$50 pool deck restoration. Staining Pool Decks with concrete stain.

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[Applause] [Music] so I'm out here working on a pool deck today and I'll be give get asked quite often what I use on a pool deck there's a lot of products out there that you can use and um this this deck here is just a concrete deck it's been treated I've treated it approximately every two two three years about three years up here in Idaho we've got extreme weather conditions typically in the winter time the pools are frozen the um there's snow typically on these decks for a significant period of time so water snow ice on the up here in Idaho it gets extremely hot in the summertime too it's um 105 it's been over the past week so we get extreme conditions so decks wood decks concrete decks clear coats on concrete it's typically every three years you're going to have to you know treat your surface if you want it to look good and this is a product I'm using it's agency color top solid color stain now I use a stain it's a really thin coating and it absorbs into the concrete and doesn't create like a film like a paint wood that would peel so it's really thin it doesn't eliminate the profile of the concrete on a pool deck you want the surface to stay rough so people don't slip there's additives you can put in the The Conch in the stain itself or your product to make it anti-slip but this is a nice rough pull deck that doesn't need any additives so I'm just rolling right along using a three inch Premier white woven roller and I'm just applying a really thin coat I don't want a heavy coat I'm not trying to create a thick top coat I'm trying to just color my concrete I'm doing it the same color that was previously which is artesian tan or Artisan tan however you want to pronounce it it's one of the reasons why I really like this product is it's really forgiving doesn't show lap marks um when you're applying it so you don't have to worry about having a proper layout which is really nice you can just roll it on you know in random directions you're just trying to get a nice good thin coat on if I see any heavy edges and stuff as my roller empties out I'm just going to go back and hit those spots to eliminate any heavy edges that my roller May the edge of my roller may leave I do get people asking you know how come I'm using a pan when doing something like this I'm really comfortable using a pan you can use a five gallon bucket but I like a pan because I could easily slide it around it's easy to load up my roller and I use a nine inch roller not an 18 because I got a lot of different things I got to work around and so a nine inch roller just works best for me if you had huge large open areas you can use an 18 inch roller with an 18 inch pan and it may be faster for you but I'm comfortable using a nine inch once again this is a premier white woven roller and that won't shed and leave lints at all I do keep uh you know Milwaukee blower handy when I'm doing decks just to keep if leaves fall anything Falls ants bugs I just keep I blow it off initially and then then I might blow it off again as I'm going I'm just going to work a nice thin coat on this concrete I don't want a super heavy nap one of the nice things you buy agency stain you can see there's these Expansion Joints they're wood Expansion Joints and the agency stain can go right over the top of the wood and so you can go on wood and the concrete now I'm putting one coat over the wood and the cracks I'm going to go back but be using a product from Tower sealants a u au1 sealant I'm going to go back over after my first coat I'm going to seal these wood joints and some of these cracks that have opened up again I'm going to go over those with the au1 this is sealant so I'm just going to brush that coat initially over this wood that'll seal it prime it and then I'll go back over it with my joint sealant some people might ask how many coats do you typically apply if this has never been stained before I'm going to apply two coats of stain and I'll be finished this has already been coated this is three years ago it was coated so just one coat or the same color if you're doing a color change you're probably going to have to do two coats I like sealing the joints and cracks too to keep bugs keep dirt moisture out to keep it from continuing to crack so I'm just cutting in right along the pool deck here I'm using a paint life Brook brush right here it's a Dupont filament tynax and Oreo brush just the right amount of stiffness to do these cut ends and holds the stain very well perfect cut ends right along this Edge you gotta have a brush that's gonna hold the stain and not drip it everywhere and then but also that's stiff enough to give you a nice clean line where you're doing your cut in especially along this pool deck these holders for the pool cover we don't want to paint paint over them because they're threaded you know they thread in and out so once again you're just all you're trying to do is add color to this concrete you're not trying to create a thick top coat so I don't load up very much in my ruler in my roller there's a lot of products out there there's products that actually if you wanted your pool deck to be a dark collar they have products I don't um the temperature the pool deck will be like 30 degrees cooler I believe I think it's somewhere around 30 degrees I think it's called cool deck I've used it a few times this product holds up pretty well and the climate once again it's pretty typical every three years any type of even wood deck wood decks you know solid color stains they fade pretty fast you know up here in our climate because of the extreme temperatures you know about every three years you even got to do wood decks you know once again typically there's snow sitting on them for long periods of time freezing temperatures super hot temperatures and let's just make the products not last nearly as long one of the cool things about this stain that I use color top agency solid color stain is it's very forgiving and it does not leave lap marks so you don't have to worry about laying out you just get your color on and it covers well absorbs well and it doesn't leave lap marks it's pretty awesome stuff view stuff in the past that leaves roller marks trailing marks lap marks real Annoying this stuff is amazing there are some spots on here that um just from long-term snow cause some of the stain to come up so there's bare spots and I'll go back over and hit those bare spots for a second coat so even it out so it'll look the final coat will look even if there's no bare spots one coat is going to be just fine one thing that kind of interesting it sounds kind of Elementary but it's you know um you definitely want to have a plan of working your way out of wherever you're going that's like if you're doing an epoxy floor in a garage have a plan of how you're going to work your way out of the garage and not back yourself into a corner where you can't get out so I'm I'm working my way out of the pool deck started on one side working my way out the gate here I did taken prior to this like three days prior I I um pressure washed the concrete you want to make sure your concrete is nice and clean and etched really well if it's really smooth concrete you're going to want to etch the concrete when I do my etching I use muriatic acid there's a lot of different things you can etch concrete with but just make sure your concrete is nice and rough one thing nice is if you're applying multiple coats it dries really fast so you can two coat it rather quickly any of these spots that are bare I'll put my second coat over them to even them out after I seal all my cracks with Towers AE-1 [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Paint Life TV
Views: 11,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pool deck restore, pool decks, pool, how to paint a pool deck, pool deck, decorative concrete, how to, concrete stain, concrete paint, swimming pool, how to paint a pool, painting a pool deck, how to paint concrete, pool deck paint, pool deck resurfacing, pool deck painting, pool deck crack repair, pool deck repair, pool decking, idaho painter, paintlife, paint life tv, deck, h&c stain, concrete pool deck, concrete pool deck resurfacing, concrete pool deck paint
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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