be eaten eaten yes yes hi Shelly Patrick before he eats me [Music] something smells good what are you cooking SpongeBob I know what you're doing you're playing dumb but it won't work because I'm going to eat you before you eat me oh Lord if I eat you first oh no you don't where'd he go come on up Patrick You Can't Hide forever what's this warm water you seemed kind of tense Patrick I did get a trifle on hands didn't I oops I forgot the bath beans [Music] funny looking back beans they almost look like carrots carrots part of me where was George it was supposed to be stew I'm getting tired why don't you take a nap on this nice soft bed yeah that's it here I'll tuck you in with this nice soft blanket and what's a blanket without a little touch up this isn't a bed too [Music] [Music] congratulations you did it did what why earn your survivalist Medals of course only a hardcore survivalist will break down and nearly eat his best pal what do you care if we're survivalists because I'm not just some old hermit survivalist extraordinaire can't work no accident that you fell out of my truck I was just testing your survival skills you planned this yep and I'm happy to say you both passed here's your survivalist medals wow it's great that we want our medals still hungry guys oh what you doing uh fellas this is the greatest day ever right SpongeBob right Patrick I can't think of one thing that would make this day better maybe getting high license maybe if you apply yourself you could be the two millionth person to get his license at 2 million then you can get a free boat just like me yeah just like you I try to serve as an inspiration to others can we go home now we've been driving around your house for hours I know it's a lot faster than walking isn't it thanks for the ride Patrick no problem buddy you can't help being a pedestrian [Music] foreign [Music] how could you keep it down it's three in the morning people are trying to sleep you just ran three red lights so you're supposed to stop I think the driving genius knows what he's doing driving watching is making illegal U-turn through an orphanage the red fruit in time what are you so mad about I should have gotten that license and this should be my boatmobile how could you say that if you were my friend you'd be happy for me getting my license if you were my friend you wouldn't rub your license in my face I'm not running my license in your face this is rubbing my license in your face [Music] give me that I worked my whole life for this you don't deserve this [Music] litter bugs this is why I joined the force Runner [Music] I don't have a license anymore [Applause] not a days and I hope you learned a valuable lesson about littering so long buddy don't forget to feed Gary sometimes you forget to feed it what have I done Patrick can't survive in prison I Torah Patrick's license and threw it out the window I'm the litter bug take me instead well considering there's no legal precedent oh what the heck not a days One debt to society later [Music] [Music] SpongeBob I'm glad you passed the test I'm glad you have a license if you prove it I made you this hell's forever let's put it on your boatmobile buddy oh I don't have a boatmobile anymore what it stopped working so I threw it away the needle was on E but I figured that must mean end oh then what do we do with this yeah yeah ready buddy thanks buddy Patrick how could you it's a snowball fight remember oh yeah [Music] hi yes warm fire cozy slippers and a piping hot cup of tea with a lemon wedge why do I even bother what YouTube please keep it down Patrick you fool this was over before it started I will now consider your unconditional Terrain so that's how we want it to go down you missed me score one for the boys back home [Music] step right up folks toss a ball hit the cans and win a stop seahorse we want to play sure give me your best shot thanks [Music] I know you try [Music] whoa whoa the spinning steering wheels oh we gotta do that I don't know I have too much eye pain oh come on oh how many times there's a carnival come to town ready [Music] now hey pal what's up with my cotton candy they gave it to me when I won the Dart Tournament I got this too check it out yeah that's nice Patrick but I don't want any cotton candy is that some it'll make you feel better I said I don't want any oh my god daddy God maybe not you know how I feel about Joe rolling in my life check it out public fight we can hit the carnival sure has its plates I have never felt so ashamed what do you mean if it wasn't for your Forever glue I wouldn't be stuck in that thing I was only trying to help help I think you've helped quite enough today that's how you feel no I won't help you anymore [Music] a lot of drama with that one you know kid your body isn't the problem it's your heart oh you deserve what you've gotten come on we're out of here that's why some people are just born [Music] forget SpongeBob I don't need him I can do whatever I want I don't need him foreign you're not his friend anymore I gotta try to keep myself occupied so I don't think about SpongeBob I'm not even gonna say his name what to do what to do I know I'll have a staring contest [Music] Fiddlesticks oh that game's too hard it may be a SpongeBob were here he could give you pointers who has to forget it I'll just play Dutch where is it where is it gotcha [Music] SpongeBob okay no what do I care I'm no longer supposed to help SpongeBob [Music] hey what you watching my favorite show I love that part Spongebob step out of it it's me your best friend Patrick what's that I can't hear you what with all the lonely voices in my head oh man he's too far gone not fit to live in society what is this all my fault me and my dumb ideas I'm so sorry [Music] Patrick here tears they're melting the glue keep crying I'll do the same and maybe I can slip out of this thing look it worked I guess crying does solve your problems after all come here buddy well at least we're together should I get the glue well back to the old grind well bacterial Drive I forgot my hat oh me too [Music] [Music] drop my spatula oh me too you're copying me yes why are you doing that so I can win an award like you well it's annoying so stop it stop [Music] say you're good thanks see you evil yours at least I'm safe inside my mind at least I'm safe inside my mind [Music] there's no award for that well I guess it's safe to go in now [Music] until I have as many awards as you we'll see about that you know we won't jump rope champion of Bikini Bottom oh yeah I call this one the slice and dice not a scratch on me [Music] anymore [Music] thank