Sponge rolling concrete stain

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hi I'm Rick Lobdell I'm doing a new article for concrete decor magazine typically I use time-lapse photography I don't get to talk very much but this time I felt it would be a good idea to try doing a video where you actually get to hear me and let me talk about what I'm doing for this article I'm using sponge rollers in solid color sealers for a pool decks and patios that they do all the time and I'm gonna show you some technique really did I use the utilize basic colors solid colored sealers and a sponge roller and making awesome floors easy and effective and not very expensive I've been doing these kind of floors for probably since I started so 15 years now mostly pull decks I used light colors like you see here as my base colors most of the time every once in a while I'll use a darker color like this one most of the time I keep it light and that keeps the heat down on them also all these products I've been showing you today are from a chance' you can get it any Sherwin Williams it's their color top series mm-hmm and they're great they come in solvent base and water-based and you can use about any color of the rainbow typically I use these three colors the color over on the far left is Bombay the center color is sandstone mmm the darker brown color is charred walnut they look great with any house and what I'm my focus today is to talk to you about how ground color affects everything we do I've talked about it in one of my recent articles about how important is understand that foundation color whether it is the gray concrete whether it's a white overlay whether you're gonna add color to the overlay I'm gonna utilize a solid color and sealer to show you the exact same thing and how color interacts with each other what I'm gonna do I'm going to take a sponge roller of each of these colors I'm gonna put them on the other two colors and what you're gonna see is I'm gonna use the same three colors on all three of them when it's done and they're gonna look completely different but yet it's the same three colors and it shows you how how important that initial ground color is and how it affects everything we do so let's check this out so first I'm going to start with sandstone on top of the charred wall and arming on top of the Bombay and then I'm going to put it on top of the chart at the same time you don't need very much color on these it doesn't take much at all and you can just lightly sponge now imagine this is a big pole deck I know you can barely see me and I just lightly sponge as I go I don't need much on here and I'm not even a full painter so if there are any faux painters watching this yes you can make fun of me all you want I keep it simple and I just want to get some color down doesn't have to be perfect a lot of times I'm doing design on top of these and the design will take over and make it look even better so you can see the difference in the same color on top of that light color compared to the same color on top of the dark color look how bold it gets when you put it on top of here keeping it nice and light I'm barely touching the ground with this thing at all I'm letting it to make its own marks and the roller do its job okay now I'm gonna take the charred wallet go over top of the latest one in the media the difference with these are when I do a third color which I'll end up doing on this one I'm going to test out on this first when I do a third color I do a very much a very light amount of it so since this is the second color and you can see how different this sponge rolls every sponge you buy is gonna be completely different they're not very predictable you kind of just have to utilize each one of them in fact the person marking the using the sponge roller marks differently - I've had pulled X where I've had two people sponge at the same time with two different sponges and they don't look the same in any way shape or form now when I go for a third color I try to be really light about it I don't want much color I'm having trouble doing just like that now see what happens when we had the late color to each of these start with his middle one utilize just a little bit of lake just randomly rolling it not reeling really long strokes I'm not really utilizing the entire sponge to its ability I'm just using fine little details of it just to get some mark making just like that and it looks great the more inconsistent the better of course that's hard harder to do than it is to say but the great thing about it is if I like one of these I can go back with the original base color and I can fine tune them and make some of the color disappear so like for example if I didn't like this little spot right here when it's dry you take the darker color to make it look like I barely sponge it at all this is just a quick technique simple and straightforward like that that I do all the time it's very effective very easy to do and it's a easy way to make money for poor decks and patios without using overlay doesn't matter at all the concrete is doesn't matter of condition of the concrete the solid colored sealer is gonna hide the ugliness of the concrete the sponge is gonna hide some of the cracks it's gonna hide some of the imperfections and you're barely gonna see them because of all the sponging now I add design to that and you've got one heck of a beautiful pool deck and with that I want to thank you for watching I want to thank concrete decor who let me write all these articles I enjoy writing have a blast telling people how I do things I like bringing out all this information and letting you see the world I've created over the years so thank you very much concrete decor for letting me write these articles feel free to email me at Rick at concrete mystique calm and let me know anything else you want to learn from me I've written a lot of articles over the last two years I'm getting to a point where I need new ideas so don't hesitate to email me at Rick at concrete mystique calm and let's see what I can get out there for your information have a great day and keep that decorative concrete going thank you
Channel: Concrete Mystique
Views: 24,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decorative concrete, concrete art, floor art, sponge, sponge roller, faux sponging, pool deck, patio, ctinashville, cti nashville, sherwin williams, h&cconcrete, handcconcrete, concrete stain, rick lobdell, concrete training, decorative concrete training
Id: JhAeUWwu3fs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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