you [Music] I wish I had the old Patrick back but he just wants to be like me hi I'm Patrick Star I'm the laziest pinkest starfish in bikini bottom and I wish I were me and not SpongeBob what's so great about being a Big Pink Loser exactly I was never closer to an award than the minute I started copying you but Patrick's not here troll Fame delivery [Music] oh great what's it for this time for doing absolutely nothing longer than anyone else Patrick this trophy's for you [Music] it's not over yet with the score tied we go to our final event fun wrestling who will take home the gold Mr Krabs of the Krusty Krab don't forget he called the yellow for Plankton of the Chum Bucket don't forget he calls you pink [Music] [Applause] this is personal [Music] [Music] my names I don't like you no I don't like you more I never thank you [Applause] hello [Applause] let's promise never to fight again buddy yeah pal let's go home get back here and kill each other you're my best friend ever hey YouTube Patrick you know these were white when I bought them hey everybody I'm back I think I'm getting the hang of this Patrick what are you doing if I can have you as a friend I'm gonna make you a trophy they even picked out this nice jar for you Patrick go home I'm a jellyfish now foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] I got you know SpongeBob [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so this is the way it's gonna be I hope you're happy [Music] well that's over back to jellyfish matters mmm jelly ah my jellyfish Brethren are returning greetings comrades huh I'm not decent the house is a mess there's a radiation League Patrick where are you why are the lights off I'm in here 10 seconds all reliable [Music] what's in your hand Patrick what's in your other hand nothing in my other hand [Music] well I gotta go okay boy Patrick wouldn't steal or reliable Woody not like that foreign have I been best friends with a master Thief I must know for sure good morning Patrick good morning SpongeBob what you gonna do today buddy well I'm off to work see you later bye now we'll just see what sort of nothing you're really up to sneaky mcnicky pants [Music] eight hours later oh he is good you'll never really know a guy until you've stared at him for eight hours through high-powered binoculars hey where'd he go hey SpongeBob what are you doing I just finished [Music] well hey look you can see where I was just standing from here oh boy if you'd wanted to you could have spied on me all day for right here creepy huh anyway what are you doing with those binoculars I don't have any binoculars see you're acting weird no I'm not acting weird start acting weird okay bye hello who are you greetings young fellow I'm winning the Bell top dollar for jellyfishing items with sentimental value if you know what I mean oh no word on the street is that you know where to get quality jellyfishing supplies what street said that was it this one mind your own business oh Mr star I know that you are in possession of a rare jellyfishing net I will pay one billion dollars for that net I don't know who you are but you're not getting this jellyfishing yet I wouldn't sell it for a million dollars not for a hundred dollars I wouldn't even sell it for a dollar oh really you can't have it for any price and why not this means more to me than money it's my friend SpongeBob oh thank goodness you're here there was a scary guy with a mustache asking a lot of weird questions I'm a scary mustache guy SpongeBob why why would you wear such a scary mustache why did you steal my jelly fishing net what I'm your best friend you are my best friend you know good jellyfishing nothing how could you think that because you said it you said it was your friend SpongeBob's gift what it's my friend SpongeBob's gift I made you a new nut or SpongeBob who made me a new jelly fishing net that is so thoughtful of you Patrick I'm not your best friend I'm a No Good jelly netting the fish where are you going Pokemon well I still have my dignity [Music] so this is it pouring the unforeseen hand of Fate I'm afraid it is I don't know I'm sorry I accused you it's bad enough I lost my net I don't want to lose my best friend too please forgive me what's the hold up oh it's you two look you left your net on the bus again oh reliable I left you on the bus you do it every week now can we get going Patrick I want you to take this to remember me bye you're kidding me oh it's reliable I accept your apology I'm serious I oh never mind really it's the thought that goes SpongeBob I just wanted to thank you for this box of chocolates no problem friend I mean even though I was expecting for the Roses SpongeBob Happy Valentine's Day you too Dave and not that it matters that we've been friends hey SpongeBob thanks for the bike can you believe this guy I just met him this morning oh awesome excuse me do you guys have a Time I defy you heart man attention everyone there's a chubby pink starfish on the loose all right on Stick Must Die hard on stage [Music] give me SpongeBob you broke my heart now I'm gonna break something of yours okay Patrick I know I deserve this but do they they didn't give me anything either look it's too late for that now for all of you [Music] thank you oh little shellfish yeah Sandy's here [Music] it's here the best Valentine in the whole wide world is right behind you sure it is I'm telling you it's right there turn around Patrick just turn around [Music] you must think I'm pretty dumb huh turn around go turn around turn around no I'm gonna say this what and I'm not gonna say it again so pay attention I am not I repeat not going to turn around for any reason ever Happy Valentine's Day Patrick no SpongeBob you didn't have to give me anything [Music]
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 4,223,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nickelodeon, Animation, Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, NCU, Full Episodes, Cartoons, Nicktoons, Nick Toons, Cartoon Food, Food, SpongeBob, Loud House, Casagrandes, Big Nate, Alvin, Star Trek, Kids Cartoons, Cartoons for Kids, Family, Kids, Patrick, Krabby Patties, Krusty Krab, TMNT, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Smurfs, Kamp Koral, Rugrats, Patrick Star Show, Paramount, Paramount+, Transformers, SpongeBob SquarePants, Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, Jimmy Neutron, ytao_sbsp, fight
Id: e2jHREsGqTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 34sec (2734 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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